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Yesterday I accomplished a lot went to lunch with my daughter and honey then she and I went to the thrift shop and she made a killing for only 5 bucks -it would have been less but one of the volunteers said some things were not half price. Made a cake and cookies for my table at our AARP meeting today. Getting some housework done before going for mail and church mail then to the meeting early so will help the lady who sets up for coffee and to visit with friends.

Accomplishment is that I didn't loose my patients with Mom this morning when she woke me up at 4am!

id transfer dad to roudebush va in indy alison. i havent had a 15 minute wait in years. its a good hospital.

Accomplished taking my father to multiple doctor's appointments at downtown Chicago VA med facility without my head exploding. If you've never spent a day waiting in a line, so that you can wait in a room, so that you can be seen by a nurse, so that you can see the doctor, so that you can have your procedure you came there for… anyway, VA is no fun. But, got it done and didn't resort to jumping off top level of parking garage to end my pain.

Walked 15 mins today inside. Don't knock it. I know it does not seem like much but the only exercise mother got after about age 50 was walking and she always walked her 2000 steps even in a hotel room or her apartment pretty well every day. Then, of course, she walked more on other days when she went out. It has helped to keep her healthy.

My accomplishment yesterday was taking my sweet tabby Toonie to the vet and having him put down, His lungs had fluid. He enjoyed life up until yesterday so the timing was good. The vet said there was nothing that could be done -- probably cancer. He ate and played and did everything normal until yesterday so he did well. I miss him.

this is pretty out there. edna may outlive her only daughter sharon. sharon is as effed up as a football bat. im prepared to take up some slack and have even offered sharon help if she needs it. id live in with edna for 24 hr care if permissable and it becomes necessary. shes an american pioneer and a badass chick.. when we laugh, its at each other, and its permissable..

i think nursing homes will take leftovers, and in my experience even unused insulin. theyre freakin shady, why wouldnt they?
this is comical. i told my renter hor a couple months ago that id been threatening online ( ac ) to eat those yapping dogs. shes done miracles with them, you hardly know theyre here. tonight i pulled in and she had them outside peeing i guess. of course they yapped at me a bit. i told em cordially to stfu b****es.. neighbor said, just dont eat em. i told her in my best ( faux ) gruff tone that i was pretty GD hungry tonight. he he

Donate the briefs to one of the thrift stores.

Today's accomplishments included coloring hair, gathering tax paperwork, and clearing out the rest of Dad's things from his room. Getting the stuff out of the house is next. Deciding what goes where feels difficult for some reason. Can nursing homes take opened packages of briefs? Maybe an organization could take them. Hospice couldn't. Then there's my own stuff. Clearing out time! Early spring fever?

on the moon there aint much beer selection so anything would be great. bought a nice used gas powered concrete saw a few months ago. fired it up for the first job today and every bolt the rental shop who sold it to me had touched was loose and falling out. the guy offered my money back. i told him i dont want my money back, just rent me another saw while i have this one gone over by a GOOD mechanic. its a good saw, got a great deal on it but i certainly dont want them working on it again..

Hmm. Tried to look for jobs all day online. Learned a lot about the people in the field I am in. I have been majorly discouraged with lack of work, no money and rent and bills piling up. Went over to my narcisstic mother's to see if I could help her with something. We couldn't figure out her problem.She was all excited to tell me she bought some new make up while I suddenly burst into tears from the fear and frustration of being so poor. Of course her reaction to my tears was something like, "oh get over it," very cold and self centered. It was so callous it almost made me laugh. What an absurd reaction from a mother seeing her daughter in distress!
But it was more pain for me really: another reminder of how she will never be "present" again for me an how I am angrily not present for her.
Later in the day, I went home and got one little sale and two small engagements in my business. Cheered me up some. How I look forward to Spring!

Veronica - I know all about the piles of paper that are not to be touched. I have "touched" them once in a while and thrown out really old stuff and organized what's left and got no complaints. I am working on developing a "work area" where the papers can better be concealed. I really do not need all that china etc. which no one uses any more.The pile on the ottoman is mine and I just don't want to do it!
re the coffee maker - I once had to throw out a perfectly good coffee maker because I didn't descale it - have not made that mistake again.

cap, hope you get some work done. The garage mahal sounds interesting.

Major accomlishment today was clearing all the paper off the dining room table and the filing finished. maybe now I will keep up with it. Trouble is now there are piles of paper all over the house and none of them are mine and I am not allowed to touch them.
Emjo you are a better woman than me! Don't mention coffee maker to Ladee M or she will be at your house to borrow it!
Capt do you care what kind of beer?

Accomplishment - actually had some energy today - cleaned the grout in the kitchen. Peroxide does a nice job, Wiped down the appliances well, descaling the kettle, will descale the coffee maker, give the microwave a good clean out, and put the oven on autoclean - love that!!!
Failure - still haven't sorted the pile of papers on the ottoman. :( Hate sorting paper.

if ya visit bring beer. these shrooms are a little more intense than id expected.
im gonna try to work today. 32 is the high. doin some restoration on the tah mahal. these clowns didnt quite understand rebar . building code, building shmode was their motto at the time.
thats all a lie. i did stone what we called the garage mahal one time. it was a detached garage with small beer porch, 15 foot arched overhead opening and outrageous stonework with black mortar. pretty elaborate for a garage..

Capt don't leave them lying around if you don't want them stepped on

if i ever vacation i want to go to the dark side of the moon. not much of a people person. you can visit if you want but dont step on my mushrooms.

Today I made myself a rice bag to go inside my mittens to go to the drs office to get my finger stick for the Pro time. 20 seconds in the microwave did the trick and the blood ran freely. Within range this time so don't have to go back for a month. Also purchased an electric griddle so I can make those english muffins.

My sister added a day to my vacation on the front end. My hotel in AC couldn't accommodate me, so my brother booked me a room in the heart of Manhattan, for the 1st night. I am so excited I can barely stand myself. Anticipation is half the fun!
So my accomplishment today is.....
I picked up all Moms scripts and otc's to make sure she has everything she needs while I'm gone, and I'm already 90% packed.

Failure.........hmmm, I think I did good so far today! I've got time.

My positive experience today was telling my 99 year old mother that she is still valued by her family & that we still have more to learn from her.

never a dull dinner captain...maybe you can share the recipe for that...

a two hour audio of david allen coe uncensored is considerably lighter entertainment..

a sign on the office walls of the indy va say if your having depression trouble -- stop watching the news. i love international news from multiple sources but recently the less news i read the better i feel.

Cap't this is a good topic... reminds me of the daily journal I keep I'll give it a shot:

Success: 8 days straight without a cigarette, not cold turkey, using e-cigarette to keep my sanity but still it's the longest in 45 years without a cigarette. Only way this works for me is to build my own and buy my own smoke juice, the retail pre-filled jobs just don't work well. At this point, I'm missing my little friends less and less. Also, made an appointment to have Aging Services nurse to an intake evaluation on Mom for ALF. Going back and forth on whether I can actually go through with it...

Failure: failed to exercise this am as usual ... always happens if I get on the computer to read the news first, somehow the news and internet browsing just sucks my energy.

Having homemade vegetable soup with biscuits tonight and Mom's having beef pot pie with biscuits, she'll only eat soup once a week so have to fix something different for her. Overcast day here in the South. Watching reruns of Castle and Turner Classic movies.

my son and his new GF picked up my groceries last week. ill bet GF got an education. big jar of red pepper, jar of garlic powder, instant decaf for iced coffee, big bag of rice, 2 bags suger, and a double armload of frozen chicken organs. real treat tonight, gizzards and pumps..

go for it, cm - never too late!!!

Veronica - we have atrocious prices Milk (regular), (1 liter) 2.47 C$
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g) 3.46 C$ Rice (white), (1kg) 4.72 C$ Eggs (12) 3.66 C$ and those are prices from 2012. Mainly, I buy foods on sale, except for the dairy free gluten free which I need. Making from scratch is better anyway.

Accomplishment - starting a program of walking around the house as it is still too cold and windy outside. 10 min at a time briskly, avoiding the cat as necessary, who thinks I am nuts. then cooling off on the exercycle. Even 10 mins. will do some good and better if I do it a few times a day. The best advice I read about exercise is do more than you are doing now. Everyone can accomplish that.

Nicer home-made, too, Veronica. And fewer chemistry-lesson type ingredients.

PS - I think I would definitely rather ride pillion than be anyone's riding what-you-said! Though what I'd really rather is get my own bike. There's a place in our little town that gives lessons. Wonder if I've still got the old magic/teenage fearlessness (read: groundless optimism) somewhere in me...

Just got discouraged this afternoon. Went to the grocery store for just a few things and came out with even less because I refused to pay the ridiculouly high prices. english muffins were over $3 for six and I doubt there is more than 50 cents in the ingredients. I will be making my own from here on in

I got done more than usual today started with the eye doc and then blood work-she took so many tubes I felt faint afterward then home to laundry which was fun since the pipe to the dry well is frozen again and had to bail out the shower every 20 min. got cleaning and dishes done -my granddaughter comes home tomorrow she has been away since Sept.

i liked bill hor dog clinton but he sent american jobs overseas in a wholesale manner. what seperates him from most others is he later admitted cafta and nafta were snafus of the highest order. i like honesty even if its in hindsight..

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