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One of my youngest daughter's teachers called me and said K had given him the finger what was I going to do about it. "Nothing she gave you the finger so you punish her" When confronted. K told me he could not possibly have seen her but his son was in her class so must have told him!

When i was a very little girl Mum used to take me to church every Sunday. Well that was pretty boring for a four year old so I amused myself by crawling under the pew in front and pinching the old ladies bottoms.

Laughing in church...tsk tsk....Why is it that this urge frequently comes on at times like this!? I suppose there are worse noises one could make......:0

Yup I am a Brat. Gershun that was really funny about the uncontrollable laugh. That's something that one really gets you and I do think it happens after periods of stress. There are rare moments when my mother gets on her thang and instead of frustration or anger or rolling my eyes in my head I just see the whole thing as funny and I cant stop laughing and I even get her laughing In my head I am like oh @#$! What has happened to me and realize sometimes I wish I could just find every plain ole thing funny. Oh I just remembered I called my Grandmother once, we were real close in her old age. Anyways I was really going thru stuff with my mother and in shock when I speak to her and I say "You know your daughter is something else." Well she says "you wasnt no angel yourself you know. :)

Right! with extra butter!

Ms.Madge, The RV is gone 12 years ago. The photo is a display, from a store selling crystal.

Tatoos on your Mom? That is funny. Are you sure she is not just a brat too?

Yes Send DD Duck is definitely real brat material. Everyone has a brat inside them just waiting to come out. I find the best brat moments are in places where you are supposed to be solemn,, funerals, weddings.

Speaking of real brat moments. This is a real bad one. When my brother died, we were all out at the funeral home checking out their headstones, etc. For some reason my sister and I got into a horrible laughing fit. I think partly cause we were feeling emotional, so it was either laugh or bawl. I couldn't stop laughing. I became hysterical. We were all in this little golf cart type vehicle going back to the funeral home. I turned to my sister and said " I can't stop laughing" Finally I had to slap myself in the face. I hit myself so hard that it left a big red mark on my face.
We were all trying so hard to not start laughing again. My sister apologized to the funeral director. She said "Oh, don't worry, it was kind of refreshing"

Like I said, I am a big brat.

You set a lovely table, Send - is that inside the RV?

Well once again the lab didn't pick up the urine sample taken yesterday at memory care so day 3 and no results and her agitation and peeing are worse

My mom noticed a tattoo on the arm of her caregiver of her daughter's name so I ask my mom if she wants to tattoo my name on her arm and surprisingly she says yes only later when there aren't so many people around - Sunday's are a zoo at the facility with family visiting but I digress

So then I ask what about the names of my never visit siblings and she says, "I'll put them on my ass." I agreed that would be the perfect spot.

My dH says that Sunday is a day of rest. I told him, what are you resting from, taking a break?

Just reading over the comments on here gives me a chuckle, and knowing that all this time there were other brats out there too, just needing a little encouragement to act out. You are all so good! Or is that bad?

Once a brat, always a brat!

No one wants to exclude anyone, and I have seen Caregivers Behaving Badly on other threads out there. They too are brats, but please make yourselves known on here-your very own thread! I am restraining myself, would not want to start naming any names....

DDDuck, Yes, you are kinda bratty, thank you for your contrbution!

Maybe Gershun, who is co-creator and hostess of this thread, (or is that co-conspirator?) can affirm your membership here. Whaddya think, Gershun?
Is the Duck a brat, or what?

No brat moments to report today. But Im cracking up. Im reading some really cute stuff all over the place. Only a brat would find this uplifting. Lol.

Grumpy nap... I love it!

Ms. Madge,
You may be in my time zone, but you probably were not awake at 4:00 a.m.? Going to sleep soon, when, I don't know. Time stamp on AC is messed up too.
Isn't that a coincidence?

Mom's agitation is off the charts - she even hates me and I'm her favorite so we get a urine sample at memory care late yesterday to test for UTI - it will be her 5th since moving there in February - of course when I call tonight to see if the lab results came back they tell me they had to do the test again because the lab never picked up the sample yesterday but I digress

Last night I'm trying everything to calm her done until the seroquel kicks so I'm rubbing her shoulders and talking to her but she's convinced I hate her and have stolen her money and blah blah blah finally I ask her I she had a happy nap in the afternoon and she says no she had a grumpy nap - I reply, well then it worked 😜

Glad you're in my time zone PDT

8/20/2016. 9:25 p.m. PDT. ( Pacific Daylight Time)













.AgingCare is our friend....



NeedABreak... Too funny!!
I had a bad fall last night & injured my ribs. In so much pain! I feel like such a brat, though... My Ma usually won't eat unless I cook for her, but I rested today & she did just fine. She actually fixed her own meals! All I had to do was give her meds!

352 replies! I didn't look at this thread for a couple days and look at it now! I've got a lot of catching up to do as I don't want to miss a single brat moment! Evidently the "inner child" in a lot of us is indeed, a complete brat! Rock on, my brat sisters and brothers!!

Another brat moment. Lol. Took an odd shift at my job, could be gone for hours! Told my hubby it was for the money, but true fully, it was just to have some quiet time so I could read! (Front desk at a motel).

OK. I am a brat... MIL in hospital for broken hip ( seems to be doing OK post surgury, see other post,,,) She is on oxygen at hospital. SO I said to hubs... great, she will probably go home on O2 too..... BIL and SIL always bitching about tubing all over the house, etc... I just looked at hubs after that.. and we both starting grinning....

Pas the popcorn, please.

An old lady and an old man were sitting outside in front of their nursing home in Florida. The old man says to the old lady, "I bet you can't guess how old I am?" The lady ignores him. The old man says again, "I bet you can't guess how old I am?" She looks at him and says, "Stand up." He stands. She says "Pull down your pants." He does. She says, "Pull down your underpants." He does. She sits there staring at his penis. She says, "You're 94." He says "That's amazing! I AM 94! How did you do that?" She says,""You told me yesterday."

Cwillie, U R so brilliant, I love it because others will barely get that you are being funny. Lol.

Oh Send,, Mom and I love the cooking shows! Chopped is a favorite. No wonder i'm plump!

Really enjoying the hair colors with the older stars as models, Diane Keaton is one. Using that product and still trying to breathe is more than enough exercise every six weeks. Life gets more dangerous as one ages.

Did you know Jane Fonda released two new DVDs in 2010 aimed at an older audience? They might be less strenuous to watch. LOL

Sitting, watching exercise videos has become too strenuous for me now, so I have switched to watching cooking shows while ordering in.
Pass the pizza, please.

My sister and I bought a Jane Fonda workout tape when we were young. We went to my sister's apartment and watched it while we ate pizza. Said things like "Man that looks hard" as we passed each other more pizza.

Speaking of brat stories, my F I L is a real braggart, blowhard, know it all. He is a doctor and is the best doctor in the world according to himself. Whenever he starts in on one of his long, nauseating stories about how he saved someone's life I always get up and walk out right in the middle. He actually stops talking and watches me walk out of the room. His wife says "Are we boring you" Once I said "yeah, actually you are and by the way, God decides who lives or dies, not you" and walked out.

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