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Okay. Thanks, our little lamb. :)

Good question. I see KelleyBean scheduled it, but no time was set up. Just look for the Chat in session button.

Are we gonna set up times to chat or just get on and see who's there???

Well this whole thing for cleaning and such to get ready for my niece to visit has turned into spring cleaning. Taking down curtains, washing curtains, putting them back up. It's amazing how the dirt appears as you go. I'm glad her trip has gotten me motivated to do it.

bobbie, thanks for the suggestion for my hubby. He's going to try it. :)

Oops, sorry SS. Sometimes I think my mind is going... :)

Bobbie, hope the move is smooth. Miz, I think that was bobbie's suggestion for your hubby. I'm still praying. PirateGal, thanks; we are waiting for you to join us at Cafemom. The boat is ready... See you all there, so we can chat!

Afternoon everyone!!

Bobbie, you can do it!! youre super trawler bob..and you do it with style!

Miz, hope hubby feels better soon =( i might have to try that laying down thing too..

Good to see you, Pirate! how are things?

SS, seems i havent talked to you in ages! =P lol

Good thing it is only 8 minutes, if I have to do the same I am finding one right around the corner as well.

Love that lamby-pie pic especially since Easter is around the first I thought it was someones white chihuahua.

SS, what I wouldn't give for a walk on the beach right now.

bobbie, I'll sure try to be here. I hope everything goes very well. You will get through it and then you can rest!! :))

SS, thanks so much for the suggestion. He is going to try it. The good thing is we have today and all day tomorrow and Thursday to get ready. Except that the carpet cleaners are coming Thursday morning. If all the stuff that's in the living room isn't moved by then I guess I'll just have to put it out back on the patio until he feels better.

Hey there SS. Yes, today is the day. I just cooked her breakfast and she's eating that and the shower time and onward and upward.

the place is literally 8 minutes from here so I will be making a few trips to get everytiing in order and then I would like to just lay down.

I am sooo tired and now you know why I dread going back to nj and handling all of that crapola.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers; they are needed and appreciated.

I'll holler at everyone later on this evening and I thank you all and love you all for your amazing support.

this will be the first time in 5.5 years that I don't tuck my mom into bed tonight. ow. Hope you guys are around later.


Mom's up! Here we goooo...........

Today is moving day, isn't it? Sure hope all goes well. Think peaceful thoughts, and know we're praying for you both. I hope it's a smooth transition for your mama. Take care, Bobbie! :) Let us know how it goes, OK?

hey Miz and SS, Rep and KB

trying to get mom up for the big day and she's staying in bed. she'll get hungry in a little while and and get up then I'll pop her into the shower. Of course the schedule will be screwed but it's really not that important for us to be exactly on time. Rather just go at our speed so no one is rattled.

Miz. I'm so sorry your husband's back is out again. Awful. Is it low back? If so does he know the decompression trick?

Lay on the floor with your head, back and butt on the floor butt up against the ottoman, your legs up at 90 degrees on the side of the ottoman, knees bent calves/feet on the ottoman . It decompresses the lower back and brings relief because there is no strain of standing/sitting or lying down flat.

Feel good even if you don't have low back pain.

Just a shot inthe dark and I hope he feels better soon and I hope you don't work too hard getting ready for your nieces and taking care of everybody!

talk to you guys soon,

Nothing worse than a hurt back. 80 sounds good to me, too. And a walk on the beach :)

Thank you, SS!! I really appreciate that. He's icing his back now. Gotta love that sun. Now if it were only 80 degrees.

Good morning to you! Sounds like bad timing to have two patients with company coming. Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon. Hope your day is relaxing, anyway. The sun is shining here. :) Will keep you in prayer!

Good Morning, Everyone. It's 10:24 am and I've been working to get the house clean and straightened for my nieces visit. Hubby's back is bad again. :( Two patients again for me.

night night Miz!! And everyone else turning in.. i had gone to bed.. but mom decided to get active and that kind of gave me a second wind..

K. Time for bed. Good Night, Ladies!!

I got your message. Thanks. Yum for the chocolate!

I just found some rieses pieces and m&ms I had bought to make cookies. This could be trouble!!

K. I just left you a message on there.

The Chatter Box is on your profile page when you join, sign in, etc. The chat room is different. Go to our group, "Poco Loco," which is private, by invitation only, and "join." Then, if there is a chat going on...with ladies present, you press the "chat," or "join chat" button...something like that. I'll go see. If you need more directions, let me know.

SS, where do I find the "chatter box" on cafemom?

Hi Miz! Looking for you on the Poco Loco!

Welcome Lucy! I hope you find much comfort here. I believe in God, but don't know the whys of things. We still experience heartaches when life is life. The emotional things are similar for many of us. Things to cope with, but not always with understanding. Still, we do the best we can. So nice to have you join this thread. Some sweethearts here, aren't you, ladies? These ladies are excellent caregivers, and in ways, are my heroes. Caregiving is not for sissies. Lucy, let us know if there's anything we can do to help you out. :)

I guess I missed everyone. :( Or am I too early? I'm trying to figure out cafemom better.

KB, I am here...finally. I got home from work, talked to hubby and then fixed Mom supper and was in her room with her and I just had a smoke and put her to bed and had a smoke with hubby.

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