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Thank you Anne. You are a blessing.

Bobbie, I agree that what we caregivers need is support, not judgment. There is enough judgment "out there" in daily society, where we experience people who really don't want to hear about our trials. We need to be able to come here to this site and express ourselves honestly and respectfully. In fact, the essence of what caregivers need is SUPPORT, period. Caregivers give, give, and give, and are expected to keep on giving..... If we choose to cope with our challenges by using humor or talking openly about "gross" things going on with our elders, so be it. I am here to listen.....

ok... I need to get this off my chest.

yesterday I read the 'wall' of our dissenter and realized that there are more. while they are posting on this thread and chiming in, they are communicating between each other saying not very nice things about those of us here who have chosen to deal with our stresses with humor.

It has made me very sad and I really don't understand why caregivers would choose to judge others. I choose to be inclusive of all of us, even the ones who shouldn't be on our boat. That has changed.

Suffice it to say that the manifest has been edited.


Good Morning/Afternoon to all,


Morning Miz,

I couldnt keep up with it. Once i got my mom feeling better, i told her it was a family thing to do.. i hate doing laundry.. even my own lol

Good morning, my friends. I hope you all have a wonderful day. At least this morning I have a horribly messy kitchen to clean up and many loads of laundry to do. We have so much laundry. How do people keep up with 7 or 8 kids worth of laundry? I don't wanna think about it. Makes me tired. Talk to you soon.


I just did it again... I get the notification, read a post, then comment. However, several have posted after the one I commented on, and by the time it gets to mine, the thought seems so disjointed. I must learn self-control and patience. Note to self: read them all, then post.

Wow, nutz. "tragedy breeds innovation..." That's a good one. I like your ideas! There's so many awesome ladies here. Can you imagine if we combined our talents, in our dreams, we could change the world.

That's a brilliant dream. You're not so "nutz," after all... :) Keep dreaming on!

nite nite termites...~ nutz

Night Kelley. Sweet dreams. :)

i actually just overate.. made cheeseburgers and McCains baby cakes( flat tator tots) sooooooo goooooooood!

but now ive got a tummy ache lol going to go lay down for the night! hopefully ALL night.. if not, ill be lurking around somewhere..

goodnight everyone!! *hugs n kisses*

SS, the boat would sure cure a lot of what ails me. I'm sure it would for all of us. I like the monkey idea except I think I'd be scared of him/her. I'm sure I'd get used to it. Do they wear diapers? Do we have to change them? ;)

Had a bit of a bad day today. Sooooo tired and down. PMS too. Blah!! Slept for awhile and I think it made it worse. All I want to do is eat. Man oh man them biscuits sound good!! I don't think I've mentioned it but I make a pretty good chocolate cake. At least my in-laws think so.

So glad you're all here. Gives me hope. Yall understand what others just can't.


when im free im gonna be free !! road trips !!! i wont be caregiver anymore cuz i know in my golden years i ll be takin care of myself and my husband ,
i hope i dont have to take care of my mil , my bil is takin care ofher now cuz im takin care of pa . she has alz , its bad one . drives him nuts , im just scared that he s goonna throw his hand up in the air and say im done then guess what i ll have to step in . lord noooooooooooo....

Nuts, i love your idea of the Non Profit.. wouldnt that be great for us to do?? we could even do it on the boat!! sail around and all the places we visit we stop and ask for donations for others to do what we're doing!! the free CNA program is another good idea.. my CNA course was through the Red Cross.. its the cheapest but still cost $1k.. a friend of mine took up donations and sent me to it =D

i actually wanted to start my own caregiving business.. but non profit sounds heavenly!!

* whispering to Secret sister* Be careful out there... we need u..

O, yeah, Kelly, I almost forgot the canaries. As for stress relief, rep, we just need to get on the boat, get on the boat, get on the boat. Maybe that'll stop your tears, miz! Can't you just taste those chops & rolls & broc?

Yummmy chocolate cake. Then the taters, etc. What about Gresfully's greyhounds? Or was that on a different thread. Excuse me if I'm numb. It started snowing just before driving around the lake to court today, with cars in ditches, accidents, spin outs, and slippppppppery conditions. Batten down the hatches, we're in for a doozie. Brrrrrrrr. Hope the boat is shrink wrapped. Can't wait till spring! What time does it depart? I'm with Pirate gal, as for dinner at nutz' place. Don't know about the platypus unless he's sharing a bunk with her. Where do mascots sleep, anywho? I do like the idea of a monkey, though. Could be about as fun as a barrel full with the likes of us. lol

mmmm pirate... Dinner was delicious... the "plank" potatoes were cooked to tender perfection and the pork was so sweet and moist it "shivered me timbers". the Broccoli was done "just right" and the cake,,, well... to Die for. One day we should all collaborate compose a novel and simply call it " the ship" and document it something like the" bucket list".. and include all we characters in it.
With the proceeds we shall start a national non profit Organization that will in turn, help caregivers, present and future, for free with several overnight freedom nights per month( guilt free of course) ,staffed, in home, with highly trained caregiving professionals who either volunteer or are paid by our organization via tax free donations. I love that thought... I wish there were something out there for us but tragedy breeds innovation, doesn't it? we could even start a free CNA or caregiver school, and offer free tuition to those who would volunteer for our organization for certain amounts of their time, in exchange for their education...
What a Dream.... what a dream.... sailing.....~ Nutz

going to nutz's house for din din..yum!

a platypus...ha ha ha I always thought they were cute!

how about a mischeivious monkey like the one in the pirates of the carribean?

[did someone say they tried watching District gets better towards the end believe it or not...I liked it but I am a sci fi fan as well..I hope they do a sequel cause it lends itself to one]
[[ and speaking of sci fi...sad to hear of Walter Koenig's (Chekov from Star Trek) son.........condolences about his depressed son]]

I vote for the Duck billed Platypus. You know, the aquatic, mamallian, egg laying marsupial with poisonous spines and a reaaly bad attitude. for it is varied and as elusive as we are here , on the Poco Loco,~ nutz
taters n pork chops tonight girls, with steamed broccoli and hot yeast rolls ( fresh baked) and for Dessert... CHOCOLATE SUICIDE CAKE !!

I'm sorry, Pirate. I know that's hard. I lost my kitty girl about a year ago. She was 17 and it still makes me cry sometimes.

We're gonna have to rename the boat to Noah's Ark, what with all of the animals we're bringing. But that may not be a bad thing-pets are proven stress relievers.

if my little jackie was still alive I would bring her...she was the smartest Jack Russel Terrier..I loved her so much...miss her so much...

dont forget canaries.. they are known for giving warning for impending danger and are the only birds that can fly in hurricane winds..

eagle of course... for our freedom.. ummm

if i bring my cat and my other one for rep.. i just dont see either of them being a mascot.. thought their laziness is inspiring lol

SS-you hogtie him, and we'll get our swords and force the scurvy dog off the plank on your command.

Pirategal-love the geese! but we'll have to train them to fly off on command in case we get tired of the honking.


How much should I charge HIM for the 1 1/2 hour he made me and Probate wait for his bill for the $1,000.00? Trying to out-pencil me. Stinker. Gang plank time again. Need some pirate reinforcement. OK, what time does that boat shove off?

Just no wolves or shark! Already had enough of attorneys for one day. Thank you very much. The paperwork has been filed. They want me captive till a hearing on March 31st! Mom's lawyer charged me/her $1,000.00, then wouldn't cough up the bill till holding us hostage another 1 1/2 hours today. Then he added $8.00, extra for a phone call HE made to me. Huh? How much should I charge for the 1 1

Thanks Rep,
I'm relieved too.
You guys have been amazing.

I love KFC bisquits.

Dogs are rough on a boat because of their claws on the teak.

Cats are ok but have a reputation of peeing on other people's boats when you're docked! lol


Winnie the Pooh for.... ;)

maybe we should have a vote and be democratic....?

dog - for company
goat - for cheese (lol)
geese - for alarm system
more suggestions?

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