
I am so glad I found this forum. I check it often it is my outlet when I need it. When I see how other caregivers are handling there situation I find comfort in reading this forum, my husband has Alzheimer's and I need all the advice I can get thanks to everyone.

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I am grateful for this forum. Venting to people who can relate is a God-send. I need to be reminded I’m not alone.

There is a lot of information here. In fact, I just started a dementia course online that was mentioned here.
This is a horrible disease. Nice that there's a spot for the caregivers to try to deal with the complexities of dementia, by interacting with each other. Much needed. Much appreciated.

I just found it and so am I!
I am also a caregiver for my father (alzheimer's) and mother (cancer survivor).
I made the decision to move in with them and its been a heckuva roller coaster ride

This forum saved my sanity when my mother’s dementia first made its appearance in our lives.

I also learn something new every day!


So glad to know it is helpful to you. I wish I'd known about it when my in-laws became a train wreck back in 2014. I still have 3 elders for which I'm PoA, and I have learned so much here, and learn something new nearly every day. Blessings to you!

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