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I would like to get Mom a hospital bed but she LOVES her bed so much. I fear that it would upset her. I guess I could bring up the idea slowly and see what she thinks. She told a caregiver she wanted to take her bed up to heaven with her. LOL :)

Wow giles. Almost sounds like an April Fool's Joke, or more likely your grandma got a rush of adrenalyne at the thought of going to rehab. Or maybe it's a miracle. Who knows. :)

Happy Easter everyone

tennessee, you are funny! and I agree about the Green Bean!

I remember Spanish peanuts! I haven't had any of those for ages and I do remember how tiny they are... and you had to pick them. Heavens.

You guys really did it all on that farm. My respect. We have a great area for a vegetable garden at the house in NJ and I would really like to see it all planted and producing but of course that would mean me doing all of the work and I am still too pooped to take that on. Maybe later. Much later! Now i will continue to enjoy the farmers' markets and leave the work to the pros.

off to the grocery store to get the bacon for mom's BLT Easter Dinner.

Hope everyone is having a good Easter and maybe have a minute to tell us what's up with you all and your families.

Much love,

The Easter Bunny just left;atleast I think it was the Easter Bunny;Larged Earred Rodent looking thing leaving jelly bean droppings all over front porch. He was moving kinda fast,I guess thats how he gets where all he needs to go. Growing up on farm, we raised all of our own food,killed and cured hogs,cow in freezer,plucked chickens[DIDN'T EAT CHICKEN FOR THE LONGEST TIME] Had 40 catfish ponds,so there were plenty of fish.Had possums as pets,never ate them.I used to ride my pet bull just like he was a pony. The only thing I really hated doing on farm was picking peanuts,daddy would plant those spanish peanuts and they were so small,they weren't like the big ones you buy in stores,they were tiny;he claimed they were healthier for you,less fat.Sometimes I think he planted those things to get back at me for something.People are starting to grow their own food again,I think thats good.I personally would rather kill and eat a Green Bean than a cow,plus green beans don't kick,butt and trample .

yep, I agree it's gross and it's my mistake, not lamb but goat cooking over at the Hacienda. His family is from a little village in Greece and they are having a smokin par-tay in celebration of the Resurrection.

everybody's got their thing. I'd rather make goat cheese and put it on a cracker, name the goat and sell the lawnmower.

just finished the eggs and have them nice and bright. Out of dye. Broke a few and got an egg salad sandwich out of the deal.

tennessee, I hear you. my dad's family is from the hills in N. Carolina and they ate that stuff on a regular basis, cooked, I'm pretty sure. During the Depression, my dad put the meat on the table because he was a good shot. It's amazing how far we've all come in 1 generation. My daddy was 'shootin at some food...' and I'm only capable of going to the Acme.

Happy Easter you amazing Caregivers.

love you guys


There's people around here who think squirrel head is good, some eat it raw,suppose to be a treat. BIG YUCK.

I love greek food, but not staring eyeball to eyeball! Each to their own, I guess. My greek friends never served stuff like that to me, in fact, loved their bakleva. Forget the wierd stuff. O, and I hope you forget the sweet little lamb analogy. Mine is petting farm material. Yikes!

hahaaha thats funny . i rather be petting a lamb than eating it ., ewwwwww . who knows it might be real g ood stuff to eat .
ive had lambs meat but not sure about the brain , barf !!
i saw it on tv one time , people actuly eats monkeys brain ,
poor monkeys ,,,

Bobbie, after that story about the lambs head,I'm going to think twice upon going to a Greek restaurant.Then you look up and see SS little lamb looking at you. i don't think I'll ever look at SS logo the same.Yeah, that was really gross.

Brains and eyeballs are gross to eat, I'm sure. What in the world does that have to do with Easter? I like BLT's. Hope you and your mom enjoy them, Bobbie.

We are going out for Chinese tomorrow. I know that sounds strange. It's our 12th wedding anniversary. Went up on Hwy2 for my birthday yesterday, with my 2 guys. Big D and little d flew kites, and we all walked barefoot in the sand. A rare April 2nd. Little d even went wading thigh deep in the brrrrr chill water. Don't you just love 9 year old boys?! I do! They also took me out to the Bay View Inn for a very nice birthday dinner! The owners gave me coconut cream pie for dessert! YUM! And we had leftovers for lunch today, so bonus! The sun was shining, and it was a beautiful April day for crossing the Mackinaw Bridge and back.

We had extremely dangerous fire hazard warnings, and then today, got a couple hours of much needed rain. It truly is Spring!

Have a wonderful Easter/Resurrection celebration, dear caregivers!

wow. thank you SS and LH. You guys are an inspiration to me and a lot of us and love you lots. BOAT!!

Over at her place, Mom and I watched a little of Chicken Run and I put up her big 90 day calendar so she has a sense of time. should have most of my work done in that time period and then moving upward and onward.

loving the quiet time. my apartment is very cozy and for the first time in years if I put something down it's there when I return. Whatta concept.

I'm juicing and eating fruit to cleanse and brown rice to balance. My life has been too crazy and I am working hard on feeling better while I have a few days to myself.

boiling some eggs to dye. I'm going to take them over to mom's place so one of the caregivers can hide them on me. I love to hunt up Easter eggs. My ex-husband would hide them 5 or 6 times before I'd had enough. the toughest one he ever hid was in his sock and it took me an hour to find it.
I'm all by myself this Easter and have to be proactive. The caregivers already agreed to hide them. they think I'm nuts. The caregivers are Buddists and the owners are Russian Jews so they're having Passover and I'm showing up with eggs to hide. I think I'll top it off by making BLTs for Easter Dinner. Mom's favorite of all time. That's it! An Easter Basket with a load of eggs to hide and a few BLTs for dinner. Now we're talking.

They're not Kosher over there but they don't have any cloven hoof or shellfish action going on either. Very good because the food is healthier without those things, but tomorrow is a feast day so mom and I are going to feast.

Mom doesn't have the gout or anything so she can eat a few BLTs every once in awhile and it won't hurt her.

mister's family is Greek so they're celebrating Greek Easter and his mom got him a big treat by bringing home a lamb head and the hind quarters and the front end. He said that she didn't get the part in the middle. I, of course, am flummoxed as to why in the world but he's looking forward to brains and eyeballs. I kid you not. All they are roasting is the head and one rear quarter. his mom and dad are great cooks so it will be amazing I'm sure. If you're into brains and eyeballs. OMG.

Well, this is the Gross Out thread so there you go....there's nobody here to gross me out so I have to be proactive about that also.

Happy Easter and God Bless us all,


bobbie , ur mom is so lucky to have you around . bet shes lovin every mins of it , ure a sweetheart ! xoxo
happy easter to ya all ....

Bobbie, you're an awesome daughter to your mom! Hope you enjoy some quiet time. God bless your Easter!

Hello Sailors,

linda and giles, you guys are amazing. I love the way you write and you are very funny.

dt flex good into about the bed, etc. That's the way I got mom's wheelchair and gel cushions.

i'm alone for the weekend as mom is in her little home and the mister is with his family for the Holiday. I missed the plane and they already had plans and that's ok.

I haven't been alone for a long long time and it is very interesting. Now I'm the only one here to gross myself out. Consequently, I'm in cleaning mode and putting a shine on the joint and in a little while I'll make another carrot, beet and cucumber juice for mom and take it over to the place along with some green grapes and apples to help with her uti.

love you guys and have a very Happy Easter

Boy can I relate to the arguing bit! Last night mom got all upset and crying because (in her mind) I accused her of stealing my matress pads. Of course, this was after she stripped her bed to make sure she had one under her sheets. Guess who had to make the bed up again? Making the bed isn't a big deal but when it is 11pm at night it was quite annoying. This mornings disagreement was over her medications. It is never ending.

Giles, I think you were asking about medicare and the hospital bed. Once you have a prescription from your doctor, medicare will pay for the bed. Medicare requires that you do it as a rental for I think 13 months and then it is yours. They will do the same for the trapeze and wheelchairs. You may have a small co-pay each month. When the day comes that you don't need the items anymore, many senior centers will accept them so that they can add to their loaner collection.

I wish all of you a beautiful Easter!

oh my !! you had me laughing , poundin on the picture window . realy has lifted up my down mood , wink
tough it out i know i did , my dad would scream on top of his lungs help me helppppp . id come a running and said what what he says oh just wonder if everybody s a ok ? he did that for 8 mos !!! i would never get any sleep cuz he knows when i just doze off he would scream ahhhh help me ahhh cryin ! whats mater pa ? i gotta peee like he expected me to jump up and rush him to bathroom . geeze ! my husband and daughter would lose sleep cuz of that . sleeping pills was like tripin out on something to them . im thinkin oh my gosh !!! after tryin so many diffrent pills , xanax was the one to help him sleep good .
whew !! thank u jesus !!!
sometimes i dont even have to give him any cuz he sleeps alot anyway , i give it to him when he starts strchin his head and agivated . xannax and good ole pasty cline MUSIC helps him sleep ..heck i better get to bed myself , my mind just runs all the time , takes me forever to get some sleep .
happy easter !!

You guys can be glad that they'll at least watch tv. Gma won't read, won't watch tv, won't do her exercizes, never wants to go anywhere.....and then complains that she's bored and that we never take her anywhere. Pre-dementia, she was in good health and we couldn't get her to do anything. couldn't even get her to get out of bed. She would just lie there in bed staring at the wall like she was waiting to die. It was very depressing and frustrating to see her give up like that. Now that the dementia has kicked in, she is up and around and in to everything! Now I try to get her to lie down and take a nap and she doesn't want to. Go figure. Be careful what you wish for. LOL It must be a little easier to get things done around the house if they're willing to sit and watch tv and/or sleep. Mine is like a baby just learning to crawl. She's never where I left her! LOL

Pamela, Right there with ya. Gma LOVES to argue. She can be talking complete babble and not have a clue as to what's goin' on and STILL tell me I'm doin' it wrong. Drives me insane. I've learned that it's so much easier to tell her she's right because I need every ounce of energy that I can muster to make it thru the day. I refuse to waste even a smidge of it on arguing with her about ridiculous stuff. I may have to check into what she'd have to pay for a hospital bed. I know I can get a free one from the American Legion. I just have to sign a paper saying that I'll bring it back to them when I'm done. But they look like they were manufactured during World War 2. lol I wasn't sure if medicare would pay toward one or not. The kicker is that she actually has plenty of money to get one. I only wish I had half the money this woman has and yet she complains that it costs $1 for her lunch each day at the senior center. Really?!

It drives us nuts how frugile she is with her money. Dave (my hubby) keeps telling her that they saved money all their lives so that she would have that money to help take care of her in her old age. Now the money is there and she IS in her old age but she's still in complete saving mode. She always wants to order pizza for supper. Acts like she's gonna die if we don't have pizza. And I've found that all I have to tell her is that I don't have enough money to buy pizza (and I don't!) but that if she wants to buy it then I'll order it. She'll say, "No, that's all right. You can cook something here then. I don't need pizza ." I think that's why I feel resentful toward her sometimes. Not that we don't want her here, because we're the ones who chose to have her come here, but because I'm giving up a second income to be at home and cutting back on EVERYTHING for my family, making sacrifice after sacrifice knowing that she literally has buttloads of money sitting in accounts everywhere. But if my husband asks her for a few dollars here and there to help pay for stuff (even if the stuff is for her), she acts like we're taking advantage of her or trying to rob her blind. It tends to get infuriating after a while. Even before the dementia set in, she never offered to pay for anything. I had to take my 6 yr old out of cheerleading and gymnastics because of lack of $$ due to our "current situation" and she says "aww. that's too bad. oh well." It just really makes ya feel like she doesn't appreciate ANY of it. Although I don't do it for the appreciation (which is a good thing), it would be nice if she were at least a little understanding about it. Instead, she looks at us like we're frivilously throwing our money away when I tell her that we have none. Eeeeeee! Meanwhile, I've got underwear that look like they were manufactured in World War 2 cause til I buy for everyone else, THERE'S NOTHING LEFT FOR FRIVILOUS ITEMS LIKE NEW UNDERWEAR!!!!!

Wow, can you tell it's been a LONG day?! Now that I've ranted and raved your ears off for 2 pages.........I do feel a little better. :) The day did end on a good note. Although I came in from the backyard this evening to find gma sitting in the living room pounding on the picture window and yelling for help because "she couldn't get back inside"...?????, when I woke her up later this evening for her nighttime pills she was her old pre-dementia self and smiling and as nice and personable as could be. That hasn't happened in over a week! Good ender to the day. :) Thank God for small blessings!!!!!!!!! Hope everyone else made it through their day okay. Nite all.

yrs i put the legs up a bit and heads up a bit .it helps to keep him in bed too .
my daughter was tellin me i need a lifting machine . i ll ck into that trapeze . in fact i ll look it up here in a min . sometimes i wonder if he'll know how to use it .
he sleeps alot . makin me wonder if its a coming ?? i took him outside today for about 3 hrs , he was whimpering and acted like he didnt enjoyed begin out , i did ask him if he would like to go outside with a jacket he said yeah ok . whimper ...
he eats good , he loves to eat sleep eat sleep . warch tv for a bit then zzzzzzz .
sad sights to see that . poor guy .
anyway thanks for that info and im gonna go ck it out online . xoxo

Those Hospital beds are wonderful. Luckily my mom has full coverage and doesn't have to pay anything for hers, they cover it 100%, but she still says she wants her old bed back in her room. Don't know why, she can't get in or out of it, atleast with the Hospital bed, the arms go up and down, the feet go up and down and so does the head.

Ihard you may also want to check into the Trapeze Bar, that's the bars above head that connect in which he can pull himself up with. Help to keep that upper strength working. My mom has that too, but she doesn't use it.

giles ,, i talked to the dr about getting a hospital bed . he called the medical place and ordered one ,. ins paid most of it and pa paid 20 pecent , paid bythe month for 13 mos , cuz if he passed away after using it only couple mos then the bed would go back to medical place called DASCO . pa used the bed 14 mos and its his now . i called about the hospital table . , they said ins doesnt cover those and its 100 dollars plz . so i cough it up real fast and got him a table .
my pa doesnt do anything but watches tv and sleeps . i remebered when he lived in fla alone , i would go down there and spend 3 weeks with him and yuk those dishes ewwwwwwwww. his clothes would be so nasty dirty , my step mom refuse to let anyone uses her washer or dryer . nobody was alloweds to cook on the stove . she wanted everything kept lookin new . she said im retired so i dont cook anymore i dont do anything any more . so what they do they lay and sleep till its bfast time or lunch or supper .
step mom fell and broke her tail bone and had to stay at rehab , she was scared to death of standin up , fear she would fall again . 5 mos later she died . terrible nursing home !!! loaded with cockroaches and all . nasty place . pa didnt know , he thought it was an ok place , in fact most nursing home is ewww in fla .
the new ones were ok but cost ya an arm and leg . her 4 kids didnt care where that mom went . i was shocked and hurt by that . pa didnt know any better he did what he had to do .
thats when i came along and got him back home with me on and off all summer . grrr it was hell bu then it was a pleasure .
he didnt want to stay here for the winter so my sis said she stay in fla with him for the winter . he fell and got hurt and spent 3 mos in hospital and rehab . sis said she aint goingback to fla , she hated it down there she was onlythere 2 mos . so i went and got pa . now hes been here over a year now . he feels safer ... right now i feel trap . its FRIDAY WHOOHOO well whoppie... daughter said go out mom !! well my body doesnt want to do anything . i hurt everywhere . waaaaaaaa

I was @ my moms yesterday and to my surprise my mom has gotten increasingly mean and unpleasant to be around. She tells me to do one hundren things at one time, and gets mad when I can't do them.

I was changing her poop, and the phone starts ringing, she's telling me to answer, and I'm trying to say that I can't, phone still ringing, and I ain't stopping what I'm doing, they'll call back. Then she screams at me. I just go on with what I'm doing.

I keep trying to get her to let me take her for a walk in the wheelchair, she doesn't want too, OK let me take you to lunch, she says no I just wanna stay right here in my own house. ALRIGHTY THEN!

She wants to go out in the garden, so we go, we get out there and it's too cold, which I've told her about 20 times already, so I have to bring her right back in. But she wants me to stay out there to water the veggies, and the plants, but she wants me to take her in. I do and she's blowing up my cell phone asking me what I'm doing.

I'm changing her and she wants me to put cocoa butter on her face. For some reason she thinks cocoa butter will change her face from frowning to glowing. She keeps saying that she doesn't want people to see her because her face is all distorted, I want to say it's not your face, it's your brain that's distorted.

So the priest comes over with a palm from last Sunday, and she lays into him for making her wait all day Sunday for it, then she tells him that I've been mean to her. I'm the one who calls and calls the priest to come over (although I have to admit that I was very aggitated with her, very.

When I make her breakfast, I ask if she wants boiled eggs along with toast and oatmeal, she says no, then when almost through the meal, she asks where's the boiled eggs. Huh?

So I ask her why she doesn't smile or laugh anymore, she says that she doesn't have anything to laugh or smile about. By this time I'm too tired to even argue with her.

She's still laying there looking out the window, but misses everything I ask her if she saw.

Then to top it off, she tells me that she's called me over so my sister could take her daughter to the movies. Don't that just beat all. Still looking out for sis.

She's always been pleasant but I guess all this is getting to her.

Then after all this, she calls me this morning and ask if I'm coming over. I tell her no because I'm taking MY son to the movies.

You ladies have my absolute respect and I hear you with the back issues.

Mom used to tell me that she had to keep me on my toes. Oh my lord, what stress.

Rock on sailors.


Hardebeck, you're a brave woman. The only appliances I let gma use is the toaster and the microwave. We actually have to take the knobs off of the oven when we're not in the kitchen so that she can't turn them on. She had a huge skillet out last week with 1 egg (whole, shell intact) rolling around the outter edge and grumbling because she couldn't get the burner on (no knob). Asked her what she was trying to do...I'd cook it for her. She wanted a hardboiled egg. And got mad at me when I didn't boil it in the skillet. :( NO cooking for gma. and I prefer that she not do the dishes for me because it makes soooo much more work for me afterwards but I do let her occasionally just to give her something to do. Dishes will usually keep her busy for about an hour, with a "sit and rest" about part way through. Then I go through and rewash when she's not looking.

We haven't needed a hospital bed YET but I think we're getting very close. The beds are just so long and take up so much more room in what is already a fairly small bedroom so I decided to hold off until we needed it. Where did you get the hospital table? All of our supplies thus far have been borrowed for free from our local American Legion but I don't recall them having the hospital tables so I may have to purchase one somewhere. I love free stuff so much better! lol

I know the feeling of being the one and only. My husband just had shoulder surgery a few months ago and I can't afford for him to reinjure it. With me at home 24/7, he's our only source of income. I'd rather hobble around hunched over than to have him not be able to work. I like to eat.....and with a roof over my head. Electric is nice too. lol I'm just so spoiled. lol

giles . i busted out laughin when u did all that for gma and all thehard work uve done and find her already dressed and waitin for u at the table . and nerve of her sayin she only did that just to mess with u cuz she knows she rather be at home that at rehab .
dad used to do that to me almost a whole year . finaly one day i told him if u cant help me to get up and get in the wheelchair , ure stayin in bed . once a great while he cant get up . i tell u its much easier to take care of him in bed . i crank that hosp bed up so high and i would change his briefs into diaper and its so much easier on my back .
he doesnt like that but i reminded him im sorry pa . my back is in a very bad shape today ./ he feels bad so he just stays in bed . last week i got him a hospital table so he could eat there too .
he has his good days and a bad day . today is a bad day but i felt sorry for him since its so nice out and warm . creek my back says , ahhh then took him outside creeek again .
he mumble jumble whole time he was out . 3 hrs in shade . now ccreeek my back again gettin him inside and let him sit in his recliner , that was worst !! now my whole back feels like a tooth ache throbbin . :-(
my husband cant help me cuz he just had an open heart . about 4 weeks ago , dr said his chest is about 50 percent healed . so dont want to take any chances for it to crack ...
bythe way my daughter made brownies last night , yummie i been chowin down on it . :-) happy easter to you all !!!

Bobbie, sorry to here about the UTI. I know how miserable it is when they get them. Gma gets them regularly, no matter what I do to try to keep them away. The doc told me that once you get a UTI once or twice, you're then prone to get them for the rest of your life. And I didn't know this until we had to deal with them but apparently when your older, UTI's affect you more mentally than they do physically. I couldn't figure out why she kept getting all crazy on us until he told me that. For the longest time, I could detect if she was getting one before she even knew because I could see "the crazies" comin' on. Now that she has dementia, it's very hard to detect them now. The cipro really does seem to work well for them, though. I hope she feels better soon.
Oh, and since I haven't been able to stand up straight for almost a week now..............I'm requesting a chiropractor onboard for the boat trip. Hope that's not a problem! lol I packed my bags this morning so you can come and pick me up at your earliest convenience. :)

Msdiva, reading one of your comments made me laugh when you were talking about getting old. You sound like me. In all my life, I have never had a fear of dying. I'm NOT afraid to die. But since moving gma in with us, I've found that I AM afraid of getting old! :)

Secret Sister, I am SO jealous of your little trip you're taking this weekend. Even if it is only a daytrip. Have lots of fun!

Happy Good Friday everyone. I hope the Easter Bunny is good to you all. Chocolate is great comfort food!

So I'm literally and physically falling apart here, guys. Grandma rolled out of bed last Sunday and I had to get her up off the floor. I have compressed discs in my lower back and get pinched nerves that drop me to the ground. So then Tuesday evening, she's backing up to the pot with her walker, trips on the wheel and falls backward onto the seat. She she a huge bruise and brushburn on her side. I think she must have brushed the toiletpaper holder on the way back. Had e-rays done yesterday and still waiting for results. Wednesday she rolled out of bed again. Had to get her up off the floor again....with pinched nerves in my back. Thursday she decided that she can't even sit up in bed, let alone get out of bed to use the potty. She wants me to lift her out of bed. I tried to call her bluff and get her to sit up so that I can help her from there. No go. So after sucking it up and lifting her out of bed all day Thursday and Thurday night....I can't do it anymore. During the 4am episode this morning, I told her that this would only be temporary. I'll call the doc first thing this morning and have him sign papers for her to go to our local rehad for a week or two til her rib heals and when she is able to get in/out of bed herself and my back is healed, we'll bring her back home. I finally got to crawl back in bed at 4:45 to get some sleep. I woke up mid morning to find that gma not only got out of bed by herself but also got the pants that she always complains are the hardest ones to put on. She wheeled herself out to the dining room table and was waiting for her breakfast. I had to do a double take. So over breakfast I brought up the fact that her recovery over the last few hours is amazing. Almost an Easter miracle. She tells me, "It's no miracle. I was just messin' with ya but you're not sending me to any rehab joint. No, no. I don't think so!"

@#$$@#@$#@$###$@$@#$#$@! The moral of this story VERY careful when you pray for patience!

yep . when pa was in rehab , im always overthere . im thinkin i rather have him athome with me so i can see him every mins .
he sure didnt like it there . he s not intersting in makin friends with anyone . he told me he loves begin here athome with his family and knows he s gettin gental kindness and love ..
and doesnt miss out on anything .
i thank god that i am able to keep him here . but boy i tell u i feel like ive been hit by a truck . i have to help him to get in the wheelchair and it takes alot of strength to do that . he always ask me did i hurt you .? i always told him no . but he knows , he aint no dummy .
i always believe one on one care is the best thing for us . it hurts me to see one lady takin care of 25 others and theyre all lined up outside ofthier room . rush around put em in bed and run out get the next done ummm 23 more to go . thats horrible ! when pa was in rehab i made sure he s the first one in bed cuz i put him in bed . :-)

I understand that it's not the ideal place for anyone. There are consequences to choices. I know the dads would rather be with us, but they don't fit in our home, and we can't meet all their needs, as well as caring for our son, etc. I so admire you ladies who do it all.

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