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Good one Veronica........and they would have cleaned the casserole dish before they left too.

I was reading an article today on my phone and I came across a quote and I said to myself.. That's me! The quote says " I got 99 problems, but I'm going to eat a doughnut, take a nap and ignore them all." I think I could stick with that plan.

MsMadge,Gershun and Send....Thank you all so much for the Birthday wishes.#56 just has to be better than #55.I'm gonna give it my best shot~

Happy birthday Lucky!! and your best shot is all any of us can do!!

Thanks pamzimmrrt....You're right.

Send, going to try the mentholatum. Maybe it wont smell as strong as strong as the turpentine. One molecule difference!

Well this might make you laugh. I made steak with gravy. Never been good on rice, used to buy it from chinese when I needed it. So, to engage my mother, I asked her to make the rice. Gave her the container that had the rice in it. I go upstairs to gather my laundry and see pot filled with rice almost done. I turned it down. I do laundry come back and there's more water in pot. So I'm like, Ma why you put more water in rice. She say its not rice its grits and insisted it was grits. The rice had cooked so long it looked like grits. So I was like, let me fix my steak and gritts to take for lunch tomarrow. Im having my lunch now, these grits taste like rice. :)

I bought party snacks and ordered a sandwich tray to take to the hotel California this afternoon for a little NYE celebration

But it's dark cold and heavy rain is expected all afternoon and I don't want to go out - It's been so long since we've had real rain that I don't even know where an umbrella is

Maybe I'll feel better after another cup of coffee and a donut or maybe not

Happy New Years everyone

Happy New Year everyone!

Mom and my estranged adult son have been weighing heavy on my mind today. Missing Mom a lot - driving by her NH and seeing the parking lot filled with people visiting loved ones didn't help. I swear, the van wanted to just turn right into the parking lot by itself. I kept feeling like I should just be able to pull in and go see her. Then I'd have to remind myself that I couldn't. Thinking about my son as well, and calling him "my estranged son" seems strange, but it's the truth, and I need to admit that to myself. He has estranged himself from us, cutting off all avenues of communication, and has not bothered even to call or contact us on special occasions, like holidays. I hope one day I hear from him again - I sure think of him a lot.

I'm trying to look forward to 2017 with positive thoughts. I'm planning on getting rid of a problematic client that I've had for over a year that has given me nothing but stress and hassle since day 1. That alone is a positive thought! I get stressed just thinking about that client - everything about them has been a hassle and a struggle since day 1. It's high time to cut ties with them. I have a few potential clients that may come on board in January, so I'm not worried about the loss of income from the problem client (it wasn't that much income anyway). In the summer, my siblings and I will take Mom's ashes back to her homeland and scatter them where we placed Dad's, per her wishes. It will be hard, but it will also be closure.

MsMadge...How kind of you to take treats in to the hotel California.What a HUGE heart you have~I hope your rainy,cold weather didn't mess up your plans for the track...Any donuts left?

Did everyone make a resolution to behave nicely in 2017?

They made a resolution to let you be the first to post this year!

Goodnight Gershun!

There are none so bratty as me....or are there, anyone?

Forget it, I can just see the answers now......"Oh, it's okay Send, we're going to let you have that one".

Well, as starters, I made No resolutions at all. Both Christmas and New Years came too early for me to catch up this year.
Thinking of leaving the lights up all year to save time for next year.

OR, I could hang them from the ceiling fan, or across the headboard of the bed.
Any docorators on here with ideas?

Both of those ideas sound lovely to me, Send. I wouldn't do them at MY house, but... lol xoxoxoxo

On a serious note, I did make 2 resolutions (really they combine into 1) and so far haven't put the slightest bit of effort or planning into them but it's been one crazy week, so I get a pass. But I resolved to read 1 hour and run (or walk/jog) 1 hour each week. Both are calming, mind-slowing exercises and I need it for my well being because I have so much going on, I should regularly practice slooooooooooowwwwwwwwiinnggg dooooooowwwnn. So far, not so good, but still hopeful. It's been such a busy busy week.

Anyone else have some things they thought about for Life Goals kind-of-thing? We don't need a New Year to make changes that need to be made, but I'm rather glad for the push to reflect and "start anew."

Send hang the lights all around your toilet area. Nothing like a festive bowel movement............right? HO HO HO!

Ok, Having beans to add a little music with the blue lights.

Just knew you would come up with something, Gershun! Thanks!

MsMadge, Thanks for the implied challenge.
Challenging all brats, where are you?

Ali, Another way to think about resolutions is, you don't get a pass. The holidays are past, time to put your nose to the grindstone and get to work making a great life for yourself.
Was that mean? If someone said that to me, I would cry.
Where did that phrase come from, anyway? Nose would hurt if anyone did that!

Let's all just save the guilt and cancel the New Years resolutions early, ok?

Beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot, the more you toot, the better you feel, so eat your beans at every meal.

Ta Da!!!

High in protein.

I don't have to behave badly. My Mom told terrible stories about me:
She told people I took her to Walmart and left her there without money, keys or ID. She told the people in her highrise, her healthcare/day center people. The truth is there's a police report and a video, she left her stuff in the van, then in the store... I walked away from her and she checked out, walked to back of parking lot and disappeared. I searched for 2 1/2 hours before involving police. They saw the video and told me she was on camera leaving the store 2 1/2 ago. They searched the store and was calling for reinforcements and sending someone to her appartment, when my phone rang a neighbor/friend from her building called she was at their appartment telling the tale already. They knew I wouldn't do that so they called me. TG for their call, it could've landed on the news...
I 've been trying to reenter the work force. I got a seasonal job. She told people I moved across the country and left her alone.
These are my favorites...

Welcome to the party, Donna

Mom was asleep in her wheelchair after eating her ice cream when I arrived at the hotel California tonight so I snuck down to her room to remove the Xmas decorations and out up new stuff - the dang valentines heart garland got all tangled up so I shook it and made it worst - think I can return it to target and ask them how they have the nerve to sell something in such disarray ?

I would, you had the good spirits to make that gesture and their products probably stole some of you joy.

Gershen, thank I haven't heard that expression since grade school.

You are welcome, Donna. You can always count on me to bring things down to a grade school level. :)

The cake walk to music in the school yard was always fun, as was tetherball-which could be played alone when it was never you who would win that cake.

It's a wonder we didn't strangle or otherwise maim ourselves with that tether ball

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