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I'd Love to give Mina a kitten for her Birthday or to anyone else who might want one.Iv'e been asking if anyone wants one but Iv'e had no takers yet.I never dreamed I'd have a house full of kittens to deal with on top of facing surgery for my foot at the same time.

Dear Church, Kittens will be available on x date, contact Luckylu if you would like to adopt some.
8 weeks past their birthdate is the date they will be ready, imo.

That will be April 18th Send.Good idea to put up an offer at the church.Thank you.
On my birthday,Mother used to always make me a Tunnel of Fudge cake and my brother a strawberry cake and my other brother a pinapple upside down cake but her last few years,we all had DQ ice cream cakes.Any cake is good to me....

Luckylu, you had better take a close look at my avatar pic...

I don't know what a Tunnel of Fudge cake is but I definitely want one!

Yes, meant to post kitty announcement at your church.
However, now I realize Churchmouse loves pets....shipping overseas?
Really, Churchmouse, will you be okay without a kitten to love?

Maybe Jeannegibbs will bake a kitten cake for all of us?  Or for Mina's birthday.

MsMadge,    What makes a momentous birthday?  Age?  oh, I think she will be just 40, or 50 at the most.

And what would I say to my landlord? "Honest, he just turned up, no idea how he got here - there he was sitting on my doorstep with his little suitcase and a US visa..."

cwillie...After I lost 2 of my cats and my one dog last summer,we just had one cat for several months.Then Precious came and then Bootsie, about a month later.
My dH and I have never had any pregnant animals or animals in heat,so when this new little cat kept on crying and crying,we let it outside,not knowing about this heat business.Now I have 7 cats all the sudden.My dH and I have learned a lot and we never want this to happen again.I can't be a crazy cat lady and I really didn't want this starter kit.I can't afford it!
(but I love your avatar-so funny)

I have just had it. Just got out of emergency with mum. Suspected broken hip. As usual dutiful sister emailed siblings with the visit and that all was well. No response from siblings. So what's new? Nothing. A fracture is like a death sentence for an old person but they are busy with their Friday night galavanting. I'm so sick of it and them. Why do I even bother? Sick of them! Not caring about their own mum. What is wrong with them? They should be ashamed of themselves!!!!!!! I am disgusted.


Hope your mum is doing okay
Yes, your siblings should be ashamed but I can imagine that they are not

Arrived late to the hotel California for Friday night treats, but mom and a couple of others were still up so we ordered in pizza and watched a wonderful silent movie - Speedy - on TCM

One resident decided to remove his pants and for some reason staff walked him in front of the tv on the way back to his room - as he passed by mom she said did you see that? Unfortunately, I did

MsMadge, Yikes! No one was counting on a side show. Couldn't this staff have put a towel or a blanket around the resident?

Sorry Ms Madge but we all get old and droopy just in different places!!!!!!!!!!! You won't find me on a topless beach any time soon.

MsMadge,I feel sorry for you and the poor old man.How disrespectful,showing no compassion.
Like Katie said,they could have atleast put a towel around him.MsMadge,You are So sweet to order in pizza for everybody.What a kind heart you have.

I'm not sure it was the quality of the, er, display that MsMadge had a problem with, Veronica.

Those aides need a talking to. Could neither one of them have thought to do something to preserve his dignity?

I'm disgusted for you too, Genevieve. With my lot, it was always the same pattern - Sister would call after a couple of hours. Brother 1 would text "thanks", sometimes, a few days or a week later. Brother 2, nix.

You bother because it's the right thing to do, and so they can't say you never told them. Expecting a response, though... well, did you, really?

Cute Church, You have moved to the country? Isn't a bit lonely in the country? We will miss you at church.

MsMadge, Jury duty is our civic duty, I agree! Going to make sure I go when it is my time. It will be like a respite for me, a change of pace. So many criminals are guilty these days! It should be easier to decide, while still giving them their rights. Lol.


No, no, No!!! It is already Friday, again!
This not knowing what day is passing by so quickly has got to stop!
I am going out into the day now and stare down the Sun, asking it to stay around a bit longer.....

Send, I don't know if it's because it's winter, or what - but I'm having the same issue. Of course, I've been sick with the upper respiratory crud and there have been a few days I was so sick that the days just kind of blurred together, so that might be it too - but I totally get where you're coming from on this. Last week, I suddenly realized it was Wednesday, and couldn't remember much of Monday or Tuesday!

Can't wait for spring. We haven't had near as much snow as normal this year, but still, I can't wait to be able to get out and do things. Need to get this stupid neck issue resolved first, but hoping by spring I'll be able to get out and around more. Grocery store trips have become like a vacation.

Susan, sorry you have been ill! And you were alone? Refresh, drink more water if you did not do that.
I am dreading the grocery store and Walmart! We saved a lot of expense by not going these past two weeks.
Guess I have to go, sooner or later.
Bye for now, off to get dH at work.

Thanks, Send! DD was here to help, so I have had a taste of what it's like to be on the receiving end of caregiving - I don't like it. LOL I'm not a "sit around" kind of person - I want to be on the go, working, doing things around the house and yard, etc. So between the upper respiratory illness and my neck issues, I've been stuck close to home unless I have to go to the store or the doctor. I held off going to the store for several weeks - that was a huge mistake, because then I ran out of practically everything and spent a bundle restocking. If there's one thing I hate, it's going to the store and spending over $100 on stuff you can't even eat - dog food, cat food, cat litter, shampoo, laundry soap, etc. Grrr.

Hubs and I are officially dubbed by our waitress as a cute couple!!! She likes that we have been together for 40 years, lol!!! I will take being cute.

About kittens...Starting to form an opinion about kittens....keeping them ALL!
Would that be so very bad Luckylu?
Name them after your brothers and Sil.  Lol.
=  Caregivers behaving badly....

Happy Anniversary SharynMarie!40 years is something else this day in age-
And Susan,I'm so sorry to hear you've been SO sick.
Hope you're feeling better~

SharynMarie....40 years! Something to celebrate!
Congratulations.! ! !

Yes Send,That would be bad...financially at the vet,but I will keep one atleast,maybe two.Thankfully,I have already gotten homes for three.And I still have my other old cat,Odom, and little dog Precious to care for too,along with Bootsie,the Queen.

Hey Gershun,
It's Friday night, can you come out to play? We can start all over being brats.
I will leave the refrigerator door open, you can put your hubs dirty underwear on his pillow, (this time under his pillow); and Luckylu can just make her hubs some expired popcorn? Then, I will make my husband help with pancakes and eggs, putting mickey mouse ears and blueberry eyes in his pancakes. Adding strawberry lips, and a banana nose.
How is that?

Msmadge can be in charge of games....

Ok then. My refigerator door is open.

Perfect Send! Iv'e got some expired popcorn right here.I'll see if dH wants some.

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