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bobbie - I'm so relieved your mom is okay! She just sprung a leak, is all, and for once it's one you don't have to clean up :)

Pirate-what should our mascot be? It's gotta be something REALLY good

..........grabbing some pots...and chiming in...

"Hey good looking...whattchaya got cookin'?'s about cooking up somethin up wit me" a southernish cajun drawl...ooooooh yeah! Yep I like cookin!

"Nar, I say to yea me deary...the plank will be shined and ready fer the next naysayer, truth be told...arrrrrr!" Takes a sip of Sailor Jerry ....ha ha ha...yeah...there's always someone who wants to rule the saying otherwise...unless they are in our shoes they can say no more! Did they state their situation, NO! And if they are then God Bless if they tolerate their situation! End of story!

Now on with the show......did I hear 'boat with a picket fence' on it...does that mean we can have a mascot?

marfil.....yes you said....I started to give up the mother loves to argue...and has been that way 1.

sausage and bisquits and gravy...YUMMMERS...I have a copycat recipe for KFC bisquits.

I'm sure glad there's gonna be other cooks on board cause that just ain't my thing. I do make a killer salad though. I'm wondering...on our boat dream is there dream cash? If not, I better start playing the lottery. Hubby has some invention ideas so maybe that will pan out. We'll figure something out. I don't have to worry about clothes, shoes or purses cause I have enough of those to last two life times.

I went to my attorney today to sign my new will, power of attorney's and living will since I got married. Glad that's done. No way I want to be kept alive by artificial means or whatever you call it.

bobbie, you're a God send. You're really giving me hope. :)

Good Morning Boaters!

How is everyone?

No way we're leaving without you Maxine. where are we going to pick you up?

Man, I didn't know about the 60% statistic! Are you kidding me? That's why I feel like I'm dying sometimes?

Sorry, but no 'patients' on the boat. Even with the salt water washdown on the bow, I still can't deal with it and I know that I'm not the only one!!

Remember, this thing will MOVE: up/down, sideways and will list back and forth.... urp....

I know that a lot of folks treat this like a fantasy.... but we are getting a boat and doing this.

mhmarfil: good to see you on the thread! I understand your frustration and yes, this is the spot to just say it and relieve yourself of the burden of thinking it and going without the release of expressing yourself. Trust me, I have thought the same things and it's good to know I'm not the only one.

sometimes I feel like calling 911 on myself and getting some rest that way until they figure out I didn't do anything and send me back home. hahaha

everybody is welcome on the thread, just don't gripe at us for figuring out that the best way to deal with our particular living hell is laughter.

Personally I hope that the gross out stories continue and let's see if anyone can challenge Miz Demi for the top spot of pooper crack snacker.

I'm thinking that the S*** Ball story is a close runner up and I don't have anything even close to any of that unless mom constantly trying to hand me questionable items that you would need tongs to pick up.

I swear I could work for an attorney now and absolutely no one would be able to serve me papers because I no longer have that automatic response of taking something just because someone is trying to hand it to you!

Maybe the folks that find this a little upsetting are the ones who are closer in age to our loved ones that we care for and they fear for themselves. that I could understand, so possibly this is not a good thread for them, just like I don't read about some of the other stuff on the site because it's too upsetting for me. I just leave them to it because that is their right: to use this wonderful site to keep themselves sane and know that whatever circumstance they are experiencing in their caregiving journey, others are experiencing it too and they can get the support they need and please, without judgement.

I really like you ladies and I have a list of us all so far and please if I have missed someone let's fill it in.

In no particular order:

Miz Demi +1
Secret Sister
Nutz cooks!
Trawler Bob drives the boat

The above folks have mentioned that they want to come along on the boat.

mhmarfil: you down for the boat ride?

OK everyone let me know if I got it right or if there's changes.

Just trying to figure out the manifest...... I'm a big dreamer and planner and man it works!


I like your plan to stay out of the darkness: happy sunshine! Happy dreams! :)

Hi SS. All is pretty good. Same old same old pretty much. Doin' chores. Just trying to stay out of that old dark hole. The sun is shining and Spring is on it's way. Dreamin' about that boat. :)

Hugs, to you, too, Miz! How is all?

I guess in a perfect world all caregivers would back and support each other and not shame each other. Of course, in a perfect world there would be no poo to discuss. Nature would have found a better and more pleasant way for us to eliminate. ;)

Hugs to you all & love,

Hugs to you mhmarfil & Austin. :))

mhmarfil, do you like the sea?

Hi KellyB! :)

And how is everybody else today?

Austin, I imagine the cork from one of the boat crews' wine bottles. That's one way to deal with poo. Then we can dip them in the sea to clean them off. (Of coarse, they'll be on a separate boat, with hired help!) LOL

austin and mhmarfil,

im glad you can see what it is that were actually saying here and not looking at it as just making fun of our loved ones. its really hard to do this if you cant talk to people about it. i agree completely that without getting our feelings out in a positive atmosphere that is so open about things, we would just whither up =/

thanks for your comments *hugs*

Awww!@ I know all these stories! It's the same with my mom... Ahh I stopped arguing. As one of us here said "it's not worth the fight." Thinking of what she's going through as "not worth" my constant worries and not worth losing a sleep actually helps me to remain balance and sane & lucid. Or else I might become very physical and might just hit her and punch her. As I sometimes do in my mind... I imagine it and it seems like it's all real. It helps me release my stress! Yes, we all vent out and we need to vent out. This website, and my nasty imaginations, help keep things cool for me. Just don't take things so seriously when it comes to caregiving, especially for only child like me, or else we might be the one ending up in the hospitals or even ahead of them for the journey six feet under. Hugs to everyone. And vent and rant here, we're all welcome.

You guys make me laugh do not forget me Maxine for you trip I was a nurse so if there is any poo on board that is my speciality. As long as I have been on this site every once in a while we get someone who picks on us I just let it go in one ear and out the other real caregivers have to learn to do it or we will be one of the 60% that die before the ones they are taking care of, years ago where I was working one of the nurses on the shift before me said boy I wish I had a cork after cleaning pts. for 8 hrs. the next night the father of a critical young man came in with a large cork and gave it to the nurse.

Morning everyone,

why im awake i dont know.. it was a day i could sleep in since i got my chores done yesterday..

thats a cute video, SS.. i was about to say i wish my mom was like that still for her sake, but according to the staff at the daycare she got up and did the foxtrot the other day.. so cute and she said she had a great time!

O, no! Pamela, how'd you get stuck in that box again?

I get so mad when reading some of these posts...not here, but the ones where mamma rules the roost, and the wonderful caregiver is subservient to her. What's with that? I hearby deputize and empower everyone of you to set those boundaries. There's a new sheriff in town, and you're it! I'm just mad enough to say I am not going to allow another to poo all over me. Go and have a wonderful day. Take some time for you. Let's all meet at the dock and compare notes.

Chicken Little's man worked till 3:30 am to finish the accounting for Probate today. We only have to give mom's PG $0.16 for the privilege of us taking care of the momster for the past two years. So we drive to distant nearest court, deliver the papers to interested parties, and I am ready for the boat. Actually I am trembling. Don't know till the hearing tentatively for March 10th if the Judge will allow account or not, and knowing mommy dearest and snake-ly attorney, will probably have more grief. The sky done fell, and it feels on my head lately. Need the clean up crew to free us from this rubble. I can swim pretty good, but lately felt like drowning. Just want to be free! Ready to send someone to the gallows...and get these chains off of me.

I hope this link posts, just to make you smile:

man I am so happy that you guys can cook! I've got a growl going here..

nighty night and talk to you all tomorrow.


LOL ! Yah what u said Sistah...LOL~ nutz

Stop it Secret !! Yer Making me HUNGRY!!!!!~ nutz

Don't forget the bayonette, and hungry shark!

waxing gang plank... with bees wax and caranuba... BONZAi!!!!

O, yeah. I'll have some scallops, please. Big fat juicy ones, just slightly fried. Yum. I definitely think we need a gang plank. ROFL

Time for the gang plank, I say, Maties! Argh! Blindfolded, too! Anyone "report" this CRAP? Hoist the flags, Maties! Set sail, we're off. LOL

i just had some doritos and an egg salad sammich.. but ill make some bisquits for that sausage gravy!!

LOL I llove it...~ nutz. i'm glad to see that im not the only crazy one here... anyone hungry,,, I can make us some midnight grits and eggs....mmmmmm with sausage gravy....~ Nutz

ok placed an order

that's why I tell new people to get out while you can. If there's a choice, make it and do not do what I am doing. I love my mom but if I had it to do over again, I would make totally different decisions.

that's why we're getting a boat!

so good to see us all together like this. We are going to make this happen.

Now I'm going over to nutz' thread and order something from the Acme Corporation.


"sailin" take me away to where Im goin " (margaritaville) mo bay Jamaica.
" Soon I will be Free" ~ nutz...

amen bobbie!!

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