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Well, won't that be a lovely addition to the confusion there!

How many times did our entire family go out late at night, looking for those grunnion?



I'm having some strange dreams lately. Last night's dreams (just waking up here!) were alright, I dreamt I was traveling abroad, wandering around Paris, but like most dreams everything was a bit bizarro world. Well, it was nice to visit Paris, if only in my dreams. Sweet dreams, you late night Californians... zzzz

A request.....
Can we, as caregivers offering support to posters, remember to appreciate the answers by caregiver friends on the forum?
This is done by clicking on " LIKE THIS' next to the little heart.
Have you ever posted, and you are the only zero "O" on the page?
Like this anyway!
Thanks for your consideration!
Hugs and Likes all around, today!

I am listening.................................................. :)

When do you get back from Paris?
In your dreams, I mean. Lol.

I poked 2 likes for you Send! Here I am behaving nice on the "Bad" caregivers page! Night night and may we all dream of Paris or Hawaii!

Nite Bootshop,
Staying up another hour to check on a fellow caregiver, Chris516, posting on
"The Caregiver How are you today?".

Thank you for poking me, funny boots!

The moon has acted up terribly today, going in front of the sun that way, shutting out it's light.
I am going to try to ignore the moon tonight, go off to sleep early, and maybe when I wake up, it will be light again.

Hope you sleep the whole night through, Send

BTW, I swear I saw someone fly through the peak of the eclipse on a broom

Goodnight Gershun!

That posted wierd!
I am sure it wasn't Gershun that took my broom, MsMadge!
Goodnight MsMadge!

Goodnight Luckylu! How do you ever stay up as late as the West Coast Brats? We're bad!

Good morning, bookluvr

Hi MsMadge, it's almost my bedtime {that's such a lie!}. Well, it's one of my 'one day I will get to it' kind of goal to move my bedtime from 1:00am to ... maybe 11:00pm. So far, my body is resisting.

But, in case it's Your morning 5 hours ago, I wish you a Good Afternoon - " Kon'nichiwa!"

What is the reason or purpose of bad caregiving. Sounds like you
don't like your caregiving job. Why be ugly to a home bound person.if it's not what you enjoy,,, get another job and don't be
mean to the one your taking care of. Can't imagine dirty underware on a pillow. What will you do if something bad happens
while in your bad behavior care.


Cannot tell if that avatar is a picture of the moon, or the sun. Lol.
Maybe it is your fingernail, just done with french tips.???

Of course it is both the sun and the moon, as shared by a local eclipse junkie. Meh.

Should we let Sandra93 in on the Brat thread purpose and jokes, that it is not reality?
Or make her read through the entire thread to discover the explanations already given to others, unsuspecting unwilling caregivers. Burned out, whose first response is to criticize?
Welcome Sandra93.
Today's caregiver challenge is to read the Brat thread in it's entirety, without cracking a smile.
Sorry you didn't get it..Some of the most respected caregivers will not even come to this thread, and I understand fully. I love them, and would not want them to be brats out of character. May I refer you to another thread: My Whine Moment, OR Caregivers & Dysfunctional families.

I always put clean underwear and jammies inside the zipper of my teddy bear on my bed.

If you have needs, or seeking a friend or advice, I am sure there will be someone to care and come alongside of you for support-no matter where you post.

"It is both the sun and the moon"
sounds like poetry, or something said by Shakespeare.

Seems like you are always posting when I am getting ready to shut down my computer for the night Send. I'm off to put my nightie on and read my book, I hope all you west coasters have a nice evening :)

Goodnight Cwillie!
Seems like you just start posting when I stay up late and haven't gone to bed yet at night.
So, I would have to be bad to stay up that late every night!
Sleep well! You did good today! Hugs!!

I'm behaving goodly today, not badly. I worked in the yard some and made some necessary phone calls and such. Had a healthy dinner and ordered some Turmeric capsules. I'd love to have a carrot cake cupcake to celebrate my goodliness. :-)  They sell them at the corner convenience store.  Might have to go get one, and some milk.  I'll be bloated and fart a bunch after I drink the milk, but it's tasty with the carrot cake.  Some things are just worth the pain... 😆

Ali, Lactaid works, still feels good after ice cream, etc.  Or, just spend more, get Lactaid milk. imo.

The benefits of Turmeric/Curcumin are amazing.  Gershun suggested it and I am still so grateful.
As you will be when you try a little lactaid, Ali.

A husband and wife had been married for 60 years and had no
secrets except for one: The woman kept in her closet a shoe box that
she forbade her husband from ever opening. But when she was on her deathbed—and with her blessing—he opened the box and found a
crocheted doll and $95,000 in cash.

“My mother told me that the secret to a happy marriage was to never
argue,” she explained. “Instead, I should keep quiet and crochet a doll.”

Her husband was touched. Only one doll was in the box—that meant she’d been angry with him only once in 60 years. “But what about all this money?” he asked.

“Oh,” she said, “that’s the money
I made from selling the dolls.”

Oyasumi nasai, Book

Would those be your lollipop comfort undies ?

MsMadge...Maybe they're her Granny Panties with polka dots in her Charley McCarthy doll....

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