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um...dude or dudette... that was MY toothbrush and let me tell you that I am exceedingly happy that my toothbrush pain brought you some laughs.

Have you read through the posts on this thread? This is one long winded thread so you know that the gross out factor is rip roaring.

The B story here is the BOAT!!! that's what some of us are focusing on while we clean hoppers and wipe bottoms. There are some that are appalled that we would laugh at this stuff but tough t*tt**. It's our poop problems and we'll laugh if we want to.

Hey! We could rewrite that old song, It's my Party and I'll cry if I want to.

It's grandma's poop and I'll laugh if I want to, laugh if I want to, laugh if i want to..... You would laugh too if it happened to you...

That would segue into another old song: They're coming to take me away they are.....coming to take me away... to the FUNNY FARM....

Love you ladies and keep laughing.

Giles and Monica: happy you both love boats. We've got some plans here........


Thanks Secret Sister. Bleach it is then! Wait a minute.....eewww for the socks? haha. If I had to choose, I'd take the dirty socks over the dirty underwear under my pillow any day of the week! but that's just me. :) Lots of luck on your getaway with the fam! Enjoy every second of it and soak up a couple of rays of sunshine for me, too!

say bobbie, I do love boats! Wish I were on one right now, as a matter of fact. Thanks for the info. I'm gonna have to try the bleach bucket. And as for laughing...we quickly realized here that at the end of the either laugh or you cry. And we try to laugh as much as possible. It's tough though when someone asks you about your day and there is absolutely no way you could ever convey what you've gone through in the last 24 hrs. If they've never done this, they'll never understand and I'm actually afraid that people will be offended that we laugh about such bizarre things at our house. It's not that it's actually funny in any way shape or form but it gets us through the day. This site is awesome. And I am finding, by reading posts on here, that it's even funnier when it happened to someone else (ie. someone else's toothbrush)! Know what I mean?! :)

giles, bleach! and ewwwww for the socks. This too shall pass. But not always as soon as we desire. Welcome! You've come to the right place.

Thank you, Miz! Sounds lovely, doesn't it? Praying for sunshine that day. Or a raincheck. LOL Gotta have sun for a day trip.

hey there giles,

yes it is a useless battle. It comes from hoarding behavior in association with the dementia. You'll only wear yourself out and deplete your energy trying to 'teach' her out of it.

just picture her with a big band-aid on her head and you will come to understand that she can't help it. brain's broken. Those little connections that we rely on to tell us that dirty stuff under the pillow is not a good idea don't work anymore.

Professionals use latex or vinyl gloves and just pick the stuff up and dispose of it. My mom would take USED tp and stash it everywhere. i could tell that when I chided her about it, it just made her feel bad but she was powerless to correct the habit so I just picked the stuff up and got rid of it without even talking about it.

I talked about it here and that's when I realized that so many people are dealing with the bathroom issues and we needed a place to sound off about it. Grossest stuff ever and I for one don't like stinks and fluids. Not for me. that's actually the main reason I can't for the life of me figure out why someone would want to be a doctor or nurse. That mess is all about poop and pee and gross stuff. arg.

Using the bathroom after mom was a trip (welcome to the invisible wet seat) until I just started putting her on the pot and cleaning her up myself. In the long run it was easier than cleaning up everything else because she became confused about wiping and then where to put the tp.

It's just the disease. You want to swear that they're doing it on purpose but it's truly the disease.

As far as disinfecting the area, you can't beat bleach and suds. If you put gloves on and keep a bucket going, you'll be able to dip your trusty rag in there and give stuff a wipe down before it gets out of hand. Rinse the rag out under the tub faucet and drop it back into the suds and bleach. I found that if I just got a bucket going as part of the beginning of the day that I just added that to my chore list and nothing smelled bad or was gross. More work load, but I got it down to minutes.

this is just what worked for me and others will have more suggestions. Good luck, you are not alone and you can do this.

Summation: don't burn up your energy trying to change gramma. ain't going to happen. Do, however, try to find some humor in it and keep posting here because we all have fought or are fighting the Poop Wars.

say, do you like boats?


SS, I'm so glad you're going on holiday with your son and hubby. I hope you have a wonderful and joyous time. Love you lots!!


I am sooooo glad to hear that other people are going through the same things that I am while caring for my husbands grandmother with dementia. I have become a germaphobe since she's come to live with us. Her hygeine and bathroom habits are atrocious and no amounts of reminders help. I feel like I should have gloves and a mask on to even go into her room each day or use the bathroom after her. Anyone know of a good antibacterial or way to sanitize/sterilize besides lysol? I go through about a can a day and it's getting REALLY expensive!

Oh, and todays latest and greatest fad is that she has started keeping her dirty socks and underwear under her pillow. EEEWWW! I've gone over and over the whole clothes basket concept but I don't seem to be getting anywhere. Is this a useless battle? I know I have to pick and choose my battles with her but dirty underwear under the pillow is just sooooo far from sanitary that I can't overlook it. Any ideas?

yes. What SS said!

Thank you, sweetie! And thanks for being here. You're a blessing to us here.

aaaah, sounds so fun my dear secret sister....You enjoy your time away & just think of who is with you to make your day the very best....Mxo

My OCD parents are in Advanced Stage Alzheimer's, and NPD/BPD, and guess who inherited the mess they left behind? LOL. I'm really good at shredding, though. Simplify! Toss. I'm hiring out the accounting, to either the tax lady, or DH. LOL
I'm really getting into this purging business. Some day, this will be history. And I'll be on a beach or boat. Ahhhh. Friday I'm driving to Hwy2 with hubby and son to celebrate a birthday. They don't know it yet, but we're going to the beach. Don't think they'll mind one bit! Time for a holiday!

Hey SS,
we are all too pooped to pop and I hear you girl, I hate that paperwork too.

In a perfect world the solution for all of the paperwork would be a Match! match it up with someone with OCD AC. That's the same old OCD but with a propensity for Accounting.

love you ladies and hope to see you on the boat!


Bobbie, best wishes on your journey and labors. Will be praying for you. Blessings!

Bobbie, I love boats. I have to love them as I am always on some kind of cruise....hee hee. I once posted on Facebook to my friends that if anyone had a shack-hut in Africa to please let me know because I wanted to use it for a bit. Mxo

Miz, I think we're all tired, in some way, shape, or form. I'm guessing Bobbie, KB, and Piratess are. I'm looking at mounds of paperwork, still. :( And taxes due soon for both my folks. Just found out yesterday that I have to do them. Not a nice surprise. So...within two weeks. Hope your mom heals quickly. Perhaps the warmer temps will perk us all up. Ready for barefoot on the beach.

Hi Miz! I've missed you!

working hard to get our boat! hang in there and love on those beautiful buds. I'm heading to nj tomorrow am and I know that nj is going to have an amazing Spring and there's a reason they call it the Garden State!

Angels for you and your husband and healing angels for your mom.

love you lots and talk to you soon,


Yea for Spring, and a beautiful day! Wishing the same for all!

SS, I'm doing okay. The physical therapist is coming in about 15 minutes to see Mom. She seems to be doing well but is tired. I don't have a whole lot of energy but that's nothing new. :) It's a beautiful day here and the trees are starting to bud. That's a very good thing.

Allrightie Monica!!
You have been welcomed by some of the strongest, funniest and most loving caregivers. More are here and waiting to meet you.
Now the Big Question: Do you like boats?



Welcome, Monica! You're at the right place.

How's Miz?

Welcome, Monica!! It's nice to have you here. :)

welcome home monica !! i love this site and everyday i would go there and read whats going on and sometimes put my 2 cents in .
it helps my boredom and depressions .
enjoy !!!

You can call me Monica, I had to use Donaella as Monica was taken (hee hee). I will keep posting here as I feel right at home, finding a community that completely understands, how wonderful is this????? thank you bobbie. Mxo

We are all so sorry that you are experiencing this craziness but as you well know, it's all part of the disease.

Keep posting on this thread! everybody here has been through the mill with this stuff and hopefully you can find the humor that is absolutely necessary to maintain your balance.

Good Luck and you are not alone and yes it is very sad but please remember YOU and try to laugh at something!


OMG Donatella, what next!

My mother in law was in the bathroom today while I was folding clothes and I heard the towel closet opening and closing so I opened the door to find that she had finger painted the commode seat and made clay cookies out of you know what. This goes along with the tooth brush dilemma. So sad.

Pam, that's a good one and I have told everybody that joke.


Real cute Pam!

An elderly couple is attending church
About halfway through, the wife writes a note and hands it to her husband.
It says, "I just let out a silent fart, what do you think I should do?"

He scribbles back, “Put a new battery in your hearing aid."

Glad to read he's doing better. Lots of progress in a short time; must have a good caregiver! We're happy the ice is off the lake, and are just waiting for the boat. Hope you're coming soon. Chat with you tonight! A

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