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Thank you all wereally did not get to say good- because he went downhill so fast but he did know for a while we were with him and I know he was not in pain and it was a peaceful passing.

Thank you all dear friends

Dear Austin, so sorry for your loss, I suppose he was much more ill than anyone knew. this is a terrible thing to say when you are grieving but God always knows best and now this stress is gone from your life and now you get a turn, Of Course, most of us know that this is the way it is going to end for caregivers some will be devastated others will be releived. Know you are loved and God will help you thru this as He has helped you thru everything else. Neon

For most of us, the death of the ill person we've struggled so hard to care for leaves us with many mixed feelings. There's grief over the loss of a loved one, but often relief that they are no longer suffering. There's also, for some, grief over the loss of their caregiving role, but for most there is also some relief that they will be able to make some decisions to move forward in their own lives. It's a tangle of emotions, but isn't active caregiving the same?

Austin, we are with you in our hearts and prayers and you travel the uneven emotions ahead.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss, but you need to know what a wonderful caregiver and wife you have been. We have looked to you for support and guidance. Now it is your time to lean on those who love you. Bless you and your family.

Hi all, I have good news, Mom is home with us and doing very well. She is recovering great. I'm glad she didn't have to stay too long in the hospital she came home on Monday and now she has pt twice a week and nurse to check her vitals and all twice a week also. Thank you for your prayers, always in my thoughts, Michele

Great news. We will keep on praying!

I am counting my blessings for sunshine today, after a much needed and tremendous thunderstorm last night. I enjoyed some late night fireworks, as well. I was up late, working on financial matters, and the usual irritation of noisy neighbors was actually a welcome sound. I watch as rockets exploded into a fantastic light show, and thanked God for respite from my toil. O that I could always be thankful for interruptions from the mundane! I love summer, and wish I were freer to enjoy every second of it, but duty calls, and keeps us bound. Someday, all this will be behind us, and we can rest from our labors. But today, we work, and serve, and love, and look for the blessings, no matter how small. Thanks for reminding me to "count my blessings." I am praying your day is blessed, and God smiles on you.

My Blessing is that I made it through a terrible rain storm coming home from the shore. Today is beautiful and I am looking ofrward to a great day!

My blessing today is I have started teaching sunday sschool again and that I have been smoke free for 35 days. God Truly blesses me.

Oh and I am canning produce from my garden and God has sent us rain as precious as any gold could be. Thank you God

Dear Neon, so great to hear you're smoke free. From personal experience I know how not easy that can be. Just as the rain helps our gardens, so his spiritual rain cleanses us. God bless you as you minister to others. May he keep you clean and may you always shine as a bright light for Jesus!


Hip Hip Hooray for Neon. Keep up the good work!! I know how hard it is to give up smoking. So proud of you!!!


Blessings Neon! Very proud of you too, I quit smoking 17yrs ago, and because of it, I am still here. Keep up the good work, and let God do the rest.

Anne Thank you so much for the reminder.

Neon-I am so proud of you for not smoking what a blessing-I miss not being involved so much in all your lives but will get back into the swing of things soon-the wedding was nice but am glad to be back home-my cat was not happy while I was away but he settled down quickly after I got back and has been sticking like glue to me since I am home this memorial service is getting bigger by the day even my ex-dil and her parents are coming to it- I am serving brownies and coffee after-the husband loved brownies so much so I thought that would be appropiate to do that night.

Neon that is good news! Austin it is good to see you if only temporarily for now.

I am grateful for God's touch in the smallest and largest of ways. Every day I count my blessings to stand still in the midst of challenges. Sometimes I can't always do it with a smile, but I can do it with the faith of a mustard seed and see how God blesses each day.

Thank you for sharing!

Don't be a stranger to us. Glad your family is around you and providing support for you. You will be in our prayers.

I am counting my blessings that God answers prayer. I have been seeking answers about my Mom's troubles for a long time. Some recent diagnosis have partially helped my understanding. I am looking forward to learning more.

I'm also thankful that God is the God of second chances, and that I can learn from my mistakes. God isn't punitive, but corrects gently. Forgiveness, grace, and restoration are wonderful gifts. Thank you, Lord!

I am counting my blessings that our best friend had good news today about his health. We are 2 very close families and raised our children together. So we are very happy

Thank you for sharing your blessing. God be praised!

My blessing for today is that I lost 6 lbs.!!! I am finally taking the time to care for myself.

Way to go lovingdaughter, HIGH FIVE!! my blessing is still the same I am on day 39 of no cigarettes woo hoo and my son is home and a changed man so loving and caring He learned a big lesson. The weather is great, my garden is producing, VBS is over for the year but it was awesome and we had a baptisim last night a teen age girl. God is so good. I feel great am exercising I am a small person to begin with but don't want a big belly just because I am eating more I am 60 and am lifting small weights and working my inner core for strength, not a whole lot I can do for the arthritic sholders and hips but am trying to stay physically strong, already mentally strong, Dad used to say that one is head strong she makes her mind up to do something and you might as well consider it done. You go girl.

Thanks Neon. I am doing a cleanse and shake and for the first time, I know it is going to work. Have 10 more lbs to go, and then everything after that is just icing on the cake, ops, I mean icing on the celery stick!

I like salt or ranch dressing on my celery stick LOL

I am counting my blessings that there is joy in the journey, and for the love and support found through these threads. God is good, and I'm praying he blesses you as I read your posts.

One of my friends always says, "If God does nothing else, He has done more than enough," referring to her life, and, mine when we both get to sharing our respective "praise stories" with each other. We share those praise stories at least once a week whenever we get together. The first time she said it, I knew exactly what she meant because it is so true of my life's journey. I would be selfish to become a chronic complainer if I stopped for one second to reflect on the many blessings in my life. A little whine and cheese party never hurts me any, but all things considered, I have nothing about which to chronically complain, nor is that the mode I choose to be in. It is an energy sapper, if nothing else. No one ever promised me a rose garden, after all.

Amen! You have the right perspective, friend. I praise the Lord for your light. Take care and have a good rest tonight.

You too, SecretSister! May God watch over and between us this evening.

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