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noun vulgar slang
plural noun: dingleberries
a foolish or inept person.
a particle of fecal matter attached to the anal hair of an animal.
3.  Canada
poop humor
4.  California
a coffee and tea shop in Rosemead
My avatar, obviously a Kellogg's cereal with antioxidants

Luckylu, Where are you? Is the carpet installed yet? Those things can gas off and need to be ventilated for hours. Do you have some fans? Be safe!

The carpet is installed atlast Send. I feel SO blessed.
It's too bad that Mother wouldn't allow us to do this years ago so she could have enjoyed it too but she hated any change even if it was a good change....

Going out in the wind and rain today-a real storm! But the wind may blow the trees above us down onto the house. Six of one-half a dozen of the other one. Yikes! Worst storm I can remember.
Very little choices that make sense to me. Still trying though. Pushing through.....

Send, we having nasty wind too. Our power has been out since about 10:15 this morning. I recharged my phone via my car while running errands and I can get wifi with the slider cracked open.... lol!!! Stay safe this is a nasty storm.

Alright who reported me?

I've been locked out of this site since Wednesday!!!!

Thanks, Sharyn!
If I did not wait 3 months and had already re-scheduled today's appointment, I would not go out. Then, right after, the fourth important thing to do is get dH to work, then home tonight. Mwaahhhh! Scared.

MsMadge, this seems to an ongoing problem with the site. I was locked out awhile back too. Even though I had the right password, the site would not accept it.

Don't think anyone ever gets locked out if they get reported. That is just not something the AC Admins do, imo. Sharyn is probably right, it is a website glitch or internet failure. Be sure to write in to them. a.s.a.p.   It's not you!

Or, what exactly have you done to get reported, hmmmmn? Come on, you can tell us, were you a brat? I just don't think so.......
Love, from Send

At home now, WOW, that is a nasty storm, max. 30mph for safety, streets flooding. Someone's car has water surrounding it about 1-2ft. deep, boy they will be surprised trying to get in it to go home. Trees down, the I-5 is on the news closed due to 5 ft. of flooding. This is so unusual for California weather. Wish I had a cat or dog I could cuddle and protect. But I am okay.
Cluck cluck cluck, cluck cluck, the sky is falling.....

I wish you had a dog or a cat Send,You need one.Stay safe in that storm and I hope your power stays on.

Just watching the news. send, you are getting the type of storms we get. It is a nasty one for sure. I hope you have no power outages too. We have trees down here too. Stay indoors. We all need a boat and life jackets, lol!!

Send, just noticed your dingleberry avatar. So glad I inspired that. LOL

I'm sending one of my cats over. He should be there shortly. Remember the sharpshooter cat in my old avatar picture? So look out for him. He is making a stop off in Washington to poo on Donald Trump's head.

Gershun! Thank you! I love that dark gray kitty. Do you think he will be allowed to cross the border? Has he had his shots?

Yes, you are an inspiration when it comes to scatological humor, Lol.

Luckylu, Maybe what I really need is a chicken, so I won't feel so all alone.


Were you able to get home from work tonight? Is your power out? Check-in please.

Sharyn, Power was out momentarily at the Senior Center, but at home there is light, heat, water, and hubs is home.

Well, the lost jury duty summons is coming back to bite me. However, the automated call said they are sending another one in two weeks. Phew.

HI send
Made it home from the hotel California a little bit ago

Streets are a mess and backyard is flooded - tried to sweep but gave up - just too tired

feel likes the wind and heavy rain has calmed down now

Nitey nite

Ahh MsMadge, you are in SoCal too!! Glad the wind has calmed down. Personally, I am so tired of these storms and more to come on Monday, ouch!

I talked with my son and dil in SoCal. I was concerned about my sons commute to and from work yesterday as he has to use I-5 driving 55 miles one way. He made it to and from safely. I was happy about that as after watching the news....sink hole with 2 cars going in it and other people washed away in the flooded river. Wow, the mudslide in the San Bernadino Mountains!!! We had slides in the Northern Sierras too but not like this one. Hope we are not completely water logged after Monday.

The News yesterday, as I was driving to pick up hubs....
Don't drive if you don't have to, stay in.
The rain stopped to reveal a clear black sky with stars and some clouds far away. It was beautiful. A storm is coming.....

SharynMarie,Send and MsMadge....Please stay safe in those awful storms you're having there.It sounds really bad.....

Thank you Luckylu! I think everyone has battened down the hatches for this storm. Hard to ignore the rain, wind, and warnings.  No one is used to this in California, unless there is shaking going on.

Please, MsMadge, stop sweeping, you will hurt yourself. Call 211 and ask for help. Also, they rent pumps if the water gets deep enough. Equipment rental companies. Be safe! Standing in water, lightening or a downed power cord and we would be at such a deep loss without you! So would your Mom! Who would tuck her in at night?

Thank you Luckylu. This is California.... the jokes here in my area of the state revolve around it being feast or famine with rain. In Idaho, my dd says it is every 10 minutes in Idaho the weather changes.

I promise not to sweep water if there's lightening, Send

After the 14 hour day from hell with mom in the storm of the century, I get to lather, rinse and repeat again tomorrow

Found out late tonight that mom's fav caregiver called off tomorrow afternoon and mom has to go the neuro which means I'm taking her myself and won't have anyone to help get her back to the hotel California afterwards and it's raining again

The kittens have arrived!What a thrill watching her have them.I thought they'd be bald,but they have hair.

When I grew up on the farm there were always kittens, even when our own barn cats didn't have a litter there would be someone dumping some off at the roadway. Now I haven't seen any kittens for a long time :'(
How many do you have?!!

cwillie...She had a total of 4 beautiful babies.1 is all black and the others are black with white markings.Now,I have figured out who the Father is.It has been amazing watching the MaMa know just what to do. Thanks for asking.

Congratulations Luckylu! And Bootsie! Four! So wonderful!

Enjoy those little fur babies Luckylu. How many are you keeping? Bootsie did good job. now she will also litter train them for you too.

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