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My Mom is an amazing lady. I have always known that. But today it has been 2 years since my Dad passes, and it is always hard on her, understandably. At church we have 2 people who have fresh grief of losing their spouses. My Mom put aside what she was feeling this day and comforted them. It was a beautiful thing, and what a blessing for me to witness.

Thank the Lord for the Sunshine we had today, quite reviving after the bitter cold and snow. And for every breath.

“And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” 
Luke 18:27

Some good blessings today. Lord, thanks for keeping us safe and giving us food and shelter. Thanks for every breath we get to take. Each breath is from You.

Truly thanking our Father for always watching over us and providing exactly what we need.

Also, I would very much appreciate if I could count on your prayers so I quickly overcome the flu :/ I have been down with it since last Friday, and you all can understand how being sick as the sole caregiver impacts not only us but the person we care for. It has been very rough, specially because instead of getting better I seem to “evolve” into another phase of the illness. BUT the reason I’m thankful is because although very hard, my mom and I have been able to navigate through this and she has not gotten the flu, which could be ten times worse for her. So thank you in advance for including us in your prayers!

So sorry you have the flu. You can definitely count on prayer on your behalf and your Moms as well. So glad the Lord has given you strength to endure,

Snoopy, glad also that you enjoyed some blessings this day. In Him we have our very being.

Much love to you all.

Blessed my mothers Cardiologist heard my plea for more fluids for mom. Her quality of life & demeanor were suffering under the 48oz limit. He changed her diuretic & raised the limit to 64oz a day. We survived on 48 for 18 months but halleluia 64! Wouldn't you know it, since it was raised Monday she hasn't gone over 48! Just great to know we can. 18 months ago the last thing on my mind was Dementia, or CHF fluid restriction, life changes fast. Grateful I'm able to adapt.

Felt bad most of the day like I was coming down with something. Took some vit C, garlic and some cold/flu meds. Feeling a little better now. Praise God.
I can't afford to get sick.
Had a nice Sunny day.
Hope everyone else who has been feeling under the weather is feeling better.

Hugs, Smeshque and Rosses, praying for you and hope you both get to feeling better. Weather changes are hard on the body, not to mention flu season.

Thank you Frazzled, I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness. I am feeling better today.

The dinner we had for Mom(kind of a dinner to honor my Dad) but it's really for her, something she looks forward to, but wears me out. :) Well, it went well, I believe everyone had a good time. I am exhausted and Mom had a great time, she laughed a lot, which that always makes me happy. So I thank the Lord so much that all that went well and that it is completed for this year.

Hoping to get some much needed rest tonight.
May God bless you all.

“Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.” 
2 Chronicles 15:7

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
Luke 6:38

Today was a nice day. We finished our food deliveries by 1 and then went and had Chinese Food. Has become our own tradition to have Chinese food, and come home and play Mexican Train.
Then DH and I went to get some firewood in our woods. I took the 4 wheeler and got to ride around for a bit through the woods. It was quite refreshing, I hadn't done that in a while. Well, really since I moved my parents here. What I noticed though was that I was super careful. Before I would zoom through the woods and around. It was fun. But today I just noticed how much more careful I am about things, thinking if anything happens to me, what will she do?

I am also grateful that I am done for the day and get to "put my feet up" at a decent hour. (sigh)

But, it was a wonderful day and I am so thankful to the Lord for allowing it to be so.

I am grateful that everyone is safe and warm this night. And we had sunshine today.

“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” 
Jeremiah 32:27

Lots of blessings this Thanksgiving weekend. So glad that my AgingCare friends seem to be shaking off their flu. . . Beautiful fresh air and blue skies here in SF Bay Area (weather pattern had trapped smoke from CA fires in our area until right before Thanksgiving). Plenty to eat and lots of things to appreciate.

Thanks, Lord!

Snoopy- So glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!!! You deserve them :) Hope more nice days ahead for you.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

The weather was beautiful today. just Lovely.
Winter Wheat is planted.
Praise the Lord!

Beautiful service at church tonight, the first of Advent. Very bold, challenging sermon about Matthew's genealogy of Jesus, all the scandalous people in it. The pastor made it funny, too. Then a quiet evening at home, in safety and peace.

Thanks, Lord!

That Wonderful Snoopy! :)

I am so thankful to the Lord. We had a job this week of running 1000 foot water line for a customer. We thought we would have it done in a day. But we hit rock and had to jackhammer the remaining 30 feet, it took us extra day. And the job was about 45 miles from home, tiring. And it was so cold. But thank the Lord we finished it up today and I was able to get would cut for the next few days of freeze we are to have.
Mom loves when we go on a job, its always like a field trip to her. I always find little tasks that she can do because she always wants to help. She truly is one of the hardest working women I have ever met and she still is. Always keeping busy.
Anyway, Hallelujah, job done and bills paid. Now back to baking tomorrow.

Smeshque, you all sound like a hardworking bunch of folks over at your house! Hope your baking went well.

Lord, thanks for the blessings you gave me today. Thank you for the beautiful church Christmas concert we were able to take Dad to and which he was able to appreciate so much (singing along with the hymns, enjoying every moment). Thank you for the beauty of the lights on the "Christmas street" that we toured afterwards. Thanks for good food, a safe house and a warm bed.


Snoopy, so glad your Dad had a good time and enjoyed evry bit of it. It sounds lovely. Hope you received much joy from all of it as well.
We do work hard. Sometimes too hard. It's said idle hands are the devils tools. But, we also have to watch out not to be too busy to remember the important things. I think the devil has a part in that too.
Baking went well, thank you, so much.

My Mom woke up yesterday and wasn't right. She said I feel like crying or screaming and I don't know why. I told her, if she feels that do it, it is ok. I also reminded her what she tells Red the man who lost his wife. That it is ok to be sad and to cry. She said I know. Then my DH and I hugged her and prayed with her, and shortly after she said, my blahs are gone, I feel better.
And then I felt bad all day, concerned if she was really ok or not. But she seemed like she was. We baked and then she was just happy all the live long day. She is still grieving my Dad ,only she fights it.
I just thank the Lord for all his blessings, those that I recognize and those that I don't.
We are truly a blessed people and nation.

Blessed to have sunshine today!!

Romans 12:12 - Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

I had a blessing Thursday I think it was. It was a nice Sunny day, a little windy, but still nice. DH was working on fourwheeler. We expected rain yesterday and today, so I knew we needed to get some wood.
So I asked DH to warm up the chainsaw for me(I can never get it started unless its warmed up ;)
I put it in the back of the jeep and said I'm gonna go get some wood. I asked Mom did she want to go with me. To my great surprise she had a big smile on her face and said, "No, this is your time."
What? I thought.
I said are you sure, and she repeated the same.
I was so surprised by that answer. I have never said anything about, "My time."
She always goes everywhere I do.
so again I asked her if she was sure, she said you go and have fun and be safe. what ?????
So she prayed with me, I hopped in the jeep, drove into the woods, the dogs
followed. I cut a load of wood. drove up top to the pond sat there for a little bit, talked with the Lord, listened to the birds and watched the dogs explore,
So refreshing, and I was ever so grateful to the Lord for that bit of sanity.
Came back to the house and guess what, everything was ok, and nothing or no one fell apart in my absence.

“Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.” 
Proverbs 30:5 (KJV)

Wow Smeshque! That is an absolute blessing! and what I gather is that probably since you have been giving your mom plenty of quality time, her tank is full and she is at peace, enough to recognize your right to enjoy some “you” time. That is awesome for so many reasons, for you and for her.
I’d just suggest next time she says it is “you” time, don’t ask three times if she is sure she doesn’t want to go..she might change her mind! :) (kidding, just a Saturday joke!)

Very glad you had that wonderful personal time with God and nature.

On a different note, I’m impressed!! chainsaw, the woods, load of wood! You are a quite a self sufficient woman and that is great :)

Smeshque, your "me/chainsaw time" sounds great! So glad you experienced that blessing.

Today I had so many wonderful blessings. . . I was able to sleep in a bit, and woke up feeling immediately that the symptoms of the cold I've had the last few days were greatly reduced. I popped downtown to do a few errands, got a little of the Christmas vibe that can be fun to feel this time of year. Then my dad and I went to church and it was so lovely and refreshing. Great sermon, some carols and praise songs, and the sanctuary lit up with lights.

Thanks, Lord!

Thank you Rosses,
I am truly a city girl at heart. But, after living in the country 12 years or so, you learn to do necessary things. I don't like relying on my DH , because what if he wasn't here I would need to know how to take care of things. So there are a lot of things I have learned over the years, for my own survival. Thank the Lord. even though a city girl at heart, I love now the quiet of the country, growing our own food(of course the Lord grows it, I just plant, weed, water) and actually enjoy cutting wood. Its good exercise too.

Thank you Snoopy.
So glad you got a bit extra sleep, hope that equals rest. Wonderful news about your cold, and glad you had a nice and eventful day.

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalms 27:1

My mother was approved to receive Enbrel injections! Her pain has dissipated significantly which seems to have improved her memory, too - I suppose being in constant pain can affect one's concentration levels. Blessed Be!

Mamachar- what a blessing. So happy for you and your Mom. That is great! The Lord is great!

“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” 
Proverbs 31:30

I am blessed to live where I live, country and location. I am blessed to have running water, electricity, a fridge with food, a warm fire to beat the cold. A place to lay my head. We just take for granted some things in life that our Dear friends and loved ones are not as blessed in these areas. But from experience they are blessed with better things, not of the physical, but spiritual if they see them. I would trade all this luxury to experience what I had spiritually when my DH and I chose to be self sufficient (God sufficient). We were more spiritual and our faith seemed stronger. I would like to be able to have some of that back, and I am working on it.

Mostly I am blessed for the following reason:
“As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.” 
John 15:9

So many blessings today. Thank you, Lord, for taking care of us.

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