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Wonderful answer! I have to agree that of any biblical person, first and foremost is Jesus Christ.

My pastor gave a heart warming sermon on how Jesus is indeed divine because he is the son of God and our savior.

He went onto say that we must never forget that he was also 100 percent human as He walked this earth, being born through a mother, Mary just like we are born from our mothers and felt all the human emotions that we feel. I love that.

I love that you picked King David and the apostle, Paul.

As a child we learned about Abraham in religion class, how God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. Only as an adult did I begin to understand the amount of faith it took for Abraham to be obedient to God.

So I feel blessed to have an example such as Abraham to show us how to be obedient in the toughest of circumstances.

Years ago a friend invited me to a dinner with fellowship and music at her Baptist Church, held specifically for women. I met her at the Baptist preschool that our children attended.

She sings and plays the guitar beautifully. She was also the guest speaker but I had no idea what she would speak about.

Her topic was on ‘The woman at the well.’ She explained that at one time in her life she was very much like the woman at the well and how Jesus changed her life. She went forth and shared an amazing testimony. So for me I think ‘the woman at the well’ represents hope and the mercy of Christ. We are forgiven.

We are blessed and inspired by others.

Yes! An "attitude of gratitude" can do wonders for our mental wellbeing. I list 5 things I am grateful for each day.

Today, I am grateful for:

1.) I woke up this morning
2.) Tomorrow is Friday- my favorite day of the week!
3.) I got paid today from my job, and it included extra shifts I worked.
4.) There was no traffic snarls this morning and I got to work okay.
5.) Last night, I had one evening of respite and it did wonders for me. I'm so grateful for that.

6.) I'm grateful to have a car that gets me from A to B.
7.) I'm grateful that things aren't worse. Even though my grandmother and I have our days (and LOTS of them!), she could be in WAY worse shape than what she is. 10 yrs ago, she took a nasty fall down the stairs. She's lucky to be alive and not paralyzed. Otherwise, I would have had to deal with a much worse scenario than I am now. No thanks, I'll just stick to what I got. I'm good!
8.) I'm grateful that I know how to see the good side to things, even in bad situations. There is always a silver lining somewhere.
9.) I'm grateful for the faith in God that I have. He keeps me strong and holding on!
10.) Most of all, I'm grateful that this is only TEMPORARY. That's right, folks. One day, one way or another, our caregiving journey will end and we can get back to our regular lives. Life is really a series of transitions: from infancy to childhood, to adulthood and beyond. We go from one stage to the next. So if you feel like you're in a bad spot right now in your life, I know its tough, but hang in there. It's all going to be okay because it will pass. Better days are ahead, that I promise you. Keep your head up.

Okay, that was ten things I'm grateful for. I can't help myself, once I get going!

I am blessed hubby still knows me and can say I love you; is finally out of the geri psych unit; still has his great chuckle; is starting to have interest again in things he enjoyed like Sound of Music and soccer; that his multiple blood clots aren’t bothering him; that he is well cared for by kind folks

I am thankful for the wonderful day of worship.
It was chilly and I was thankful that DH had cut wood in anticipation of todays coldness. And now I am thankful for air conditioning because DH got it way too hot in here when he built a fire. So cooling it down.
I am thankful for you all who acknowledge the blessings amongst the struggles.

“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
2 Peter 3:10

What a glorious day that will be smeshque. I can hardly wait.

It will be wonderful Isthisreal. So wonderful.

Today DH and I had to go cut some wood. It was such a blessing to be in the woods. I feel so at peace there without the noises. I always feel closer to God when I get the opportunity to be in the woods away from everyone. Before caregiving I use to walk to the woods a few times a day and just be with the Lord. I get some chances to run off to the woods, but not often. So I am counting the blessing of the refreshment of the trip to the woods this morning.

Psalms 9:2
I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.


I feel God in nature. Glad you had special time today in the woods. There is so much beauty in our world and we should all be thankful for that.

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:17-18

One of the blessings I am counting today is about Brother Red. Red said he was feeling so much better Yay! His daughter said today they went to walmart and he waited in the car. She came out of the store and saw all these birds around her car, and on top of her car and she thought what in the world. Then she saw her Dad and asked him what are you doing? He said I am trying to see if I can get them to eat out of my hand. He was throwing crackers on top of the car and all over to the birds, she said he was having a good old time.
That did my heart so good, I love him so much and I am so happy he was feeling good and having a good day.

“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Proverbs 3:6

I'm so thankful that Mother was able to pivot her feet when she transferred to the toilet or her liftchair or to get in and out of the car.That little movement helped so much.Without it,it would have limited us more and we couldn't have gone the places we did & it would have made things much harder.

Fantastic sunset tonight as I was able to get out for a brisk walk before dinner. I kept looking over at the spectacular pink and coral clouds as I walked along. The afterglow lasted for a surprisingly long time after the sun and light was gone and the rest of the sky was dark. It was beautiful.

Thanks, Lord!

Sunsets and sunrises are so beautiful Snoopy.

I am grateful to have isthisreallyreal’s recipes. I would eat anything she cooks! Lots of good cooks on this site. I like to cook too. Therapeutic.

NHWM- Isthisreal does always have a thoughtful menu. You are blessed to have her recipes. How do I get in on that? :)

I am grateful for this weeks work to be done and that Lord willing I have no outside of here obligations tomorrow, and Lord willing I am sleeping in a bit. And I am grateful that Mom is doing so well, and that AB seems to be getting better, and that DH and I have been fighting colds and so far so good.

But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
1 Peter 1:25


isthisreallyreal asked me if I wanted the recipe and of course I said yes! She sounds like an awesome cook!

Today was a good day.
Thank you Lord.
The other day when we first began our job we were working on, we had to haul materials to the place and when we were coming back I was following DH, he sticks his hand out and pointed up and stops his truck. I stop behind him and was looking up like what is he trying to show me. He got out and I got out and he pointed up. We were looking up and watching a couple of bald eagles. They were beautiful. What was more beautiful is that he saw and stopped to share that with me. We have bald eagles that live near the river that every so often we get to see them flying around the house here. They are super neat.

“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,”
1 Corinthians 13:4

I am thankful that we got to get out on a day trip today. Was relaxing and got to see a lot of the beautiful creations of God. Mom is getting more comfortable with her new phone and is enjoying being a photographer. She had a great time. It was good for us to get away.
yesterday i had a wisdom tooth removed, eliminating my toothache and today finally my mouth feels good.
I am thankful.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

I am thankful for having a nice warm and dry place to be.
I am thankful for the avenue of prayer.
I am thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
James 5:16

We had such a blessed visit with Red today. Filled with laughter, no tears. Was super!
All thanks be to God.

“Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?”
Luke 12:24

I am thankful for each day is a gift from God.

Why did my Savior come to earth,
And to the humble go?
Why did He choose a lowly birth?
Because he loved me so!

Why did He drink the bitter cup
Of sorrow, pain and woe?
Why on the cross He lifted up?
Because He loved me so!

And now He bids me look and live,
And by His grace to know,
A home in glory He will give,
Because He loved me so!

Till Jesus comes, I'll sing His praise,
And then to glory go;
And reign with Him thro' endless days,
Because He loved me so.

He loved me so,
He loved me so,
He gave His precious life for me, for me,
Because, He loved me so.

Thank you Jesus!

I am so thankful last week I had my wisdom tooth pulled, and i have been tortured by the pain for over a week now, well last night and all today, NO PAIN!!!!!

And we are all well, safe and warm. It is freezing. Supposed to get sunshine tomorrow. Had some snow flurries today.

Thank you Lord.

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
Philippians 4:8

Speaking of dentists and pain, I was at the dentist for two hours on Monday and now have T M J pain really bad. I've been taking robaxicet but as soon as it wears off it aches. Anyone know of a permanent solution for T M J?

Plus we found another lump on my kitty Daniel yesterday so I'm not a happy camper right now.

Gershun- So sorry about the mouth pain, I know that can be sooooo horrible. Maybe some Mentholatum on the outside of your jaw might help ease some pain. Make sure it is the real stuff. Possibly a sage mouth rinse would help with it as well. Sage is really good for mouth pains and inflammations. Or some wild lettuce for the pain, but that might make you sleepy.
There is a lot of advice online. Here is one link, maybe something will be helpful.

I do hope you get some relief. Praying for you.

Terribly sorry about Daniel. :(

Thx smeshque

So thankful for the beautiful Sunshine we have had the last few days.

The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Psalms 12:6

I’m Happy Today

I’m happy today
Oh yes I’m happy today
In Jesus Christ I’m happy today
For He has taken all my sins away
And that’s why I’m happy today

I’m singing today
Oh yes I’m singing today
In Jesus Christ I’m singing today
For He has taken all my sins away
And that’s why I’m singing today

I’m praying today
Oh yes I’m praying today
In Jesus Christ I’m praying today
For He has taken all my sins away
And that’s why I’m praying today

Oh yes I’m living today
In Jesus Christ I’m living today
Because He's taken all my sins away
And that’s why I’m living today

I’m happy today
Oh yes I’m singing today
In Jesus Christ I’m praying today
For He has taken all my sins away
And that’s why I’m living today.

Sunshine and blue skies today. Some beautiful fall foliage to enjoy. Thanks, Lord!

Snoopy- Sunshine and blue skies, Lovely.

It is super cold here, and I am so thankful that we have a warm house for Mom. I am also thankful that with the high winds today, the power went out for a couple of hours. But thank the Lord our power company is always on top of outages and always has it back on as quickly as possible. Thank you Lord for all the blessings of life, but especially Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17

Counting the greatest blessing of all.

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us

Romans 5:8

Thank you Lord!

I have a lot to be thankful for. One month ago on October 17th I had no ability to stop my '96 Dodge Dakota. Apparently all brake fluid was gone, or else the rubber hoses that used to convey it to the wheels were useless. I had no brakes. I was at Ermel's in Central City, a local thrift shop where many people give good used items, so that others may pay less for what they need. I had dropped off items from other seniors that I know. Two friends were there, they helped me to unload my truck, and also helped me with backing out of my parking space, so no other traffic would be hindered by my backing out. My seat belt was on & as I headed to the corner to make a right turn, I found out that I had no brakes to slow down to make the turn. I was forced into on coming traffic, luckily right away I had put on my hazard blinkers and rolled down my window. I somehow hit no one, they all cleared past me without any collisions. In about 2 blocks or so later the road veers a little bit leftward and although it mostly heads downhill I could see that there was a slight up hill of a dirt road from it. I had hoped to manage to get to that area. I do not know if I ever did. Apparently I was knocked unconscious when my truck slid backwards into the rock ravine that was along the right side of the road. I have been informed that it was a miracle that I survived this. They said that my truck had rolled and flipped it's way into that Rock Ravine. I was taken to the nearest hospital in Lakewood about 25 miles away, I only regained consciousness when I was being examined at the hospital, & that was only for a few minutes. I am giving thanks to the Lord, 'Our Rock of Ages', who somehow caused my truck to stop on the rocks, not hurt anyone else, I had no broken bones, no large gashes, just head & chest bruises & scrapes on my shins (probably from being pulled out of my truck). My truck is totaled and looked much worse than me. They had to use equipment to cut me out, so the top is missing. It's wheels and bottom of it were torn askew. Poor thing. It had over 261,800 miles on it in 24 faithful years of service. A friend was about to donate her '00' Blazer to one of 3 people, & she told me that I was one of those 3 people she was thinking of when this happened. This has a good brake system, Bob replaced all of its vacuum hoses, and we bought new shocks for it. It needs a new windshield soon. It is bright red, with 2 doors, and it has heat. I am so Blessed. All of the aches, pains and abrasions are healing up now. Please Rejoice With me that there were no serious side effects from this accident.

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