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Yes, I've been able to get back into the walking grove, sence mornings are cooler.

I will say I'm a bit frustrated with nice people. 😆 I get to a corner and have to cross, my mind thinks of good I can stand here for a minute, catch my breath. NOPE no rest for me, they see me coming and stop for me. 😵‍💫

I hate the "nice" people who stop to let you cross the street, I've been known to back up and walk the other way. If I'm not noticeably disabled (and probably not even then) or under 10 years old I can manage quite well without your help, in fact I was planning to cross using that big gap two cars behind you but now because you stopped the rest of the traffic has caught up and I've missed my opportunity. And no I don't want to take advantage of your generosity and go now because I can't trust that the drivers behind you (that have no idea why you've stopped) won't accelerate around you in frustration.

Cwillie, Exactly!!

I started doing chair yoga a few days ago. There are tons of videos on youtube. I've tried a bit from two or three of them. If nothing else I find the deep breathing is a good stress reliever.

Willie, my dear mom's health deteriorated after a bad stress fracture which was caused because two good intentioned young men insisted on helping my mom cross the street. This was during a lingering snowfall that made all the roads an ice rink. They slipped and took my mom with them.

I've often wondered if she would have lived a little longer had she not fallen that day.

If at all possible, go outside and walk for at least an hour every day. If you have a park with some gradual hills, go there and walk at a leisurely pace. If you are in relatively good health and have good balance and mobility, try to find some steeper hills or even stairs that you can climb as many times as you can. On days when you're feeling especially good, try interspersing your walking with some jogging--not running. When you feel tired or if you feel any pain, stop and walk again. Walking, slow jogging, and climbing stairs are excellent daily exercises. A mini stepper is another way to get some steps in and you can use them with a pair of light dumbbells. As you step, you can do curls, shoulder presses, upright rows, and presses. You can step for 30 minutes to an hour daily, especially on days when you can't get outside or don't have time to go to the park. These exercises really do help with weight management, toning, and improving heart and cardiovascular function. You just need to be consistent.

Walking , and gardening , even little bits at a time ! Theres a whole thread on gardening . I count that as exercise too!

Eating - it’s good for my jaw muscles.

Strugglinson, I never understood why they considered gardening exercises, then I started gardening, and now i get it.

Same with boccie or bowling, big deal you throw a ball., you do it enough you get it.

I just love to get out in nature and just walk. I've never been much of an athlete or exercise guru, but I generally just love to walk, walk, walk.

Practice saying “ No “. This is a mental exercise. Remind yourself that you need boundaries .

It can help reduce chances of illness , and physical injury for ourselves . For example saying “ No “ and stop trying to take an elder out when you know it’s too difficult to pull them out of the car anymore .

This is needed so you say “ No” to doing things that would effect your own physical and mental health .

Way To Go, should be your new name 😁 waytomisery. 👍

Been getting out and walking more, it feels really good.

A good exercise, for core strength and everything, and balance. sit on a chair and get up with one leg and no hands, age or health related issues, try getting up without using your hands.

Do it like ten times a day.

Funny thing is you dont even realize how many times a day we get up and down and use are hands , when we don't need too.

"get up with one leg and no hands" 😮
Yeah, that's not gonna happen LOL

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