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are you guys talking in code for another email address or something. I have a few too.

I'm using mizunderstood10 on cafemom also. Is this a bad thing or no? Should I use a different name? I have no clue.

Oh, Kelley, darn it! I'm at work so... We're between appointments now. pamela, I am doing okay and hubby's back is much much better. I'm sorry about your trauma. Glad it's OK now.

KellyB my story is under "I THINK I'M DONE WITH MY MOM AND SISTER". I had a little trauma but it's OK now. Thank you all for the concern though.

Miz I'm glad I didn't miss the trip. I can't wait!

awww Miz lol you went offline.. i had said hi to you on cafemom =(

ive been a paid caregiver for about 8 months.. unpaid.. thats a different story.. seems like all my life lol

we were definitely worried about you.. glad to see you back =)

howdy miz (aka Demi). How's hubby doing? and how are you?

pamela, you didn't miss the trip. We would not leave without you. Very nice to see you here. What's happenin'?


planning to be a caregiver? wow that's really great. How's the dating going? haven't been here in a while and haven't read through the threads.

I'm OK, been spending time with mom. That usually takes time to recooperate.

Welcome back pamela.. we sorely missed you here!! *hugs n kisses*

as for me, i took on 3 clients for the city as a caregiver.. started today.. my mom has been my only client for about 8 months now..

planning is in FULL swing!

how are you???

Afternoon everyone! how goes it?

Kellybean what is this you're doing with the social worker. Haven't read the threads lately, my goodness there's 536 post.

Did I miss the trip? or are we still planning?

Afternoon everyone!!!
Today went GREAT. the 2nd clients social worker liked me so much, she asked if i wanted MORE clients!!! The first lady. Ill call her Mrs. B.. she is such a hoot! a real spitfire, love it.. she has mild Alzs so on my info sheet that i gave her she wrote "she is a young fart as i am an old fart" we were crackin up the entire time i was there.. Her, i will look forward to every week!

My 2nd client.. its actually pretty sad for her.. shes a temporary case as her home will be taken from her soon and she has recently gone blind.. this is on top of her having Alzs.. the social worker was trying to remove her from the home even before she went blind so... ugh i feel bad for her, but i see how she lives and she really cant do it on her own.. so it will be better for her...

i swear, Pirate, with every story i admire you more and more!

this is probably the most anyone will ever see me be religious.. as im really not, but.. if there is a heaven... and theres a special place for children.. then i have to believe there is a special place for you ladies...

im not a mom either lol in my profile i used my cats name and said she was special needs.. i didnt exactly LIE.. my hannah is my baby lol.. shes certainly special needs hahaha... i just love the games on there...

if you look under meet moms.. im kgraywolf.. i only have one friend so.. you know who that is lol

Will we have a computer on board can not start the day without reading the obits a clown at the senior center asked me if I saw my name. Another day when I was taking food home they give us too much food at lunch -so I take a container and put 1/2 in it a man said can't you see the sign that says do not take food home-I told him I could not read ENGLISH Maxine here

Hey bobbie321, is that your name on Cafemom? Can't wait to "see" you there. I was up chatting with KellyBean till 4am my time. Poor thing had to work today. It was so cool to talk to her and see all the pictures, too. I am excited! I think dark chocolate is the best choice. More antioxidants, they say, though I could care less about those. I like the natural mellowing agents, like ketchup. LOL, for all you Prairie Home Companion folk. ha ha I do like Good & Plenty's most of all. Great for female cramps, menopause, and mood things...try it and see what I mean. You'll be addicted, too. Not bad medicine for a buck. Get the theater box size. One box a day does me just fine!!!!! Morning noon and night. The dentist won't like em though.

Pirate Gal, I wish I could have gotten mom on some of those meds. Actually, the doctors tried, but she refused. Used my dad (retired Pharmacist) as an excuse. He was dumb not to put her on them...except she was on Tylenol #3, and #4, and on 200 mcg of Fentanyl, and Ten High. Think he was trying to do her in? Hmmmmmmm. It almost did. If she had been a good girl and taken her Psych meds, perhaps she wouldn't have taken me to court. Ha Ha. As least you can contain your mommy dearest. Mine's a piece of work! Now the PG and the county can take care of her...and I'm...well,

At least, almost to the boat. Hey, I was thinking. Why do we need a bird? Can't we just look up in the sky at them?

which one is Demi? I forgot. And miz, and all...Yeah, where is nutz? Is she out looking for boats? BTW, what's wrong with boat shopping? I'd kinda like to sail again one day. Soon! Ciao, all. Hope your day is positively great.

And Bobbie, doesn't matter which group you join. That is up to you; wherever you feel comfortable, or led... You have a profile page, and a wall page, and can do all sorts of cool things there, like posts slide shows, pictures, download stuff, play games, "friend" people. I can see Bobbie joining a "boat" group, LOL, or starting her own. Which gives me an idea...why not!?! Yeah, Bobbie. Wanna start the Poco Loco Love Boat for Caregivers? Could be a hoot. You can see all about starting groups there... And I'll be looking for you! I'll "friend" you, so you can get to my wall. I'm not Secret Sister there, though...

OK, Ciao! Je' Taime' Bien, (er...something like that!)

Poco Loco. slow and crazy!

You bet I remember that lady in the movie,
On my way to do the paperwork for mom.... oooohh I am slow and crazy for sure.
On the way back I'm getting some chocolate for real.


oh and about chocolate it's a proven painkiller, ever wonder why you crave it around your period, cramps and PMS? Or whenever you need a quick pick me yup. Anyone see or remeber the movie "Chocolate"..the one with Johnny Depp remember what the cocoa nibs did to the husband? That lady became the shopkeepers most valued customer! LOL

oh and by the way I love the name for the boat ''PACO LOCO'

Yes, bobbie, that will be way cool.

Pirate, it is very tough. The not understanding and not knowing what is real and what is an emergency. Well, what you said. :) Sometimes I call my sister-in-law because she's a nurse but she is not here. Pirate, you keeping your sanity through all of that with your mom says so much to how strong you are. I really admire you. :)

wow Pirate, you are a trooper. We're here to listen to whatever you want to say. Glad her meds are slowing the raging...


Hi folks, well my mom has not been having any more rages after the meds settled in. When she went to the emergency ward that time, the next day was even worse. They had admitted her to the hospital because they found a tad of pneumonia and had to have that cleared before transferring her to the 72 hour hold. That day I sat in the hospital (and they had to have sitters - young nurses in training that would sit there because she was a flight risk)...she went on and on about how I needed to go to her house about the mail, boy she got testy about went on all day. That was nerve racking...then when she was out of the psych ward..3 days later I had taken Family Leave for 4 weeks, well it was the second week and I had gotten over there around 11:00 and I had a feeling I should have gotten there earlier, well as I pull into the driveway I hear her raging in the kitchen (mind you this was June 2009), well heck I was ticked.,.,I went into the house and she was raging about the neighbor next door, saying he had opened the back gate and opened up the garage door and went into the garage. I was thinking no way..the guy next door is so messed up physically. I thought okay I will least check out her story. I knocked on the mans' door and felt like an idiot, he was bewildered.,.,but I could still hear her raging through his house out his front So then I look behind me and she is there.,,,,and so I apologize to him and say hey I am just checking out her story,l know she's not right. So we get back in the house and she says some crazy stuff about him not going along with her...what? Well after 4 weeks those meds finally take effect. That was about the last time she had any real outbursts. So she has slowly slowed down. Now it's a different route a more depressing one about constipation, not feeling good, headaches. But at least it's not the real crazy stuff but some of this stuff has driven me a bit nuts. Like I said before this is tough for us because a lot of this stuff resides in a medical, geriatric, psychcriatic fields, not just a simple family this makes it tough the not understanding and not knowing what is real and what is not and what is medical and what is not and what is critical or an emergency and what is not. WHEW...did I say enough?

No clue yet. I figure SS and KB will hook us up when they get back.

Sounds like we can upload pics and chat live so that would be very cool.


bobbie, thank you!! As my hubby would say, You're so awesome!! I went to cafemom and signed up. I have no kids except for my two cats but I really want to be able to chat with you guys sometimes. (And sometimes I feel like I'm my mom's mom now.) What group do I join?


i showed him your post Miz and got a big wet one from him!
thank you for your very sweet compliment.

thanks for being there last night. Man. if it wasn't for you guys... and Miz, I'm telling you, you have helped me so much. thank you again!
I guess cafemom should be for moms but SS said that she and kelley were able to chat over there and that works for me! Just because my kid is a little older than other moms........


bobbie, tell Nik hello from me. And, tell him his wife has helped me trementdously.

Kelley, I love sweet and salty together too. Mmmmm!!

SS, yes, thankfully, my hubby's back is much better. Thanks for asking. :)

Good Morning all,
Nik wants me to say hello to everybody because I have been telling him about how awesome you guys are and he can see it in my demeanor that I am more grounded. And I think he's happy that I don't just sit here and look at boat porn!

Mom's still asleep. Today's the day I fill out the paperwork.

love to all,


morning everyone.. its way early here for me.. about to head out for first client of the day..

stayed up until 2:30am? the C on my keyboard kept getting stuck!!

KB, I need the chips, too. Think we know what to bring on the boat. LOL

Don't forget to tell them...about our hatting, lol !

night :)

Just as long as they buy it for us! :) and flowers, too. Ha

KB, that was really fun! Keith is cute, and so are you. Mom...well. Best wishes with your new clients. Eager to read and/or hear how they are.

Happy March, everyone! :) night!

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