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Neurologist. Or family physician, if they are competent.

So who actually diagnoses Dementia...A neurologist or a physciatrist ?

glad to see others drink the box wine...I go through enough of it that buying by the bottle would kill the grocery budget. I hope this group gets to go on a real trip sometime...that would be more fun than most of us have had in a while.

Ok guys, how do I get a boarding pass for the boat?

SS, I'll try to get there tonight!! :)

Bobbie wrote a message to me at Poco, and said to share it with the when we all get together on the boat, I will. Hope to see you all there soon!

bobbie, bobbie, bobbie how the heck are you?

Hello everyone just wanted to say hello, got a long night ahead so I'll be tiptoeing outta here and talk with you all later.

Hey Mizunderstood, Your experience with your mom and the diarrhea gives a whole new meaning to the term, 'getting sh*tfaced' - I know it wasnt funny at the time, been there and done that, but I had to laugh. TThank you for that...this is such a great group!

PirateGal, as for a checklist, there is a scale list...and I have one somewhere. When I find it, I'll get a copy to you, somehow. Has your mom been evaluated by a Neurologist? I hate those tests, but that's all I know of.

As for trolling for "hot babes," for drinking thanks! My husband would agree.

I hope you ladies arent going to make the guys wear speedos... :) Maybe when I was 35...but not now.

I am with everyone on this one for sure...I would love to have a cellphone destroying party...everytime the phone rings and I hear mom's ringtone, I know its trouble. Being on a large boat with tons of friends, a hold full of liquor, hot looking babes interested in keeping us company, and great food to eat...I bet I could do that for many weeks before I would want to go to bout you folks?

Maybe with all of the references here to late night imbibing we should rename this forum "Cheers" :)


Does anyone know if there is a good symptom checkefr for alz/dem?

Yikes...My mom has some weird issues, but eating is not one of them....yet. I feel for you folks...god, I have no idea how you deal with all of that...eeeeeeeewwwwwwwww. Sorry, my tolerance for gross behavior when eatins is slim...just one of my own warts.


I gave my mother her own flatware, dishes and cups to drink from. She is bedridden so I don't worry about my toothbrush.

I'm going now!

Anyone up for chat tonight?? I'm on the boat!!

Yay!! bobbie is back!!

pssssssssssst....come to the boat and CHAT...I am there

Yikes...Karen...BIG BIG BIG FRICKEN HUGS to you my dear. I big tight one ya hear! Wow small town business can become pretty dicey..and the whole business about everyone knows everyone's beewax as well. I know you probably have a lot of time invested in this position. May I ask if there are any competent jobs in a larger firm or company at least within 15 miles of you that you could perhaps hire into? If you are good at bookeeping perhaps there is a Medical/Dentist office you could work for? Any government agencies? Just food for thought. It's not very healthy to work for a cretin of a boss, it will downright do the same thing to you as the caregiving biz. It will eat away at you for the fear of retribution of their hands due to they have the power. I hate bosses like that, that let power rule them. Please let me know if it is possible for a new venture of job hunting?

Hello Sailors, I am back.

I have to read the posts to catch up but have made great progress, etc etc.

welcome karenBeth. Hang in there man I know you're beat with all of that running around. Crazy Making.

You too Pirate! good to see you even though I'm pretty sure you're frazzled too.

Love to all you Ladies and maybe on the boat later if I get my chores done on time.


PS..we probably haven't had any death calls this week because of people like us that take such good care of their aging folks!!! Just a thought :)

Thanks PirateGal, wanna here another sick part of my life? My boss has 6 kids, his 2nd (current) wife has 6 kids, and they depend on me to do all their medical insurance and paperwork. The boss's wife has borderline pd (very bad I think) so she is on me like a fly on you know what. I have to totally set boundries for her, but that doesn't stop the verbal abuse and blaming. Her husband (the boss) loves when she turns her sights on me instead of him. I work in a funeral home, and we have been slow for a week, so of course it's all MY fault we haven't had any calls. I feel so lost. Of course their parents went straight to the nursing home and died there. Her kids have pretty much ostrazied (sp?) her because of her nasty personality. There are sooo few jobs in this town. I feel trapped. Thank God I can vent! Dang it here he comes...

Karen...yes I know what you mean. I have no husband to rely upon so I have to go to work. If I need to have nursing home care later on...and that can go as high a 6K a month depending on how bad off you are, well I need to pack in retirement funds now.
(geez on the good old calculator that's 72 k a year= dang)

It's a shame that they do not have some kind of family leave for small business, otherwise you would not have to worry. Obviously your bosses don't have elderly parents to deal with or they where not the ones to deal with them, or they have already passed or some reason. My boss knows what I am going through cause his mom is getting up there as well..not as dotty as my mom has become but at least he is sympathetic and supportive. He is a godsend as a boss, I know a previous boss I had would have had snotty verbage as well.

I took my pic off and my parents names. It wouldn't suprise me if one of my siblings (yep I got 5 of them) is snooping and sees me on here complaining about them..of course why would they even look at this site..they don't care about M&D AT ALL..just trying to arm myself with all the weapons I can muster, all they care about is the inheritance....what inheritance??? Mom and Dad are almost out of money! I have been using my own! I would be LOST without this website! I am scared! I feel like my husband and I (and he is 60 yikes) are eventually going to be the sole supporter of all of us..

Thanks all, just got a minute to get in here, this site is a godsend. When things get all goofed up, it is my one solace!
Got Dad and Mom to doctor, now have them visiting at aunties for a bit, hauled butt to work to do a few things..then back to them and get them home. the boss's wife is really on back "why do you have to spend so much time with your parents??" blah blah blah...all this stress, and I am not even as far as most of you all are. how do I handle a full+ job and parents too yikes!! help!!

I wanted to pop in late last night but was derailed by b/f moaning about setting up my puter cause his was set I just said heck with it and went to bed. Gee if I am not dealing with mommy dearest whining I have to deal with his whining. I have two!
Anyway when I went over there last night she was ready to go to the hospital...she said she was swollen and had a pain in her side. I said I am not going over to emergency again and sit there all night (last time was a Sat afternoon at 1:00 and was there for 6 1/2 hours). I told her if she is in so much pain let's call 911 and the ambulance will be here. Oh no she did not want the neighbors to see any drama outside the house. Okay well that just told me there was no real emergency....I guess she's thinks the doc's will just make her constipation she keeps dwelling on go away. Well we have been to emergency and many doctor visit's and it boils down to this...enema's, metamucil and miralax....hmmmm is there an emergency here? NO JUST OLD FART STUFF>...LOL! I feel really wore out today cause this stressing out over what delima is coming next is awful!

Newbie, KarenBeth, so glad you're here. Post whenever you can.

PirateGal, you have your hands FULL! I'm praying for you.

(In fact, all of you!) Love you, ladies!

How was the game, Miz? Loved our chat!

Pamela, nice to see you in chat!

You, too, KB! I so missed you!!

And, Rep, you're a Godsend!

pamela :)

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