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Mom called a friend and asked how she was and her friend said"Oh I'm fine.Iv'e got Jack on one side of me and Jim on the other".Mother said "What?" and her friend said "oh you know,Jack Daniels and Jim Beam,my good friends".

I am starting to see why people become addicted to substances

All of us could take a lesson from this weather, it pays no attention to criticism.

Give a person a fish, and feed them for a day.
Teach a person to use the internet and they won't bother you for weeks, months, maybe years. But they're still going to need that fish.

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world look weird.
Now, the world is weird, and people take acid to feel normal.

Still, all drugs aside, death is still the number ONE killer in the world!

Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
All those health nuts are going to feel really stupid someday....lying in the hospital, dying of nothing!

(Borrowed right off the forum here, last year, I get no credit).

Luckylu, I enjoy that type of humor!

Send...It's a true story and Mother loved to tell it and got the biggest kick out of it~

Yes, that's it exactly...a true story, told in a humorous way, is still humorous, imo.

Wouldn't it be funny if we could edit other people's posts, behave badly, and just be brats all the time? Lol.

Are you sure you're not hanging out with Jack and Jim tonight?

Strangest thing at work today - there was a worm in one of the toilet stalls - still swimming!! This is a high rise building too
Co workers didn't believe me so I shot a video of it to show them
Of course I had to show mom tonight and she said "is someone pooping worms?"

I sure hope not

So there I was the other day, washing spring greens and having a little nibble on a leaf or two, like you do, when I felt something gritty on my tongue, wiped it off with my thumb, and then theatrically spat out the whole lot - it was a bright blue slug pellet which had somehow survived the first rinse. Ptui ptui ptui! - NOT what you want to be ingesting, even if you're not a slug.

So being a responsible citizen, and a loyal customer of the guilty supermarket, I emailed their advice line quoting the supplier reference number off the packaging and told them what had happened and asked them to "have a word."

They apologised and said they would. Hurrah! Then they sent me a £15 gift card. Very nice of them, if a bit o.t.t. - we're talking about a £1.50 bag of spring greens. But I'm not so rich I'm sending it back, and besides I can always pop some cans in the food bank bin and make this a charity thing. So I emailed to thank them.

They replied saying they'd send me a £15 gift card. I replied saying No Don't! You already have!

It's just turned up in the mail. Another one.

Do I:

a) spend it.
b) mail it back.
c) hand it in at the store.
d) spend it and put all of the groceries in the food bank bin.
e) start seeing what else I can complain about.

Well, sounds like they are already quite confused over there CM. I would keep it and look for other things to complain about. JK But really, don't send it back. You've earned it.

CM, keep it. And being the loyal appreciative customer, send them another Thank You letter. Who knows, they might appreciate it... and send you another one!... vicious circle...

CM you did not ask for more. Stores have advert budgets for this type of thing. Spend card at their store. Figure the universe is being generous. Once issued its worse to reverse and might go in pocket of worker you return thru. Share the wealth with charity or buy food for the hospital you volunteer at. I spent AC Amazon card on toys for tots at holidays to buy extra. Nice to share and you deserve it.

CM, KEEP BOTH GIFT CARDS! why the heck not!? It's not like they are going broke, and I'm sure you've spent a lot of money in that store over the years, they can afford to be generous, and your going to spend it right back in that store anyways! What the heck, BEHAVE BADLY FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE! LOL!

Its not SO BAD!

CM, in their opinion, sending you 2 gift cards for £15 each is cheaper than a law suit. Just accept it and move on. Back in the '70's my sis found broken glass in a jar of baby food. The well known manufacturer sent her a case of baby food.

CM...send another thank you! LOL

Sorry, I just had to.

There was an episode of All in the Family once where Edith Bunker sent a coupon to a prune company and they sent her a quarter. Something got screwed up in the company's system and they kept sending her quarters, until she had a jar full - and they kept coming - every day in the mail. Being Edith, she was flustered and upset because she thought she was doing something dishonest...husband Archie told her to send 10 coupons a week and in a few years, they could buy a new house! LOL

CM - count yourself blessed that they were willing to compensate you in some respect. Years ago, I bought "homemade" sausage from our local store (meaning they bought the pork from a local farmer and made the sausage at the store instead of buying it pre-packaged). I loved the stuff - it was wonderful - until I bit into something and nearly broke a tooth. Spit it out into my hand, and was more than a little shocked to find a pellet of buckshot in my hand. Ok - so now I know how the pig died.....

The store manager just said, "Well, we deal with these local farmers...." and just left it at that - no offer of compensation since I wasn't actually injured - not even a free pkg of sausage (which I would have accepted gratefully).

Countrymouse...I bet you about urped when that came outta your mouth!.....That's mighty gross!
When we get a slug on the driveway,we run and get the salt and pour it all over it.

Used to do that years ago to get rid of slugs. But these days I am just as likely to adopt it, or find it a home! Sheesh!

Someone justed posted a reference to Ferris Bueller on the whine thread

Wouldn't we all love a day off

I'd have been more grossed out if it had been a slug, Lu! Just not so alarmed.

I put the little beasts on the bird table - give them a sporting chance, I suppose. Karma put me off using salt; and the chemical pellets are dangerous for birds and cats (and humans!); and the barriers - your copper bands and your magnetised whatever and your Fullers' earth and sheep's wool - don't work. This season it's going to be all-night patrols up and down the vegetable patch.

Really, I enjoyed the slug stories!
Thanks CM for starting that up.

What about centipedes?We have tiny ones here where I live but over in Hawaii,they are Huge!People there chop them up with a knife and all their body parts go in different directions.Talk about really gross!......

EEww Luckylu, yuck! I have a thing about big bugs, and the bugs in Canada can't even be counted as big (oh thank g*d). The grossest is searching for tomato hornworms... OK I've found the little pest, now what am I supposed to do about it?

Churchmouse...It was really nice of you to just let the bug go on your bird table. It was my Dad who always yelled at us to run and get the salt.I just did as told.
The centipedes in Hawaii are more like snakes,the size of snakes.I had one slither out of an old leather purse one night and it scared me to death.Mom jumped up on the top of the couch and my husband lead it out the door and he chopped it up.I will never forget it...sadly.
Cwillie the tomato horn worm does a lot of damage.It is very destructive to tomatoes,potatoes,pepper and eggplant.If they are in your garden,you might google ways to get rid of them.Good luck~

MsMadge, I am afraid Mom is probably correct. I don't think the worm climbed up the drain pipe!

Went to visit my husband last night as usual. He was in bed but bright as a button. After a while he asked me what my husband was called. I told him that it was Robert (his name) but it didn't seem to register with him. Only the second time in six years that he did not know me. Yet when I was leaving I said "I love you" and he replied "I love you too." I wonder who the "you" was.

Olly olly oxen free

Come out come out - Send- wherever you are

MsMadge...We always said "Olly,Olly,In Come Free!"
Maybe Send is in her front yard playing "Statue"~

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