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I brought donuts to hoca and am now at Starbucks which conveniently is next to See’s so I’ll be stopping by for a free sample 😂

Since I'm no longer a caregiver the only person I have left to be bad to is myself - I had a doughnut during the social time after church today, was that bad or so, so good?

When I am old, and refuse to take the necessary medications....
Can you hide them inside a See's candy?

One at a time, please. Because what if I eat the whole box at once?

Glad that was a success! They must love you there, being the one who brings in all the fun.

The Viking enjoyed her party as much as she could - sang happy birthday, blew out the candles on her cake one at a time (good thing I only put 3 on and not 96), and rolled the dice in a game of craps

not a word from Frick or Frack

Did I miss the Birthday party?

Happy Belated Birthday
to the dear Viking!

Yes, MsMadge,
neither Frick,
nor Frack,
get to come.

Sounds like a lovely and FUN party!

Strawberry whipped cream from the famous downtown bakery

I'm doing a casino theme party for her and her caregivers - ordering Italian food and party city has piñatas in the shape of red dice and $100 bills - ordered baby slot machines from Amazon

am I behaving badly for not inviting Frick and Frack?

It was funny MsMadge.
What kind of cake?

The Viking has been behaving badly lately so I decided to join her -
she couldn't settle down for her happy nap -
kept arguing with the demented demons in her head and made herself hoarse so I'd go over to her and stroke her hair and tell her to quiet down and rest -
which she'd do for a nanosecond

Then she did her regular routine of I'm dying- I'm dead, so I asked her if she could wait until after Tuesday as it is her birthday and I already ordered her cake 🎂
and she replied, a$s hole, I don't think you're funny 😂

Thanks, Smesque.

I appreciate the kind words! Please keep encouraging me.

Send help——-where’s the bacon???? scrambled eggs an bacon sounds pretty good right’s 4 am and we’ve been prepping for hurricane Dorian.....I just love this thread, sure has made me laugh!, Liz

Big hug, it is hard and we do the best we can. Sometimes we say things we wish we could pull back inside us and regret saying. But you are aware of it, so you will do better. Hang in there.


I was so upset with mom recently that I told her I was going to soak in the tub and if she needed something to call 911. I know it was mean. I lost my temper. Not proud of it. I'd like to say that she had it coming but no matter what I don't like doing that. You know, saying nasty things. Makes me feel bad about me.

Why attempt to become fully actualized and all that jazz when I can be one of "those people"? It's way more fun lol

Is there such a thing as a fully actualized human being?
And why would anyone want to achieve that, especially on a Friday night?

Non-serious answers only please.

Can you imagine if one of "those people" would try to answer?

Well, maybe with certain people, we will have to monitor bad behaviors not only for the full moon (a full 7 days prior); but also the effects of the New Moon (a full 9 days prior). I think that covers an excuse for the entire month, Lol.

Tonight is the New Moon, August 30th.

Anyone have some Friday night bad behaviors? Or is it them, not us?

Did ya wear a fake cast on your arm and tell everyone you broke it MsMadge?

Well it’s Saturday night and I’m being very very very bad

The effects of last week’s full moon are still lingering at hoca

the Viking and I were sitting in the dining room away from the others tonight -
two men who have ants in their pants kept coming up to her
- one had his fly open and another was eating the petals off the flowers and then proceeded to try and escape out the alarmed door

after that we stopped to get her meds and another man put his face in hers and growled to which she replied as only a Viking can do 🤬

then the man with his fly open cupped his hands over his mouth to make an announcement- ladies and gentlemen
we have a good shooter here
as he rapped his knuckles on the table
another resident thought it was a knock on the door 🚪 and nearly fell trying to answer -
hold on, I’m coming


There’s often an outpouring of support after traumatic events in the world. This increased sense of community solidarity, where [survivors] feel very connected to other members of their community is common.

So, get out there, and enjoy the wave!

Be sure that each of us have our heads up, are waving, smiling, and in this case, not behaving badly.

Uniting all BRATS!

Yes, I am in what most of you would consider a small town (where I used to live was even smaller) but this wasn't normal. Usually there is sort of a a "ritual" to greeting people on the street, you studiously ignore anyone approaching while glancing up to see if they are receptive, then you give a friendly good morning if they are. And most are.

Okay I just typed in Sadie from cartoons. The only way I resemble that is the blonde hair.

Shell, maybe you have good, comforting energy. People were always affectionate with my mom. We would be having lunch out somewhere and be discussing whether to order dessert or not and a man came over and said to my mom "she doesn't need dessert, she's already sweet enough" I used to tease her and tell her she was a big flirt.

Babies and little girls seem to really like me. Sometimes when hubs and I are out shopping a mother will walk by with a stroller and the toddlers inside just crane their necks to stare at me. Hubs says its cause I look like a cartoon character. Some little girl told me once I looked like Sadie from t.v. I have no idea who that might be.

While talking about weird things...people always want to hug or touch me. Doesn't matter where I am at or what I am doing. People will walk by and just reach out and touch me as they walk pass me, or other women will ask if they can hug me, kids will walk up to me a grab my hand or leg...this has been an ongoing joke between my sig other and me for years.

Once I was in my city hall building waiting in line to be called next. This police officer was there talking to the teller and as he and the lady were talking he started walking towards me then he put his arm on me like I was a post to be lean on. He never said one word to me and I didn't know what to say to him. He didn't even look at me. God knows I am short but I am not a place to rest your arm on! After he and the teller was done with their conversation he simply told the teller to have a nice day and removed his arm from my shoulder and walked out the door. That was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.

CWilly maybe your energy was just very bright and friendly that day:)

My DH and I moved into a new place almost two years ago. It still feels like yesterday. When we first got here I was really friendly and said hi to people in the elevators, in the workout room, when I dumped my trash etc. But soon found that people kind of looked at me weird when I did it. I guess friendliness is a lost art? Who knows. So not one to conform I hate to say it but I've kind of had to. Or keep saying hello and be snubbed and looked at weird.

There are the odd few that say hi and are friendly back but they definitely are the minority. I guess it's odd to say hi to strangers? Too bad.


were they other shoppers or did they want you to buy something?

I seldom say hello to strangers especially in downtown but it is a very nice thing to

my coworker who suffered a heart attack at lunch last week passed last night
he was always one to smile while walking around the floor and
that’s not a bad way to be remembered

Just to clear the air,
while it could certainly be a biblical moral

someone way back many centuries ago on the Irish side of the family used to say that after a burp

kinda like

excuse me excuse me from the bottom of my heart
if it had gone the other way
it would have been a ___(fill in the blank)

If we give up scolding, we will all be safe.

cwillie, have you moved to a small town?  They may just recognize you or someone explained who you were..

Send, I need to hear verbal cues to tell how something was meant.  I have behaved badly when misunderstanding an on-line Tongue-in-cheek statement, and I scolded the writer!  Oops!

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