
My wonderful dad passed away this morning. While my sister and I are relieved that he passed away without pain (though it was hard to watch) and is no longer paralyzed and frail, oh how we would have loved one more Christmas with him.

Just a shout-out to all those mourning a loved one this Christmas or Hanukkah, maybe someone who has just passed or the anniversary of their death in years past; or maybe someone still living but who is no longer the person they were when they were healthy and well so that you no longer have the same relationship you once cherished.

It’s a hard time to grieve.

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So sorry on the loss of your father. I hope you and your family find increasing peace as the holidays pass and time moves on. Huuuuge hug

He was ready.
My Dad passed last Jan 1st, after the ball dropped. Miss him terrifically, but he is here w/me every day ...
You will feel your Dad's presence more than ever. Ask for signs ;-) <3

I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that at least some of you moments were remembering good times around the holidays. I just lost a dear friend, and while home on hospice she was shopping Etsy for the "last Christmas" decorations for a day she did not make it to. She recognized she might not. I agree that it is a difficult time to grieve, but there is some joy for me in thinking of her sitting there with her smart phone shopping away because "it's what I DO", and brings a sad smile to my heart. You were there for your Dad, and you (and likely he) were ready. I hope, and I believe you will be OK. Keep the happy thoughts there, side by side with their grief. Any joy you can bring to yourself will do him honor. My best wishes to you.

Looks like Jesus wanted your dad Home on the celebration of His birth huh? While I know that is hard for you and your family, please know that your dad is now rejoicing and running the streets of gold in his new body, with no more pain.
And that in itself is a huge gift to not only him, but you as well.
Please now take time to take care of yourself and know that your dad is in really good hands now.
May God bless you in the days, weeks and months ahead.

Snoopylove, I am so sorry for your loss.

May The Lord give you peace, mercy and comfort during this new season.

I so understand feeling relief that his suffering is over but, wishing for one more day. He was very blessed to have you and your care.

Great big warm hug!

I'm so sorry for your loss Snoopylove.

To those who are grieving a loved one this time of year.
Try to remember the happier times when you are thinking
of your loved ones on these sad anniversaries.

Your fond memories will never die.

Thanks to all for the beautiful and insightful comments. It means a lot. 😊

Dear Snoopy
So saddened to read that your dad has passed. Yes Christmas is hard for all of us with loved ones in their final days.
My DH and I visited his sweet aunt in the NH today. It was so sad as her energy seems to have drained from her. When I asked her for a smile she seemed embarrassed but gave me a sweet smile and when we left she told us to “enjoy your life”. It felt like a blessing.
You are so kind to think of us when your grief is so fresh. We are, all of us, in one stage of grief or another as our elders are just a short distance from the finish line or recently crossed over. All the inconveniences fade away as they pass on from our sight. We do the best we can and in the end it is enough.
Be gentle with yourself Snoopy as you grieve with your sister and know your wonderful dad is at peace.

Condolences to you, and know that you’re not alone in missing your loved one on this day. Many of us have been there. Take care of YOU now.

Dear Snoopy, I am very sad and upset to read your post right now. My heart hurts for your loss, especially at Christmas. What gives me peace thru the grief is knowing that my parents are no longer immobilized in wheelchairs but dancing in heaven these days, free from the earthly burdens and pain they were laden with. That's my prayer for you; that you're able to envision your dear father dancing with joy and moving his body with ease and freedom now.

Sending you a big hug today and during the weeks and months of sadness ahead.

So very sorry for your loss, make this Christmas a celebration of his life, knowing that he is in a better place.

So very sorry for the loss of your dad, and such a difficult time of year with all the relentless messages of joy. Wishing you healing and peace in the days ahead

SnoopyLove, my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.

So sorry for your loss. My Dad left us after we had had Thanksgiving dinner. He passed in his sleep that night. He would have so much wanted to get to Christmas, his favorite holiday, but he made it to Thanksgiving.

Do not let him passing on Christmas make it a day to grieve in the coming years. Make it a special day when God gave him a Chrustmas gift of now having no pain and being whole again.

((((((hugs))))snoopy. It is so hard to lose a loved one this time of year. My deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved dad.

Oh, Snoopy, I'm so sorry to hear the sad news of your dad's death.

Hard to bear on ordinary days; extraordinarily hard to bear when everything is telling you to be merry and bright.

May you be comforted by your many good memories; take good Chistmases past with you into this season and many to come.

So sorry, SnoopyLove. Today will certainly feel surreal in many ways. I hope that family can gather, share memories, and share tears. May there be peace in your homes today.

Dear SnoopyLove ((Hugs)) sorry to hear about this.

Just a few days ago, and around every xmas I think about what other lives must be like after losing someone on the day or around the day of xmas. I guess every situation is a little different, but there's always reflection on the past, whether it xmas or not.

Unfortunately the special days plastered everywhere in the media, adverts, news, etc, In my friends case her parents are in the cemetery and she goes there on some special days to say some words, that's her way of still connecting.

I come from a big family but we don't all get together at xmas with extended family, they just do their own thing. but as I'm the sole caregiver for mom, I've spent xmas'es them with my mom mainly. I will always miss her in the future, as I do with my father on special days. It's going to be tough for me to face things in the future with my situation. I'll most likely be facing grief alone and there was big turmoil with certain family members when my father passed away.

It sounds like you have been through a lot of pain in the process. It's raw, early. If you have children, other support, this will help. It's compassionate of you to still think of others at this time and write a post.

I wish you and your family inner peace in the coming days, weeks, and years.

Love & Peace.

Snoopy, my deepest sympathies on the loss of your dad. The holiday season would make it harder.

Dear SnoopyLove,

I'm so sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies and condolences to you and your family during this sad time.

(((hugs))) My thoughts are with you.

Thank you for your compassion and empathy. It is very hard to lose a parent no matter their age or situation. It's hard for me to accept it has been 6 years. I will take a wreath to my dad today or on the 26th.

Thinking of you. Please know we are here with you x

My condolences on the loss of your dad. I know how hard it is, as my dad died the day before Thanksgiving in 2018. His birthday was December 20, so we had the first Thanksgiving, birthday, and Christmas without him all in the span of a month after he died. It wasn't fun as you'll find out, but we did feel the love and support of family and friends during that time.

I hope that your Christmases in the future will be filled with the memories of the many happy ones you spent with Dad rather than the single one he missed.

Remember, memories are made of millions of moments, and death is just one of those moments. Don't give it more power over your memories than the millions that came before that one.

Peace to you and your family this Christmas.

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