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Hi Maxine here Castoff did you know goldfinches love sunflower seeds I can not now afford thistle seeds so I have a sunflower birdfeeder and the finches started comming around-I had never seen them is the summer one even went to one of my growing sunflowers to get the seeds My Mom was so funny she was mad as usuall but funny also she was upset because I was trying to help her up from a low lounge chair and she said she will not be babied she is not 100 only 91 I had to fight not laughing my cat was so interested watching me make banana bread from scratch today I guess he got use to see me opening boxes instead of measuring cooking for one has made me lazy GP go to general information and click on about us there is a phone number to call about you not wanting all the messages I like the new way they are using so you can stay one one thread.

Angie, Do you have a weight belt for you or your Dad? My aunt's mom got polio & was an invalid for 40+ yrs. They both wore belts...her mom would grap onto my aunt's belt to steady herself & my aunt would lift her mom with the belt...less injuries.
Sometimes nurse ratchet is what is called for. Glad your dad got better after his cleanup today.

Miz, Loved the red monster! lol. An unexpected canine visitor? That would be a surprise. My bro & his wife lived on a farm in Okla. for a while. SIL got up in the middle of the night to pee & bumped into the warm soft muzzle of a horse in the hallway. She no longer had to pee after that.LOL Can you imagine???
Hub has found a button to change the picture size on our TV. I'll try & remember to ask him which menu it's on. My favorite saying..."If all else fails read the instructions". lol

Gpeach, I think Kathy reminded us how to thru the nose...hold...out thru the mouth. Zoloft/Steriline works for me too. 50mg is too much & makes me kinda stupid, so I cut them in half to 25mg. One a day. I don't rage or feel overwhelmed & can stay calmer during the storms of life. Make time for diversions/quiet times too. Peace be with you dear.

B321, A HUGE thank you for having brought us all together. What a mavelous place this has become. A superb balance of laughter, tears & wisdom.

Kathy, Thanks again for the info.. Hope your mom stays clean for you & you enjoy your afternoon.

Rip, HA! Don't know if Shutup ever laughs...maybe behind our backs. He does know & understand everything we say to & about him. The flames shoot out of those yellow demon eyes when we laugh at him! He gets such a TUDE!!! Might explain the punctures, lacerations and belly drags over our faces in the middle of the night. LOL I guess we are asking for it when we mock him. I think if he could find better "help" he'd fire us!

I think hub & I actually worked out the soreness yesterday!! When I went to get some mulch for the transplants they had more flowers on sale for $1.00 so you know I couldn't pass them up!! Forgot to get the finch feeder & our lunch, but I got more eye candy for the neighborhood!!! So now, when I get done with the mom chores today I have to go back to the nursery for the feeder & hub says..."probably more flowers". lol He knows me pretty well.

Have a blessed day all.

I just walked out to the living room and there was a dog in there. Very cute little doggie, but we don't have a dog. This lady and her son were walking him (no leash) and he ran inside the door that was open for the cats. Too funny. Didn't expect that.

Thanks Miz, I hear ya.... There is not an anti dep that i have not tried. It def takes the edge off for sure. Still I have what I call my " DARK DAYS" LOL, everyone does I just admit it ... lol lol I will def make time to relax today, that is my new goal everyday to find that time to chill. HMm 5pm with a Martini, now we're talking, maybe couple of potato skins, with bacon and cheese... HMMMMM.... only 3 more days and i get to getaway... whoo hoo... ok lots to accomplish this am. talk you lovely ladies later, be good and keep smiling, and just remember you are appreciated....Angie

He's keeping the new tv. For now. We think. LOL

Angie, I have been on anti-depressants for many many years. I still have depression but it's nothing like what I would have if I were off my meds. You've had a heck of a day so far. I hope you get time to relax later. :)


OMG, deefer. What you went through with your mom. You poor thing. Talk about anxiety making!! And, thanks for the advice on Samsung. Hubby's got the old and the new set up side by side. He thinks the old one is clearer. I think the new one is clearer. LOL. What to do. What to do. ;)

Good morning ladies,
Hi Miz, as far as the tv goes, double check the cable connections, i bought my daughter a small flat screen last year, had the same problem it was how the cable was hooked in, those things are so so sensitive. I do however have to agree with hubby, i like the older tvs better. Today they can be so complicated.... like we any more complications right lol
Hi GP - I think we should rename ourselves the anxiety boat crew..... I have had anxiety and depression most of my life, have been on all types of meds, the key is to find the one that works for you. it took my doc and I a while but finally found that the generic brand sertaline, (zoloft) was a good fit for me. Keeps me from losing my ever loving mind.....
Well just washed dressed and shaved dad, had to be nurse ratchett. He was very uncooperative, very depressed, I just told him listen pal i am not here to be your friend right now, and stink like a skunk, so whether you like it or not, you are being washed. too bad so sad..... lol lol He sat there with his no longer grizzly face and just stared at me. Then i changed the conversation and he was fine. Got him to utilize the walker to help himself stand, he did ok...... thank god, cause my riibs are killing. now i am about to address the finances with Cissy... (mom)...... oh yeah and had to clean the dog last night... at 1130 too constipated. i am always in the sh**ts it seems lol, oh well. Hope everyone has a great morning... be back later to check in .. Good luck with the tv and GP just breathe... lol

Miz, Samsung is all my SIL will buy, but he says that you have to get one with the right resolution. They are all set up differently. I don't know the difference, but he ordered theirs online. Said the ones that you buy in stores are not set up the same. I don't understand it, but he says there is a difference.

Got some sleep last night, husband got very little. His dad has vertigo. Doc gave him something for it and my sil took him home with her. They told her he shouldn't be left alone. That didn't set well with her. She was supposed to work the polls in her town today, so she didn't believe the doctor and thought he would keep FIL overnight for observation. We swear she's just waiting for him to go so she can have her share of the $. We sure could use some right now, but I would never be in a hurry to lose him. He is sharp as a tack and still reads and walks every day. husband got home around 2 and had to get up at 5:30 for work.
Now for the gross part. Ready?!! Got Mom up and washed and dressed for daycare. Fed her oatmeal and curled her hair. I went out for 2 minutes to move the car to the front of the house. When I came back, she had crapped herself! I get her in the bathroom and start to clean her up. Pulled her pants down, tore off the pull-ups, and started to scrape her clean. Just as I finish, she starts peeing all over herself and her pants!!!. So now I have to completely undress her, wipe her shoes, and hose her down. We finally got to daycare, 15 minutes late.
So that's my story for this morning. I headed straight to Walmart to get some things and now I'm planning to do a quick pick up around here, then I'm going to sit out in the yard and chill until I have to get Mom at 3.
Georgia, Definitely sounds like anxiety. Mom has had it for years, with major hyperventilation. She abused zanax for so long, that when doctors tried to wean her off of it, she went crazy and ended in the psych ward for a week! Needless to say, she is back on it for her sanity and ours. I could use it once and a while, but I have very strong reactions to any narcotics, so I stay away from them. I would be comatose on anything of that type. If there is a side affect to a drug, I usually get it x-3!
Definitely check into this for yourself before you go off the deep end. With all that you are dealing with, something to calm you down would be very beneficial.

You're welcome!! You're right...we're always learning on here. That's a wonderful thing we have. :)

ok, I've gone on & changed my settings. We'll see if that will take care of it. Thanks for the info! We're all learning together! YEAH!

That's right, GP. We need to be at our best, if possible...just to cope. I hope the doc can help you with this.

miz, you can also click on the email where it says "unsubscribe to this...", but it's not working...I've done it & it will come up with a notice saying that it's been cancelled, but it hasn't! Another glitch to fix! They'll get it together!

And thanks for the info about the meds! I can't keep going on like this! I've got to where I'm an ill butt, too! Something's gotta change & soon! I'm not going to be any good to anybody!

GP, yep, that makes perfect sense. I was looking for that box and could not find it. No wonder. You can change your settings under, I believe, "account settings" on your profile. You can either have no notifications, once daily notifications, or instant notifications. I don't know if you already knew all this. If ya did, please ignore. ;)

GP, I take (1) Clorazepate, 3 times a day. It's 3.75 mg per tablet. I have also taken Xanax. The slow release Xanax really helped me a lot but it was new and my insurance wouldn't cover it. There's no reason to go around feeling anxious all the time. Before I first went on it my doc checked the oxygen level in my blood and said I was in a constant state of hyperventilation. This was way before I started taking care of Mom. He said I should have been on it way before I started it. I hope you can get some help for what you are feeling. Life is stressful enough.


One thing that AC has changed about the profile that I wish they would change back is the place to check on the lower left where it says "ADD YOUR COMMENT" where we can check or uncheck to be notified when other posts are made to this thread. I always unchecked it, not to receive email notices because I have a small laptop that over 4000 emails telling me that someone else has posted will really fast eat up my memory. I can & have been accessing the new posts already without the notices. Just saying I wish they would still give us a choice on here without having to "unsubscribe" on the email notice. WHEW! Hope that made sense!

miz, I always feel like my motor is reved on high, ready to burn rubber! I catch myself being so tensed up that I have to force myself to relax, but before long I'm doing it again & have to start the relaxing process over again. You're right that this can't be healthy...eventually the "motor" will burn out! Feal like it could be at any minute! It never stops! I've never even been asked or talked to about anxiety, but I think you may have a point! I'm going back to the Health Department today for the UTI since I'm still having some problems with it & I'll ask about the anxiety then. If you don't mind me asking, what med do you take for it?

I agree about Rip! I just love to read what she writes! I can actually "see" what she's describing! That's a gift! I still think she should write children's books! She has such a big heart!!!

I know I got off topic with the tv thing, but he's kind of obsessed with it right now. There's other s#$% to do around here. ;)

Hubby bought a flat screen tv but says regular channels are fuzzy compared to our old tube tvs. HD is better but he's not happy. The only bad thing about the old tube tv besides taking up so much room is that we don't get the whole picture on the sides. Any ideas or words of advice? He got a Samsung and that's supposed to be a good brand.

GP, probably what you're feeling is anxiety. I have had it forever. My meds help some. It can't be healthy for you to always feel that way. I agree with you about Rip. She's a good one. :))

Deef, WOW 100!!! I hope your FIL will be fine & it won't be anything major! I'm glad that he went to get checked out! How is he this morning? Please let us know. Hope you were able t get some sleep. Hope your husband got some rest, too.

I TOTALLY understand the mind not ever shutting down! I just told RIP last night on FB that I think I had finally figured out how to describe the way I feel inside. You know that sicky, adrendlin feeling that you get when someone almost hits you with their car? That fight or flight feeling? That's the way that I feel all of the time!!! It never shuts down! I got to where I can't watch anything on TV anymore that has any kind of drama to it...Even on the news where it shows something bad that's happened to somebody...My brain just goes on overload & I can't get the channel turned fast enough. Would it be safe to say that my cup is full to overflowing? I think so!

RIP, you have such a great big heart & I still love to hear you describe what's going on! You should be a writer...Maybe children's books?!?!

Rip, a visit to your place sounds like great fun. I don't know if my cats laugh. Maybe when we're not around. :)

deef, I hope your FIL is okay. LOL @ pissy everything. :)

Hey SS. It's not going at all...yet. :) I need to catch the publisher when he's there and mention it.

Hello all, I'm in the background reading posts. Bobbie, your absence was keenly felt, so it's nice reading your posts again. I've been spending time developing my new site on FB, and reading lots of interesting stuff. There's some great videos there. Hubby has me reading The Creature From Jeckyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin, concerning the Federal Reserve. It's facinating, and helps me understand all the corruption we're seeing, and why things are the way they are in politics & economy. I always liked learning new stuff, and this all has me captivated. Ostrich no more.

Our folks are doing fine. Age and decline direct their course. Things have been relatively calm. I still hate dementia and Alzheimer's, because they control the brains of those we love. Sometimes I just look at dad and fight back the tears. Thankfully, he seems content, with nary a complaint. FIL complains, because he wants to buy a car and "get a house," but those things are impossible. We have to tune him out. At 90, he's sleeping a lot more...and doing so much less. It's sunset.

lhardebeck, thanks for your darling monkey hugs!
Miz, how's the Senior Aging Column going? (wink)
See you all on the boat, if only in our dreams...

Thanks Angie! The mind shutting down is a big problem for us isn't it.
Throw in restless legs and you get very little rest. Naps aren't even an option anymore. Legs never stop! must be the stress. Better go wake up Mom and put her on the toilet. She's probably soaked by now! That's my gross for the night. Pissy everything!!!!

Indeed it is Def. 100 wow..... hope you can get some sleep. i was hoping to, but here i am. just wish the mind would shut down lol
hope father in law is ok... Angie

Here we go again! My 100 year old father in law just called and said "I'm not having a heart attack, but I feel weak and dizzy." It's 11:20 and my husband just called and said he's taking him to the ER. He turned 100 in July, and if anything feels wrong, he likes to go and get checked out. So here's hoping it's just a bug or something. If my pill doesn't knock me out before my husband calls, I'll let you all know what is going on.
Always something!

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