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Just cannot sleep.

Cocoa didn't help?

AliBoBali: I just googled 'shreddies.'

Mwah-hah-hah-ha [snort]!!

As for snow parties at vacation homes,,, nope, we close the river house up in early Nov,, water drained, electric on low... if I had a "cabin" it might be something to do,, but we do always take the elders when we go.
MAryland is known for it;s crabcakes and seafood.
I'm not going to be pumpkin carving this year,, :(

Yesterday the talk shows were discussing putting an age limit on halloween, I figure if they dress up and get in the spirit then why poop on their party? If anything parents are taking out kids that are too young, cute as they are one and two year olds are too easily scared and definitely don't need to load up on candy.
My best halloween ever was when I was in 8th grade, old enough to be dropped off with my town friends to go out on our own. Oh, the loot we got! Homemade candy apples and fudge, popcorn balls and even full size chocolate bars and cans of pop. Seems like today candy, chips and pop are everyday foods for kids, for us it was better than christmas!

After rotating tires yesterday, there was a flat tire, but hubs made it to work on bus! That was plan B, but he went without breakfast-he doesn't care-but his co-workers might if they find him staring off into space. After everything, it was an overall positive experience of successful survival.
Now this, for my caregiving cyber friends....

This made me laugh because only women understand this! If my body was a car, I would be trading it in for a newer model. I've got bumps, dents, scratches and my headlights are out of focus. My gearbox is seizing up and it takes me hours to reach maximum speed. I overheat for no reason and every time I sneeze, cough or laugh either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires!
Found online.

Send have you been reading my mail again?

Hubby is totaly out of control. Yelling about everything just like someone with dementia but his psychiatrist says he does not have it based on a 15 minute test in the office. Snorting and waiting for a vallium to kick in !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the men need to take care of the cars and us women,shop till we drop.
Good Job surviving yesterday Send!

Veronica.....Your husband and my husband must be brothers.......Yesterday,he even hid the cookie sheets outside in the garage and then got upset with me when I asked "why?"!

Yes Veronica, I see that you posted something and saw it after coming home from auto repair yesterday. Had the oil changed, tires rotated, and the brakes checked, but forgot if if your issue was tires or brakes.
Here is the scoop in "their" language ( auto shop-talk) concerning BRAKES:
Yes, my brakes are (on the scale, 10 being the best, new brakes) at a 4. but advised new brakes still not needed. Half worn is a 5, but mine are ok, they say.
Well, not sure, because I want a 10, just to be safer! Thinking this over. Maybe researching on the internet.

But now, rear tires may need replacing (the flat this morning...was once repaired before); and you have to buy two. I get that the front gets the new tires, and the older ones in back. But they are not worn, maybe two years old, just guessing. Don't exactly know what to ask, but will head out to Costco later. Blonde making excellent brake and tire decisions here, I hope. Uh oh, stuck in this post comment box, jumping around...grrrr.

Excuse me for asking, but who is supposed to take the valium, the dH or the stressed out wife? Or both? Yelling is not good for anyone. But I could be very soon, except no one is here!
Thinking I will eat some parsely for rising blood pressure, stop thinking for awhile, rest, and wait today for an answer to pressing problems, mounting up.
Monday I could not wait any longer at the Social Security Office-their chairs are hard-they herd everyone into seats where they want to seat you, I just cannot do that so I left, with only 25 more people ahead of me! Going to celebrate my day by attempting to bake cornbread in the toaster oven for the first time.
Everyone, have a better day, eat some chocolate!

Luckylu, I know, hide the stove/oven in the garage too, and just close down the kitchen until he U n d e r s t a n d s.
He can take you out to dinner.

GETTING BLUE? The last 9 Avatars are blue....

Good gracious, what are you apologising for Send? Have you eaten all the halloween candy again? (Er, no, that was me, wasn't it)

I am sorry too.

I am very sorry.

I wish he would take me out for dinner Send but he has to be in a nice mood to do that and I don't see that happening...Besides,he likes bologna and peanutbutter and jelly and he doesn't UNDERSTAND why I can't just be happy with that too,but after weeks of this for dinner,I'm burnt out.I'm a meat and potatoes kind of gal....and ofcourse chocolate too.It's pretty easy and cheap to make hot fudge sauce to put over ice cream,IF he doesn't hide my pan.

Do you think when I lean over to kiss my cat on the head he thinks I am attacking him with my lips?

He probably thinks you are going to mark him as yours with your scent, after all he has already marked you and your furniture LOL

And I'm sorry too.

What your cat is thinking! Now that is a good topic.
Are you going to attack your cat with your lips?

Cubs just scored again! If anyone saw me watching these games.... lol!! I really get into it! I just had to share. I hope hope hope Cubs can win tonight, even up the series. :-D

I see the base hit, know that a runner is going to score, and I'm on my bed watching it with feet and arms up in the air wiggling all around just yelling my head off "YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!! YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

That's a pretty accurate depiction. lol

I am not sorry.

Send I was the one needing the vellium, DH has a whole pharmacy in the bedroom. I did see he leaked in a bottle of voka after being told no alcohol with his new medication. I am not calling him on it he is a big boy and it does stop him crashing around and slamming doors in the middle of the night. My Realtor offered to take me up to her cabin on a pretty lake. She said the heat is on and she will get me groceries. Very tempting but i said I had better stay here and ride it out. The storm seems to have passed tonight as our wonderful cleaner came up and re-organized the garage so that has greatly reduced the stress level. She is very capable with not standing any crap. DH thinks we will be able to get both cars in for the winter as he plans on driving mine as it has AWD. Ask me in the Spring how many scratches both cars have.
It was a brake job mine needed after only 12.000 miles, they had rusted out down to below 4 so it was not safe to drive them. $690 later I came home. They did not charge for the State Inspection. My car had to spend the winter out in the snow so the worthless horrible little Volt could be coddled in the garage. I will let you guess who had to scrape snow off the car. Sorry I forgot I was too sick to do that last winter.

Gershun stop biting the cat's ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, Not Sorry!

Seriously though..........the looks I get from my cat when I lean down to kiss that cute little spot right in the middle of his forehead. I'm trying to see it from his perspective. He either thinks I am the friendly giant or just this big pair of red, rubbery looking things heading for his face.

For the last 50 years I have been wondering what are cats thinking... I know they have short attention spans :P

Gershun, my boy will let me bump heads with him... this tells him that I am the lead cat =^..^=

I know with two of my cats I can reach down and pet them without drawing blood. My boy, I cannot reach out in front of him otherwise I get a very serious kitty slap that requires Bactine and a band-aid.

Brakes are that expensive, o dear.

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