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If your sister is truly worried about you, then she should be willing to take some of the pressure off of you!!

Perhaps your DH will tell her as much!

I haven't been through half as much as you, however, I realized that I needed help!

I started seeing a therapist and started Cymbalta. It's made a world of difference!!

EP, you do have options! Maybe painful, but options nonetheless!

Please take care of yourself!!

We're ALL here for you!!
You're not alone!!😘

EP: GREAT plan for your gaslighting sister to take NM for a week every month and for DH to text her as much!!!! Better yet, NM should move IN with gaslighting sissy entirely as soon as possible and problem solved! Wouldn't THAT be wonderful? :)
One can entertain wishful thinking, right?

Hi Jodi,

That is great news about your mom staying at the ALF, and also great news about your back healing and your voice!

As to my siblings, actually they do have a clue. They know how my mother is which is why they stay willfully uninvolved.

Yesterday I was talking to my DH and I mentioned to him that 2 years ago I remember having a tearful conversation with my sister telling her about my mom's neuro-psych eval & diagnosis, and I was already struggling hard with my mom who had been here for about 8 months at that point. I told her that I was really going to need *regular* breaks from my mom, and she promised "Oh, no problem".... Well it NEVER happened. So my husband says that when I talk to my sister (who knows when that will be) I should suggest that she take my mom for one week a month, every month.

We started to talk about it more, and I realized this is a very do-able thing. There is nothing that prevents this except my sister not wanting to put up with my mom. Her house is huge. There is more space between her guest room and main house than between my condo and my mom's condo.

I started picturing me suggesting this to both my sister and my mom. Both will not agree. Both are satisfied with the current set up. I can't force anything, but this will be the lead in to me telling them I can't do this anymore. I thought then I'll present option B- that we all work together to get my mom moved to a MC ALF.

So then last night DH and I were watching a movie and my sister texts my DH. She asked if he could make some time to talk to her, privately, because "I am really worried about my sister".

He has not responded yet, and won't be having any "private" convos about my mental state with my now gas-lighting sister. She's not worried about ME, she is irritated that I am not cooperating with her Easter weekend plans.
He'll respond to her but I know my DH and he will be very cut and dry and present a united front. It will be interesting to see how she responds when his suggestion to the problem is for her to take my mom for a week every month until she goes to MC.

Awhile back, I said I was going to give this a year and re-evaluate. I don't think I can make it that long. I'm sure this melanoma problem is affecting me greatly right now, but I'm just ready to throw in the towel. Unhealthy levels of depression have been going on for too long and things can't wait a year to change.


I'm truly proud of you for standing your ground!!

It's so painful when our siblings have NO CLUE what we're dealing with!!


Thanks cx!!

I've learned a lot too from all these amazing human beings!!

I'm so grateful!!


Such good news about your mother staying put!

Such a relief when you are trying to heal your own self!

I have learned so much from all of you here on this thread!

Thanks Lea!!

And if someone can't grasp the concept that we are not fools, but in fact caring, nurturing and concerned children of narcissists parents (albeit through years of programming) so be it!!

I can only speak for myself, but being the daughter of a narcissistic mother has actually made me in many ways to be a driven woman!

Having said that, there is a lot of baggage that comes with it!

Driven to please everyone at my own expense!

Driven to make everything perfect, even myself (NOT POSSIBLE).

I realize all this now!! So now I am driven to make the most of what I have. And to be grateful for what I have!!

I am driven to not let someone else dictate what my life should be !

It's a process . Some days are better than others.
Sometimes I backslide into the old habits.

The brightside is that I am recognizing the difference!!

At this point I can't ask for anything more!


Jodi, GREAT NEWS ABOUT YOUR NM STAYING PUT IN HER ALF!!! You know why she's doing it, don't you? Because YOU had the chutzpah to tell her the truth! That you weren't gonna be her slave, and she HEARD you and thought Uh Oh, Now What? The rent reduction was the perfect excuse to stay put and save face. Doing the happy dance for you!!!!

Glad your spine is healing, too, and that you're able to sing!

It's not horrible to know our situations with the NMs won't last forever. The Catholic deacon who came into the MC I used to work at told me he prayed daily for his demented mother to pass. Death is a new beginning of a pain free existence for them, the end of their misery and a joyful new life. That's how I view death for the very elderly and sickly myself. Nothing to be ashamed of praying for.

You are kind to coach Riley/Rusty on being non judgemental.....she loves to lecture all of us here on AgingCare about what "fools" we all are for caring for demented or narcissistic elders. Her abrasive comments are everywhere, but particularly unwelcome here on our thread which is our safe place to vent and find support.


If you didn't grow up with a narcissistic parent, I imagine it's almost impossible to understand.

It's much like growing up in a cult!
You don't know there's anything different or wrong.

Many of us didn't know that we grew up with narcissistic parents until we were out of their house. By then, we had been programmed that if we want our narcissistic parent to love us, we have to do things for them in order to "earn " their love.
Again, very cult like!! And an EXTREMELY hard pattern to break! After all, who doesn't want their parents to love them!!

Just as your parents have formed (for better or for worse) your thoughts and actions, so have ours!

This thread has been a Godsend for me and many others!
A place for support!
A place without judgment!

So I respectfully ask that if you have no experience with narcissism or no positive input, that you leave well enough alone.

Thank you in advance for your understanding!

Several good things have happened this last week!!

Saw the neurosurgeon on Wednesday and my spine is healing great! He has released me to start doing light activities (I already was. Lol).

We had our first band practice in over 6 months and much to my surprise, I was able to sing despite the trauma to my vocal cords from my surgery.

Friday, I asked Mom if she had spoken to the Director about the decrease in her rent. She had!
Since the company she hired to find her an apartment can't find anything, she has decided to stay put in ALF (for now)!!

This takes a huge load off of me! And makes my colon cancer issue a little easier to deal with.

This last week was good!!
I'm generally not a pessimist, but I can't help but wonder what the next crisis is going to be.
For now I'll take the good!!

Still and Lea,

I think about you both often!!

This may be a horrible thing to say, but this won't last forever!!

I have prayed that my Aunt and my NM, will just pass away peacefully. I know this thought is not uncommon for caregivers, but it still causes guilt.

The truth is that they will pass!!

In the meantime, keep setting boundaries. Keep learning everything you can about narcissism. And above all, take care of yourself!!

Praying for Peace and sending you Love!!😘

Good for you for standing up to your family and telling them what you need.

Please, please, as a member of this forum, who is supposed to have compassion, give some to those of us whose mothers have been less than stellar to us. We want and need to be able to do what is within our boundaries to care for our mothers the best way for us. This is no place for shaming.

Riley, you may not be able to understand this, but those of us here on this thread have made a conscious decision to CARE for our narcissistic loved one(s) for a variety of reasons. You can disagree with that decision, which is your prerogative, but please don't come here and tell us to 'wake up'. We have enough to deal with ALREADY without hearing more nonsense.

Part of what makes us able TO live with ourselves IS helping to care for these people, believe it or not. Being able to live a happy & content life means giving back, even to those who don't always deserve it.

Why, why, why don't people eventually wake up if they have narcissistic people in their lives who make it miserable for them. When they are kids and growing up, they don't have much control but as adults they should NEVER tolerate this and if nothing will stop it, then grow up and depart and lead a happy life. This is not love, this is pure control and guilt. You owe t hem nothing. Immediately look after yourself and start doing all that makes YOU happy and content - even if you have to move on.

EP: I was just thinking, there's nothing like a healthy dose of ANGER to get us to tell the NMs to sit down & SHUT UP, eh? Nothing like cancer to deal with to get us to actually SEE the BS these women are forcing down our throats & for us to say ENOUGH. I saw it loud & clear on the visit to the MC on Thurs, with NM sitting there carrying ON & ON about some stupid wart and 'all the operations' she's had while my DH looks like death warmed over, and is now facing cancer! And there she sits, all 200 lbs of her, complaining about a WART.

Yep, nothing like ANGER to motivate us to stand up for ourselves and our husbands and to put things into their proper PERSPECTIVE.

Sometimes it's the blessing that's hidden inside of a curse that helps us learn the most valuable lessons in life

Piper-So happy for you that you have taken a stand on that business of your sister trying to force the Easter visit upon you, instead of having your mother go to her. Just continue to stand firm, state your position (again and again, if necessary), and get on with YOUR life, as others (eg. sister) are getting on with theirs.
With respect to these NM's always shifting the focus of any medical discussion to their minor problems, it is just what they do. Everytime. They not only don't care if your husbands have serious medical problems to deal with, they resent it. Takes the focus of the NM, ya know...and they can't have that. Even though it would be really nice to tell the NM you are worried about your husband, have a stressful situation there to deal with, the reality of the matter is, the NM will always take the position her inconsequential/nonexistent medical problem is more important. I know. My own NM does this very exact thing. (I think its in the Narcissist Mommy Manual.) At this point, I never discuss any of my own or my husband's issues with mother; unfortunately, I have eliminated so many topics from discussion with her, I have nothing left to talk with her about. When I gut it up to see her, I just sit there. And she talks, and talks, and tedious. My well wishes go out to you all here, especially those whose spouses/family members are confronting some serious medical issues.

Piper, of course you are worried. We are here for you.

I am so glad I made the decision to write about what happened this morning because I have been a mess with worry about this melanoma since Friday to be honest, and the validation and encouragement to stand up for myself really helps. Thank you.

No, I'm not spending Easter with any of them. My sister got the message loud and clear with the FU at the end of my text. That is the first time I have lashed out at her. I wonder if she is going to switch gears now, and tell my mother I'm the reason she won't/can't come down? We'll see. If so I will just tell my mom I need a break from her, REGULAR breaks. It's past the time that we have that conversation. She'll be angry. I don't care. I guess that is one upside to compassion fatigue- you mad? I don't care.

Lea, perfectly put!!

Also Piper, just to add that a caring family response to your current situation would be to ask what they could do to help, not talk about themselves or invite themselves down, with the burden that creates for you.

Ep.....Easter is April 4th! You and DH are going to be busy with his cancer surgery FFS and your NM and your sister can go take a hike, together, out of your sight and space. If they don't like it, they can lump it. It's horrifying to think your sister would even think to call your DH if she doesn't like what YOU have to say. You two present a united front against the world now and SCREW THEM ALL. I'm mad FOR you, in case you couldn't tell 😑 .....sending prayers for DH that the melanoma is easily removed and cured.

Chris....thank you. "Conditioned to serve a NM throughout your life." PERFECTLY STATED. Ugh.

Piper, I think we have the same mother! My mum's words when I told her about my poor MIL were " well my back's been terrible", pretty much a carbon copy of what your mum said! You will never get any sympathy from these kinds of people. Your sister sounds as though she is not respecting your situation nor that of your DH at the moment. Does she know about your DH's upcoming surgery? That should be more than enough to make it obvious you do not need visitors this Easter. Looking at your timings, the Easter weekend should be a time of rest and recuperation for your DH and for you. If your family cannot see this, block the calls, lock the doors, pre-order in plenty of nice Easter foods and enjoy each other's company without the family circus.

stilldealing, I've always wondered what causes narcissism. I really don't know, all I know is that they have no empathy.

My mom has done things through the years separate from her "mothering" that was still behavior that horrified me. One example off the top of my head- about 7 years ago she discovered she had some termites in her old place. She had an exterminator come out and it was determined that the termites had gotten into her wooden bedframe. It wasn't like a big infestation, just a few, but she noticed the small bits of dust. So she bought a new bedframe. Instead of throwing the old one away- she took it to a consignment shop to be sold. So some innocent person likely needing a deal on a bed frame would end up with those termites. My mom did NOT need the money, she just didn't care about screwing somebody over.

Lea, I'm happy and relieved for you and DH on the ablation - one and done sounds great! Hoping for a quick resolution and recovery.
The fact that you have to sit and listen about a WART with NM when your DH is sitting there with cancer, is just so sad. Sad that we have "parents" like this.

And they are sooo similar, it blows my mind. Chris' mother immediately pivots to "her osteoporosis" when Chris MIL is dying - the lack of empathy is mind blowing.

My DH was very recently diagnosed with melanoma. What we thought and were told would be a nothing-burger of a removal in the dermatologist office is now turning into a something. Friday I found out he needs to see a surgeon (now scheduled for April 1) and they want to check lymph nodes. I have been very anxious about this because I wasn't with my DH when he was told to see a surgeon due to the type of melanoma, and my DH didn't know the type, and it was too late in the day for me to reach anyone at the doctors office... so yesterday I tell my mom about this, and not only did she barely pay attention but literally I was in mid-sentence of my condensed version of this and she butts in and starts complaining about "Oh my back has been terrible" and wouldn't shut up about her back and never went back to the fact that my DH has melanoma that needs actual surgery!

There goes the mood plummet, AGAIN. Then to make things worse my mom then informs me that my sister & fam are making plans to come here for Easter weekend. When neither me or DH chimed in like Christmas was coming she copped an attitude about that-- "Why didn't you say anything when I told you YS was coming?"... I just said- I heard you, and QUICKLY changed the subject. She kept trying to go back to it and I kept changing the subject until I made an excuse to get her to leave- Oh yeah, I had to work soon (at that fake job).

An hour later my sister texts me- "How are you, we're going to come down Easter weekend, looking at flights now"... I text back, "I need a break from mom it would be best if she went to your place"... she texts back- "She wants us to come there, don't worry we'll keep her away from you". Sigh. I never heard such BS in my life. I texted back - "Read my above statement. FU"

She did not text me back after that, but tried calling my DH a few hours later. He missed the call. That too made me angry. He told me he wouldn't have picked up anyway, and he knows full well WE could use, no make that NEED a break, me especially, so he too thinks my sister is being selfish.

I'm to the point, that when this comes up again with my mother, which I'm sure it will, I've decided I am going to tell her point blank I want her to travel to my siblings as opposed to having them here because I need a break from her. I'm going to say it, and let the chips fall. IMO any SANE person could easily understand WHY I would need one. If she can't, too bad. And my sister, who I know FULLY understands why, can take a hike. I am so done with her.

Lea, hoping your DH’s treatment is successful, and glad to hear also that you’re getting your Covid jabs this week. Your mum’s wart drama sounds just typical. My mother started up about “her osteoporosis” as soon as she was told about my MIL’s condition. This is something she was warned about, over 20 years ago, as a condition that might affect her (along with many thousands of women) as she got older, encouraged to take calcium supplements as a preventative measure and has never mentioned since, nor been affected by. Not exactly a diagnosis, but she is now bigging it up for all it’s worth. I called her bluff by suggesting she saw a doctor about it but she shrugged that off by saying there was no point. One of the problems of this attention seeking behaviour is that while the NM is grabbing all the attention on non existent or minor ailments, the bigger medical issues can be overlooked or even missed. I suffered with the acute pain episodes of what turned out to be fibromyalgia for much longer than I should have done before I sought medical advice, as I was so sucked into her daily dramas and had no time to look after myself. When I told her about my diagnosis she just wasn’t interested. What is interesting though is that since she moved out, the FM flare ups have been less severe than before, maybe because I have got better at spotting the signs and pre-empting the pain with medication before it really sets in. Maybe it’s also as our home environment is much less stressful without her here. I guess I now have the physical and mental space to be aware of and deal with my own needs now - and that’s quite an alien concept if you’ve been conditioned to serve a NM throughout your life.

Ep......benzos would never be prescribed for my mother, she falls constantly as it is! She knows nothing about DH and his issues, the wart on her knuckle is all she's worried about and has been dwelling on the past 5 years. It was removed AGAIN for the 25th time, at a minimum, and I'm sure it's growing back already, so my NM keeps the PA busy weekly with her chronic wart needs. Who cares about cancer? The visit Thurs was fun, with her reminding us about her horrible life and all the operations she's had. Yeah, the unnecessary hysterectomy for a fibroid in 1975 and an appendectomy in 1945. I think I'll send in her app for most surgeries to the Guiness Book of World Records, for sure. She's fine, and I told her so, reminding her that at 94, only needing a WART removed was something to be thankful for. She reminded us she has NOTHING to be thankful for.

And the beat goes on.

DH went to the surgeon on Weds who said he'll do an ablation for the tumor via a groin catheter and then send one jolt of chemo to the spot. One and done, is how he put it. We are grateful and hopeful this will be an answer. If the tumor comes back, they can do an ablation a few more times. We meet with the radiology interventionalists this Weds. Covid shots on Tues.

Chris, prayers sent for your MIL. Figures your NM would be dramatic at this time. And the beat goes on. And on and ON. Some things never change. We can set our clocks by their damn behavior, every single time. Be it a wart or an inconsequential letter from the government.

Stilldealing.......I know my NM knows exactly what she's doing with her destructive behavior, but I also know she's as empty inside as its possible to BE. A human with no empathy or ability to feel sympathy for another human is the very definition of empty. There's no soul in heart. No blood in the veins.....just ice water. Narcissists are known to be psychopaths and sometimes sociopaths precisely BECAUSE they have no ability to FEEL what another is going thru. They can't feel love, so they can inflict pain without remorse. The rest of us cannot do it....we have a conscience whereas they don't!

Stilldealing, I get what you're saying. I would certainly never look to excuse my mother's behaviour on the grounds that she has a disorder and can't help it. By the time we are adults, we all have an idea of what is generally right and wrong in terms of our behaviours - we know that robbing a bank is wrong, as we know that shouting at someone and belittling them is also wrong. Whether we care about that is another matter. I think the narcissists just don't care whether their behaviour is acceptable or not. There will be a spectrum of narcissistic behaviours, with some relishing the upset they cause, and others not even noticing. The one universal outcome is that they screw you up mentally, so it is most important to find ways to protect yourself from this abuse. That really is the number one priority. Stilldealing, I understand where you're coming from, and totally support your approach.

Reviewing Chris and Barb's comments: I too am disgusted by mother's narcissistic behavior/personality. However, I don't buy the psychologist perspective that narcs are empty, lack self esteem and therefore make up for that with their maladaptive/destructive behavior, etc. I think narc people know exactly what they are doing, enjoy it, study and practice their destructive patterns to perfect them, shift their manipulations until they find one that works, and again, enjoy the process. My mother certainly doesn't fit the low self-esteem model, nor did my ex. I think these folks are just born with a bad character. I refuse to make any excuses for them. They are intelligent enough to reflect upon their behavior, but since they enjoy creating misery and chaos, have no desire or intention to change it. In my mother's case, i have come to believe there really is evil in the world, and it manifested itself in her personality. This is just my point of view. Thank you, if you read this, for your patience and understanding.

Piper, MIL still hanging on at the moment. Strangely, DH is better mentally than he was a week ago when this first hit. He's spent some decent time with his mum this week, which has been so good for both of them. You're right, we should call them out on the NM behaviour, but that it itself is mentally exhausting, and probably futile as they wouldn't have a clue about the point you'd be trying to make. As Barb says, they are devoid of emotion so my mother wouldn't begin to understand the mental anguish my DH and I are going through right now. I'm just going to limit contact and also limit the information I give her. You are right Barb - better to pity them for being an empty husk than get angry. I think to the casual reader this sort of behaviour seems appalling and unbelievable but if you have a NM it's what you are used to and isn't surprising at all. On top of this, my mother has never been a team player and I'm seeing this start to play out at her supported living place. She has started to walk out to the local shops every morning, to satisfy her shopaholic tendencies. Some mornings there might be an informal residents' meeting about some joint activities or events. She misses these but then complains she's out of the loop when decisions are made without her, but she won't wait in for the meeting to start. It's another example of how her own needs and wants have ALWAYS been put ahead of anyone else's. Now I reflect on the decade she lived with us, I honestly believe she felt I was the nuisance (in my own home!) because she couldn't always do exactly what she wanted and had to fit in with the rest of the family. What a legacy!

Chris I'm sorry about your MIL. Is your DH holding up okay? Are you?

Wish I could say I was shocked at what your NM pulled, but I'm not. It's how they are. Did you call her on it? What if you had said- "My MIL is DYING and you called me over here for NOTHING, you didn't even read this paper, how could YOU do this?!"...

I see a pattern with these NM's that we DON'T call them out. Dementia is part of my reason now, but it's not THE reason as I've been afraid to call my mom on her abusive behavior my entire life. It just baffles me how much narcs get away with, and the control they maintain. Like Helen should just be able to say to her mom- cars aren't free, so you need to start contributing or golden child can be the chauffer. I don't know why it is so hard for us??

Lea, I'm sorry your mom is having a hard time coming off the Cymbalta. Can she take anti-anxiety meds, like a benzo? I don't know why more elders aren't given benzo's for their anxiety. So what if they get addicted? If it makes for a more calm quality of life then it seems worth it to me.

How did it go with your DH's liver doctor? Is your mom aware of what's happening? Either way I really hope you can drastically limit your time with your NM as you and DH figure out his plan. It wasn't all that long ago that you were delivering her treats she HAD to have after DH's heart surgery, but enough is enough, I think now DH's health and your stress level need to be the top priority.

Chris, I am so sorry that your sweet MIL is so ill.

Something that helps me in dealing with narcs (not in the moment, believe me, lol) is to imagine how empty they must feel inside to need to demand all this attention when others are in need. I can't remember if it was one of my therapists who pointed this out with regard to my narcissistic ex or someone else, but they are really rather pathetic.

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