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I have an elderly family member in the hospital, but cannot post out of respect for her and family's privacy. Limited to taking a few casseroles essentially. If it were not for this forum's members I would not have known what to do. I am not as worried, but just not feeling myself.

Thanks Gershun, for the new thread. You have always looked out for the forum members and the community here!

Imtired, I'm so very sorry for your loss!

The SSI burial benefit will go to his children if he is not legally married to their mother. That benefit is a payout to a spouse or dependent children if no spouse only.

I just buried my 34 yr old son. I paid all expenses, will I receive the 250.00 burial
Benifets? Or will his children? ( who are 11 and 8. ) do I h ave to prove I paid expenses?

I hope that this new thread will take off. Sometimes threads disappear for a while and then come back. If the old whine thread comes back that would be great, but if not I hope everyone feels free to post on this one.

You are welcome MsMadge. Bring all your friends.

Thanks for the new thread

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