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in blood pressure years... I'm Dead! alsohol s all thats keeping me alive ? WOW thanks for the news.. now I don't feel so bad,, hey I hava new CRUTCH!!!!! :)= ~ Nutz and yes, mY teef are kinda buck.. in a roger rabbit kinda way... depend on the angle u look at'em..heehe

Thats great to hear, Bobbie!! Also a little eye opening to hear about both your bps..

Lets see.. bp.. bp.. umm i know potassium helps lower it, walking, breathing deeply, music, petting animals..

and believe it or not, alcohol and dark chocolate lowers blood pressure.. not kidding.. i think there has to be a certain amount of cocoa in the chocolate, but it works..

never forget... theboattheboattheboattheboattheboat.. that should lower it!!

Man this was a windy day onboard, ran into a squall there for a minute din'tja?

maybe that's where some of our funnier posts are going......

you know, I was thinking after I read the thread from yesterday and was putting a shine on mom's butt for the 7th time today.... how could anyone not understand the level of love that is required to do this?
People think that you show respect for someone by maybe standing up when they come into the room, or you throw them a dinner or... fill in the blank.

You want to show respect? Wipe their ass.


Welcome, bobbie. :)


pour me one too. In cyberSpace I drink.

excellent to see you nutz. Love it.

Do you really have buck teeth? Cause I do. Used to have a picket fence too. No gap between the front ones and had to learn how to whistle through my fingers. you were killing me *wiping off the screen*

Nutz I also have a lot of respect for someone who knows that you always give the boat the best of the best. Pouring a bottle of DOM over the bow will get us everywhere!

Hello All, Pirategal I nominate you for sergeant at arms.

KelleyBean you hang in there and don't worry. Seriously. Don't worry. Doesn't do any good anyway. Remember last week when I freaked about mom's heart and all of you jumped up and told me to calm down, it's going to be ok, etc?

Just got back from the cardiologist and mom's got 2 leaky valves, just has to keep her blood pressure down. Today she was 131/75 which is way lower than mine. If she starts to pant or has swollen ankles for a whole day maybe diretics (sp). The guy told me don't worry should be fine and to see him next year. Mom had all the tests and we'll get the results of the blood test tomorrow.

I'm doing breathing exercises to lower my blood pressure and deciding not to woryy about s*** I can't change and if a big decision is too hard for me to make then i have to sleep on it. Sleeping on it kept me from buying a motor home! Thanks again Miz and Pam and KelleyBean

Hahahahaha nutz!!

Yay for the free teeth!! That's awesome!!

Sorry Trawler,

ok im not sorry =P

LOL !!!!! I'm such an IDIOT>> I just sent a hug to MYSELF !!!! LOLROTF...... *sigh* i needa another drink/////~ Nutz

LOL BObbie... I wuz just watchin it fer ya ~ Nutz.... all yers;~ Nutz

WHoo hoooooo on the teef.....Kelly bean.. Miz... your
yer ship just came in and boy is she a PURDY one.. ooo lookee it even has a picket fence so i can eat corn.. :)~ Nutz

Man, I turn my back for a minute....

Speaking of teeth!! Good news today.. moms been put on a waiting list to have all her rotten ones pulled and dentures placed.. FREE!! YES!!!

oh lordy yall acting so funny.. its kinda loose.. like a long necked goose!(well i had to throw a song in there too!)

i dont whistle alot. my cats think im calling them to dinner. and theyre fat enough already =P

lol nutz, thanks so much. I'm imaginin'!! Those are purty teeth!!

theboattheboattheboattheboat thinkabouttheboat!!

Miz its good to see ya smiling... now just imagine me smiling back atcha :-= wiv me 3 teef...~ Nutz

Whistling Dixie and the National anthem all at the thame time
( wiping screen) ~ nutz

Can you whistle through the hole in your buck teeth? nice an' loud an' purty!



SMiling really BIG wiv all 3 of my buck teef sticking out!!! :-=

LOLOLOL nutz!!!!

Nance honey, what I DON'T need is any more guilt. And never say never... My mother knows I love and respect her. But sometimes ya just gotta vent. :)

LOL Rep.. yah... lessee... flipping through the slaes flyer.... HERE IT IS! turn to page 13... it states " the Acme "handy dandy hinder binder" is guaranteed to prevent unauthorized soiling of underpants, beds and carpets... it emits a low frequencey alarms when the inevitable is about to occur, placing you at an advantageous position to be able to deal with a situation before it become a disaster.! reatails for only 99.99 ( pluse S&H) Express delivery is available via Road Runner Delivery Service!) ( ordering now) ~ Nutz

In My Humble Opinion

What's that song with the rattling pots and pans? Yackety-yak don't talk back? You guys are killing me :)

Kelley-I also had a very traumatic bathroom experience that I will never forget, and it actually took me two days to get over it because I was so upset. This site has been an absolute godsend, and right now the people here are the only ones I interact with at all, other than docs and the people at the grocery store.

If we have cyber-fights should we get some cyber blow up punching bags? OMG, NUTZ!!! Another Acme product! score :)

uhhh. Kellybean,, * looking kinda stupid here* what does IMHO mean? <------ I don;t know that one :)= <--------- saber toof can eat ear of corn through knot hole~ nutz

LOL well that was fun...CYBER FIGHT!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! * teehee* one way to get some of our agressions out!!!~ Nutz

pirate... lets go rattle some pots n pans... Hey Hey good lookin... what ~ ya got cookin"'~ nutz

Nance, you know it seems that you are a bit judgemental, seeing as your views are the only correct ones here.
Perhaps the Oprah show is where you need to vent your anger.
and I challenge you to mention the first name of my Mother, ? no ? cant do it ? therefore, I am NEUTRAL and communicating on an anonymous level. ` PLEASE TAKE YOUR HATE ELSEWHERE.~nUTZ

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