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Miz., you just enjoy that movie! You deserve it!

Bobbie, it's here:,1607,7-153-10365_10884_18317-44291--,00.html

At least I think that works!

Hubby and I are gonna watch a movie now and I'm not gonna feel guilty about it. I hope... :)

lhardebeck, your chest hurts? I hope that's not serious.

Kelley, that's a very good thing!! I just hope it's not too much for you. You gotta have "me time". Hugs to you!! :)

no sun for my pa . he s got a skin cancer poppin up everywhere on his ears nose forhead , and we wanna go to the beach lol . sunscrean plz , slap tons of it on me plz .
i would have to wait till pa s in a better place before i go on a vacation . or eles he ;ll be crying wolf , my chest hurts waaaaaaaaa . id have to get first plane out to zoom home . uhhh ,nana i shall wait till my works done .
by the way im in indiana think u can stop by and pick me up after u go to chicago ? we;ll need a motorhome thats for sure then we can dump it once we get everybody . :-)

SS, sweet!!

Hey...just for the S&G (sh**s&giggles), tell me the name of the marina and I can look them up and see if they accomodate transient boats..... We could tie up there for a bit.

Afternoon everyone!
Just got home from the dollar store and walmart.. found alot of goodies for my picture project.. prefect timing with another snow storm headed our way..ughhhh

Good news, since the city pays me to take care of my mom(only 12 hours a week.. BOOO), I called up there and asked for more clients.. they had 4 available and I took 3 of them! With the hours from these 3 new ladies, I just doubled my income from $300 a month to $600! its a relief to me even though it so little to others..

more later! gots groceries to put away..

hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

Bobbie, the closest marina is walking distance from my house! I'm about ready for some ice fishing. Just slammed the door and screamed. Full steam ahead!!!

oh good, I'm glad you're laughing. It sure took my mind off of myself!!
Thanks Miz and everybody for telling me no on the motorhome. It's true that it would be a wonderful experience but I just can't do it. too pooped to pop.
tomorrow's mom's cardio appt and oh please God let's just get her into the place!!!

love you guys,
Trawler Bob

SS, I definitely see why you're ready for the beach!! I worry that my siblings will try to sue me when Mom passes. It weighs on me a lot. People can be so cruel. Like I've said before, I'm not perfect but what we do is so hard!! I'm hoping to go to Minneapolis for a conference for work for 3 nights in May or June. The only people I can ask to stay with Mom are my bro and sis-in-law and they live far away. No way I'm asking my sister for anything. Hubby would probably go with. He can't take care of Mom because of her incontinence, etc. Oh freedom!!!! But it's okay, I will just deal. My choice to take care of Mom. And I stand by my choice. But sometimes it's so d^%$ difficult!!

Hahahahaha, bobbie!! I can't stop laughing about the "poopy crack snacker"!! Man, I needed that. I love the boat!!


good Morning my good friends,

SS, people suck. and I hate lawyers.

What do you have when you have 400 lawyers buried up to their necks in sand?

not enough sand.

SecSis please don't get too stressed out. I'm learning just how damaging stress is because I have hurt my heart with all of the insanity.

you know the Beatles' song lyric: soon we'll be away from here, step on the gas and wipe that tear away...
One sweet dream came true today..

Just change out gas for diesel!

Hang in there oh please everybody take care of yourselves. I am serious about this boat! We will figure this out. SS, what's your closest Marina that has access (eventually) to the seaways?

If I get a Florida boat, (more than likely because they're cheaper) we come up the coast and pick up KelleyBean in VA and keep picking up people where they can get closest to the water...we can keep going and get Sec Sis and then down to Chicago and pick up Miz Demi and the recovering DH and then down the rivers to the Mississippi and on to New Orleans.
Pamela and the West Coast sailors will have to catch a Southwest flight to where ever they feel like that's near the underway boat and we just keep collecting people on our way to the Bahamas. We will just about have made the Great Circle!

the above is a boat I've looked at off and on. I do like it and it is more affordable than the 61' Davis. This is a 50' Bestway Trawler. check it out and tell me what you think. Still a very nice boat.

Nance... of course you're coming! KelleyBean,Linda, Rep, Pam, SS, Miz and DH! PirateGal and ...did I miss anyone?

Miz omg you have to be going goofy with the scatological snacks your mom is doing. omg. I actually read that feeling sorry for myself with my elevated blood pressure and not feeling too good and an empty stomach and I had a visceral reaction! You actually got a heave outta me! Congratulations!
Miz.. so for you win the gross out contest. This beats the S*** Balls gross out story!..

We have a weener! Miz Demi and the poopy crack snacker!

OK folks... who can beat THAT!?!


lhardbeck, pina coladas (virgin for me) here we come! Think our dads will enjoy getting out in the sun? O, yeah, I forgot: this was supposed to be a vacation for us. I'm gonna pencil mine in to the schedule. LOL

I was mom's guardian and conservator, until she decided I was "abusing" her. Now she has a public guardian (PG), and they're waiting on my final $$ report and guardian tale from hell. She got a wicked threatening, despicable attorney to "help" her with all of this, with my sibling as a "witness" against me. Think I should tell them of all the childhood abuse, and the way she hit sissy in the face in May, knocking off her glasses the day we moved mommy dearest into the lovely apartment I picked out for her, called, "The Healing Place," which I got for her Breast Cancer Treatment and recovery? What I want to know is, who protects the caregiver? Now do you see why I'm ready for the beach? It's better than a jail cell bench. Sorry, ~more than a little tired here...

i am so ready for the beach . paid my taxes and going crazy ! that beach shall soooth my nerves . mmm margaritta too !! maybe some of that doobies so i can eat alotta pineapples and coconuts ! lol

Hi SS. Hubby won't mind if I go but he'll probably want to come too. I'm so sorry about your stress. I hope things go well. If you don't mind me asking, what is "Probate"?

O, Miz, we definitely need the beach! Everyone: grab your sunglasses!

Miz, so glad to hear your dear hubby (DH) is better. Will he mind if you go, or is he coming, too? You may be right about the motorhome for Bobbie. You're absolutely right on about the boat! Can see dresses flapping in the breeze.

I got two days before my paperwork to Probate is due, and things aren't going well. I'm so stressed I'm screaming. And if ya'll keep talking about such gross things, I'm gonna yak, too.

Calgon...take me, please!

Oh ewwwwwwwwwww about the scabs. I'm wondering if I should call the doc about Mom eating her poo. I've never actually caught her at it but once she said she ate a piece of meat she found and it was good. Sorry for all the grossness everyone. :(

So glad youre back and hubby is better (only slept till 9:30 cali time Bobbie, sorry!!)

Yes its very harmful for her to eat it.. even if it is hers..
reminds me of the time i found blood on my moms mouth, she had been eating the scabs off her legs..

Kelley, that gallon of cleanser sounds like "Go Lightly". I had to take it before a flex sig once and it was nasty. I drank it all even though I was throwing it up and when I got to the hospital, they said, "You drank it all!!??". Well YEAH, I thought I was supposed to!! Anyway, maybe they made it taste better. I hope so!!

bobbie, I really think it's for the best that you not do the RV thing with your mom. You need a break, girlfriend. Push away all the guilt and just do what you have to do. You're a wonderful daughter and person!! You give us all hope. :)


Love that boat, bobbie!!

High gross level alert this AM. Went to get Mom up. Had poop on her mouth as if she had been eating it. All over one hand too. Can eating that hurt her? Ack!! I want to yak!!

SS, Highway 2 sounds wonderful!! I love the beach. And ice cream and fudge too!!

Hi Fellow Shipmates, Caregivers, and Wonderful People! I'm back in town. Yesterday went well but I was too exhausted to get on here last night. Hubby's back is much better. :) I haven't read all the new posts, but I will.



I'm surprised she wasn't magically cured when someone said "colonoscopy".

Don't you people dare leave without me.

no worries, just hang out and VA and we'll be there...

ok everybody, say it with me:



Lol Bobbie, im in need of a vacation.. will take me a LONG time to walk there for the tryout.. so wait for me!!!!!

This particular thread is all about jokes, humor and goofiness on all levels. We knew you were kidding Pirategal and I actually started designing the logo for Old Folks Farms, where your Old Folks can hang out and be relaxed without us yelling: No wait! I just washed all those clothes. OMG why are you pooping in the wastebasket?!? Oh yeah, it's a WASTE Basket. (Actually happened to me) Oh Man, just let me clean you up and then i'll change the sheets. Sure we can have Ice Cream.... no wait, isn't that how all of this started?

The Poop Issue. There's either too much or not enough. Have you noticed?


ps Rep...and our boat gang: so glad you guys like Poco Loco, the 61' Davis Pilothouse. I want to take a ride down to San Diego and check her out. Anybody in the area want to go with?

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