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I’m living this right now too. I feel like I could’ve written what a lot of ppl have written in here. It’s miserable. I thought that I was doing the best thing for my mom. She had been living with me for 2 years now and doesn’t want to anything I ask, criticizes anything I fix her to eat. Doesn’t appreciate anything at all. So many things to list. I honestly can’t take it any more. My health is suffering. I’ll be in the grave before her at this rate. Going to have to put her in an assisted living. Hindsight, I should’ve done something before now. I pray that I am not this way to my daughter when I get older. I told her in advance, that I never want to be remembered like this or be a burden.
I am sorry for those that are going through these difficult times and hope that you find a solution before you and your family suffers health problems. It’s a real struggle.

I wish everyone here lived on the same block so we could start two clubs. One for us to talk about our issues and find support with one another and another club so our mothers could sit together and get their social on.

When I first started reading this thread I was much more venomous than now. Reading all your stories made me realize I am not the only one with mother problems. I have many of the same issues you all have. I am 57 years old and have a 26 year old son who has high functioning autism or Asperger's living with me. Plus my mother and I are joint tenants in the house so one cannot sell without the other. We have been living together for 15 years, my mother and I have never really gotten along. When my parents divorced I opted to go with my father, turned out he wasn't the best parent either, but the better option.

Every day I wake up and start my day by getting coffee and going back to my room, watch tv and start days chores. Mom loves Fox news, so that is all she watches all day long. It's just too much for me, I only need to hear a news or political story once, not over & over & over again. I think she is basically brainwashing herself because she gets meaner, nastier and angrier every day. I can understand, because if I watch that all the time I find I get the same way, heaven help me. So to solve this issue I bought myself a TV for my room, it has made me a less angry person but I find most of my day is spent in my bedroom. Mom says she would feel like she is locked up in jail if she had to spend all day in her room. Imagine lol. That's ok, I am finding it to be my solace. Isn't that sad?

Mom used to be a sales person (home parties). First she was shy and quiet, then figured out how to put on that smile and be the best friend to everyone. Older now she is that way to everyone she meets. As long as it is for a short time she appears to be the nice old lady. But living with her is just the opposite, In fact she used to go to the local senior center, but she said some things the locals did not like now no one will talk to her. So she just doesn't go anymore, difficult for someone who likes people to hear her talk. Of course every word that comes out of her mouth is negative, angry and about politics, which I cant stand. Thus the self-banishment to my room and purchase of my own tv.

I am on permanent disability because of back and neck issues, which makes it more difficult to do the housework, the yardwork or anything else physical. I am mentally drained and have been chronically depressed for the past 10 years. I take medication that helps a little, it stopped the constant crying and darkness, but I am still depressed just not as severely. Each day my mother sits and watches her news, she never lifts a finger to help me in any way. And if things get a bit piled up then here come the negative comments. She will say things like "that has been there for months when you going to take care of it?" or "it's like we're living in (her hoarder sister)'s house".

Cooking is another issue, every time I bring food home or cook the smell makes her sick, sometimes vomiting and sometimes just nauseas. We have just recently come to the agreement that I will make an ensure shake for her and she can nibble as she chooses. Nothing more embarrassing than the doctor telling us she is malnourished, making me feel like an elder abuser, when the reality is she wont eat anything but toast, peanut butter and crackers, ramen or cake or ice cream.

I have been made to feel like the help for forever. I am trying to work my way through this and put myself in a better mental state. It is not an easy, but I hope if I can use this sight as a form of support and be persistent then perhaps it will happen some day. The only thing I can hang on to is to hope that some day my life will be my own where I can make my own choices and not worry if "Mom" approves.

Thanks for your stories, and God Bless us all.


Would be a fun block party!

You are not alone. My mother was the same way . a controlling nasty manipulative woman who ound fault with everyone but herself. she borw beat my dad and alienated his family her own family and all the extended family there was.
When she was in her 90's she was forced to go live in a nursing home. BUT not until she had run my daughter ragged trying to find in home care round the clock and not until she weedled my kid into thinking she owed it to her to take her into her home with her husband and 2 kids. My daughter never understood what miserable creature my mom was until she tried taking care of her at home .
It took less than a month and she was over it.
She found her a really really nice nursing home/ group home in Fremont for her. She is very lucky to have my daughter to care for her and do that. I certainly would not have bothered.
When they told my daughter she was probably in her last 6 or so months she insisted on flying me out with her and my nephew. She said I would regret it if I did not make my peace.
There was little to be made peace with by that time. I am not sure if she knew who I was or not. I had not seen her in 20 years . I am grateful and proud of my daughter for all the effort she made. she grew up fine. I did I guess what you are supposed to do concerning my mom.
Take your life back spare your kids the grief. enjoy some of your life free of the humiliation andnegativity and critisism. I was only 56 at the time I am 60 now. I am glad for the years i spent free of the misery. I did not suffer from much guilt for very long but believe me you should not. Sounds like you already paid your dues.

Arysha, we have a lot in common. I am 58 years old and my son lives home with me and my husband. He is 28 years old with high functioning autism.,He can work part time and drive and also goes out with his mentor which is a program we have here in Upstate New York. He can do a lot but really doesn’t have much concept with money or math. He can budget 20.00 and knows what it is.

My mother doesn’t live with me but she’s 96 and lives alone in her hoarded house. She’s also a gambling addict. Gambled all my fathers money away.

She won’t let me help her with ANYTHING!! So I stopped nagging her as she puts it. She wants me to take her to the foot doctor on Halloween morning but hasn’t washed her feet. I was trying to have her let me do it and she said no!!

When we faced timed with my older son in NYC at the end of the call she told him she loved him. She said I love you Jon, but I don’t love your mother. I took the phone from her, grabbed my coat and purse and walked out her door. This all just happened an hour ago.

Hudster72, I thought I was the only person in the world who had a gambling addiction and a hoarder. I saw your post and thought it was my post.

It certainly is h*ll. Mom won’t let me touch anything in her house or even throw out an empty Kleenex box.

The gambling addiction came in the early 1990’s. My father tried everything to get her to stop gambling. Nothing worked. She didn’t think she had a problem. She saw nothing wrong with what she was doing. My father was a Senior Vice President at a bank and saved a lot of money. She gambled all of it after he died in 1998. Blew through hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Today, she is looking to applying for Medicaid. Last year she was 100.00 over the limit. It’s sickening.

She won’t bathe and she won’t let me help her. She looks worse than a homeless person except she has her own house.

doctors, lawyers, policemen, EMT workers, firemen all said since my mother is competent and of sound mind she is free to live any way she wants.

She has mental illness, but just because someone has mental illness doesn’t mean they are incompetent!! I learned all this the hard way.

Thankful for this forum. Been here over one year now and it helps me!!

I meant to say my MOTHER has the gambling addiction and hoarding, NOT ME!!! Just had to clarify.


I wholeheartedly support your decision to get up and walk out of your mom’s home.

You certainly had every right to do so. I’m so very proud of you 👍!

Your mom has missed out on so much of her life by not cooperating with you.

As you have clearly stated though, that is her choice so why should you make your life miserable by banging your head against her brick wall.

I admire your common sense in this matter. I only wish that I would not have become so wrapped up in my mom’s perfectionist behavior. I could have spared myself years of pain!

Mom was extremely difficult to please. Extreme perfectionists make themselves and others who try to help miserable. Everything had to be just so! I went above and beyond and it was never acceptable for her.

Live and learn. Unfortunately I had to learn the hard way. For some reason I couldn’t figure it out on my own. I didn’t see what the forum was telling me. I was too close to the situation for so long that I see now that I was totally blind.

When I finally saw the light I felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off of my shoulders.

This is why I try to be as patient as I can with new people on the forum because for some of us it takes time to absorb and process the changes needed in our lives to achieve harmony and peace.

I am thankful to everyone who did not give up on me and remained encouraging so that I could break free to live my own life that I truly deserved. That was my problem. I didn’t feel as if I deserved it. I used to feel like I owed my mom everything.

Now, I am grateful for the things mom contributed to my life but I realize that we don’t have to pay back a debt so much that it leaves us emotionally and physically bankrupt.

Keep sending your positive messages to posters. It’s needed on this forum.

Thank you Needhelpwithmom, I sent you a pm about it too.


I just replied to the pm.

Sounds just like my selfish, controlling, narcissistic mother. Growing up with her was a nightmare for me and my sister (who died in 2019 at age 61). Parents divorced when I was 7, however, she didn't want my alcoholic father to move on so she kept having him over everyday and a boyfriend as soon as he left. Revolving door for us. He died at age 48 on her birthday. She was so mean that when she had a turn to take care of her mother (stroke and paralyzed in wheelchair) every other weekend, she threatened to slap her out of her wheelchair because she had been cussing a bluestreak and my grandmother told her to stop talking like that in front of me and my sister. She baby sat and one day, she got so angry at this 14 month old girl that she kept on a regular basis, that she picked her up and threw her through our dining room (from the living room) and she hit a bureau and it nearly knocked her out. We were terrified! I thought she had killed her. She had a gigantic bruise on her head, and when her mother picked her up that afternoon, she lied and said that my cousin and I had been playing on the front steps of the porch and accidentally knocked her down. I was scared that she was going to kill me. Now, she is living in my house (I am 59 and in bad health) and my two oldest son's are waiting on her. She wouldn't do PT in rehab, ankles locked, and she is in a wheelchair. They wipe her butt, help with her bath, and anything else. I am sick of her and so are my sons, They need to go back to work and get a life. She is sucking us dry and will probably outlive me. I understand completely about your "guilt" but that is just another form of manipulation to keep us (try to) under her control.

Hey, new plan for Thanksgiving: don't include your mother. Invite your kids. Then, stop agonizing over the decision.
If you really want to appease your guilt, go have dinner with her at the AL facility on a different day. You are 60 years old, time to grow up and ENJOY your holidays. Good luck.

wow, you are me now. Wish I could contact you

my mom is getting so bad. I am alone w my one brother and one sister abandoning her. I don't blame them. I was the youngest by 5 years. She is so mean. She lives alone and I feel so guilty every day. My dad was amazing and stood by her. He died 5 years ago and Im left alone to deal w her hatred and anger. She is fighting w everyone

fl1818, please don’t feel guilty. Your mother’s behaviour is not your fault. You don’t have to tolerate her abuse. Try to focus on your own happiness rather than trying to please someone who might not have the capacity to be happy and who might instead just make everyone around her miserable. Her anger might be linked to losing her husband, and if so, there will be help available for this, if she wishes to take it. If not, she doesn’t have the right to ruin other people’s lives. I hope you and your brother and sister can support each other emotionally to help you live with the situation in a way that minimises the impact on your own health and well-being.

Having a narcissistic parent is torture. They have a mental defect, and the only way for them to be happy is to destroy you. I know she loves you, as she is your mom; however, the damage they do is true damage. My father sounds just like your mom. He is cruel beyond belief, and he is a bully of epic proportions. We have ALWAYS taken care of him — my sister and I — but I am alone, now. My sister took her life 7 years ago. Her last words to me were profound. It’s ironic that narcissists have to “destroy their children.” I will never truly forgive my father for the chaos and cruelty he brought to our family. He is sick. Your mother is sick. Do what you can, so that you do not experience more trauma. PTSD is terrible. Keep your distance from her. Did n’t feel guilty. They have a choice, to a degree, and they choose not to change their behavior. Free yourself.

She’s crazy. You are not. Hold your head high that you put up with her this long. You have gone above and beyond. The God Lord knows your work and your true heart.
no! You are not the only one!

My dad became ill and it was too much for my mom to handle but refused to put him in a facility. I moved 800+ miles to help her take care of him - splitting myself between my family and my parents. This went on for over 5 yrs and when my dad passed I told mom she had to decide if she wanted to stay where she was or move back with me. She chose to move but wanted her own place. Luckily found a house with a couple miles from my home and got her settled. After a couple years I began to worry about her being alone, I was working full time, taking care of her, and also helping my daughter with a newborn, among my daily duties. My husband and I decided to move into a home that could accommodate her living with us a year and a half ago. We gave her her own area (tv room) along with her own bedroom and bath. My mom hated losing her independence and lets me know daily - she has never actually been a happy person her whole life, complains about everything, and just makes life miserable for everyone that is around her. She never expresses her love or appreciation. She is always complaining about needing to live by herself - but her health and finances do not allow that. I tell everyone that she is a 91yr old thinking that she is in her 40's!!! She does not have a nice thing to say to anyone about anything. I know now that dad truly loved her because I look back now and see first hand how mean she truly was and still is. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom but I find myself getting frustrated with her because I have to repeat and yell so much for her to understand. When she misplaces things she blames everyone else for taking, she doesn't believe she is losing her hearing, we purposely are whispering, blames me for not knowing how to cook because she has a hard time chewing, just seems like I cannot do anything right. I have a brother who is married and calls once a month if we are lucky, and a sister who is widowed but has a life of her own that calls once a week and will listen to me vent, claims she wishes she could help - but doesn't. Both have more money than I do to make the trips - but blames it on Covid - but yet they are traveling to go see their kids and family which mom realizes and voices to me. I try everything to make her life easier but it just seems impossible! I promised my dad on his death bed that I would take care of mom - and I will - I just wish she was a little bit easy on me. She is afraid of being alone - I have explained to her that we have a security system and she never has to worry about answering the doorbell because I can answer on my phone if I am gone. I just need a break but have no clue how to do that. She does not like people - has been a loner all her life - never had any friends and is afraid of letting anyone see her. There are days I feel that I am at the end of my rope. If there is anyone out there that can relate - please would love your insight. I refuse to put her in a facility, I am all she has, I just wish she appreciated me more. I know in my heart that down deep she appreciates everything that I do for her - just wish she would refrain from criticism and complaining so much. Did I mention that she just had colon cancer surgery back in Oct 2019 - no chemo - and that she doesn't take any meds!!!!! Sometimes I feel like she will out live me - and that is what worries her too! I need ways to stay calm when she frustrates me.................................... that's all folks.....for now anyway!

I completely emphasize! you have to care for yourself and your family.

I’m in a similar situation. At home care fir dad, but my mother is alienating all the caregivers to the point that we have exhausted our agencies roster of aides.
I cannot afford to give up working. She is grieving, I get it, however she just manages to not make it easy on our trying to provide care- she expects these girls to do everything beyond their abilities. She treats them like maids, servants, etc. she insults them, yells at them and criticizes them.
ive offered to put our father in a home but she refuses. He is no longer able to cared fir at home. It’s such a conundrum! What to do.
be well friend!

I had to look back and see if I had written this post. I am in these exact same shoes (all details the very same) I am so sorry. I feel for what you have been through.

Nasty and selfish mothers forces us into a real space of growing. My mother is exactly like yours and I do feel that she may do this because she is angry at being old and unhealthy and wants to make others miserable too. However, our growth is to try not to complain about our mother to our children so that they can take care of us when we get older and to teach them tolerance with her. They are not with her all the time so they can tolerate her and still give to her and understand her even in her nastiness.

WOW! There really area others in similar situations! I am in hell. My sister and my Mom are in an extremely unhealthy situation and I just can't help. And I have such guilt. My sister moved in with Mom after Mom asked her to take her out of the Independent Living that I helped her move in to. So they've been living together for two years . During this time the police have been called, my sister comes and goes and my Mom is not always supervised. My Mom calls me almost daily crying how she wants my sister out. But, when my sister says she's leaving my mom begs her to stay. I have tried to intervene but everything I do gets undone. None of the neighbors want to be involved anymore and a lot of agencies are refusing to deal with them because they change things all the time. There is enough money for whatever help is needed so that is not the issue. I just called a lawyer and I have a consultation tomorrow - starts at $550 per hour.....

No. You are not alone. Your mother having dementia now does not change how she was to you before she had it. The dementia only makes her already nasty, narcissistic personality worse. Do you feel obligated to have the holidays ruined by her for you and your kids? You know that will be what happens. Don't even go and see her anymore if she has such an effect on you. And most importantly of all, don't feel guilty about it. You're not doing anything wrong to stay far away from her and not keep her in your life. From what you're saying, she deserves to be alone. So many times elderly people when they're sick or feeble think that the sickness and frailty excuses decades of being a selfish a**hole.

Haven't really followed this post--hits too close to home--but it has helped me the last 3 weeks since my DH FINALLY stood up to his mother and put his foot down.

I 'divorced her' 10 months ago and have not seen her and will not. Going to see her w/o me as a buffer became too hard for DH.

She began spending all their 'visits' haranguing him about how much she hates me and how I have literally ruined her life. She says she has not slept a single night since he brought me into the family. (46 years is a LONG time to go without sleeping). She said I have been the source of the 'most miserable life ever lived' according to her doctor...hers.

DH finally HEARD and SAW what I have been dealing with for all these years. Had an 'aha' moment and blew his stack at her. I guess it got really, really ugly. Dh came home and said he was done with her.

I feel really sorry for him, as he begins to navigate the waters he's finally accepted he's drowning in.

I did print out some articles that have been shared on this board and he has read a couple. Finally waking up at age 68 to the knowledge that your mother truly hates you and blames you for everything that ever went wrong----it's hard.

I would like to be able to blame dementia or Alz but she's just more 'the same' as she has ever been.

Who is the loser in this? His mother, whom I planned to come to love and make an integral part of our family. She didn't want and she lost out. My kids and grandkids are SPECTACULAR!!!

Understand 100%. Have the mother from hell, the mommy not so dearest who others think is wonderful while she decimates her own blood. She has always been nasty, phony and ugly. She complains about everything yet when help is offered unleashes her anger and ugliness on the person trying to help her. Have had it. Sometimes I think we have to admit there are obituaries we don't mind reading...or won't mind reading. Tipping point for me was when she hit her wonderful dog who was suffering congestive heart failure. You hit a're a low life oxygen thief. She recently ONCE AGAIN dispersed her verbal abuse on me and I'm done with her. For all the times she told me as a child "I wish I'd never seen your goddamn face"....well I quite frankly have the reciprocal thought when it comes to her. Hopefully with time, my anger will lessen. For now, I don't want anything to do with her. ...and she is not demented...this is how she's always been and apparently always will be. People outside the family think she's wonderful...her facade is working.

NCognito, I’m sorry to read of your damaging experience with your mother. As one who has suffered similarly, I think you have done the right thing in walking away, to preserve your own health and sanity. The “facade” of your mother’s wonderfulness, as you describe it, can make you, the sufferer, feel you are in a nightmare situation, where only you can see what’s really going on, and everyone else seems blind to it. This is hugely damaging psychologically, and then to effectively be told by your mother that she wishes you had never existed just adds to the misery. I think it’s important for you to have some friends who don’t know your mother, who therefore can’t be influenced by her lies about you, and who accept you for who you really are. I know from personal experience that you can spend many, many years wondering why things are as they are and whether you can make things better by trying to please and appease your mother. It’s a pointless exercise and is part of the cycle of abuse. It can also dominate your life through the amount of time it takes up, time which could be better spent forming healthier relationships with others. The only way to break that cycle is to walk away rather than unwittingly joining in with it by being your mother’s target. I wish you strength to get through this, and future happiness by freeing yourself to live a life without abuse.

TreadingWater, sometimes the best thing we can do for toxic people is to just leave them alone. I'm trying to reconcile with my toxic father but the time will come when trying this negativity affects my own family. At that point I'm gonna drop him off at a decent nursing home and wish him the best. I think this would be better than inviting his poisen into my home. I can only try so much before it does us more harm than good. Also, I'd be enabling him otherwise. I'll tack a final letter to him, expressing why he is in the place of assisted living.He'll either get more bitter or come around. How's it go? You reap what you sow.

I was feeling very alone in this but this thread has helped me see that this is so common. I see many common denominators: unpleasant comments towards others (in public, racist, disability-ist, mostly), and towards me. The latest thing is to pick on my father's Jewish heritage and last time I saw her I was called 'Jewish Nazi woman'. I have done a lot of household tasks for her, things like fitting security features (she's convinced here neighbours are getting in and moving things etc), occasional small repairs, but I'm a small woman not a tradesperson- and her refusal to consider moving to a more manageable property- something I long ago gave up suggesting- is not my fault.
Her latest calls after I set up the internet for her- which she wanted- were in the usual aggressive, drunk at midday tone, and after I answered all her questions calmly, went to 'you're really unhelpful' and when I protested, 'two husbands can't be wrong' and 'this is why they say you shouldn't have children', both followed by her hanging up. Then a text message saying I need therapy for my moods and temper outbursts, as I'm going through the menopause. To her, me reacting to an insult or personal comment with 'that's really nasty and not fair' is a 'temper tantrum'. She can say what she likes; I must not complain. This was at a time when she knew I had some important work facetime meetings on that I had to be able to perform well in. Sabotage.
There's been a string of incidents like this over several years. She has started lying about my father's heritage and told people I am half Italian. we saw some people in a park and she said I had to go along with this! The comments about 'you're going through the menopause', apart from being not true yet, not the least supportive, designed to undermine and intrusive, have been frequent. She has a real problem with the fact I still have periods. Other incidents and some more serious, vicious aggressive shouting at me, etc. Often when she drinks alcohol (which is all the time).
2 months ago I replied to that text. I said I would not respond to any more of her personal comments, insults etc. I told her some home truths about how unpleasant she has been to me, reminded her of some of the things she said about my father, and told her she was a toxic influence on my life and I don't want to hear from her anymore.
Like many on here, I think she most probably has an undiagnosed mental health condition. When I was younger (like, 6 or 7) she told me several times about how she 'put her head in the gas oven due to post-natal depression' and was always keen to explain to me how she gave up a glittering career (it really wasn't all that) in order to have me. She was back to work at 8 and I was out of her hair by time I was 19, so there was plenty of time for her to recover the ruined life I evidently caused.
However like many narcissistic and downright vindictive, jealous mothers we have been talking about on here, she has had her occasional moments of being a nice mother. They are generally spoilt with a catty comment pretty quickly, but, she can behave when she has to (for instance if I meet her in public, which works OK). So right now 2 months later I still miss her, I still feel guilty, however, I know that unless she comes to me and apologises, and changes her behaviour, I will not go back. I know what this was all leading to. Bullying and manipulating me into moving in and looking after her and her ridiculously unmaintained and over-large house, which she could if she wanted to but is too paranoid to let anyone work on it. The sad thing is, if she had been nicer I would have moved nearer (not in). I am feeling very upset and remembering all the things she has said, and it is hard realising your own mother just doesn't love you and regretted even being married and having you. I have some counselling arranged for soon though and look forward to processing all this, which I constantly am, and feeling better.

Michele, what can I say? Well, you're not alone, there are many here with similar experiences, and we do try to support each other. I don't know why some people are so hateful, and it is even harder to understand when it is a parent. Your mother sounds very judgemental about so many things. I too judge people, but on their general behaviour, not on the colour of their skin, their race or their religion. You've done the right thing to try and set out some boundaries and to walk away for a while. Try not to waste your energy on agonizing over your mother's behaviour. She may never change, especially as it sounds like she has been like this all of your life. You need to spend time with people who value you, not with people who bring you down. Wishing you all the best, you are among friends here.

The amount of people who relate to this post is wild. My mom is 88, ferociously independent, suffering hearing loss and sporadic dementia, and is so narcissistic and nasty these days that two of her four kids have walked away from helping her. (I'm one of the ones who left) Unfortunately, Mom is only temporarily kind- to strangers. While we kids (in our 50's and 60's) aren't perfect, we have given her an extraordinary life and care for 40 years. One sibling handles medical, one residential, one finances and one is "Sweden" who allows her to talk and complain.
It's sad that she's chewing on us, as we were all raised in a way that we want to help her. When we are on site helping her, she calls us wardens, refers to us a Hitler, says we want things our way and that we're "cold". She is completely disagreeable with us. She lies to the doctors, and tells friend and relatives how cruel we are. It gets us all very upset. It would be so nice if she were sweet and we could enjoy her, but we can't and it's not going to change. My concern is that two of us let is get so far that we had chest pains after dealing with her. I walked away this summer to save myself and now my sister has followed suit. Our brothers don't live near Mom so things are going to come crashing down for her. We agreed to have one last sibling conference call, tonight, to see if anyone has any remaining ideas on what we should/could do especially during COVID. My brother heard about the call and said, there is nothing left to do.
I understand him. We had her in a gorgeous and fun assisted living previously, and she moved herself out, we know she's nasty to in home nursing caretakers, so I hope one of us come up with something. My thought is hire a maid, and send her groceries on line. I can't believe we are at this stage. We're starting to chose self preservation over taking care of Mom. But, here we are. Best of luck to all of us, right?


Love your ‘Sweden’ comment! Cute!

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