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His back is way better and he took a walk last night. He's kicking it right this minute but it looks like he starts work next week.
Glad to hear that you guys are good up there by that great marina!


Bobbie, how's hubby? We're doing well in MI.

Maxine! Don't float away yet!!

SS and Maxine! good to see you!

How goes it for you both?


Hope you guys are ok we need an ark in my part of the country- we had spring for about 3 days now it is rain and more rain.

See you on the boat tonight!

Hey Gracie,

I found the toothbrush thing to be hilarious but still pretty gross. I created this thread because I knew that if I was dealing with these issues and was floored by them that other people were out there and probably needed to vent like crazy instead of puking.

Most of us on this thread are dealing with Dementia/Alz patients and that in itself is a challenge all its own. I understand why folks want to harken back to childhood and say things like you did but that really doesn't cut it in our world of constantly cleaning up poop from places you never dreamed it would show up and dealing with our beloved parents who are sitting inside of their failing bodies with their already failed and at least in my mom's case, once brilliant minds.

Please accept our warm thoughts for you and your mom as you and she deal with her Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. Crushing, unrelenting pain and you are an angel and a hero for being there for her. Blessings on you both and keep laughing because at the end of the day....that's what this thread is all about! Read through the posts and you'll see what I mean, but be prepared because caring for Dementia/Alz patients is not for the humorless!!


ps: do you like boats?

ok.. I blew it last night.. got distracted and worked though boat time.

Tonight maybe? Hit me back my sailors and let's catch up with each other. I miss you guys.


Actually I may be on around 8:00 pm. :)

I work tomorrow so I won't be able to get on the boat tonight. I really need to rest up. Love yous!!


Can't do the boat till about 10pm EST. Ya'll go ahead! It's been awhile, Bobbie. Hope all is well with you. How's hubby? And your mom?

Thank you Bobbie!!

just remember when we were kids and the things we did to gross our parents out.......then it doesn't seem so bad. Disinfect your toothbrush and maybe put it somewhere where she can't get to it. Smile, that was a little funny.

Hi Miz Demi! glad to hear about your mom. Hospital very stressful and glad she's home and I hope you and your husband get some unwind time.

anybody up for a boat ride later?


Happy for you Miz.

Miz, so glad your mom is home and better. Hope you're both feeling rested soon. Thanks for the report. God bless you both!

Hello Everyone. I brought Mom home from the hospital this afternoon. She is walking much better and not in pain. She's very happy to be in her own bed. I'm tired so I will catch up later. Hugs to you!!


BTW, Miz's mom fell, and went to the hospital, so keep them on your prayer list. Wrote a post about it on the Poco. See you there.

Anyone up for a chat? Boat is boarding, and readying to pull away from shore.

SS I've really missed out on a lot. Hopefully we get to talk tonight.

Hey, Bobbie, nice to see your post here (and the other message). Thank you. Sorry to hear about that other half's back. Sounds like he has a good nurse. Glad to hear your mom's doing well, too. And you...have your hands full.

I am readjusting to guardian to only one now, and the freedom I'm enjoying from not having to deal with the momster anymore. (Or should I say, not directly.) We have had a run in, when she visited my dad, and she tried (on more than one occasion) to throw her pathetic weight around. The staff gets it. It is really sad, and difficult to deal with her Personality Disorders. Dad does better without, too. I am starting to relax, and remember what life felt like when not being held hostage. Normalcy is returning, and I have peace once again. Till mom decides... O, well. Can't control her, and never could. Dad is really declining. It grieves me to see it, and even makes me fight the tears when I see him being so...feeble. Makes me grateful for any good moment with him. That's worth a lot.

hello tennessee and it's good to see you. I've just returned myself.

Weathering on a boat depends on the type of weather of course, but if the boat is near safe harbor you move the boat there and tie her up six ways to Sunday. If it's really bad you go and get a motel room but if it's just a regular blow you go inside and watch tv.

If you are underway you will know about the weather and avoid it because that is part of the job of driving the boat. With the present tech you know whassup all the time, just have to act on it.

it is really good to see everyone posting here. Love it and welcome to new boat lovers and boat dreamers.

I am now caring for my sweet other half who tore his back up good Sat evening. He's actually on a walker now but healing nicely as long as he doesn't reinjure himself in the process. Taking it real easy.

Mom is doing really well at her place. She looks healthier and more rested but of course wants to be with us. She gets it bless her and I see her every day with treats that I've cooked up.

I have to read the posts to catch up but I hope eveyone is doing well with all of the challenges we have.


Hello Sailors!

BoatQuest is still on!

Love you all,


Hey, Bobbie ,I'm still around.Trying to take all of ya'lls advice and be sociable again. It doesn't come natural after being in a cave for 10 years or so. Went to DESTIN for spring break, It was to windy for boats. What do boat people do on those boats when the weather is rough,do they go to land or what? I want to thank each and everyone of you who reaches out to help me or someone elese on this post.Thanks to you all and a million blessings.

Well go head on then Dtflex!!!! I'm lovin it

Ok y'all, I think I found the boat. I applied but I guess you have to decide if I'm allowed on board. Good cook and bartender. I personally prefer a full bodied cabernet

Ok, how do I get to the pictures Pamela?????

Hey ladies....I give massages...have been told I am good at it. Ok, just kidding. :)

Hey, I'll help with the cooking if I dont have to do dishes...Have been known to do up a fine batch of fried oysters...and wheat free for us gluten intolerant folks. And of course, I can make a fine whiskey sour or white russian. I pour wine pretty well too, but I drink it even better. I also have been know to catch a LOT of fish for those that like that sort of thing. I prefer oysters and shrimp....I am only 4 1/2 hours from Baltimore Harbor...bring it on!

Report mom's doc has no clue about my mom at all..he's a useless old fart himself and does no good. It's going to be tough to figure out how I can get her diagnosed. I think my next best step is her Psychaitrist that she has, she doesn't even know she has one....last time I tried to get her to go she would not go. But that won't last for long, if things start to decline.

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