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Hey Sailors!

Hello my Ladies and aside from poop, pee, poopy pee and questionable other fluids, solids and garbage:

How Are You All!?!

You're all right; This IS the Gross Out Tread and here is where we vent about being urpy!!

I miss you guys but have been working hard on my chores here and will be back in LA Monday night.

OK... going back to read the thread and catch myself up.


pirate.. i really hate to admit this.. but its the truth.. you get used to it =(

vicks vaper rub under the nose works well if even thought of smelling something is making you sick

miz, I bet if I had to do the same I would be wondering the same thing, I am still amazed I acheived giving my mom an enema,,...yelch...hated typing that just now..yelch!

No offense, after all, this is the "gross" thread, right? Hey, Miz, KBs in chat.

LOL Pirate. I'm glad she didn't get thirsty. ;) It's really hard to get a sample from my mom. I never know if I'm holding the cup in the right place. (Hope I didn't offend anyone.) :))

miz...yep my caregiver for my mom went through that a couple weeks ago...almost the same exact scenario, they gave us the cups to take home, the mom went on a peeing spree and kept peeing in her bathroom cups and saving it on the floor...I finally said you don't have to do this anymore....gross...soaked her bathroom cup with a bar of soap in!

must be the weather cuz i feel so tired and kinda dont feel good . weak . im just tired of begin tired . need to go get grocries but ekkk i dont even wanna go anywhere !!!

I am so freaking tired. I took Mom to get her blood drawn today and asked the nurse about checking her urine. She took Mom into the restroom and said, "Can you pee in this cup for me?" I'm like you're gonna have to help her. Then she went to get a "hat" to make it easier to pee in and while she was gone Mom peed. So, I may have to do it here if the doctor says I do and they couldn't find another hat!! I'm sorry. I am feeling so crabby today. I'm gonna go lay down. I got enough sleep last night. I'm just so tired for some reason. Sorry for the negative post. I know I'll feel better. Love you all and hugs.


Sorry folks but I am noticing that an entire day with mommy dearest on Sundays takes a toll on me mentally on Mondays. I have to watch for that from now on. So sorry for my Monday Mental Mommo Meltdown. Quadrupal M syndrome...LOL. I feel much better today, even though had a tiny meltdown this morning, but my little pep talk I give myself perked me up. LOL!

Yep ready for any kind of boat even if it's a tiny dinghy fishing boat.

Miz, you can catch up, no problem. We're all still here...sort of. I do hope you two can get away. I'll guess he's hoping to feel better soon, as well. Sending prayers up on your behalf. I'll pray you get the desires of your heart.

PirateGal, I am also praying for you.

And KelleyBean, please get better soon! You are also on my list. You wouldn't believe how much I'm missing you girl. In withdrawals since our last chat. Don't be surprised when I show up on your doorstep. LOL Not really, I'm downstate MI today on a treasure hunt.

Wanna hear a funny story? It was 40 degrees up north. The sun's been shining for days. I read it was 50 downstate. I left my snow boots at home. I actually got stuck in the driveway of my youth! I had to shovel to get out for food. LOL So right now, I'm still sitting at Mickey D's, especially since I found a plug to this puter, LOL! So, if any of ya'll are up for a group chat...they don't shut down here till 11:00. And I got all my shoveling down. Meet you on the boat...or see ya'll tomorrow.

Pirate, I am so thinking of you. Want me to drive there to get you? Where do you live again?

I feel so disconnected. I've missed so much. I'll read up tomorrow on what's going on with everyone. I'm trying to work it out so hubby and I can get away to a conference for my work in May. A lot of it depends on his back. Man, I soooooo want to get away. It would be for 3 nights and practically free. Oh please let it happen!!!!

PirateGal, time to get on the boat. Love you. Hang in there. You're welcome to come to my place if you need to get away. I really really feel for you. I just escaped, so how can I help you? Time to be freeeeeeeeeee!

Kelley, hope you are feeling better soon.

Even though I am on a coveted treasure hunt 200 miles from home, I'm sitting in McD's for free WIFI, and missing ya'll. I'm here till the battery gives out...who heard of a place with no plugs?

Hope your travels are going well Bobbie. Wish I'd have brought your phone #, cuz when driving, thought of calling you, friend. LOL So, I am in withdrawals, away from my hubby and son, treasures galore. I am a pirate today. Har har.

I am here...just going on the roller coaster of MOMMO....yeah all the pissing and moaning....all for NPD feed. I have to remember that and not get hooked. Damn SecSis you nailed it...guess you have been with someone that is not mentally all there and it is's draining for a fricken lifetime..and they don't really know or care what they do to you..even though my mom says every now and then she does know how it is for me...but then she does the song and dance again...and around the merry go around we go again. For someone like me who is intelligent to have to deal with an uneducated twisted mind consistently is very challenging...especially for me since I am alone in the matter. Caregivers can only do so much. My mom called me today at work...Not feeling good is always her opening statement she went on and on about the gardener came and went and that he took some things that I had put out for him...some old file cabinets and metal storage boxes for important papers...all either shabby or she had lost the fricken keys...oh and a coffee maker..he will either sell the metal for cash and keep the coffee maker or sell it at a garage sale. Damn she just called again...I just screamed at her I DON'T CARE...and I am sitting here at fricken work, the people around me are going to think I am fricken crazy....She's on an on about not going to the bathroom, this is her latest mental fetish. Bowel movements. Yesterday when I came on my 11th year of Sundays she told me to go check out the bathroom and there's a pile in the toitey that looks like a bull left it...yeah she's driving me insane with her SH8T! She is calling again and I set the phone on low so no one will hear the phone ring and she's left a message. Yesterday she seemed right as rain...she wants to feel ill for attention and she's draining me...and I can't take it anymore, and no matter how much I scream at her that I can't take it anymore she just gives more like a crazy woman......................................................................................................................................................................................................... I feel like I am drowning in mental hell

Afternoon, my Sisters of The High Seas

Just got home from afternoon client. Thank goodness as Im wiped out. Havent a clue whats going on with me. I know I hurt my back Friday after cleaning the 4th house of the day. Worked until 9pm and then went back Saturday at 9am and worked a few more hours then came home and cleaned my house. Sort of, doesnt look like i spent a few hours on it =/

Spent Saturday night at Keiths. It was relaxing. He had a guys night out and when he got back I was already asleep lol but when we woke Sunday we just laid there and talked. Felt good.

Moms has out patient tomorrow. Looking for this dang tumor or primary thinks she has. Shes driving me nuts with her medicine. Shes been working on putting it in her monthly keeper since Saturday night. Very sad that she still thinks she can do this. When she leaves to have the out patient tomorrow, I'm going to double check it ;)

Im tired and going to go lay down. Busted my hump today!

E? Miz wrote about it on the boat. Perhaps to avoid, er...certain comments.

sounds good to me!

I won't be able to hook up this trip, I'm leaving next Monday and have a ton of crap to handle but wanted to check out this boat while I'm near it.
there's a great ship yard about an hour from here and if this happens, I would have to move the boat there and start the process of bringing her around. that would put us on the water in early/mid summer and I would head north to cut into the St Lawrence and on to your house. Hopefully Rep and KB could come up to NJ and get on there!

Hey Miz what's the story??

KB feel better willya!? Love you lots. is it the big E?

off to get something to eat. Nutz made me as hungry as a lumberjack. Which, incidentally, is how I'm dressed because I am still freezing my A** off.


Since hubby's retired from carpentry, I vote for him rubbing and swabbing and the teak. He says, "I will work for food." Nutz, I'm sure anything will do. I may even give it a swab or two. He can repair lots of other stuff, too, as he's talented in many things. We are just waiting for you. LOL Hope all else is going well out there. Any chance of hooking up with some of the ladies out east? Don't forget about me in the north. Tee Hee. Or maybe I'll drive somewhere out there. I am really ready for adventure, and don't know if I can wait for the boat. Need KB to help my computer a bit, then...maybe see Rep, and who knows, maybe Miz, because I have some business in IL one of these days... Love to you all.

Good Morning to the East and West

Nutz! Whatta great start. You are amazing!

I can't see the boat today... maybe tomorrow. Owner is 75 and has the only key. Says there's stuff stored in the boat so it doesn't exactly look like the pictures!!

We'll be rubbin and swabbin the teak.

So far all I know is that the thing floats and needs another 30 to 50K to make it a shiny penny. Still want to buy it Linda? You buy this one and I'll get another one and we'll start an armada.

It was good to see just about everyone yesterday.

Everybody sound off so we know you're all here!


Nutz! I love you. What a way to start the day! I'll have all the above, except the leaving Hawaii part. It's a beautiful sunshiny day in Michigan, and I'm packing my ditty bag for an adventure downstate to my hometown for a visit in the place of my youth, to bring back a van-full after my treasure hunt. I'll check back here before lunch, to get some fuel for my travels.

Hope KB is feeling better. Miz, are you working today? You haven't told the ladies your latest, anyway. LOL And, Rep, your messages warmed my heart. How goes boat shopping today, Bobbie? Now PirateGal is mia. Hope all is well with you. Hello to Maxine, too. Pamela, where are you? Love you ladies.

Arrrgghhh mateys!!!! its Breakfast time!!!!! Get offa yer Laurels and mind the ropes... Nutz workin the Kitchen rattlin those pots n pans... Fluffy, home made buttermilk biscuits from scratch with Jimmy Dean sausage gravy.... Oregon Blackberry Preserves( on the side) in case ya dont want gravy or you can simply have both!!... poached eggs and hot ,Strong, Kona Coffee ( you know, we picked it up on our way outta Hawaii)
Kiwi Fruit as a garnish and Mango juice for good measurrrrrrrr,
~ Nutz (Long live the Poco Loco!)...

I did you understand about your prediction. Was that in code, or cryptic, Bobbie?

good to see you Miz! hang in there kiddo and we'll be there.

Pirate! where are ya kid?

change of prediction: maybe Precious for Best Pic


ladies, I'm in Poco if you wanna....

I forgot to say this: Love you all so much!! Thanks for being here!!

Hello Wonderful Ladies!! I'm here. It's about 9:00 pm Central and I'm not feeling too good. Hot and sweaty. Maybe it's the menopause. bobbie, you're right...I DO have the boat to look forward to. Thanks for steering me back in the right direction. ;) Going to work tomorrow. Tired...

almost everybody. where's PirateGal?

Mo'nique Best Support
Katheryn bigelow first woman best director

best pic Avatar or maybe hurt locker

best actor Jeff bridges

best actress sandra bullock

shots in the dark but there they are

still watching and happy to see everybody's here!!


wow that boat is awesome !!! makes me wanna buy it !!!
pa s good . happy camper i made him his fav chilli for supper .
ok time for me to put him to bed .
hugs to u all xoxo

Hi Maxine here my son is staying wirh me now not for me for him -my cat really takes to me first the husband dies now my cat likes my son-he is suppose to be mine-who took him out of the shelter -doing ok love you guys might watch the Oscars do not usually but nothing is usuall any more.

O no, Kelley. Hope you're feeling better soon. Will say a prayer for you.

Bobbie, the boat is sweet. Looks like a nice place for a gathering. Trying to figure out # 11/26. Can't quite make it out.

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