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Definition required for "Carry On".

Carry On and Talk British?

I wish I liked to drink. I never get that pleasant buzz everyone goes on about. I usually just get tired and grumpy when I drink alcohol. I need a vice........a good, non-sinful vice. Any ideas.............?

Get Drunk and Carry On!

Goodnight, you all are very special brats. imo.

Two 8oz glasses seem to do it

Oooo, you just gave me a good idea for my bedtime snack. Are two glasses enough?

Wait, I have to revise that. I had two glasses of vodka.

Hubby had a calzone. I had nothing.

Going on an instant diet, never eating again might help.
But I don't want to be a bad influence, others will be more than happy to help you out with advice for hubby.
What was for dinner?

I wish I could find a good 'behaving badly' behavior to deal with this.

:( Gave hubby his dinner, then brought mine to the table. He stood up and started urinating in the piss-pot while I was eating. OMG, sometimes I can't deal with it all. :((((((((((((

We get it - don't worry you weren't behaving that badly
My mom is uber sensitive to meds and food even has a deadly allergy to alcohol - she balks at even taking a Tylenol so when she complains too much and won't take one I frequently say that's unfortunate for you - despite her lack of memory this phrase she knows so well she parrots almost before I say it

Try to maintain some humor with her - laughter helps both of you

When my mom is in pain from her many falls she will ask me if I kicked her to which I reply twice - her only friend at memory care heard this routine and was aghast because mom turned to her and said did you hear what she said ? She kicked me twice ! Of course mom was being funny but try explaining our warped sense of humor to another poor demented soul 🙀

HI Send
Yes I'm looking elsewhere but so far haven't found another place with an opening so I'm making the best of it where she is - plus it is the first week of changing her meds - I hate this whole situation

My mom has tons of stomach issues, like tons!! A lot from saying "If I'm having problem I might as well eat everything I want to anyway!" Today, after taking her Prilosec (Dr ordered) she says she is starting to itch and refused to take the Benadryl (Dr ordered) to combat it. Although itching is not supposed to be one of the side effects of this particular antacid medication. After years of dealing with this behavior and attitude towards meds, I told her I didn't want to hear about her itching!! That was bad and careless of me. And you guys are the only ones who get it!!

Ms. Madge,
Kinda glad I was asleep during all that. Sounds like a circus, poorly managed by staff. Do you need to get her transferred somewhere safe?

Is everybody asleep? It's not even 2:00 am - last call !

Another fun night at memory care - last night the cactus eater took all his clothes off and peed in mom's doorway - tonight I walk in with laundry pumpkin pie and whipped cream and mom starts flagging me down as soon as she catches sight of me

She says she can't take much more of him - by him she means another man sitting asleep on the couch next to her - so I ask her why - she says he told her it was his house and for her to leave - hmmm

I take her to the loo and we come back and now she says she's sick so I go get her a Sprite and when I return the cactus eater is sitting next her too - he starts pulling on the other mans arm and then mom's friend gets involved so he turns and instead of walking away he grabs mom's walker - he doesn't know not to poke the Viking

Mom yanks her walker back and yells at him and he puts his fists up so now mom's friend is trying to help and is yelling and I'm afraid he's gonna take a swing at her and finally someone comes to help and mom says to me he's not staying here - hmmm

She might be right - it's time to find pillows and hide outside

Good Night Sendme!

It is getting late, please behave while I am gone.

Behave badly, that is.

Goodnight, Gershun.

Mom2Mom that was an awesome post. I just mentioned on another post that my mother when to md yesterdsay. I asked if anyone told md about her seeing and sometimes talking to people. I mean she knocks on my door wakes me up to come and see her people. So today when i ask she was like you are a "Lye" yoouuu alwaayysss starting something. jSo it was funny and in a way sad because my problem is addressing her mental issues. Everyone thinks Im trying to make her crazy so I can take over everything. So that scenario you post was a good guffaw for me.

FF, Yes, that must be it-the software is also behaving badly.
It was such a bratty thing to mention it!

Seems to be hiccups in the software here the past couple of days.... like when I click on a thread, it doesn't all download at once, once I scroll the rest of the page will appear.... this happened on two different computers each using a different telecommunication system [Comcast on one, FiOS on another]. Tonight it seems ok. So was the software "behaving badly"?

In Memory of 9/11
Fifteen years ago, Sunday.

We're still standing!

Ok, don't nobody panic.
Yes, there are some glitches.
Not really a conspiracy theorist here, but while caregivers are busy this weekend doing the real work, there may be some hackers in the world attempting, but failing, to cause disturbances that will be an inconvenience.
My tech dH recommends that you download what you would like to watch onto a thumb drive, and watch that when the technology goes wonky. Or, some may still have a dvd player and the movies to go with it.
The reason is in the next post, but as an American, I just want to reassure you all stressed out caregivers to not be afraid, get in some groceries, stay home and watch a happy movie when internet gets glitchy, if it does. I will meet you back on the forum Monday! Love, from Send

was having that problem also, though it was me. Have problem often w the touch screen. Not enough out on myfingertips.
Then though it maybe had something to do with all the rain storms.

Good observation, Ms. Madge. Looking that over, maybe it is just a stuffed toy, with kinda evil eyes. But if it is real, isn't it so very cute?

There were no dogs like this at the shelter today, however there were two huge husky's, huge german shepherds (3), one mixed Keeshound, two boxers, and too many to count - tiny Chihuahua (none as cute as Stacy's Charlie girl). These were all very nice, sat for their cookies, and very adoptable. It was fun.
Said goodbye very positively and bravely. I always tell them they will find homes.

Ali, Me neither, I am not trying to click like this on my own posts. I was making a joke.
However, when I click on everyone's posts, 'Like this', then mine are the only ones left. I just assumed no one was liking whatever was said by me.

Send ~ Lol!! I'm not trying to "Like" my own posts. I don't know... the problem isn't present at present. I'm just going to roll with it. (It could have been operator error last night because the operator was extra tired.)

Are you sure that pomsky is not really a gremlin in disguise?

Ms. Madge, Some people only shower on Fridays, so today is your time!

Clicking 'like this' has never worked when you try clicking 'like this' on your own posts, I tried it, Lol.

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