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totally miz, I'm with u

Won't be in chat tonight. Illinois is playing in the NIT. :)

Oh yes, mom wanted me to come zipping over there today...I said I cannot just keep running over there...20 min drive from work...just at her whims. (Tues, Thurs and Fri's she has a caregiver for either 3 or 4 hours) I told her I have to come after work, I will go listen to her fake illness, clean up, straighten up, make sure food is not an issue, set up the tv timer to go off in 2 hours and then I have to drive back home and get dinner going there for b/f and moi. She does not want to partake in Adult Day Care, but expects me to be her babysitter, well I cannot do that if I have to go to work. I don't have anyone taking care of me, I am the breadwinner. A retirement community would be so perfect for my mom, but she's so hard headed and has this thing in her head she's not going to leave her home and wants to die there...well what can one do? So I take it day by day.

Thanks for all the info, this is a "learn day by day" thing for me, yes, the dementia is raring its head in both of them, and some days I don't think they even realize I have to work! I will check out that website. Thanks! Take care and thanks for talking with me, I am somewhat of a newbie...

Oh and I only have one folk to look after, dad has been gone 11 years now and I have been at mommy dearest beck and call all that time and now the dementia is creepin going day by day

Karen, it is a Fed Gov't law that offers this to all it's citizens and workplaces have to abide by it (but it mentions large which I work for)

it may not apply if the business you work for has so few employees

Hi PirateGal!
I can so not quit either! Somedays I just wonder what will happen..I can take a little time off here and there, but if it gets to be too much, then I have the boss's wife on my back about whether or not I can "handle" my job. My husband and I practically run thier funeral home for them, and it's not like we have a bunch of employees (only 4 of us) so I really stress alot. Are your folks with you? Mine are still out in the family home on the farm (20 miles out) My next step is to try and get them moved into the city with me and my husband. Of course, all 5 of my siblings live OUT where they do. Disgusts me, but can't waste energy on that, found that out! You get family leave? Do you get paid for your leave? I get 10 sick days and 10 vacation days a year..the other days I just loose my hours :(

Hi Karen, I work full time as well. I am not about to quit...I will take Family Leave but I am not quiting a job that I have worked on for 30 years no way!

I honestly don't know what I would do without all of you and this site. I feel so totally alone, and I have 5 brothers and sisters. The last go around was Dad snuck into town (talked the neighbor into putting the plug wires back on that I had pulled so I could at least work a full day) and somehow got on jury duty..(?? In just a day? How did that happen?)..and then got in trouble with the judge. Thank God the judge would talk to me and i finally got him "relieved" from his duty. I feel so lost because I am still working full time (plus) and know that will end soon. I better get busy here at work, because I am sure by this afternoon, there will be more "stuff" to take care of. This is all new to me, so you are all such a blessing..THANKS!

KarenBeth, feel free to vent!! :)

Hello Karen Beth! Welcome! You're definitely not alone. We are glad to have you join us.

Pamela, it's not you, sweetheart. I was so exhausted last night, I fell down early. I slept all night long, for the first time in months. Will try to be online tonight, but it won't be till after 10:00 EST. Don't know where everyone else was last night. Meet you on the boat. Love to all!

Oh my you all just made me smile, when I was feeling sooo down. So glad to know I am not alone!!

I was there @ 9:40 pm. It said no one was on line. Maybe it's me.

Just wonder how everyone is doing today. It was nice chatting with Miz. It's beautiful in N.MI right now. Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone! Hoping to chat with you all soon. I see Rep met my friend, ColSlif recently. Yeah. How is KB and Bobbie? Haven't heard from either of you for a while...

I'm in chat. :)

We're there, pamela!!

Hey hey hey guys. I'm gonna try to get over to chat tonight, but the Lakers are playing the Warriors and that little Stephen Curry is out of sight.

Hello Ladies! How was your Sunday? I'm home from my travels, safely. All the snow has melted up north here, except for just touches of it in the woods. Hubby helped me get the car unloaded, and it feels good to be home.

I went to the nursing home to see my dad. They told me that mom had been there. She complained about his missing wedding band, so they filed a report. Well, dad hasn't worn it since his hospitalization 2 years ago. Mom demanded I give it to her, so I did. She has it! Dad didn't lose it. I'm thinking she got a touch of memory loss today. Now I have to talk with his Social Worker tomorrow concerning the report. And her guardian is on vacation right now.

I have chat opened on the boat, if any of you are able to join me.

bobbie, so nice to hear from you!! Take good care and I hope you can get some rest. :)

Bobbie, thinking of you. I'm doing the same in this ole house. I can relate. Will catch up with you when we're both back at home. Take care of you. It's a serious chore, and I understand the exhaustion, too.

Good Sunday Morning to all of the Poco Loco Crew!

I am still in NJ and am working on the sorting, etc that we all know goes on when we have to get stuff ready to move/sell.

I'm exhausted and my body aches so bad.

I'm sorry I haven't been up online but I get finished working and fall asleep in the chair.

I have to disconnect because I am in a 110 year old house without and it is thundering outside and if there is a hit anywhere near here, it'll fry the computer.

love and miss you all and I will catch up on the boat!


come back. we're there now!!

I just left there and I couldn't find anyone.

SS, I'm sure you are grieving. I think that's normal. It must be hard doing it by yourself. I guess I get so emotional about the basketball games because that's one of the few things I enjoy these days. I shouldn't let it get to me so much. Are you going home tomorrow?

Calling all caregivers to the boat! Chat is going now

Going good except for the tired. Got so geeked last night moving furniture, then couldn't sleep. Got so little, I didn't pack much today. Visited some relatives, which was good, but realized I am grieving. I think that's making me tireder than anything. It's amazing how emotional things can take so much out of us. I don't get emotional about games though. Usually just family drama, though I feel I am working through things. Starting to miss my two guys about now. My little camper won the woodsman award with his outdoor and athletic abilities! Can't wait to hug him, cuz this mom is so proud. He had "more fun this year than ever..." I heard. And they still have snow, so went sledding. Brrrrrrr. I enjoyed warmth and sunshine yesterday, but rain and blustery cold March winds today. Even with the snow, I'm starting to feel homesick for my hubby and kid. May have to do something about that the moment I'm rested.

SS, thanks so much for the prayers. Hubby's back is better. So far so good!! Mine is fine but a massage sure wouldn't hurt. Our basketball team just lost in double overtime. I'm pretty bummed out about now. And I'm exhausted. I get so upset and involved. Oh well, they will most likely make the NCAA tournament anyway. How are things going for you today?

Nins, also. So sorry about your shoulder pain. Hope you are doing better real soon.

Miz, how's hubby's back? And what about yours? Time for the boat and a hired masseuse! O, dreaming of the boat!

Nins, that is so funny. I am heartened by your humor. Lunch, anyone? LOL Still praying for you and your mom. Miz, you know that goes for you and your family, as well!

Hi Nins. It's very good to see you. Gotta love those pain killers. :)

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