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That’s what I think it is too. Pure jealousy!

Lea’s mom should have celebrated with her, not show her jealousy by being mean. That was awful!


Your mom’s behavior boggles my mind. It truly does! It’s like you said, she hid it earlier in her life but now she is fully showing her true colors.

I said it before and I will say it again, you don’t deserve to be treated that way from her and you have every right to feel as you do.

She has absolutely no filter or conscious.

You deserve a medal for being the most tolerable daughter in the universe!

I know that you don’t expect one but she owes you an apology.

She should be grateful for everything that you have done for her.

Plus, where does she get off acting as if she ‘settled’ by adopting.

We adopted our daughter and it is absolutely incomprehensible that she felt that way let alone say it to you. As an adoptive mom it makes me furious.

Especially since I gave birth to a child after we adopted our first daughter.

I have never felt any differently about our first daughter. Love is love. She is our precious beloved daughter that means the world to us.

Our bio child is loved the same way. There is absolutely no difference in our hearts. They love each other. They are sisters!

In fact, I didn’t like it when a few people said to me after we adopted, “She is blessed to have you for parents.” I would always respond by saying that we were blessed to have her because that’s what was in our hearts.

Thank you for your kind words, Jodi.

I was lost! I was blind and yes, I had a lot to learn!
Report jove, I think you've GOT IT! What you said seems to be exactly what NM is doing. Villainizing DS all of a sudden and turning DD into the hero! I agree too about not sharing happy news with her. It's gotten to the point NO topic is safe. Best to just stay away and stay silent. Thanks..I could not for the life of me figure out WHY the golden child was suddenly the bad guy. Makes sense in a twisted mind kinda way. Hard to stay one step ahead of games the INSANE love to play, huh? 😮

Nhwm, you are a loving mom to all of your children equally which is as it should be in normal families.


Thanks. You are 10 times the mom to your children that your mom is to you!

Lea, my heart bleeds for you. It really does. I also think Chriscat is 100 percent correct. I will write more later when I get home from work.

You know what, Lea?

Not to harp on your mom because I want to pick on her BUT your scenario with her opens the door for many discussions. Doesn’t it?

First of all, I question if your mom would have ever been a good mother to any child, either a bio child or to a child that she adopted?

Why do I wonder about this?

Well, I told you about my husband’s grandmother and what a witch she was.

She was a hateful woman who was jealous of her daughter. She gave birth to her only child and she treated her like crap her entire life.

She was even jealous of her daughter getting attention when she was suffering from lymphoma!

She went as far as to lie to others and say that my MIL didn’t have cancer and was making it up!

I adored my MIL so I told my husband’s grandmother off and said to her, “How do you fake losing a ton of weight from throwing up and going bald from chemo?”

My husband’s grandmother was never an affectionate woman.

The inside joke was that she had to have come home tipsy after a party and that is how my MIL was conceived.

I am convinced that not all women are cut out to be mothers.

My MIL felt the heavy burden of being her mom’s only child.

She used to tell me that she couldn’t talk to her mom about any of her troubles but that even as a child she was expected to be comfort her mom. That is absolutely crazy! She was horribly self centered. That’s exactly how your mom has been with you.

My MIL’s dad was a saint. We used to say that he had to be a saint to stay with her! She was absolutely horrible to him. He didn’t deserve that. Nor did my MIL. Nor do you.

Lea, jealousy yes!!! My mother was always jealous of her 2 sister n laws. One time my mother stopped talking to her WHOLE side of the family for 4 years. From 2006-2010 she stopped talking to her brothers and their families. All because my Aunt said something that pissed off my mother at Thanksgiving and my mother’s brother didn’t take my mother’s side. Nuttiness!!

My last Christmas with my mother was in 2019 and was the worst one I ever had with her. It was also the last one I had with her before she died.

I don’t have any grandchildren, and I may never have any grandchildren. I’m ok with it. My mother didn’t know my older son was gay and we never told her. My younger son is on the autism spectrum.

After Christmas dinner, my husband and kids went out in the living room leaving me with my mother. I was smiling and starting to tell her something cute that my rag doll cat had done that day when all of a sudden my mother’s eyes turned black and she started snarling with her voice and said to me “Are you trying to make me scream? I hate cats!! Are you trying to get rid of me??? I’ll go home if you don’t stop talking about that cat!!!”

My heart sank and I got up silently to do the dishes. When I went in the living room my older son went in the kitchen to talk to his grandmother. He brought the cat with him. She said to him that I was trying to kill her and give her a heart attack with my cat. Then she says to my son that the dinner tastes good, but don’t tell your mother I said I liked it. Insanity!!!!!! Why couldn’t she have acted this way at the doctors office or at the hospital. Maybe then the medical professionals could have seen what I was going through. But she was always in her best behavior to the outside world.

So my point Lea, was that my mother was jealous of her sister n laws and at the end was jealous of me, which is absurd!!!!

Lea, I will be thinking of you and your DH today and praying that this one and done goes as smoothly as possible. I'm glad you will not be alone waiting. Please let us know how it goes. We are all here for you. I'm already picturing your DH being in good spirits and ready to roll after all of this.

Your NM- don't give her the time of day. You take all the time you need to rest and relax with DH. Yesterday I was talking to my sister and I told her IF cancer is in my DH's lymph nodes my care days for our mother are over. I said DH will be my number one priority and that we will move back to his home state. I meant every word. I will have zero qualms about telling my mother that too. I already resent that she has stolen the last 3-4 years from our early retirement we worked for so if he is sick she will not get a single other DAY out of me.

I'm so worried sick I can't see straight.

Anyway, my sister is having my mom to her place for the weekend, and then she is going to PA with my mom to see my brother. My mom leaves Friday - with no return date set yet. I'm hoping she will stay away at least until DH and I get through his surgery, and I hope the results will come swiftly. I feel as if so much hinges on this melanoma, well, because it does.

Another thing my sister told me is that she thinks my mom is scared shitless of my brother's situation and keeps asking my sister what stage he is at. Even with my mom's dementia she still remembers her own mother's cancer death at age 48, and my dad at 59. My sister and I already know how dire his situation is, and I don't think either one of us know what to do, how to help my brother and his wife (of six months) or how to help/deal with my mom. My brother is her golden child. I imagine I will know more after they have been in PA. My brother had a PET scan yesterday so those results will be known, and he has an MRI scheduled for the same day as my DH- April 8th.

BTW- while I was reading about NM jealousy, it made me think of a comment my mom made to me a couple weeks ago, this was on the way back from her second covid shot, before anything was known about these cancers. At some point she brought up my dad's name. We're just having regular conversation (for her) and I said "I still miss him" and she says to me- this is word for word and she said it with a tone of anger. "YOU? Tell me about it! At least you have a husband!".... I had no response. Just kept driving home and made a little small talk about meaningless things.

Chris- that was the exact day I thought of when you said you took your mom for her 2nd covid shot, and in that short trip you got a dose of the BS. It never ends with them.

I commented here back when this thread was new, bowed out as I didn’t have a NM, but now reading the recent posts it has me DH is adopted as is another sibling, then there are 2 biological siblings. My in laws sing our praises to everyone, but have always been little involved in our lives. Our adult children consider them mostly strangers. They’ve simply been uninterested. My DH has toed the line his entire life, never a hint of rebellion or problem. Put himself through college without their help, had jobs before he was even a teen. The biological children were given use of in laws credit card, one got a car given by them while in her 40’s, the golden child, their youngest, is their POA and executor. He’s the same one who cheated on his pregnant wife repeatedly, the in-laws believe it was her fault (she wasn’t paying enough attention to him, sigh...), he continually sleeps around, they know this but pretend they don’t. The grandchildren from golden child are close to in laws, much attention is lavished on them. I could tell a hundred stories. We’ve have a cordial, but distant relationship. My DH has never wanted to confront them and I learned to respect that. But it all begs the question, how can a parent treat children so differently? I’ve always wanted to believe the adoption part of it made no difference, but the other adopted sibling has little relationship with them either. They’re the polar opposites of what my parents were, completely self involved. DH says we will have no part in any caregiving for them, that time may not be far away. How do parents choose who’s cared for and who isn’t? Which grandchildren to care about? Isn’t it the saddest thing for adoption to make any difference?

Yessss. The jealousy!

My mother has always been jealous of my accomplishments. Always, "poor me". I don't understand where her lack of initiative came from, and why, as a mother, she couldn't celebrate mine. She acted almost angry at any success I had. (These were just normal things, nothing out of the ordinary. College graduations, etc. Easy enough to celebrate.)

My twin sister, (who was the one she wanted - I was the unwelcome surprise) also has had no initiative. Now that we are 57, this has come back to bite her. She has no savings whatsoever for her future. Anyway, my sister is the one that has no interest in my mother's care - but my mother speaks of her in the most glowing terms. The usual.

Chris, yes. The hero and the villain. That's what we are. Sigh. But, thank you for sharing. I learn so much here!


That’s just crazy, isn’t it? The jealousy and playing favorites. My mom showed favoritism with my brothers.

I am so sorry Daughter, isn’t it awful?

These stories are truly perplexing to me.

My daughter that we adopted and my bio child are exactly the same as two bio siblings.

My oldest daughter has made interesting comments and we all giggle about it.

She will say something like, “I saw my new doctor today. When they asked about family history I started talking about yours and dad’s history and then I remember that I was adopted.”

She tells me that she totally forgets that she is adopted because we are her parents and that we have always treated her the same as our bio child.

I told her that it never occurred to us that she wasn’t the same as her younger sister.

It’s heartbreaking to think about parents that show favoritism, either bio or adopted.

I wasn’t adopted and my mom showed favoritism to my brothers.


Thinking of you and your hubby today. I said prayers last night and this morning.

Hello lealonnie, sending my prayers to both you and your DH. Hope everything turns out well and your DH recovers quickly. Hang in there. Big hug.

At the hospital, prepping DH for surgery now to happen in 1 hour. He's a one man comedy act which is just act. But good spirits are better than bad. I will be sent to the waiting room shortly. Stepson was called in to work so isn't here. Unable to stand up for himself and so he accepts disrespect from his employer. I would have told them NO WAY, I'm being there for my father PERIOD, call someone else in since I've had this day off approved for 3 weeks now. Totally disappointed in him, truthfully. Oh well, I'm used to it by now. I'll update later. Thanks for the support everyone! You guys are the best 😗


Praying for a positive outcome!!


Lea, holding you and DH in my thoughts today.

Praying for you and your husband, Lea!

Hey everybody, sorry I disappeared. Long story short I'm actually doing a little better - have been really working on listing the tons of clutter and junk all over the house on resale sites. I've been putting it off for years, amazing what you can get done when you have the emotional energy back you'd been putting into the black hole some people generate.

I'm not going to say much else because I see I missed a lot. So so sorry for folks who are dealing with really serious health diagnoses of loved ones. Love what Lealonnie said, sometimes you have to make it a half hour at a time.

Have had a little bit of contact with my own mother who I mostly haven't seen since the end of January. She texts, emails, calls every day even though I don't return many. Now she's decided she has a new historic preservation project which coincidentally involves a person she knows I'm doing one with. I swear she is just exhausting. I'd tell her to back off and give me some space if I knew she wouldn't turn it around to how 'selfish' I am. Fortunately DH starts a new job soon and we'll have health insurance to cover therapy, whoopeeee!

Back soon to see how various health problems are going. Thankful for you all. H

Oh and, re favoritism: My mother has always coddled my older half brother, taking too much responsibility and doing things for him that he could do for himself. As a 45 year old he lived with her for ten years while she paid his bills. Now that she needs help, she won't call him.

That's one big reason I took a big step back: She can damn well call him, she's been forcing me to deal with his BPD psychological abuse all my life until I turned about 30, nearly 20 years ago and said NO MORE. I haven't talked to him since. Yes I do need therapy, please and thank you. :)

Lea, sending support and thinking of you right now. Xxx

Hellebore, glad to hear you are doing a bit better at the moment. Even the smallest steps forward count as progress!

I'm home after a looong but good day. The surgeon said he was able to get all of the tumor out of DHs liver, and they also did a biopsy separately to see if they can figure out what's caused non alcoholic cirrhosis. He's not in much pain, installed in his room with dinner, and coming home tomorrow morning. General anesthesia was not necessary so that's another bonus.

Thanks a million for all the well wishes and messages today, it's helped a LOT. I am laying in bed with my dog and feel very relieved and grateful right now.


Yay!!! So glad that it went well for your husband.

His doctor sounds very thorough and is taking all precautions.

I am also glad that he is comfortable and resting. You deserve to be lounging in bed to get some rest too.

Such good news-for both of you, Lea!

Lealonnie, great news. I so happy for both of you. Glad your DH is relaxing and doing well. Good for you in bed with your doggie. How sweet. Now you can breath easier and get some well deserved rest. Such good news. Have a good night and pleasant dreams.

Lea, thank you for the update. That’s great news!! I’m so happy everything went well. I’m glad you are also getting some much needed rest.

Lea, really pleased to read that things went well today. Pets can be a good comfort at times like this, with their unconditional love. Sending best wishes to you and your family.

Lea, I am so happy and relieved for you! With your DH coming home this morning I hope the two of you take LOTS of time for yourselves filled with rest and relaxation!

Sending you a huge hug!

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