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Just taking a break from cleaning up the house for my niece's visit tomorrow. Hubby's back is bad but he's doing stuff and I'm helping him. Gotta love him!! :)

lol miz... i love you

Does one ever get used to the smell of poop? Hubby worked on a pig farm in his younger days. Don't know how he did it. PEEEEYUUUUU!!

To your story.. honestly it sounded like your mom isnt feeling well and she KNOWS somethings going on and frustrated when tests are coming back negative. my mom has done the same. as far as food.. im sorry.. i cant remember, what are her health problems? uhh the real ones? lol

certain illnesses will actually effect your taste buds.. not only that.. when youre dealing with dementia patients, paranoia can set in what your're eating.. theres just alot of variables..

i know this is alot to ask.. but maybe have mom in the kitchen with you while you cook? even have her help.. when its more hands on, they tend to feel better that its not contaminated and cooked the way they like it lol i know, its a headache maybe.. but better her not eating at all..and of course, cooking in very small portions is a must..

i hope i gave you a few ideas or something..

Hiya, Bobbie!!

Im so tired today.. was fighting with mom around 4am about .. well the usual.. im so glad youre trying to relax.. youll be in a better mindset for.. The Headache

I love that little easter lambie pie pic. Aw so cute maybe for easter I should find a Pirate bunny pic. - google will probably have one of Hef's bunnies with a pirate hat on....LOL.
Oh wait, here I am babling and I have news....okay so last week mom had the second intestinal x-ray done. She was harping all weekend and Monday about doctor visits and outcomes and on and on...and her famous spiel on Sunday - she's going to die....which really did a number on me Monday morning and had a little breakdown....okay so she was going on and on about having her caregiver call the doctor's office. So yesterday the caregiver left me a message on my cell phone..(guess mom was after her to call the doctor's office) she says she called and said the x-ray was fine everything is clear and there is no BLOCKAGE. Okay...that's good right...naw...she says my mom was pissed that it came back negative,..ha ha ha...go figure...she's saying the doctor's are wrong and my daughter is going to call and find out..blah blah blah. She says my mom was bad yesterday that usually means she was cranky and persnickety. She said they stayed home and she fed her stuff and made her take a nap, which she hates to do when people are there. So then last eve I had to go over there to take both our tax paperwork to the taxman, when I got back she had remembered that I said I would bring Chicken Dijon, and I actually didn't because the caregiver said she fed her all kinds of stuff and I really didn't think she was going to eat, cause all weekend she's pissing and moaning about not eating anymore cause of her mystical constipation. So I had to run back out and get her a meal, and then I ran into Ralphs to try to find those damned bottled can't flipping find them anymore..WHAT'S UP WITH THAT? So when I got back I made her a plate of Chick Dijon, some chicken breast, some rice pilaf and some steamed vegies...boy she ripped into that. Oh I guess it's okay to eat now.....since all the damned constipation was all in the head...I guess she thinks she is still supposed to go everyday and when you get older all that slows down, I went through 5 weeks of consti-drama for nuthin'. Also comprised my own health along the way. Frick and Frack...this is mental and physical hell...what a waste of time. I am sure I did not drive her mad as a cute diaper pooping baby!!!!!!!!!

Okay anybody got good empanda dough recipes?

Okay about cafemom, how do I get started again? Is it an online chat or just a blog like this?

We posted some recipes in the ship's galley. KB's idea, and a great one, at that! You'll HAVE to stop by and see some pictures of our boats. We have some places for uncensored vents, as well. Again, Kelley did that for us; ~gotta love her for that!!!

Good morning to the West and Good Afternoon to the East

Hope all is well with everybody and nothing is too much to deal with. If it is... come here and vent about it and don't suffer alone!

Off to pick up some more stuff for mom over at the new place.

check in later



Dearest mizunderstood10,

Having a great time on the boat. Wish you were here! Will send another postcard tomorrow. Or the coastguard.

Love, Poco Loco Gang

we're looking for you!!!

love you and wondering where you are!


hey miz! we're gonna have to start bouncing after you and beat up your computer! we miss ya :) bad bad computer

thanks Miz Demi!


KB and I are over at the poco Loco!

bobbie, that is so awesome and such good news!! I am so happy for you and for Nik. You go girl!! That sounds like a wonderful place!!


oh and I have to tell you guys this:

Mom said that she was hungry and the dude asked her if she wanted an orange. She says yes and he goes out the back door and we can see him picking a nice ripe orange off of the tree.

You have to love SoCal. It made mom remember when we were in Florida...way before the Interstate and Disney and we were driving through the Indian River groves and daddy pulled over and the three of us got out and picked warm oranges off of the tree and ate them right there. Amazing.


Hi everybody!

It Is Done!!!

Mom is happy and chillin' like the dude said she would be. this is the most excellent place. They actually want to know exactly what she likes and they go get it and make sure she gets what she wants/needs.

She has a beautiful private room and bathroom and today there was a little concert with a couple of savvy entertainers who did a bunch of the old tunes.

Nik and I went out for sushi and this is the first time in 5.5 years that we have not had that weight of worry about mom.
Maybe I'm not going to have a heart attack after all!

I cried when we left for the evening and mom just got a little misty only because I was crying. i said, lemme leave before i get us both upset.

The people that run this place are geniuses and mom is a trooper and knows that if someone wants to help her... go for it!

how do you spell relief? mom-is-safe-and-sound.


SS got me into latte land ughhh lol so addicting, but my fav is mahjong

lots lol

There are games????!!!!

im DEFINITELY not qualified lol but i love the games and its free =D

Hi Austin. I will definitely be coming back here. I'm not really qualified for that other site either but I'm going there because we have a private chat room so it's a place we can talk about whatever we want. Please don't feel like you can't go there unless you choose not to. I would love to see you there!! :)

I hope you guys come back to this site at times you are all my friends but I do not think that site is for this old widow but you can get me on my wall and hopefully me on yours you all brighten my life so much I have something going on in my life now my son is staying with me but it is not for me Miz Independent and it is working out well neither of us sweat the small stuff like his father did -hope all is said and done by the time my grand-daughter comes home from college or she will be here also but her pet snake is already the highlight of my day was watching his or her once a week feeding last night-I will stick with my cat and hermit crab take care and do not forget me Maxine here.

whats wrong, lucy?


LOL I know KB. :)

EEEKS let me refrain.. i just saw how that looked... i meant i wasnt rude like ____... not you, miz!!!

yeah miz thats what i was going to say LMAO.. no larry, curly or _____... but I'M certainly not rude like that =P

Okay, thanks KB. That's right, no larry, curly or moe or anyone judgemental. Thanks so much for doing all this.

when no one is in chat you cant see a link or anything.. since everyone is new, i did a "schedule" for chat so it shows a link to everyone directly on the group homepage.. you can open it at anytime.. its an all day thing..youll know first off if someone is there by the little "online friends" on the bottom right of your screen..

i also made the group searchable.. joining still needs to be approved...cant let just any larry, curly or moe join!! i also made the chat umm what you call it.. "bring a friend" not sure how it works lol, but SS was saying she had a friend that would like to join us sometime..

Dang it!! These curtains are so old the lining is ripping after I washed them. Ughhh!! What have I gotten myself into. :)

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