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Hi all-
Haven't been here in awhile and its good to see y'all here again. LOL-I am dying laughing over the "Reality Show" titles on the Depression thread.
I'm feeling pretty good the last couple of days 'cause I went to the ER about my shoulder (not that they found much) and they gave me painkillers. I cut the tab in thirds because I'm med sensitive and it not only kills the pain but dulls the insanity of caregiving....not advocating drug abuse, but "Go ahead Mom pick that piece of toast off the floor and cram it in your mouth-I can handle it"................

What a good neighbor, SS!! He sounds like a really good guy.

I haven't seen bobbie, kb, or nutz lately either. Hey all, let up know how you're doing!! We do worry ya know. :)

Hope your team wins!

I just had an awesome talk with a neighbor who helped take care of mom's yard for me, while I was her caregiver her. He and his wife kept a good eye on the place, even bike riding by to make sure mom and everything was OK. Living 200 miles from here, it was a comfort to know neighbors were looking out for mom and dad's best interests, especially with me almost 4 hours away. He may still maintain the place for us. He's also looking out for his mom with dementia, who recently got moved from her home. He struggles with the whole emotional thing, too, so I suggested he visit this site. I know it's helped me.

Wonder how bobbie, kb, nutz, and pirate are doing. Has anyone heard from them> I have seen one other posting, and pirate on there. I especially need this site traveling so far from home so I don't feel totally disconnected. What a comfort you all are to me. Thank you!

I'm doing pretty good today, SS. No gross outs yet. (In case anyone was wondering.) Time does go so fast in chat. My basketball team plays today at 12:40 so if you hear someone yelling & screaming from my direction it's me. :) I love that boat!!

Oh, ha ha ha ha ha. You were saying, "Yeah" to me. ROFL!!!! I should have checked the prior messages first. That is hilarious! How are you doing today? Can't believe how fast time goes with chat. We hardly say anything of substance, except laugh and tell funny jokes. Guess we just need to get away to the boat like that once in awhile to cope with our caregiving days. Splash!!! LOL

I can't believe it. Look at this. I am online at my mom's! Now I don't have to do the McD's when traveling down here. LOL (But the neighbor's internet connection is so slow.) I still have to go out to eat, and then...load the car. That may take days. Then, of coarse, travel home. So how's everyone else doing today? I can only see: "Yay!! That's good news!!" and can barely maneuver through here because the neighbor's internet connection is making mine slow. Still can't complain cuz it's free. I have got to go eat, though. Thanks for the chat last night Miz and Rep. You bring such joy to my days. Where has everyone else been?

Yay!! That's good news!!

Hey, I found a neighbor with wireless. LOL So, I can connect without McD's. Yeah!

Where is everyone else????

Yep, I'm going there now...totheboat,totheboat,totheboat,tothe...

Anybody home?

We're going to need that extra rainwater for the boat! See you tonight! :)

I wish we had special plans for the weekend but we don't. It would be really nice to get out together. We'll probably just do things around here. Try to get things organized. I was gonna wash some windows outside but it's raining. Darn! ;) Chat from McD's sounds like a good plan to me. Hope to see you tonight!! Big hugs to you!!



Ummmm. Slept. May travel downstate again tonight, because the guys are winter camping. And hubby starts working on Monday, so it will be a good time to get away again. Monday means I'd have to take little d with me. If I go down, may chat with you from McD's again. LOL

I am hoping your mom is doing better soon. Any special plans for your weekend?

All is going okay, SS. Doing some more "Spring cleaning". Gonna watch Illinois play Wisconsin in basketball this afternoon. Mom's potassium is back to normal so that's very good news. And, she has a UTI so maybe when she takes meds for that her incontinence will get better. Please let it get better!! :) Were you able to get some rest and relaxation????

You too, Miz! How goes all?

How is all on the the east coast, ladies?

Good Morning Lovely Ladies!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful and relatively gross free day today. :)

Good to hear from you, Pamela. I think many of us are very busy! Take care, and happy gardening :)

Hello ladies, looks like I've been missing out. Will have to catch up on all the posts.

Just wanted to say hello. How are things going on the Moms website.

I have been so busy with my moms garden, and helping my son, and just things in general.

Changing my house around, sorting out all the junk, and a bunch of old paperwork.........oh joy.

Hope everyone's doing well.

Thank you, sweet sweet Miz! Love you, too!! Hope everyone else is doing OK. Just heard from KB, who's also going to work.

Good Morning Ladies. I'm at work today (my other job). I'll be on here later. Just wanted to say good morning. SS, give yourself some down time if you can. You deserve a break and time to refuel. Talk to ya all later!! Love you!!


Ya mean, you were. LOL Good day, ladies! I am so tired today, after all that driving, shoveling, packing the car, driving again, unpacking. Then yesterday, appointments galore. Then moving furniture, and piles...just of stuff. Then worked in the nursery at church, with bad news from prayer service. Then shopping, drive home again, catch up on emails and chat (had a few going on). Didn't sleep well last night. So many emails today. Whew! Traveling and such does that to me. Don't mean to complain, just say, "I'm tired!"

The news from a friend about dad's nursing home, and from mom's guardian was none of it good. I am so sad. What's a caregiver to do?

i'm in poco

Where ya all are????

there's almost no point in dusting. you go all over the house to dust, then an hour later it's all back. Frustrating! Wish we could help you anyway linda :)

I wish they would hurry up and make robots that can dust. I hate dusting over every chore.

howdy , nah it 's not my pa makin me tired , its my sinus flaring up . pa didnt feel good today either , he laid around all day and still is layin around .
i need to dust this whole house . wanna come over and help me ??? hahahaha

bobbie, come to chat!!

Oh Man,

you guys have been working your butts off on other people's butts.

Pirate: OMG You have my respect! An enema!?! Holy S***. that may be the #1 Gross Out or at least tied with Miz's!! BRB going to yak.

OK, just kidding, but seriously, even I couldn't do that and I've been peed and pooped on for months. I thought I was tough, but I'm just a piker compared to the Pirate!!

Miz: good luck and I hope that your husband's back is good and you can go to the conference. I know you need it girl, and I'm saying a prayer and keeping good thoughts for you both!

KB: I know you have to be exhausted working with all of those clients and I'm sorry you're not feeling good.

Same to Linda: yer too pooped to pop and pop's pooping you out and all will be well with some sleep and I know your dad's a honey and hopefully tonight he will sleep sound and so will you.

Where's Rep??? on the boat, baby!

SS: Hey mama, good for you tell us about your treasures and are you still hangin in the Mickey D's?

where the Nutz?


Bobbie and Pirate, come to chat!

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