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my hemoG shot back up in spiteof the ribavirin so lets not say bad things about chicken livers.

everybodys off the hook , im frying the chicken livers ..

if somebody dont feed me im going to narc you out to lilly . she aint gonna be happy .. i have chicken livers thawing but they probably aint going to happen tonight ..

ive seen elders as beautiful as babies. my aunt is one of them.. she wants to go wood cutting with me . her husband was a real flat tire . the sorry sob copped himself a disability by the age of 30 . that aint hard , you just ride the docs till your costing them more than your worth . edna loves my maniacal s*it ..

I just have to share this....maybe some of you have already seen it, but it's making the rounds on Facebook right now. Since I can't share the image, I'll share the text:

Rest Your Mind

I know you've been laying awake at night, wondering why baby diapers have brand names such as "Luvs", "Huggies", and "Pampers", while undergarments for old people are called "Depends".

Well, here is the low down on the whole thing:

When babies crap in their pants, people are still gonna Luv 'em, Hug 'em and Pamper 'em.

When old people crap in their pants, it "Depends" on who's in the will!

Glad I got that straightened out, so you can rest your mind.

mom tried to warn me. mom said shes pretending to be your type -- but shes not. the hor better learn to cut firewood cause her lez friends aint gonna take care of her like i did .. im a giver till you hurt me ..

ah , im a gentleman veronica. if a gal is interested in me she needs to let me know cause i dont play that flirt / rejection / ego crap . i do need to clean up tho . im covered in 4 different colors of enamel , body filler , sawdust and stone dust. the last girl who had a remote interest in me threw me in the bathtub . she wanted to come in and wash my hair in the tub but that wasnt possible -- i had this periscope thing going on . im chintzy , only had bout 4 inches of water in the tub. . lol ..
then she put this skin softener lotion on my arms and the next day i destroyed a knuckle working on a bike .. f that . i use fabric hardener in my clothes and skin hardener on my arms.. dumb b*tch wanted me but wanted me remade -- it didnt happen.. he he..
she doesnt know what a man is ..

Oh boy be careful Capt it's called harassment these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no fun ? being treated by 5 of the hottest looking females ive ever seen in my life ? s*it, ive never had more fun in my life.

LOL Cap - sorry, I don't think Dad had any of those tools (wouldn't surprise me if we do find them, though - can't even walk through that garage right now, it's that packed with junk), and good luck finding a girl to operate them!

Good luck at the VA fun, I understand.

susan , i need a good welding helmet and die grinder , 3/8 impact ratchet and a good 1/2 impact wrench. then i need a girl to operate them . lol .. still cutting firewood. customers sons hinted yesterday that im being paid to cut my own firewood this coming winter. mike IS that lovely and thoughtful of a person . i really treat him well on some world class stonework and hes the kind to make it right with you .
va tomorrow. lilly better quit bitchin , im wearing a cut off t shirt over my a shirt.
oughtta slather myself with fake tanning cream , im bout that ornery . lol
i work outdoors d*mnt , i turn dark ..
love cutting and splitting wood but s*it , its hard work..

True countrymouse, live and learn...and definitely will be assinging tasks (and food assignments) next get what you ask for...both good and bad....

Oo! Man sale? - oh. How disappointing. I have all the chisels and spanners I need, thank you.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…. Hope, no!!!

I'm sorry cousin was a wombat guest who didn't engage her food-filled brain long enough to think about all the WORK involved in clearing up - but oh please! Don't let it spoil the lovely fun day you had. It would be such a pity.

Yes, I agree: next time, strict rules about any guest has to bring food (as per your instructions); help with cooking and preparations; and DEFINITELY do the dishes (ideally you have a little chain gang doing this while you lounge on the sofa eating choccies). But please don't let it ruin your lovely day. We live and learn, eh? xxx

Thanks, Veronica - that's definitely the plan - a "man sale" to sell the remainder of Dad's tools. It breaks my heart to sell them, but everyone in the family will have a chance to get what they want out of them first, so they will go to good use.

Boni - I started cutting my hair short after I moved in with Mom - so much easier to deal with! No more hour in front of the mirror every morning with hair dryer, curling iron, spray and mousse! A little spritz, blow it dry in 5 mins and I'm done!

arkaren - you accomplished more than I did yesterday! Those darn dishes creeped up on me again....dang it.

Ha is morning and now that the smoke from the BBQ grill has cleared, I have to say, that while yesterday was fun on the realm of being able to actually "do" something holiday ish the reality of it is that reviewing the day, my guest did nothing but sit on her behind the entire day, including clearning away her dirty dishes after our meal. I am offically a doofus and am wondering if I am in such need of company I am willing to put up with anything off of someone. I am so tired this morning I feel like I have been beaten and I am paying the price for all the "entertaining I did yesterday. My guest had so much fun she told me I was gong to see a lot more of her on upcoming holidays. I am practicing, starting now, and will tell her, look, I am far too tired to be cooking and waiting on folks. I just can't do it anymore.... feeling stupid

Cousin came to spend the day with us and I cooked burgers on the grill, with baked beans, chips and such...It was great! She brought some great donuts and I had baked a cake...We both ate too much, enjoyed a lot of chit chat and coffee on the deck and I made Mom a special smoothie with her Jevity 1.2 , ice cream, mixed was great and she really enjoyed it...I am worn out, but actually enjoyed a holiday today!! woo hoo! fun times!

Failure: failed to connect with brother today
Accomplishments: vacuumed house, listened to dads Korean war stories.

This was yesterday's accomplishment, but I'm still enjoying it. I got my super short summer hair cut and every time I see me in the mirror I am both shocked and pleased. I look frigging adorable. LOL!

Jessie put an ad in the paper for the chair and scooter. They are much sought after and someone will fix it up for their granny as they are so expensive to buy.
Depending on how many tools there are have a tool sale and you will attract every man within a 100 miles. Rusty or not they are worth good money. You only need to do a couple of hours they will be lined up before you start. just throw them in boxes and label the box with the price. they will haggle anyway.

Cap'n you are here because "God won't take you and the Devil won't have you" and I don't remember which grandmother said that.

back to cutting firewood. why wont i die ??

Oh, and Jessie - * be careful* when taking the seat off. I almost knocked myself flat on my butt when I did Mom's.

Jessie - I'm glad you found the manual! I should have mentioned the seat - many of them require you to take the seat off to access the batteries and/or any other mechanical parts. Hope you can get it out of there soon.

Susan, I found the manual and then the levers that took the brake off. It also showed how to remove the batteries. I learned when doing it that I would first have to take the seat off. I wasn't emotionally ready to take on that task, so the chair is just setting there with its dead batteries in. So many albatrosses and so little life left.

Susan, if he has any Snap-On tools, they are worth a lot. The brand is collected, so people will pay good money for them. I would put them on eBay.

I'm so proud of myself. I cleaned the area and even washed the windows and sills. What a mess they were. I still have to tend to the things that have to be cleaned up and donated. One irritating thing is that I found enough extension cords to wrap around the house 2-3 times. Why did anyone buy that many cords? They are mostly the thick orange types -- very nice, but enough's enough. I'll have to figure how much we need and donate the rest.

For all you people looking for things: When my father dropped dead, I sat down in his chair by his desk. I knew once he sat, he didn't get up. So I figured everything had to be within arm's reach of that chair. I was correct. The Will, the Checkbook, the title to the plot, everything was reachable without getting out of that chair.

Jessie - Find the chair's manual, or look online using the chair's manufacturer name to see if you can find a manual. Many power chairs and scooters have what's called a "free wheeling" mode, which is essentially like putting it in neutral so it can roll freely. Mom's scooter has a lever under the back near the axle.

Dad's tools have definitely seen better days. If I can ever get all my siblings together, we're going to do a garage cleanout and everyone can take what they want - the rest will go in a garage sale. I think he has 3 of everything out there. LOL

What I think is so sad is all the rusted tools. Expensive tools just left to rust away.

My main trauma is not the memories. It is the nastiness and disgust that comes with it. The house was neglected for 50 years and I tackle one project at a time. This is one that I kept putting off, because it was so awful. Behind the mountain of clutter I found mildew covered paneling and a chewed chipmunk hole. There was a bed of ants in the window that hadn't been opened in forever. Now I'm figuring out how to get the battery out of the power chair. Maybe I can move it a bit if I got the battery out. I had been charging the battery for 4 years, but it finally gave a couple of months back. I don't want to leave it in there, but I can't figure out how to get it out. :-(

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