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hello Sailors!

Who will be the one to push us over 1000 posts?


BTW, puter is fine now. Way to go, hubby!!

Okay, Dfflex. You have a great day too!!

Hey Miz,
I'm the new person. I didn't see you and then I got distracted with mom for a little bit and by then you were gone. We'll try again soon.

Have a great day my shipmates!

wow... I missed a boat trip!! sorry miz and ss, let's hook it up later today.

Deadliest Catch marathon today!! New season starts Tuesday and they will cover what happened to Cap'n Phil.

love you all and hopefully we'll hang out later.


Hi SS. It's okay. There was a new person there but I can't remember the name. Our computer started acting crazy and it may have a virus. Hubby is working on it. Hopefully it's okay now. If the new person sees this, I am sorry I left you high and dry.


Sorry, just got your message now; 59 minutes later. We were watching Glen Beck address CPAC, from a video someone posted on FB. Thanks for your emails earlier. Did you find anyone there?

Anyone there? I'm on the boat.

bobbie, I can absolutely relate to the starting of a project and then not having the energy to finish it. I never used to be that way. Used to get lots done. Now I'm lucky to get the laundry done and kitchen cleaned up.

I'm making a note to always carry a ten dollar bill with me. Ya never know. ;)

Okay, I was just at the rehab joint about 40 minutes ago and when I left, grandma was sitting in bed eating her supper. I just got a call from them saying that she fell. No one saw her fall but they found her on the floor in her room. Said they don't think she got hurt though. What the heck?! She refuses to use her call button to call for assistance like she's supposed to. She says that it doesn't work because she pushes it and can't hear it ringing. Jeez!

lhardebeck, You call it spoiling.....I call it bribery. LOL I do what I gots to do to get the job done. Yeah, I think I'm gonna take a ten dollar bill and fold up like oragami and pin it to her shirt. Whatever makes her feel better.

lhardbeck, spoiling sounds like the right approach. Don't we all need that?! Them, especially; poor babies.

Pamela, doing your mom's garden, makes you a gardening angel. Sounds like a fishing buddy for your mom, too. LOL I haven't seen anyone in chat on the boat lately, either. But every once in a while get an email from one of the crew, LOL, *wink*. Love you ladies! If you want to do chat, let us know, or schedule one, and notify everyone, etc. Whatever works for you. PM us if you do!

Giles, your gram sounds cute, cept the beligerent report. What a denial story. You will have your hands full if she comes home, won't you? You going to flash a ten dollar bill at her? Might as well go along with it. Pulled pork sandwiches sound good.

Ya'll are making me hungry. I think fish sounds good on the boat :)

awww , bless her heart and yours too .
i went to dr today for my back , got some antiflamitory and tamadol . seems to be helpin me , doc ask me why dont i put pa to nursing home . i told her i couldnt do that cuz he would die if iput him there and if i wanted him to die i would have put him there long time ago . so she said ok .
when he was in rehab that was enough for him . ready to get outta there to get back home .
hope ur mom is dealin with begin at rehab . yep gotta spoil her . i spoiled pa with frosty and chilli when i go see him . and v-8 juice , he would whine i wanna go home waaaaaaaaaaaaa wanna go home and pout like a lit boy . it was tearin me up .

Well, doesn't that beat all! I typed the first comment and my computer went on the fritz. I was ticked. Checked the page, comment never posted. Typed the whole darn thing again and now they both show up. That's just the way my days been goin! For those who might wonder why the heck I posted the same darn stuff twice.......the answer is NO, It's not dementia! LOL

Hey everyone. Grandma got out of the hospital and into a rehab facility yesterday morning. She dealt with the transfer well but dementia started kicking in as she ate her lunch. When I came back to see her at 5pm, she was completely belligerent, nasty and hateful to everyone. I had to talk/argue with her for an hour and a half to even get her to eat her supper. She seemed to simmer down a little bit after she at and was doing well til I left last night. Today she was calm but completely out of it. Talking nothin' but crazy, nonstop.

She told me that her and my other grandmother went to meet the Lord last night. When I asked what went wrong that she was still her, she calmly and matter of factly told me, "We got denied." I asked her why and she told me that neither of them had enough money to get in. I had to know so I asked her what the goin' rate is for getting into Heaven nowadays. She says, "Ten dollars. We didn't have ten dollars. Isn't that a racket. But you better believe that I'm keeping a ten dollar bill with me from now on just to be safe." I couldn't help busting out laughing. And this from a good Christian woman. Just goes to show what dementia can actually do. So sad. Made a deal with her that if she cooperated and behaved today, I'd bring her the pulled pork barbeque sandwich that she's been wanting. Gotta go make it now so I can take it in.

SS, sorry to hear you got more snow. It was in the 90's here in Pennsylvania yesterday and today. Not sure where Spring went. Kinda jumped from winter right into summer weather. Not good. I need time in between to adapt.

Hang in there everyone.

So grandma is out of the hospital and was moved to a rehab facility yesterday morning. I thought she took the move very well, even though her dementia was starting to kick in while she ate lunch. Til I went back in at 5pm, she was nasty, hateful, beligerent, paranoid schitzo. I had to talk/argue with her for and hour and a half before she would even eat her supper. After she finally ate, she started to mellow out a little. This morning when I got there, she was calm but the dementia was definitely there. She informed me that she and my other grandmother went to meet the Lord last night! I asked her what happened that she was still here. She very calmly and matter of factly says, "We got denied." I asked her why they were denied and again, shrugged her shoulders and very calmly told me that neither of them had enough money with them. So out of curiousity, I asked her what the goin' rate is for getting into heaven nowadays. She says, "Ten dollars. Do you believe that? What a racket! But from now on you can bet I'm keepin' a ten dollar bill in my pocket just to be safe." And this coming from a good, christian woman. She'd ordinarily be the first one to yell "blasphemy" at a story like that. Goes to show what dementia can really do. So sad. She told me last evening at dinner that she wasn't cooperating because they still wouldn't get her a pulled pork barbeque sandwich. I made a deal with her that if she behaved, took her pills, did her rehab, and ate well today that I'd bring her one for supper tonight. Getting ready to go make them now. Later everybody.

Beach weather here for sure!

He everyone. Bobby glad to hear too that momz stood up to the pt guy. My mom didn't like the OT and asked me to stop him from coming, said he was making fun of her, I complied. She did however like the pt, he was very nice and use to give us free stuff.

Do you guys ever go on the boat anymore, I've seen no activity in days, well I don't think so.

Been doing a lot of gardening with mom, and my place as well. Mom and I are on a fried fish kick and been eating it like it's going out of style (actually I could never ger enough fish).

How is everyone else here? I know we've all been busy. Mom is getting very tired very easily now days. But she still loves that garden. It just doesn't give her as much life as it use to. It's OK though I'll take whatever I can get.

Take care everyone and hope to hear from you.

Hey, Bobbie, what a story about the PT guy. Good for your mom for holding out. She knew he was a dolt. Hang in there sweetie. I know how hard it is, watching my dad disappear. He calls my son by my husband's name. So glad he still knows us. But that's all he can communicate. The language has all but gone away...o, he talks, just can't understand a word he's saying. Hugs to you and your mom. One day at a time. You're an angel.

We got snow here in N. MI. Can you believe it? Brrrr. Thank God for the nice warm fireplace. And so much for the swimming in Lake Michigan my son did 6 days ago. Ah, Spring! Ready for the beach again.

Hello Sailors,

OK Feel better.

Printed out 2 pictures of dreamboat.

How are you ladies? What is going on in your lives? I
I'm going to do a little paperwork and then go over to mom's and give her some good probiotic Greek yogurt. Yo Gurt. that's a funny sound. I think I'm spelling it wrong.

Have you ever torn apart a big closet to clean it out and give stuff away only to find that you don't have the soup to finish the job in one day? Then you spend the next morning crawling over what looks like a scene from Hoarders until the coffee kicks in and you can finish? Anybody?

Yesterday a PT guy came out to see mom and didn't know that she could walk and freaked her out. Put a belt around her chest (over her boobs!! Mom's boobs are, ahem, well they aren't where they started.).which she had never experienced because she stands and sits by herself. I walked in on the belt episode and called a stop to the deal. Pt guy and mom, not a good match. I told the the owner (great lady) of the place and she had that handled and we get a new PT... this time a woman. This huge hairy guy is leaning over mom saying, hug me hug me to get her to stand up and mom is having none of that so he concludes that she can't walk and I'm saying, well yesterday she walked so what's up with that?
Dude wants to argue and tells me that he's been doing this for 26 years, blah blah blah and I don't give a S*** actually because I know mom can walk and she's just waiting this sucker out. What this guy doesn't know about Dementia is staggering.
I tell him the story about mom coming down the hall with no stick during an EARTHQUAKE. That 7.2 down in Mexicali. Of course mom knew that there were BLTs on the table that I had just brought over for her so she could walk just fine. guy is deaf, thinks I'm nuts and there you have it.

So finally the guy leaves and it's time for lunch and mom is on the couch and I go over and put my hands out to help her up. With her back isssues the easiest way for both mom and her caregiver is to simply put both your hands out, she takes your hands and you give it a 3 count and a knee bend on 3 and she pops right up and hangs onto you until she finds her balance. (I tried to show the guy but he wanted to hang over her and get up in her face and 'hug me hug me' THAT will hurt your back and it hurts her too because she doesn't have the upper body strength to hang on to something with her arms and shoulders and her poor humped back. The more I think about it the more I think that this guy was a moron of the first order.)

AnyHoo, it's time for lunch and so i get mom up and point to the table and while we're walking across the room I ask in her ear: You weren't going to walk for that SOB were you? And she says, Nope. and gives me the twinkle.
That's what I try to explain to folks: she's in there and comes out for me but other people don't take the time to understand how she communicates. It's very subtle but when you understand what she is doing you realize that she can answer yes, no questions and then give out enough words where i can pick it up and say: do you want me to tell the story of. or is this about the time, etc etc and she gives me yes/no answers until I land on the right one.
It's becoming harder and harder for her to string together thoughts and she knows she is losing her mind. I tell her that she is very very brave and to just roll with it and to always know deep down that you are Safe and Sound.
I love her very much and this is indeed, as well as the death of my daddy, the hardest thing I have ever experienced.

Thank you everybody who has posted on this thread and who continues to check in with me as well as the rest of the Sailors. You people have gotten me through some tough times and I know those tough times for all of us are just going to go on for a bit. Thanks to all of us being here for each other and for this site. life saver.




Thank you, bobbie and me too!!

Pirate, I guess I look at shoe porn. I love shoes. And purses...

I guess I look at recipe gardening ooops even crafts porn.....

You're a sweetie, Miz. I really look forward to meeting you!

bobbie, I hope you can get some rest. You'll get through the stuff. You're a strong woman. I hope the boat porn helps today. Have I thanked you lately for starting this thread???? Thank you!!!!


Pirate, it makes perfect sense and is so familiar it's creepy. Just keep getting it out of you so you can have a shot of staying sane.

Giles, I'll pick you up and drop you off wherever you want! Love Baltimore!

I am exhausted today and am trying to get up the snap to go see mom at the place. It takes a lot of energy that I just don't have anymore and am still recovering from all of that concentration I gave her and her issues for all these past years.

Pirate, I had the same experience when I was much younger, knowing on some level that I would get 'stuck' with all of the fallout from my mom's craziness... and sure 'nuff, STILL cleaning up her crap and so very very tired.

I just hope and pray that I live through this stuff so we can go on our boat ride. Just because I'm not wiping my mom's butt personally for a few months, I've learned that the stress levels with all that I am dealing with are still way too high and I need to make some more changes. sux.

Love you ladies and i think we might have a couple guys on here... so love you too because we all are in the same BOAT!!

I'm going to look at some boat porn and cheer myself up.


ha ha ha Giles oh I get the "the poor thing too", yeah she's got a house paid for (i rent), and has way more money than I do...yeah youre so poor. My mother is a user...she uses people and manipulates that's her MO all her life and it's no different now. People are supposed to age gracefully NOT, they just get worse (well in this case). The other day on Easter I was dyeing Easter eggs at her house to try to give the day some semblance to Easter...(since she wanted no food that I had cooked the day before for Easter)....and she was whining why doesn't my g/f call her anymore. And I have heard this for a while. Well my g/f has her own family and things to do, she's a big shopper and traveler and both her parents have been gone a very long time, her mother was a poor sick angel with a bad heart, and never had to go through the mental hell I have had to endure (well actually a lifetime of mental/physcological hell). Well I turned around and said finally Where's your friends..the answer came quick. I have none....she said..I said yeah because YOU always said there is no such thing as friends...she never had any...always fought with everyone around her, bitter crazy woman...and is ending up that way, and dragging me down with her...OR AT LEAST trying, but I got her number now, she so afraid of dying...NPD'S usually are. (NPD = Narcissitic Personality Disorder). But she's healthy and always feigns something. I am so sick of it. I cannot wait for all this mental strife to be finally over in my life. I just keep wondering why I had such a complete and concise deja vu feeling come over me one day when I was in my 20'
s (a strong feeling that she is going to be hell for me in her old age...boy that PREMONITION sure came true). I am still wondering how a premonition like that worked, wow! Yeah conversations I have given up on, it's like Mr. Toads wild ride, and then she likes to break into her native tongue as well, and when she knows I don't like it she does it even more. She so trying and she even knows..get this that she is evil, she even states it from time to time. It's like a horror movie threw up in my life and she's IT! It's like trying to live life outside of a padded cell, by being inside a padded cell at the same time, does that make any sense?

My last thought of the day before calling it quits and going to bed.......Trying to hold a conversation with grandma is like Alice making her way through Wonderland. Mad Hatter and all.

Hoping you all had a good day today. Nite all!

sounds like stanfords and sons , hahaha thinki spell that one right ?
mmmm way past my bedtime . almost 2 am .
pa was good today , slept all day .
stayed awake about 3 hrs after supper then says hes ready for bed .
hes good guy , whew . if i have to take car eof my mil oh yes ibe in the same BOAT you ladies have .
gosh i dontthink i could handle it ,
goodnite you all ! xoxo

Must be an old lady thing. Grandma does that too. She used to always brag about how she'd pull the "I'm just a poor little old lady" trick in a weak voice to get her way and get people to do whatever she wanted. Now she's trying it on me and can't figure out why it's not working. lmao Wow, does she ever get ticked when I call her bluff though! She actually faked a heart attack with her in-home physical therapist one day to try to get out of PT. I walked into the room, she's clutching her chest and gasping for air, and the therapist looks like he's about ready to crap himself cause he gave an old lady a heart attack. You should have seen the look on his face when I looked at her and said, "Oh stop it grandma! just knock it off." Of course, when she gave me a dirty look, let go of her chest and said "fine. lets just get this crap over with so I can take my nap", he finally realized what was going on.

I'll catch her feeding food to the dogs while she's eating at the table (which she knows she's not allowed to do cause she only does it when she thinks I'm not looking) and she'll sit there, food in hand, dog mouth on food in her hand and say "no I'm not". Like I'm not standing there watching her do it! WTF?

Crazy old biddies, anyway! What's that line Heath Ledger said in Ten Things I Hate About You? "Oh how I love to hate her!". LOL Yep. I feel like that some days. And then I just laugh. :)

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