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I really don't this thread can be deemed a pity party, on the contrary, it's all about not being alone anymore. I for one, came to this site because I actually thought something was WRONG with ME! not my mom. through reading others stories about what they go through and all the responses, i think we have all come to realize that WE arent the problem and neither are our loved ones. Its the situation that in bad times is pretty horrific all around.

So as to this thread, there are things we laugh about and things that are horrible. Either way, if we dont talk or just get it out. It eats at us. earlier i said i wouldnt talk again about a certain episode with my mother and bathroom issues. That was dang traumatic to ME, but i got it out and i wasnt the only one that had been through it. We arent alone anymore.. and I feel IMHO if it wasnt for this site or this thread then alot of us wouldnt be here still.

Say's not like anyone ever will know who these folks are...heck...I think we are still anonymous here and YES MISERY LOVES COMPANY...we are all in the same boat here....and you don't have to hop on board. The first time I experienced poo everywhere it traumatized me! So one way to relieve stress is levity...again we are ANONYMOUS I am not changing anything about my posts....!!!!! I don't have any outlets at all, so this is the next best thing and I am sure the others feel that way too. That's what the board is for discussion and if you like it or not sometimes the discussion leads us down roads we sometimes don't like. So call it what you like...there's always a complainer on every board no matter what you write. Some naysayer that always has to step in and muddle things up. Well to heck with you youre not the board police! Still a free country to discuss what we like even though it is about personal issues. So don't ready anymore posts here if it disturbs you so much!

I think we need a heck of a lot more champ!!!!!!! Hey nutz I am a darn good cook too, I can help!

Now for the poco loco meal of the evening.... I say...
some sauteed sweet peas.... marinated in garlic... with A juicy tri tip.. barbequed to perfection medium rare... some buttermilk biscuits and a twice baked potato loaded with butter and sour cream... horseradish for the steak and strawberry pie for dessert!!!!~ nutz

I feel sorry for me and my mom...
I feel sorry for all of us who are gagging and vomiting and changing dirty bloomers full of fudge pie.. all in the name of LOVE~ Nutz

Tennessee.... absolutely the 84 Dom is Exquisite!!! Imagine a buttery sweet sensation numbing your tongue and warming your spirit... mmmmmmmm albeit a bit pricey,,., but in dream land who cares ?
~ Nutz

And "pity party" is your first.

Hey Rep yah,, what u said um I mean C
kapow* RR

oops we just got spanked Y'all !!! You go Nance... we like it.. abuse is our middle NAME!!!!!~NUtz

We're not disrespecting them, Nance. In some stories we're asking for advice (eating poop) and in other stories we're using humor to defuse a very upsetting situation. Seeing your loved one covered in feces is enough to traumatise even the strongest person, but being able to talk about it to other people who have also dealt with it is a huge stress release. We're not making fun of them, because we all know too well that one day we're going to be in their shoes.

I would feel extremly bad for my Mom if she dirtied her pants.
I would not be advertising the fact that she wore, dug for or ate her stool as some caregivers have done about their "loved ones?"
If they can't get respect, put them where they won't be made fun of.

Hey Kelly, hope you're doing better! Hi Rep, and Bobbie, and Miz. Where's Miz? And Piratess, hello to you, too. Now, who did I miss?

Now, would you believe this? My dear hubby is right now doing my accounting for me. He's been at it all day. I have the guardian report done for tomorrow. Who knows how long we'll be up with his part tonight? But he's helping me. I took my son to his Tae Quon Do, then saw the dads at the nursing home, then brought a pizza home for da man. We got him a nice Mounds treat, and some pop, too. He's my hero today!!! Hope the court likes his work tomorrow. I feel guilty sitting here typing to you all. Maybe I'll go see if I can do anything for him. Am I blessed, or what?

hiya rep,
how you doing otherwise?

This picture project is getting larger by the day. I just emailed my cousin who has alot of pictures of my dad when he was younger. I need copies to go into my "immediate family" album. Ugh.. why did i do this to myself again? LOL

Going to fix dinner now.. bbl everyone!

bobbie-I'm in VA too with Kelley, so you get a twofer on the pickup :) The other boat you got is nice, but is it big enough for all us loonies? We're getting a great crowd here. How did the heart doc go?

Pirategal-one of the boats bobbie showed us was called Poco Loco, and it was a nice looking little boat. Hope you get all your mom's, ahem, "crap" sorted out...

pamela-cancel the newspaper then have a good belly laugh when she calls you to reinstate it, 'cause ya know she's gonna. How's the big plan going?

kelley-I've been to the point where you're so depressed that there's nothing you can to pull yourself out of it. come here, talk to us, dream of the boat, pet your cats, and just ride the wave. We can't talk to you on the phone, but we all love you and are all here for you. We'll cheer you up :)

SS-same goes for you! Remember, even if they all turn against you and your siblings sue you, God is on your side. Ain't nothin' nobody can do to you with the Almighty in your corner, cause no matter what happens He will take care of you.

Nutzie-you cook????? I'll clean, cause I can't cook at all. Less you count microwaves :)

Anybody I missed, hello :) We've got an awesome group going here, and I look forward to coming on here every single day. Even if I have to sit here and listen to grandma choke down her dinner to do it.

SS I'm not changing NOTHING! if I do that I'll be in the same boat I was in 5 months ago. No Way JOSE!!!!
I happy to be the visitor, my mom just doesn't realize it.

HaHa I love that gopher girl....ain't that the truth!! I haven't given in completely SS.

Pamela, order the large print!

Yeah, we all knew she'd have you as gopher girl again. Tell her it will cost her changing those papers again! lol

Actually, how can a demented mind keep switching POA's? That doesn't sound legal...can't you contest the change?

Batten down the hatches, Maties, cuz a storm's a brewing. Actually, we'd need an ice cutter today. It's frEEEEEEzing here! Hope it's better for ya'll.

Here's a kicker. My mom just called me and asked me to call and cancel the Newspaper.

Moms been getting the newspaper for about 40 years now. After she had her stroke I asked her if she wanted me to cancel the paper. She said yes, and so I did.

Four days later she calls me and says to re-order it because she misses it. Mom cannot see well enough to read then and now her coordination has gotten worse and she cannot focus.

See the minute I start going back over there it's do this, do that. Has she forgotten that my sister is in charge?

Well excuse me while I call the Newspaper.

1984 was a good year for the DOM. Are dogs allowed on this boat?.

LOL nutz, you ARE nutz. You got me smilin' when I wasn't in the mood to. :)


Yup the ole muddy here too!! I can make deviled eggs and orange cake, swiss cheese and crackers.. pack them in a nice little basket with 4 bottles of 1984 Dom Pérignon Champagne chilled to almost freezin'. 1 to Christen the Poco Loco ( Aka slow N Crazy!!) ( or Nutz~ if ya will.) * giggle* and 3 bottles for US!!! Oooh Wheee!! I better go get them eggs to boilin!~ Nutz
Lets do a slow cruise of the MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI Y'all!!!!
P.S can I be the cook on our little ship? Hmmmm????

Ya'll would have to come down the Mighty Mississippi to pick me up,any boats coming this way?

Chest Pain = Stress? I know I get it when mommy dearest raises her whiney side. had me cracking up big time!!

dwest....ah I think the colonoscopy kinda hit home as you mentioned --- CAUSE GUESS WHAT FOLKS?

Mommy Dearest calls me yesterday morning at work and tells me she loaded up her panties and sweatpants with fudge you know the kind I mean! ;-) And then oh then she said there was another episode of "Now there was POOP"....then she now do I still have to go to X-Ray tomorrow...I said you are the one that started all this drama 4 weeks ago with constipation you tell me. Then I said, yep you better just keep that appointment and find out. So the poor caregiver (called her this morning and told her the same) and said better check her out if she needs some freshening up today before the X-Ray.

Miz...oh my poopie snax...oye veh! I thought puppies just did that...;-)

Okay...I am late on the boat there a boat called POCO LOCO ...I like that the boat in San Diego?....I am up the coast....pick me up at Los Angeles

Hi everyone,
Sure wish I could find an escape. I've been falling deeper in a depression and everything I do doesn't seem to help this time.

if you remember, i picked up 3 new clients starting next week. Doubled my income, yet lastnight i checked my email and my make-up clinical starts next week(im getting my CNA certificate). Now the choice is, take these clients, with more income thats desperately needed and wont be there for long or hold it off and hope something else comes available(ive waited about 7 months for these clients).

its hard not having anyone to talk to. I mean, actually TALK to someone.

hope everyone is having a wonderful day

SS, you hit the nail on the head. Escape!!

You can't win a mall? Burst my bubble. How about a beach? I think we're all dreaming of, motorhomes, beaches, vacations, flying away...escape! Guess it's better than thinking about poo. Any other dreams out there? Hope you all have a good evening, and happy dreams!

Oh, lhardebeck. That's a relief. How frustrating for you not knowing what is real and what isn't. A paramedic told me nitro pills lower blood pressure so now I'm a bit afraid of them...although Mom hasn't had any actual chest pain that I know of since her heart attack ten years ago. Anyone that has not taken care of an elderly person has no idea of the stress we go through and the little day-to-day decisions we face. There I go, stating the obvious again. :)

mizunderstood10 _ hahaha no i was saying my dad would cry wolf and say my chest hurts cuz he knows i ll zoom back home cuz he cried wolf . he has done that before , freaked my daughter out and she called me said pa said his chest hurts !! havin chest pain , i knew in back of my head he just wants me back home . told her ahh giv ehim nitro pill he be ok . . butthen i wasnt sure if he s cryin wolf or not so of course i ended up back home and ask how hes feeling , oh i feel fine !!! grrrrr

Hubby & I watched "District 9" today. Well actually I watched about half of it and then went in with Mom. It wasn't very good. Definitely not my type of movie. Oh well, can't win 'em all. Or as I like to say, you can't win a mall. I hope everyone's day was tolerable. I work tomorrow. It's amazing how you can look forward to work when your daily job involves poop!!


lach, I hear you. I lived in San Diego for 9 years and I miss the beach like crazy!!

Hey, don't forget me on the boat! I REALLY NEED a vacation. My husband just got back from 4 interviews he had lined up in Jacksonville, FL. He took some pictures with his cell phone. We used to live in Palm Coast, FL in 2003-2004, moved back to Cincinnati, OH in 2004. I miss the beach SO MUCH!!!!!!! When we were down there, we went to the beach just about every weekend. My husband had a choice of jobs--one in Jacksonville, FL or Cincinnati, OH. Since our family is up here and my m-i-l was in early stages of AD and our son had only one (1) grandparent left--I wanted him to take the job in Cincinnati, OH. If he took the other one, she would only see our son once or twice a year and would stand a better chance of forgetting him. ...but she's almost to that point now. How I wish I were down there now!!!

Woo Hoo, KellyBean, good for you! Happy scrapping, too :)

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