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Well it's been tough.

Bobbie I thought you were putting your mom in a care facility here in So Cal? So confused!

My mom is starting to loose it more. I don't know if she's taking her meds. I am going there after work today and I will see. She doesn't trust her caregivers nor the agency. She doesn't believe the doc's office when they say the x-ray's are clear...cause she keeps insisting she has constipation. It's tough scouting for facilities that are good and not 6 thousand a month. A Place for Mom is supposed to be helping but that seems to be a lot of lip service....they keep sending me emails that are useless instead of facilities that are near her home like I asked and for pricing and details..and these fricken places don't have websites that give you all the details..WHAT'S UP WITH THAT AMERICA...why is it for the things you need most-that information is hidden in AMERICA. In every aspect of this whole delima with her that started last summer I have hardly found any help with anything....trully it is amazing in America....even this website with all it's mouthpieces in the sidelines...I think it's all for money..even my mom says that about the caregiving service it's all about money.'s depressing...she's making me loose it more and more...and I have to remember to stand up straight and stay tough until it is all over...when will that be? I hate this rollercoaster ride!

Awesome to hear from you Bobbie! Hope all your travels go well. That real estate, too. Bless your heart. I know you were dreading this, but I know you'll be soooooo happy when it's over. Will be praying for you. KB has been helping me on my computer! She's a gem. She's coaching me toward a more acceptable chat venue for ya'll. Take care, Bobbie friend.

Miz hope all is well. You, too, Piratess. Rep, where are you? OK, folks. Hello to Victorianrose. What a beautiful Avatar. Have a great day, everyone!

VRose, you are a hero. I love that you are so strong and able and I respect your choices and am in awe.

Please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of your mom. i cannot even comprehend how you have maintained your strength.

Welcome to the boat!

Hey SS! i am sitting at Gate 13, southwest airlines, LAX as we speak! We take off 12:20p West Coast time and after a plane change in Houston on to Philly.

i'll get in late tonight, around 11 and hopefully i can talk someone into giving me a ride home from the airport. Probably not cause it's so late but it's literally all good. all i know is that I'm going to freeze my ovaries because it's cold!!!

I know where you are and you're thinkin baby you don't even know what cold is!!

lov you guys and keep me in the loop today and we'll do a travelogue los angeles to philly


Hi bobbie321, yes I care for my dad at home. I actually took care of my Mom too untill she died four months ago. I'm the oldest of five, and another thing I didn't mention was I'm also in a wheelchair, have been since I was 15 years old. Three of my siblings live out of state and one lives close to us and helps whenever I call. They all have familes of their own and I don't so the caring of my parents went to me. Taking care of them both has been a joy and sometimes very very hard. Especially when my mom was in the last stages of her cancer. She died at home with me, my two sisters and dad at her bedside. My dad still drives but I have to be with him wherever he goes, even shopping I can't leave him alone. He counts on me for everything. Mom and dad lovingly took care of me when I became sick with the illness that put me in this wheelchair and I hope I'm doing the same for them.

Hey bobbie, how's your mama doing? And when do you travel?

Hey Linda, I'm glad your dad is having a good day and you're a happy cookie. You're a sweetie to your dad and we love to hear updates on how he's doing.

I was asking VRose if she cares for her dad in her home. It sounds like he's in the earlier stages with the repetitive questions, etc and i was curious if she was at home with him. I wished I could have taken care of my dad and I miss him like crazy and he died in 93.

Have a good one and hug your dad for us all.


I see I'm not the only one who doesn't like cafemom's website. It IS too confusing and I don't have time to be confused. I have to keep my wits about me and ready for anything my
m-i-l throws at me and my husband (we've been tag-teaming for months now). As soon as he finds a job, we'll have to look at other options because I cannot handle her alone anymore.

yes i take care of pa in my home . he s cheery guy today . wakin up to see the sun s a shinin and its all smiles . makes me smile right along with him .
talkin to me about tonisl this mornin at breakfast table . askin me if i still have mine , yep . he said his rottened out when he was a lit boy . i thought wow he s thinkin about tonsil haha .
its great to see him perky and in a good mood .
ok i need get perky upmyself . HOUSEWORK !!!
ya all have a good day ..

Hey all, how is everybody tonight?

Hey Linda and hey VRose!

Yes, the folks with the dementia just get confused about things. They know it's water but what water is the big deal. They know that the toothpaste comes in a tube so neosporin could wind up on the toothbrush.

My mom simply saw the toothbrush and 'brush' was the operative word so she 'brushed' her hair.

VRose... he's going to ask questions over and over it's true and if that's what's going on now, you're cool for a minute! Just picture him with a band-aid on his poor head and it will remind you that he's just a little broken and hopefully help you with the patience and coping. It sure can drive ya nuts but that doesn't mean you don't love him totally!

You might have some time before the gross outs start and if and when that happens, just keep your sense of humor!

Are you caring for your dad in your home?

Linda it is real sad and that's why we have to find a way to not go down with the sad and try to stay afloat with the funny, honey.


My dad has not done anything to gross me out YET! But he has short term memory, and I have to answer the same questions over and over and over again.

awww .once there was a guy who had alz . he wasnt allowed to have a cup in the bathroom . reasn why is cuz he doesnt know how to get water , sees water in the toilet and dip his cup there to drink it .
its possible that your mother has alz or dementia .
i stay in the bathroom with my pa , just to make sure he doesnt hurt himself . such as bathroom cleaning suplies .
gotta watch em .
its real sad . i hope in god s name i dont do that stuff when i get old , plz no lord ...

Did your mother think that was funny?

My mother-in-law insisted she could brush her teeth her self so we said o.k. go ahead, and she squirted hand soap on her tooth brush instead of toothpaste. (LOL) Sometimes you just have to laugh, and say "this is why you need us here to help you."

yep my internet browser is set by work so I can't change that and they don't allow any internet instant messaging either..I had found a chatroom one time..that hardly anybody used and it was simple to signup or anything...I will try to find it again.

Hi Pirate. I just tried to post something and it didn't work. I think it is confusing also. Thank goodness my chat works. I sure wish yours did. We'll see you in here though. :)

Hello all,

been working my tailbones off getting ready for nj tomorrow. drama already with the nj folks. pitiful.

going over to mom's in a minute to fix up her bed nice and pretty.

Miz: hope you had/are having a good time with your neice and your husband's back is feeling better. Love ya!

SS: love you kiddo and hope you're doing well and are happy

Rep: whassup and love ya!

KB: yo KB, love ya hang in there

Maxine: can't wait to see you on the boat!

PirateGal: yer a hero buddy, talk to you soon and love ya!

Everyone i missed; be safe and sound and talk to you soon!


how about a yahoo ims or aol ?? you all could chit chat anytime when one of you are online , wink ...

sorry but I really do not like that website cafemom, too confusing and chat won't work for I won't be using it too often.

Where is everyone? Am I too early?


oh yes, rep!! It does!! :)

and the house looks so purty when you're all done...makes ya feel good :)

SS, I am so very tired. And more to go tomorrow. It's really good though cause all this stuff needed done and it's very good motivation to get it done. I'm calling it my early spring cleaning. :)

Wow, Miz, that's a lot of cleaning for one night! LOL Hope you have a wonderful time with her, and she with you. How's the hubby back? And how are you? With all that cleaning, I'll bet you are tired.

OK ladies, I got a message from the powers that be here, saying they had to remove some of my posts. They don't want me advertising for our boat @ the other place. Sigh. I said some really cool stuff to ya'll on those posts. :( Oh, well. Guess you know I love you. And I'm thankful, too. You realize there are seven of us on the boat so far? I have to go out of town tonight. Won't be back till late. Hope you ladies have an awesome evening. Don't eat all that biscotti, fudge, and cookies without me. And please save me a huge portion of KB's Chicken & Rice. Bless you all. Love you, too. See you on the boat! :)

SS, we pick up my niece at 7:30 pm tomorrow at an Amtrak station about an hour from here. She's only gonna be here for one night. I think her train back leaves about 6:00 pm on Friday. I wish she could stay longer...

okay applied you'll know who I am wink wink!

Hey, bobbie, thanks for the "friend" accept! (I was starting to get paranoid, LOL.) Don't forget about me up north!!! Lov U

Lov U too, Miz and Rep, and KB, and Lucy. ((((Lucy)))) come on board...

Austin, you can come, too. There's plenty of room for widows there. We're your friends, remember? It's not just for "young" moms, which I am not. LOL So come on board!

Miz Demi! Your preparations sounds so great. When does your niece arrive? Have you been by the boat? KB said you have.

Love you, all!

I don't know what her real heath issues are everything I see coming back is normal...x-rays , blood tests, urine tests, ekg...I think it's all part of the necessary NPD narcisstic feed supply...they constantly need some kind of drama to feed off of. I think she's running out of ideas since she cannot fight with neighbors anymore she's too old for that. In fact shes afraid of being sighted by neighbors because she has a history on the block of countless episodes and police she thinks they are all watching. The only time she goes out the door is if she's getting into a car. All part of my mothers mental personality disorder. I read last year on a site dedicated to NPD that they get worse as they age...and they tend to edge towards dementia. So taking the mommy-roller coaster ride everyday. I don't know if it's going to be the low end or the high end of the roller coaster.

Okay I am taking a sick day today I feel wiped out....gonna make some cherry turnovers using this as pastry crust...let me know if you guys have used this already

1 stick butter
1 8 oz pkg cream cheese
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp sugar

I found the cutest empanda/turnover/calzone molds yesterday at Ross...4 different sizes all for 3.49. So I am empanada stricken right now...a few weeks ago it was deep dish pizza...I think cooking is becoming a stress reliever for me. Oh and making pot roast for dinner...ah comfort food!

K. Gotta get back to work. Let's see. Gotta bake a cake, do some dusting, sweep the floor, go to the bank and the car wash (if they're open) and gosh there's got to be more. Oh yeah, make the bed for niece. Get stuff off the floor and furniture for the carpet cleaners. Hubby helped me put the curtains back up. We just cut out the lining and hung em and they look pretty darn good. Hubby wants pizza and a soda so gotta go.

love yous,

Love you too, KB!! :)

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