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It's raining here too, we need rain!! The rivers and lakes are so low. It snowed a couple months ago, I loved it! Only my second time to see snow fall from the sky. I use to live in a big city. I feed the wild birds on my porch and humminbirds. I love nature. Deers walk around on the property. I see coyotes, racoons and when I walk
the trails, I see eagles, deer, bobcats. I love taking pictures and sitting by the water. Really is relaxing till it's time to leave. I really enjoy this website too. I have learned a lot.
Thanks everyone! :)

Seriously - enough with the cold and snow Mother Nature. It's up to my armpits around here and more is coming. I am sick of having to bundle up like the Michelin Man to be outside for just a few minutes. My snow boots & I growl at each other when I walk by. Ooof. I'm going to start tunneling to Hawaii.

Mom saw a kidney specialist last week and her function is down to 25%. More tests are scheduled. This is due to refusing to eat right, ignoring her diabetes, and having high blood pressure for decades. She's on 19 meds right now, and expected the kidney doc to give her more. She will not comply with insulin, taking her 19 pills, checking her blood sugar, or not eating so much dairy & dark pop by the 55 gallon drum. The phosphorus in it is really bad for someone in her shape.

Ultimately, she is so stubborn and belligerent that she won't follow any instructions or rules, and she'll end up on dialysis when her function drops to 10%. I sure hope they can bring it to her. I can't and won't quit my job or use up all my vacation time for this. My time off is for my little family to use on our family things. Not doing something totally hopeless for someone who did not have to be in this shape.

BUT, I learned something interesting. When she was little, before starting school (between 1940-44ish), she had a really bad kidney infection (Bright's Disease, which is a lot like "Dropsy" in that it means almost nothing.) She was bedridden for a long time and had to be carried around. The neighbor lady brought her cookies all the time. She says this went on over a year, but who knows. What I did figure out is that it went on long enough to teach her that you have to be sickly and needy to get attention and love. She's carried this on ever since and gets pissy when people aren't paying enough attention to her because of her many conditions. Sad. The world doesn't work that way anymore. Nobody goes out visiting to sit with the sick and shut in like they did in the 40s. The world has changed a lot since then. Patients are supposed to be really involved in their care and own a lot of personal responsibility for their condition. Mom hates that. She has never really wanted to be well. She's got her wish and it's only down hill from here.

She also feels no control whatsoever over her feelings. Emotions are like random tidal waves to her and are somebody else's job to manage. So there we have it. The roots of a lot of really negative behaviors that have only gotten worse over time and won't change. She keeps saying the doctor has told her to stay calm and stop getting so upset over little things, but she doesn't think she can. Her feelings are a roller coaster she's just riding. All kinds of things really upset her, to the point of tears and hyperventilating. Seeing a sad dog on TV, the snowplow going by, or her socks being on backwards. Or finding out her 72 year old sister is in rehab care for a stroke. It could be anything.

I too keep my phone off overnight, since she has a habit of calling me at 10 p.m. to rant about whatever isn't making her happy. Mainly that the groceries filling up her fridge aren't the thing she's craving at the moment, which obviously means she's out of food and I have to go shopping. (Nope! Not this time. I went to a food & wine expo with my hubs today.) Nobody's called to say she died yet, so I assume she's just fine even though I didn't overstock her fridge with food that will most assuredly go bad anyway. Once it's bought, she stops craving whatever it is. It's like magic.

I visited my mother in the NH yesterday afternoon. She couldn't get words out and was talking gibberish. I've seen her like that before when she was having a stroke. Got the RN to check her over. Blood pressure and everything was fine, probably had a TIA. Her ability to string a few words together came and went while I was there. In the 15 years she's had Parkinsons I've never seen her shake but her legs are shaking all the time now. Between Parkinsons, dementia and strokes her body has taken an awful beating over the years and I feel she only has a very short time left.

The notice board at the foot of her bed is full of pictures - the huge house she shared with my late father, them on vacation, cruises, Florida, her dogs, my old dog who was with us when I cared for her, my father in navy uniform before they married - memories. She feels she'll pass very soon and so do I.

Since changing my phone number and backing away I've not felt well, light headed and headachy, anxious, no energy, just staying home. Reflecting last evening I just found it so sad. She spent her life trying to be #1+, acquiring possessions, bigger and better, never lifting a finger to help anyone, not even her own parents, fighting with everyone for supremacy, including my father who she treated like dirt, yet she was never really happy with anything.

What a waste of a life. I came to this country with 2 suitcases, $100 and a roof over my head for a week and spent my life working my butt off. Now retired I plan to do some volunteer work and get out and about. I will not waste whatever time I may have left.

Some people wasted their lives doing what they thought was right for them. They made others unhappy in the process, and the chance to love and be loved that could have filled this life with joy will have to wait for the life of the world to come. What do you call that? Stubborness? Selfishness? Inability to admit you were ever wrong so unable to take that step of repentance of change when the evidence of the need to do so is staring you in the face? It is what my mother had, and the answers to my prayers were that she was doing what she thought was right and that little bit of goodness she had in that would not be taken away from her, however wrong it was for the rest of us.

I believe in the life of the world to come, but I also believe in not wasting this one! My Jesus cared about the tears and heartaches, even the ones He was going to heal and make right. We did what we could to make those last years, months, and days fill up with good experiences and good memories, even though there was not that much we could do, and it became less and less. Just for background, we Catholics have a doctrine of Purgatory that suggests there is a chance to get cleaned up a little (or maybe a lot) before being ready for the life of Heaven...not all of us can grow enough from what we go through inthis life to get all that "housework" done. Recently I have had more of a sense that my mom has made some progress there, just a little more peace of a deeper kind that is letting go of past hurts, hopefully on both sides.

Here's hoping we all live a life that leaves us and our loved ones at peace at the end, not a ton of regrets for all involved.

Report from the trenches: you would think that since I'm literally the ONLY family member on this planet who is willing to spend any time with mom at all, that she would be nice. Oh no. 9.9 out of 10 conversations end with me having to just hang up because of her vile, angry accusations and "crazy talk" (that's a technical term). It's sad to think this 76 year old woman never did and never will have any ability to preserve relationships. None whatsoever. So, I have boundaries and I'm not afraid to use them. I always have to tell her that when she starts being mean and nasty I'm done. I'll walk out or hang up. She can try again another day.

vstefans your profile states that your mom died in 2011, It also states that you are currently caring for her. Which is it? That aside, please let's not get into religion. Religion is a personal choice and bible thumping helps no-one so please don't do it.

Ummm. I don't think they have an option to change the status from "currently caring for" but if there is and I missed it let me know. I'm, well, I guess guilty as charged about expressing thoughts that include religion, there are times its just a big part of the picture but, not intending to be preachy or any kind of authority I can do on that. Now - just teasing - you do realize you just accused a *Catholic* of being a "Bible-thumper"? - I think Papa Francis would be proud, but then he's well known to be on the wild and crazy side. :-)

I know this is a bit off topic, but if someone wants to bring up religion and their faith we should have the right to do so. Everyone has their opinion about what is and what is to come. If you don't believe in the Bible or the here after, then that is your choice. Do not tell people that believe not to talk about it. That is your own issue so leave it to yourself. We are not allowed to bring up the Bible, being gay, being black, or other things that "bother" people. But it amazes me how people who are gay can do rallys for gay marriage, people who do not believe in the Bible or God can speak freely of that too. But it seems those that believe in the Bible and God are not allowed to speak of that freely. Something is wrong with that picture people and I am not staying quiet to keep you comfortable. I BELIEVE!!!!! and proud of it.

I agree with Jeweltone. If someone wants to talk about their beliefs, they have every right to do so. Period. If people don't like what they read, skip over it. I think telling people not to speak of their beliefs is wrong. People have every right to speak of them and should if that's what the One is telling them to do.

I think the main reason that some don't want religion brought up is that it's such a charged topic. Nations go to war over religion, people go to war over religion. Sometimes it can get ugly, with one person believing one thing, the other something else and they end up brawling over their view. Personally, I wouldn't want to see that happen here either.

I respect everyone's right to believe, to live and to love as they please. It doesn't bother me to listen to other's viewpoints. I just keep my mouth shut if I don't happen to agree with them.

I love my neighbors Rhonda and Bobby who are Christians. They'd love for me to be Christian, too. I doubt that will ever happen, even though I do go to church with them and believe in God myself. I have my own relationship with God and I don't follow some of their views. They can tell me from now until Armageddon gets here that gay people CHOOSE to be gay. Uh huh. I disagree. I think gays were born gay, but R & B aren't hearing it...just like I'm not hearing them. lol I don't mind listening to anyone...doesn't mean it's going to change me.

Let's just all be tolerant. If someone wants to talk about God that's great. If people believe there is no God, great. Whatever floats your boat. As long as we don't mock others or start throwing down in verbal wars over it, we're good. Or should be anyway.

You pick your friends and not your relatives. Diminished capacity or not, some people are just cruel and there is nothing that you can do to change the behavior or person. Just know in your heart that you did everything to make her life comfortable. However, realize you have a life as well and you have to make a conscious decision to live your life and enjoy your family to the fullest. We cannot be responsible for the happiness of others. That's why we have anti-depressants ;-)

Well said "standingalone". Let everyone believe what they wish, just don't tell someone not to do it.

Sorry if my sentiments were misread. I firmly believe that anyone has the right to be whatever they wish and believe in what they choose and that is a personal choice. I grew up Church of England, whatever that is - we never went to church - and I believe that whatever path you choose being a decent human day to day is what matters. After all you can kill someone on Saturday and still go to church on Sunday which I find quite absurd, but that's just me.

As a kid I went to a catholic elementary school (goodness knows why). The nuns were extremely cruel and we were all terrified of them. My stint there ended when one pushed me down a flight of stairs - after more than 60 years I can still see her quite clearly.

My neighbour across the road is a born again christian and impossible to deal with, a recluse who never leaves the house. When I first moved in she tried to latch on to me, no doubt hoping for a "convert" and carrying on continually that the saviour would always take care of me. Great! Here's the keys to the tractor, have him drop by and mow my acreage. Disagree with her about anything and she says "that's satan talking", continue to disagree and she starts jumping up and down screaming quotes from the bible. She's also big on anti government, anti cop, anti just about everything and everyone and conspiracy theories, i.e. she's a nutbar.

One day last summer I snapped and threw her screaming a** off my front lawn. Her hubby is a meek, decent sort and seems quite afraid of her. He has grown children from a prior marriage who will have nothing to do with him which is sad. In the year and a half I've lived there there hasn't been one visitor to their house. No, I don't watch them, my little dog screams at the front window when she sees or hears (or thinks she does) anything.

I apologise if I offended anyone but now perhaps you understand why a lot of talk about religion sometimes puts my hackles up as experiences I've had with folks who are really into it have been ghastly. Each to their own.

Had I not been a decent human I wouldn't have quit my career, sold my home and moved 200km to live in a freezing gloomy basement with no income for four years to care for the mother from h*ll until she went into a NH.

Ashlynne, no problem here! Decency and religion don't always go hand in hand in this crazy world. At my church we pray for "the people most in need of God's mercy" (its part of a popular Rosary add-on) and it obviously works because they show up at our door in droves. You've probably heard that a REAL church is"a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints", and how "if I ever found the PERFECT church, it couldn't have me for a member", and I try to keep that in mind. I still can't figure out how some nuns ever got to be so mean and ended up teaching in Catholic daughter ran into one who needed to be kept busy in the copy room instead of the classroom at her high school, though I've had the pleasure of meeting lots of nicer ones, most of whom also knew how to have a little fun. It's supposed to be about love. Really spiritual people shouldn't drive you to drink, unless they are taking you to the bar and buying a round for everyone. (Just my $0.02, knowing though my Baptist friends are all now aghast, Stes. Hildegarde and Brigid would highly approve... they've probably found out for sure by now whether Heaven includes a beautiful lake filled with beer :-)

Ash, I agree with you and Vstefans, too. Just because someone is religious doesn't mean they have a glowing halo shining.

On the net a few days ago I saw the news where this guy in a popular Christian rock band put out a contract for $1000 to have his wife killed. Yeeeeah.

And you bet there are some seriously disturbed religious fanatics out there. Nutjobs. Westboro Baptist church comes to mind... *shiver*

My mom put me in a catholic school when I was a kid. I mean, wut...??? I had no idea what was going on, no clue what they were doing or why and those nuns scared the pure T s*** out of me. *shiver* Needless to say, I didn't do well there. She took me out of there soon after, thank God.

What's that quote again...something about going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car... something like that. Yeah.

My neighbors Rhonda and Bobby don't push me. I flat out told Rhonda that some things would never change no matter what. I think she's just glad she finally managed to get me to start going to church after 7 years. XD

I agree that many wolves come in sheep's clothing. Be careful not to hide behind the hipocrites and pray for those who are in need. Religious is a term used way too often. Religious is a "belief". Do not confuse being religious with a perfect soul or being. These people you are running in to really need prayers and are missing something. I would not consider them to be "religious" in the way they perceive themselves. Do not judge others by what you are dealing with. There are good souls out there. Good luck with finding a way to be the "bigger" person than your neighbor. No judgement rendered here to anyone.

my mother is bipolar, evil vile person. Last year my dad (who I held so high he had to look down to see heaven) was in hospice here at my home with stage 4 lung cancer. He always said "mom has to be the center of attention) he passed away in January. My mother went off her bipolar meds on purpose, she is in an outpatient unit for her mental crap, she plays everyone. I am in therapy for her, I am going to hospice for grief therapy for my dad. I have to lie to my mom and tell her I do not go to hospice because she hates them. She is vile and controlling. I caretake for her....she lives for drama. I have one friend left and she tries to end that friendship. My mom is selfish and verbally abusive. I say nothing anymore, wont stick up for myself and all she says is dads been gone for 3 months get over it and lets go shopping no she wants to blow his life insurance money. How sad to not have a mother,not have my dad here to keep her butt in line. She is killing me and loving it. Bipolar sucks.

I am a 63 yr. old daughter whose mother asked to live with me 8 years ago. My childhood was very difficult. My parents argued constantly; my dad was arrested for forging, etc. When my mom called me to come and get her (350 miles away years after my dad passed), my husband and I were going through a really tough time. I brought her here and my husband dies 3 months later. My sister-in-law passed about 5 yrs. later, and my brother did shortly after at 66. I am living through a nightmare. I cant reach her. Arguing is EVERY day~~~~please help.

Yep, my mother was an evil,manipulative narcissist her whole life. After living with the witch for 50 years and taking her daily abuse my father's heart gave out. I blame her for his early death. I quit my career, sold my home and moved 200 miles to care for her (purely out of duty) for four hellish years, trapped in her freezing basement, a mere servant to be used and abused 24 hours a day until she went into a nursing home 18 months ago.

It didn't end there - setting the government on me for misuse of her funds like a common criminal (dammit I have more money than she does) daily screaming phone calls until I became so Ill with the stress I had a black out doing 85 in my truck - it was either her or me. I changed my phone number, made it unlisted and visited once in a while The stress of years caught up with me and I was so ill I mostly hibernated all winter.

Last year I took her little dog to see her (now lives with me) and, then able to use a walker she was screaming to give her the leash so she could show it off. I refused. The little dog is a neurotic terrier (get like the people they live with) and screams blue murder at seeing strollers, wheelchairs and the like. I haven`t taken the dog back since.

A couple of days ago I took Lucy, a tiny kitten rescued off a back road, to see her. Mother is anxious for Lucy to come again so she can show her off but that`s not happening as so many of the residents are looney tunes and violent I`m not taking the risk of the kitten getting hurt.

I shan`t be visiting for a while and my phone is off the hook late afternoon overnight so the NH can`t bother me with every little thing - Christmas eve 4 phone calls late at night for a cut finger ... slap a bandaid on it and go away!
I go up and down. Tonight I don`t want to know any more.

All I can say is if you take an elderly relative in make sure they`re one of those sweet little old ladies (which is rare) otherwise place them in assisted living or a nursing home because they will destroy you.

Ashlynne, since she is in a nursing home, I can't see that you could have any obligation for further involvement with her. I'm sure I would not - probably I'd demand a public guardian and never hear from her or about her again. My sister is a court clerk and told me about a case where any and all contact from mom has to go through the judge first. Mom cannot send so much as a birthday card, much less actually call her daughter. Really, she may be a biological mom, but as for the rest.....

My mother in law has lived with us our whole married life! We are now retired and she stilk lives with us ( my husband an only child) . She has always been anti social, has no friends, hates her sister, and most everybody else! Our lifes are miserable! We can't leave her alone for more then a few hours, and when we do, she goes crazy when we return! I believe there are many underlying mental issues. I am very close to leaving my husband over this, as my health is diminishing over this! My husband has panic attacks, and gets so unset, im scared he may have a stroke! He then takes it out on me and theres no living like this anymore! He won't even discuss nursing care! What do I do to preserve my health, marrage and my sanity!! I cant live like this any longer!!! HELP

Sounds like your husband has never cut the apron strings and I don't see how you have managed to be so patient. Ya'll need serious marriage counseling in my opinion.

rorawin: Spending quality, not quantity, time together is crucial. Is there someone you could hire, or check in to respite care. Maybe you can plan a weekend away or even just a night away. I can totally understand being an only child that the responsibility lies on us. I am learning to break free from the control and yet it isn't easy. I finally got my mom in AL. We almost moved her in with us, and I am so glad I didn't. She reminds me everyday that she is miserable but think how miserable we would be if she were here. It seems you already know. It is not worth your marriage to keep catering to her needs on your own. Find help NOW!! If your health is going down hill, think to yourself, who will take care of her when we are gone? After you have answered the question, that is who needs to be helping take care of her NOW. Best of Luck!

TreadingWater you're describing my mother to a T. It may be easier for me, single with no siblings, but on the other hand I have no-one to talk to and have borne the brunt of her evil life long.. She's been in a nursing home for 18 months now with me bending over backwards and jumping through hoops of fire but it was never enough.

Daily tantrum screaming phone calls. among other evil things, drove me over the edge and last January I had a black out, driving my truck at 85. It was either me or her and, always careful never to give her my address or she'd call the cops on me if I didn't answer the phone, I changed my number and went no/low contact. I was ill most of the winter.

I still conserve her assets, pay her bills and ensure she has all she needs but, after 65 years of Mommie Dearest, my life comes first. Due to her lying and manipulating I quit my career, sold my home and spent four years in h*ll - a freezing basement, no income, whacked over the head at will, before she went into the NH.

You have to realize your mother is a narcissist and nothing you can ever do will make things right. I suggest for the next holiday time you, your spouse and children plan a trip, rent a cottage in the mountains, whatever, just go away. because your spouse, family and grands.deserve wonderful Christmas memories. I'm sure Madam has always said "Oh, but I have so many friends" ... not. If she has so many friends let them include her in stuff. Oh wait, the so called few "friends" ignore her and she has all sorts of excuses for them not visiting or caring but you have to run and do at the drop of a hat - . yep, been there, done that.

Madam had a stroke (again) a couple of days go, returned to the NH as there was nothing they could do for her. After spending time at the hospital and NH I haven`t been there for 2 days - at 88 she`s bed ridden, and incoherent. I feel I should go, but why. This person caused me pain and grief my whole life,. After 65 years it`s my turn to have a life.

I`m no psychic or medium but I`ve had many experiences in my life involving the other side. I had major dreams and nightmares last night, involving my mother and someone leading her away up a ramp which I challenged, at one point screaming help me in my sleep which sent my dogs crazy. In the dream state two of my deceased dogs were with me too - one, gone 25 years. I`ve only seen her once - seems she only comes when the shtf is about to go down.
So tired I napped for a bit and took my phone off the hook ( the NH has the number but will call you 4 times for a cut finger). So, do I put the phone back on the hook and get some sleep or not. I think not. If she has another stroke and or expires. so what. She has not a friend in the world and, according to her wishes,, she`ll be cremated and her ashes scattered. I have done all I can and then some.
My note to you is dump her - do family holidays away somewhere. I`m sure she has `so many friends`(delusions of grandeur) to spend holidays with.

Ashlynne, you are so right - sometimes no or low contact is the only way to go, and if she is in a nursing home, she is being taken care of, your filial obligations are covered, so why should you bother or trouble yourself further? After all, she created her situation, so she can accept the consequences of her choices.

I am 42 years old and my mum has been awful to me all my life. (More about this part later as I want to discuss what's going on at the present time).

My mum is 74 years old and I feel so guilty because to be blunt, I no longer wish to be part of her life (due to her behaviour and treatment of me) but due to her age, surely I can't turn my back on her now?

She lives in her own flat in a warden-controlled block and constantly moans that she has nobody to talk to yet constantly mischief-makes amongst her neighbours. I understand she must feel lonely as she lost her husband (of twenty years) a couple of years ago (more about this later as I wish to discuss her treatment of me first).

God, there is such a lot to say, so I will start with what is her current pattern of behaviour and go from there: we were in a restaurant having a meal a couple of years ago, and when we left she said "did you notice the woman on the next table rolling her eyes at you every time you spoke? She was making faces at you". I laughed it off and put it down to a cranky woman eating on a table near us. There is a Chinese restaurant that like and go to regularly over the past couple of years, but she is always making faces at the waitress and calling her a "dope". The waitress hasn't heard the "dope" comment but is aware of my mum making faces and it creates an awful atmosphere. About a year ago, we left the restaurant and she said "the man and woman at the table beside us were making faces at you". Again, I laughed it off but thought it was a bit odd as I consider myself a nice woman and I know how to conduct myself in society. One day, about six months ago, we were in the same restaurant and I arranged to meet a male friend at the end of my meal as he was going home the same way as me. Said male friend isn't what you would describe as handsome and he walked into the restaurant and my mum was making faces at him (I think he noticed her making faces). Again, it created an awful atmosphere. When I spoke to her the next day, guess what she said? Yes, you guessed right: "The people on the table beside us were laughing at you and your ugly boyfriend". I then decided when we visited the restaurant, to sit at a table without "neighbours" so to speak, so this way I wouldn't have to tolerate yet more comments about members of the public making faces at me all the time. My mum then complained that the waitress had "put us in the corner away from everybody". I explained to her that I had chosen the table, not the waitress. Anyway, I haven't been to the restaurant in a while with her as I avoid it.

But a new thing has happened now to take its place: my mum's brother is in a home with dementia. It is so sad and I am sure reader's on this website will understand all the emotions that go with visiting a relative in hospital with dementia. Anyhow, I travel with my mum to the home as we don't have cars and the I wish to assist my mum on the train journey due to her age. Obviously, I also wish to visit my uncle but my mum's age does concern me at times. Anyway, we got off the train one day and she said "the woman on the train was making faces at you, as you talk too loud". I laughed it off and thought to myself "well Rachel, you can be loud". Anyway, this has now resulted in a bit of a situation only yesterday, as we again got off the train and she said "did you notice the woman with the blond wig making faces at you, because you were talking and she had been sleeping and you woke her up".

I then said to my mum "look, I'm sorry I woke her up but we don't board trains for a sleep, and I've noticed that every time we are out, it's either one person or another making faces at me. I consider myself a nice woman and I know how to act in society. I have done nothing wrong". Well, this resulted in my mum swearing and nearly foaming at the mouth with rage (my mum is the sort of person that expects no retaliation for her behaviour) and then proceeded to burst into tears at the station. After basically what amounted to a storm in a teacup, we proceeded to the home and our visit but there was such a bad atmosphere it was unbelievable. I came home yesterday and I am in such a deep depression, I feel so ill. I feel I never want to speak to her again but I have to - she is 74 years old. What can I do, just turn away?

Now, you may be thinking this is all an age-thing. But let me tell you, I don't think it is. I remember as a child, spending hours in my room, probably days where she wouldn't speak to me, letting me feel so much guilt for some minor stupid thing. She used to swear a lot as well, calling me a c**** and b******. She even said to me when I was 15 "I wash your period knickers". Really evil words and I haven't got enough room to tell you more.

I was assaulted on the street recently by two women (thankfully, I escaped unscathed and everything is fine) and just happened to be on my way to my mum's. I was obviously upset about being attacked but upon telling my mum, I could see she was upset about it and decided (due to her age) to not speak about the attack anymore that day. But since then, she has never even asked if I am ok. It's never been mentioned.

She lost her husband a couple of years ago to cancer and I feel so bad writing about her like this as obviously she is still grieving. But I just can't take any more. When I was younger, her bad behaviour used to just bounce off me but lately, I've been getting deep depressions. I can't sleep, I hate myself, I feel suicidal. This lasts about a week, I get over it, then meet up with her and it starts all over again.

I was on prescribed medication from the doctor recently and as a consequence of the medication, put on weight and I would describe myself as chubby but by no means very large at all. I had to endure endless comments about how fat I was, how my clothes don't fit, I'm lazy, etc. etc. I gave up the medication to try to lose weight. I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING I CAN TO MAKE HER COMMENTS STOP BUT NOTHING WORKS.

I have a sister (a year younger) but she is more distant from my mum than me. I don't speak to my sister because there has been a family bust-up, all created by my mum, and my sister said some terrible things to me. Sometimes I wonder if maybe my mum never bonded with my as a baby or is it because I have auburn hair like my dad - is that the reason she hates me? My dad died when I was six and when I was about 13, I found a newspaper cutting from a local newspaper saying he had committed suicide. I asked my mum about it but she denied the suicide, so my father's death is a mystery.

My question is: I have to see my mum (due to her age) but when she makes her comments, do you think it would be a good idea to just walk away? Advice needed please.

PS - I have an eighteen-year-old son and I would never dream of treating him the way my mum has treated me.

Buddha, do you realize that you mum is mentally ill? Have you been to a therapist or counselor? You need to go see someone who can explain to you the best way to deal with longstanding behavior of this sort. I'm very sorry for your pain. If I were in your shoes? I would walk away.

Thanks for your reply. It's funny that you say about the mental illness, as I was just thinking a couple of weeks ago that she appears in her own little world. When you speak to her, she never listens, like she is in a daze. You can repeat things to her over and over and she still won't listen. When we are out and about, her eyes dart about everywhere and she notices every little thing people do, ready to then associate their behaviour with me - she wants me to think that people in society hate me. I try and tell her that if people really have a problem with anything I do, then they will tell me. I think I'll have a chat with my doctor about the counselling as I do feel I have to speak to somebody about this.

You've said you would walk away - in a way I have already done this, as lately, I have taken to unplugging my telephone so I do not have to speak to her. When she phones, we talk for at least an hour at a time, and it is pure hate - hate spewed forth about her neighbours, hate spewed forth about her own brother (her brother was recently visiting her but has recently stopped) yet then she complains about being lonely.

Again, thanks for your reply.

Your mother "hates" you because of her own problems, NOT YOURS. Share this stuff with your sister. maybe there have been enough years that she will be able to look back and see your mother's abuse, whether caused by her being evil or her being mentally ill or some combination of both, for what it was. Don't let her go on keeping you apart if you can help it.


You can't change her. No one can change someone else. As noted above her ways of doing things are because she in mentally ill. All you can do is protect yourself. Unplugging the phone is a good idea. Also if you do talk to her, limit the call to a few minutes. Personally, I would not go out to eat with someone who talked to me like that.

My mother is mentally ill. She has Borderline Personality Disorder, In addition, now she has paranoia from vascular dementia. I limited my contact with her for years. I stopped talking to her on the phone last winter as her paranoid delusions and accusations became too hard to tolerate. I have only seen her once in the last 6 months and only then, because she is on meds. My sister also has a mental disorder. In our family I believe it is genetic. My sister has said some terrible things to me too and about me. I have basically cut her out of my life. I don't know if this is the case with you or not, but it is worth examining.

Just because your mother is 74 does not mean you have to talk with her. My mother is102 and I am 77 and this has gone on much too long in my life. I agree that seeing a therapist is a good idea. I have seen many over the years.

I have decided to - at arm's length - work with the people who care for mother to see that she has adequate care. If I do more that that I get sick. Please look after you first. Your "instincts" to help your mother on the train journey to see your uncle are normal and healthy, but because of your mother's illness the outcome of it and having meals with her is not healthy for you. Please do not allow her illness to drag you down. Remember she won't change so you re the one that has to in order to help you self. (((((hugs)))) I know it is hard.

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