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((hugs)) Segoline

Occasionally I thought mom's breath had a weird chemical smell for several weeks before she passed on, and there was definitely a different odour as she lay dying. Nobody mentioned it, but then neither did I.

And Gershun, I was relieved that the nurses at the nursing home had been through this many times before, but nobody took the time to explain to us what was happening, if I hadn't read all the end of life literature I could find I wouldn't have known. You get a phone call at 3 a.m. that they see mottling - uh, it's obvious that's bad or they wouldn't be calling but I only knew what it was because I had educated myself.

Read about synesthesia. I think it's what several of you are talking about. It's a real gift!

Sego, not trying to hijack your thread, this applies to you as well, Gershun if you can handle the smell of peppermint, a good essential oil is great to hold in your hand near your face and wave under your nose to keep the smells from causing nausea. I am hypersensitive to odors and I have found that works wonders and I don't get that lingering smell memory when I use it, also, no headaches which is a plus. Not to mention how great a drop or two rubbed on your shoulders helps sooth tension. A mixture of lavender and peppermint is also a nice fragrance that can mask odors that are unpleasant. Relaxing as well. This to can be rubbed on for tension relief.

Kudos for smelling that gas and being persistent. That averted a tragedy for sure.

We were told that a kitty litter box under the bed with my sister would go a long way in absorbing the odors created by a dying body. We also opened windows when is was feasible to replace the air that grows heavy.

I hope that you have a peaceful day and share some happy moments with your mom and loved ones.

Kinda weird day today. As I shared, we took our mom off all meds except for pain and anxiety hospice providing.

This morning, she actually told aides she needed to,use as this other stuff clears her system,she is still somewhere in there.

We know there is not going to be Lazarus here, but kinda interesting. 10 days ago while still on all this med routine, she would not have indicated that urge. Now, she certainly does not get to bathroom on own steam. But.

She is also drinking better. When we first saw her, she told my sister, you have the most beautiful smile, which really got to my sibling, who said thank you. My parents paid for it.
And she tried to wink at me.

Now she is on a shit ton of pain and anxiety meds, so zones out quite a bit. And wants to sleep. But since taking her off all,of these other meds, she is lucid in a different way. Not anything earth shattering,but different.

She is not in pain. Her hands and feet are starting to curl. And they are very cool to the touch. But we had a good day, considering.

I am going to check out those oils suggested. But you have to be so careful once their skin starts to break down.

But thank you so much for sharing this. And I did not smell anything today. Hospice nurse had already been there and called while we were on our way there. Special bandage ordered and delivered and applied.

So question. Do you think CBD cream might be better since emolient heavy? Weighing against oils.

And seriously, once their skin starts to break down you have to be so careful, particularly over any bony prominence. Knees. Shoulders. Elbows, etc.and of course, that is where they hurt. Our mom has a second Kennedy ulcer on elbow.

Holy cow. My cousin who has flown in and there now just let me know my mom ate actual food! Can't feed herself, and did not eat much, but ate protein. Ate veggies. Prob a quarter cup of each. But my god. Best news in a MONTH.

Mama you are a crafty girl. And you, Madame will bear watching. This is so going to help with skin breakdown!!

I know this could be late stage rally. But I will take it

I am having my cousin go get CBD cream and rub gently on shoulders and neck I will reimburse. My cousin is a biochemist. And on it as soon as they open.

Seg, I don’t know if this is true but I was told that it takes about 4 weeks for CBD creams to make a difference. The friend I mentioned earlier who had shingles & refused to take opioids tried CBD cream from a dispensary and it was basically a waste of money. She needed tinuse t about 4 weeks for the affects to begin. By that time her shingles was already gone. But this for pain management and I think your moms pain is under control right? You want the CBD cream to heal her skin?

It does sound like your mother could be rallying! My MIL actually ate a few big meals in her final weeks, she would go days where she only took a few bites and then one day she asked for a KFC pot pie & ate the whole thing! Following week she ate a big breakfast!

My sis and I both use CBD CREAM. We got relief the day we bought. And I thought it was woo.

Interesting. I happened to remember a line in hospice contract wherein it said, you introduce your own treatments, we will end our relationship with you.
So. No Cbd cream.

That’s interesting Seg! I don’t think my MILs hospice paperwork had that clause? My SIL started giving her mucinex thinking it would help her cough (horrible gut wrenching coughing is one of the terrible things that comes along with pulmonary fibrosis, I tell you one day she started coughing so bad it sent me in to a panic and I nearly called 911, I legit thought she was about to die, that she couldn’t breath at all and that’s why she was like....screaming and coughing at the same time). Anyway....hospice was aware of it and they didn’t discontinue their services.

you must use good CBD products. I naturally assumed that the dispensaries would carry good stuff since weed is legal in this state. But apparently not because the stuff they sell, it takes weeks to get enough in your system to where you feel the affects.

Let me expound on no CBD cream. They said your intent honorable by your call. We know that.

Heres the prob. Her skin is equivalent of cheapest toilet paper made. Any rubbing could cause significant issues. It might make you feel better, but won't do any thing for her. She is in so much hydro codons now.

And reality note on that front. When they attempt to reposition her, despite all of this hydrocodone, she grimaced and moans. So morphine on the soon horizon. My sib and I are good with.

Just a PSA. Here. Make funeral arrangements while your LO still alive. Guilt can do funny things. So while clear headed -- As much as possible, do the task. We did in January.

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