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How did you know I didn't take a shower today ?

I've tried to click "Like" all nite and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Thought I was losing my mind, or my sight. Turns out Ali is too. ;)

And just now, a page full of posts that I didn't/couldn't see before just opened up. I've seen others comment about AC being wonky, but I haven't experienced much of it. Go figure the Caregivers Behaving Badly would bring out the worst in AC. ;-)

What's with the "Like this" system right now...? I click it but sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Welp, AC is on the sauce again.

It really was something else to me Send,as well as a lot of other things I saw in Alaska....Like little children getting on and off the schoolbus with flashlights because it was pitch dark and Midnight Baseball leagues when the sun never went down and people putting foil over their windows to block out the light and the biggest homegrown vegetables Iv'e ever seen and those awesome Northern Lights.Things I'll never forget.....And maybe the Iditorod dogs are wearing Mukluks,come to think of it.Alaskan Mukluks....

Pet Smart sells (4) dog boots on line for $39.99. More than I paid for MY boots!
But, then again, I only have 2 and I don't run miles through the snow with mine. :)

Got a text from Mom's caregiver this morning "Thought you'd like to know...Joanna couldn't find her gun this morning. She put it in her pocket when she got up to go tot he bathroom. Did you take it?" (last sentence was Carol being funny)

And then later... "I need to find my gun before Kyle (my son) comes home and finds it."

Now, to the best of my knowledge, my mother, in her 84 years on this planet has never even touched a gun.

This is two days after a doctor's appointment from which she came home bragging that her doctor declared her in excellent mental health.

Caregivers everywhere, do not forget to take your own shower or bath today if your hearts desire is to make a difference in the world.

Do not know where that news came from, just know it was not mainstream media.

My sister often supports so many causes by bringing them to the awareness of others. While my world is tiny, often focused within the confines of my home, and how I lost sleep last night, sometimes I am able to look up and understand what others are going through, apart from caregiving.

Dakota Access pipeline company attacked Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray as they protested against the $3.8 billion pipeline’s construction. If completed, the pipeline would carry about 500,000 barrels of crude per day from North Dakota’s Bakken oilfield to Illinois. The project has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and members of nearly 100 more tribes from across the U.S. and Canada.

Dear Thanklessjob,
Thank you for mentioning the importance of the Native Americans and what they want to call themselves. While they do treat their elderly and dying in different ways today, for me personally, I have to respect their traditions, and include them in what it means to be an American, so yes, I am interested. If using humor to bring to awareness any group of people, then I am for humor.

Maybe, if anyone had traveled to Alaska, the Native Americans would not have been home, as they may have gone to North Dakota to support a pipeline protest, or something.

I thought AC took this thread down.. but it's back.

Yes, to the OP!
I'm taking care of my mother and my husband is taking care of his father and I feel like running away from all of them.

I don't do much housekeeping in my house and I don't care what it looks like.

I go places and don't tell my mother, because I don't want her to come with me. I lie.

My brother lives 5 min. from her and I fantasize about pulling into their driveway with her and handing her over. Let him and his family deal with her, since they haven't been doing anything. (Especially when I've gone out of my way to do something for her and she's not happy with the way I've handled it and gives me her evil glare. Here, you take her.)

Karma bit me in the hiney this evening

Thought I'd take a walk after dinner or rather delay visiting mom in memory care tonight

I'm in the final few blocks of my mile route when I have to go potty so I pick up the pace but alas couldn't hold it - just grateful it was turning dark and no one saw me so now I'm swearing off diaper jokes

I always take a deep breath when I enter the code to the facility door so I enter to be greeted by staff telling me they had a fun conversation with mom earlier -

supposedly mom thought it would be a good idea for them to hide outside but they would need pillows to sit upon as they were both too old to sit on the ground

Since I could hear the Viking roaring I thanked her for helping with the plan and scurried away -

no sight of mom but her only friend and her German Shepard said she was in the bathroom so I wait outside the bathroom door and can hear her crying as she can't open the door which weighs a ton and manage her walker

So I got mom her friend and her dog and a bag of laundry and donuts and as we round the corner a new caregiver who looks like Seth rogan comes wheeling a screaming woman in wheelchair and no one can pass

My mom is yelling she doesn't want these people in her house - her friend is yelling not to run over her dog and the wheelchair woman is still screaming and all I can think is this is not my circus and these are not my monkeys but like Moses parting the Red Sea a path opens up and we somehow all get through without any trips or tails being run over

If it wasn't all so sad it could make you laugh until you cry

That must have been quite a wonderful experience Luckylu.
Have seen some documentaries and a movie, but have never been to Alaska at all.
Those are some real mighty dogs. I guess they love it, it is said.

I saw Libby Riddles win it years ago.And they stopped in Eagle River and fed the dogs....Raw meat!And the dogs had shoes on or boots or whatever you call em.......

11 amazing facts about the Iditarod. The mushers crossed the finish line early Tuesday in the Iditarod. The annual dog sled race from Anchorage to Nome began on March 2nd, and the winner, Dallas Seavey, crossed the finish line at 4:04 a.m. Alaska time. It was the second win for Seavey.Mar 14, 2014

Mush! Mush!

The contest has been ruled null and void by the judges due to the time stamp issue
If you look closely Babalou while correctly naming the movie Rocky 3 didn't mention the band name
You on the other hand got both correct but your answer was time stamped before the question was posed and the judges declared you must have been cheating
Sadly our sponsors have withdrawn their prize ☹️

If you ever watched The King of Queens you might remember that they hired a dog walker to take Arthur (the father) out for exercise and companionship... he got fresh air, exercise, a pretty girl and dogs!

Maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be talking about any of this at all, ever! N O T .

We can call it fight club;
covering people's covers;
or just simply,

C a r e g i v e r s. B e h a v i n g. B a d l y

Ra Ra Re,
Kick em in the knee,
Ra Ra Rass,
Kick em in the other knee!

An old fight song, but I don't want to talk about it.

Ms. Madge,
Since you are possibly awarding the Alaska trip, what is your plan?
Provide a map from Russia, with love? So the winner can walk there?

Babalou, Are you okay with that? Lol.

You all have heard about dogwalkers? People who will walk your dog.

Now, a new brilliant, business start-up, called P e o p l e W a l k e r s, some guy is doing for only $7.00/ hour. Maybe I should try it.
1) Go when you want to go.
2) It is not physical therapy so no one is going to push you beyond the pain.
3) You don't have to go around twice with a friend, when you are only good to go once around the block.
4) You don't have to come home tired, and start cooking dinner, while he rests.
5) You don't have to politely stand out front gossiping just to say goodbye.

Good idea, all around. Others have touted the people walkers as a possible replacement or addition to a talk therapy session. Purchase your friend here!
Ha ha ha.

Speaking of political correctness, its apparently not okay to call manhole covers, manhole covers anymore. Heard it on the news. I guess we have to refer to them as peoplecovers. Or not refer to them at all...............???

Have to admit I like Klondike bars better than native Alaskan pies

Didn't Alaskan natives walk there from Russia ?

Can we go on a dog sled to meet the Alaskan Natives.

I think i read somewhere that Mrs Palin has moved south probably tired of seeing Russia out of her kitchen window

From my research the indigenous people of Alaska really do still prefer to be referred to as Eskimos because they are made up of several tribes, so no worries to you Americans who are using the word. This political correctness stuff sure can get confusing though, especially when what is considered an insult in one place is still fine elsewhere.

Correction: Not a flight to Alaska, but a trip to alaska! Oh dear, probably a ride on a slab of ice. Was that a trick question Ms. Madge? Let Babalou have the trip, she was the winner-cause I did have to look everything up, as always.

Yeah Babalou, did you? Seems there were no rules for the Alaska trip, right?
Personally, Asking my husband (only way to engage him in conversation is to ask about a song or movie), then Google the song, the lyrics, the facts/story, play the song, etc. post an answer, double check it wasn't Rocky lV, come back and complere the full answer, and there you have it. So, here are the rules for the contest:







Tell the truth - did you google it to know it was Rocky 3?

Oh no! - another memory test for everyone...

'..what did Delaware boys, what did Delaware...

...if you want to know, Alaska etc.'

That song, which my Dad used to sing snatches of whenever we passed not-ours troop trucks when we lived in Germany back in the 60s/70s, much to my astonishment...

Anyway, can anyone remember the rest of it? Is it in fact a real song or am I having a false memory?

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