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RIP - I'll work on getting you the info for what we use tomorrow. It's been a very long day today and I don't want to dig through my dad's stuff and disturb him tonite. Hope you are having a better evening!

I love all your humor!
If I ever get my house in order there will be rooms for you in the great North West! Dad would love the company & we have a medical center near by.

Warning ... Lots of pets & wildlife. Screaming Blue Jays! Swooping at the cats! Attacking!
Can cats really laugh? I think mine do.
Fun stuff.
The Dragonflies & Humming Birds are out over the lawn again!
Twilight in my back yard.

A cruise might be nice ... but this is good.
Dad is comfortable, safe & sound.
for tonight ...

C'mon down lil Mizzy!!

me me me me!!

I am so proud of you ladies.
You are well informed, intelligent, loving and funny. You all support each other and give unceasingly.

I am not going anywhere but i just wanted to express how far we all have come. We all still have far to travel and some roads will be longer and harder than others.

You ladies give me peace and i thank you.

OK. Who's next on the boat??


Protein is now the enemy?
Toxic free-floating clumps?
I'll check it out!
Good call, Defer!

good evening all. Sometimes i dont know how i lift dad either. I just tell everyone, that's right i am benching 175 sometimes 6 times a day. lol lol..... Although I believe i may have sprained a rib or two today lifting and boosting him. Good thing he was in bed all day. so again ladies i was a lazy susan lol lol ..... mom and my daughter have taken good care of me. Mom and decided we are going to hire my daughter , i would be paying someone anyway. to help out with the house chores. the weekly stuff anyway. she is in school full time and has fridays off, this will give her some spending money and big help for mom and i. sometimes its that weekly stuff that is hard to keep up with . the vaccuming laundry the floors... So i am excited about that. I have read in just the past few montly alone, the growning number of cases of elderly abuse. One in my city, was just last month. a total horror story. 5 family members in jail awaiting trial for the death of the mother/grandmother. 5 people living with this woman and she was left in a chair in her filth to the point that the bed sores were so severe that her muscle mass and tendons were protruding along with many other medical issues. But these family members were cashing her checks with no problem Disgusting.... When i hear these stories, i cant help to feel glad that i am here and able to care for my parents. and that we are all angels for sure. Let me know how prep h works GP. Def i am definitely going to check out that article. RIP bring on the crankiness, we are here for ya girl..... Angie

You guys are THE BEST!!!

OK everyone. New article on alzheimer's in the latest AARP Bulletin. They now believe that plague is not the cause, but rather the body's way of protecting itself against toxic free-floating clumps of protein. So if you have a loved one on Plavix or something to fight the plaque, get them off of it. It may cause the disease to accelerate.
You can find the complete article in the September issue of AARP Bulletin. Another interesting turn that may help to get new drugs developed to help fight this disease.

Austin, that's funny about the cat! If she only knew! I don't think I could have kept a straight face. lol Yes, it was a special moment! I think the general concensis is to get a local neurologist that will work with the one at Vanderilt. Thanks for the advice!

Rip, Wasn't William an actor? I still say that you're so talented making your Dad's leg straps.

miz, I'm sorry that you're still not felling well. I hope you'll get some sleep tonight & will feel better in the morning!.

Yes, deef, thank you for posting the info for me! Great idea about the cameras. I'm learning so much from you guys! And welcome to FB!

Angie, thanks for the tip about the Prep. H! I knew it was good for swelling, but didn't know it was good for black circles under the eyes. Who'd have thunk it?? lol And thanks for the big hugs! How in the world do you move your Dad at 175 lbs
My hubby weighs 225 & there's no way that I could lift him. Don't know what I'll do when the time comes. I'm glad that you have Don & that you'll get to go off & have some "me" time this weekend. I hope you'll have a great time!

Mary, I'm glad that your Dad is having a good day! If you go on the Seattle News web-site, just by doing a Google search then you can read the article on the elderly. I saw it when I went on about the dog story you told me about. What in the world was the caregiver thinking by liting a cigarette while the woman was on oxygen??? Did she not have any training at all?!?! I'm with you in that I wish they'd do an article on the good homes for the elderly, but you're right that wouldn't be as interesting reading for the masses.

Like I said, I learn so much from you guys & I consider you my family, too! We're closer than me & my family! : )

We're missing some crew members...SS, tennessee, Pirate, jojo, who else??

Be cranky all you want!
I've learned to "Let it Out" on this site.
I'm 55 for a few more days ... I think Menopause hit & I didn't even notice it! Too busy with everyone else.

Hey Rip. I'm still tired and cranky but I'll be okay. Yep, those ER visits are exhausting!!

Hi Miz ...
How was work today? Are you feeling better?
I stil feel waterlogged from the ER visit.
Dad rebounded better than me!

LOL Austin. Your cat is smart. :)

My cat hardly ever meows or talks but a few years ago we had a home care nurse we did not like and the cat came into the bedroom and scolded the nurse and she said isn't he cute he is talking to me he came back about 4 times to scold her I had to fight not laughing becaue I and the husband knew what he was doing Gp I would use a local neurologist that is willing to work with the specialist from Vanderbilt good luck with the visit-it must be so great for him to tell you he loves you.

$500 a day?
Put her on a luxury cruise ship! The crew is very attentive!
Gee whiz!

I think I might cost $35 a day to survive & care for things here.
We are frugal. Income?
Ha! Work is scarce.

I have a bucket in the shower to collect the 2 gallons of water waiting for the warm water to hit. I use it to water the house & deck plants. Add Miracle Grow to enhance. I wonder if it really works.

"Cheap Cheap" cry the Jay birds outside! They get their treats on my dime!
Talk about a Network ... I toss a few peanuts on Dad's window box & suddenly the whole flock of screaming Jay's & squirrels flock to his the window! They sit outside & screetch if he hasn't fed them enough.
We love watching them ...

I love your camera stuff. I think it is a whole new market for elder care. I wish William was still on board. I believe his business is security cameras.

Of course the Vouyers (again, spelling ... still weary) have us beat. They can view women in locker rooms & sneak cameras into apartment closets.
There should be a system like you have so we can keep a careful eye on our seniors.

Dad is waiting for me upstairs. I have the sewing machine working & hope to sew more comfortable leg bands for his catheter bag.
Maybe I haven't done enough research ... Kuli?
The rubber or elastic straps used to secure the flimsy plastic leg bag to his calf just don't cut it for me.

Upstairs to DAD!

Thanks everyone!
You are better than family!

Angie, Dementia can be a blessing when other ailments are involved. They forget they have them and the worries tend to get less and less for them, but more for us. Meds, sleeping, and most of all, safety issues. So glad I have the cameras overlooking her whole apartment. At least I can be doing thing over here and still keep her safe. The new infrared at night is the best yet. My brother in law is here this week visiting his 94 year old mom and I have to get together with him to thank him once again for allowing my sister to buy everything we needed to set up the system. My son in law did all the hard wiring in the house to make it all work. The cameras are on a private network that no one else can stumble onto.
I know cash is a big problem with us all, but if the rest of the family would contribute, the cameras run under $200 each and the infrared is around $225. They can be programed right to your computer. it's something to think about. they have made my life so much easier!
Rip, saw many things while Mom was in the NH for 4 weeks last year and year before. Most aggravating was missing possessions and the not so good timing for her pills. With Parkinsons, if you don't get them on time, you can go into an "off" state. Then it can take hours, or the rest of the day to get straightened out. Of course that depended on the shift and who was working. And they are all short staffed now because of the many cuts. But you would think at the rate of $500/day, you would get the best of care!
I need to start getting Mom ready for bed, and grill some steaks to chill for a late dinner with hubby.

Paused for a minute to explore the improved web site.
Great changes!
Miz was right - some very cute "Huggers"!

I tried posting a web link to "Seniors For Sale", an ongoing investigative article in the Seattle Times (our daily newspaper).
AC caught it. Took it away within an hour. Rats ~

I'll try posting it on my wall.

It is a gut wrenching series of how much neglect many seniors receive in adult family homes.
Very graphic this time. The featured woman had her face burned when a caregiver lit her a cigarette while on oxygen.
Photo & story is gruesome.
Tough, yet valuable reading for anyone considering a senior facility.

On the flip side, I know of many wonderful & professional Adult Family Homes! I'd like to see a follow of of them but that's not as news worthy.

Dad is good today! Watching the TMC movies & eating his munchies. What a relief.
I posted a more in depth description of our ER visit on my wall. It was a strange night / morning. Even without a full moon.

All the furry & feathered friends are out in force today! It's nice having friendly wildlife! My lazy cats love watching them. Terrible mousers ...
That's be a good advertisment for Friskie's cat food.


Rip, Sir, Pets & Critters

Not so much dementia, now more and more of his days are in bed, little no expression to his face. He is completely immobile, either in bed or in his wheelchair, also has paralysis on right side from multiple old strokes. Sometimes I almost wish he did not realize what was happening to him, sometimes. He has catheter which is flowing beautifully today lol and is incontinent other wise. The tremors are pretty consistent. Yes I am being lazy and deserve it lol lol...... Last night I almost had to call rescue to help get him into bed, because he is 175 and dead weight. Looking into options for some relief at bed time. I am however on a positive spin going away on sat for the whole day and night.... whoo hooo.... heading to cape cod with Don.. He has been a god send. He lives 2 hrs away, but he manages to come down here to see me a few times a week, so we decided i need a break so i will be off duty from sat 7 am until late sun afternoon..... When he is here and watches what I do , he is so amazed, all he says is WOW.... you do this all the time... i say yes indeed, i dont need a gym , i have the papa gym right here at home.. lol lol Amazing how sometimes you find the kind of people that you need in your life, when you are not even looking , more importantly you dont even realize that you need them until you find them... Just like all of you here, in a short time i now refer to all of you as my online family.... All are godsends, the angels. Of course I am the martini angel lol lol

Angie, It is awful to watch! Does your dad also have dementia and is he still able to walk on his own? That's the hardest for Mom. She can't remember why we won't let her walk alone. She tries hundreds of times a day, to stand up when in her wheelchair and can't figure out that she is tied to it, therefore can't stand.
About all I did today was laundry and I just got done exercising for 20 minutes. That was a chore today! Now I'm going to do like you. I'm going to knit, but outside on the swing. The sun came out here about an hour ago and now it is gorgeous out! Been neglecting the vest I started because I screwed up the pattern while running back and forth for Mom. Had to rip out a few rows to figure out where I was.Enjoy your DAH time!

Thanks Def for posting that info for GP: those are all things we did when we had no diagnosis. We ended traveling back and forth to The Lahey clinic in mass. This after 2 years of not knowing what was wrong. Excellent neurologis there never forgot his Hreib Habib... How funny is that. He was wonderful though... He kept in touch with dad Primary and also provided a referral locally, and then he would see dad twice a year just to stay updatd. Best decision we ever made, unfortunately my dad's condition is no longer at the stage that not much of anything helps. GP heart goes out to you. Dad sometimes will just breakdown into tears and say the samething to mom and to me too... Breaks my heart. Try prep H for the undereye circle, sounds silly but works. I looked in the mirror yesterday and was like OMG i look like i have aged 10 years, time for some repair. lol lol The nurse came by , we called the doc for presc for anti biotic another UTI,,,,, big surprise lol
BIG NO HUGE HUG TO YOU GP AND YOUR HUSBAND. Today i feel so guilty, because honestly i have not done a darn thing except tend to dad's needs. But the housework and laundry will be there tomorrow. I know I need to care for me too, so today is lazy monday. Still exhausted, so giving the body a rest to day May some knitting...... Glad to see you here Bobbie , you are in my thoughts......... We missed you..... God I love you guys..... Angie

Wow... over 4000 posts. We are a good crew!!

Thank you all for being there for me and for being there for each other!!


Gp, definitely get a referral for one closer. They will keep in touch and inform each other of changes in his status. I would still see the first one twice a year, but if she can recommend someone near you, it would be easier on you and him. Less traveling equals less trauma to him in his condition. It may take some drug adjustments, but she should be able to evaluate him and get him going on sinamet right away.
Keep a journal on his reactions, such as how long after taking drug do symptoms start to show up again. How long it takes for drug to kick in and relieve the symptoms. If drug brings on nauseousness and for how long. Anything you see that you think the doctor should know about, make note of. you can always call in between appointments and let her know what is going on. In fact, start writing things down now. That will give her something to work with when you see her.
I'm sure she will be able to improve your husband's quality of life, and ease things for you. Can't wait to hear how things go! Take care, and tell your husband he will be in good hands.
By the way, Mom's new neurologist is a woman, and she is heads above the 2 male doctors Mom had for years.

miz, isn't it funny how sometimes they take on the personality of their name? We have a Gracie & it fits her. She's a pretty dilute calico who is black with the small gold flakes all over. BIG gold eyes! Funny, she rarely meows either. She gives good "kitty kisses", though! smile! She'll actually give you a kiss when you ask her for one. She got the name Gracie because she was probably about 3 weeks old when hub found her in our back yard at the foot of the steps. No Momma or sibs, just her. Called her Gracie because it was God's grace that we found her before an Alf (opossum) got her. I bottle fed her so she thinks I'm her Momma. She's so funny in that when I'm sitting with a fuzzy throw over me she will bite the throw & knead it like she were nursing. Although she's 4 now, I don't think she ever got over not being with her Momma until she was weaned. She sleeps between my knees. She sure is a sweetheart & good company!

deef, thanks for asking about my husband! He doesn't seem to be tremoring as bad today. And he got up a little earlier today. Got him all cleaned up & shaved. He started crying when I was putting the after shave lotion in him & told me how much he loves me & thanked me for taking such good care of him. Broke my heart & I started crying too! I've cried so much lately that I think I have permanent black circles under my eyes. His appt. with the neurologist is on the 23rd. That's Thursday of next week! We've been waiting for this appt. for 6 months! His doctor is supposed to be one of the best with PD. Wish I could remember her name or at least where I put the note that has her name on it...hey, gimme a break...that was 6 months ago! lol Seriously, I sure do hope that she can help him! He's saying now that when he sees her that he's going to ask for a local referral so we won't have to go all the way to Nashville. What do you guys think?? Vanderbilt or a referral to a local neurologist? I have my thoughts, but I'd like your input.

Thanks! (BOAT CREW)'s the next best tthing to being there!

well,Momma Bobbie, your comment has inspire 4,000 comments now. Good lead in! Thanks!

I'm taking a break from a Seattle Time's article. It's an on-going investigative report on senior faciliteis.\I wonder if we can post web links now? The article is called Seniors for Sale.

There are adult family homes popping up everywhere in the Northwest. Lots of money to be made. Many scamming crooks.

Did I read an earlier post referring to Sunshine Piss? That's be a great title for all of us with UTI episodes. But this thread is our home. I wish the new format included spell check ... I'm still rummy from the ER visit to remember my proper upbringing.
Wish the "Earliest - Prev 5, etc. had been moved to the top"
Anyone listening.?

I have a friend who's grandson used to call it "Red Monster". :)

Glad you clarified that too bobbie, I was like ok.. lol lol We use to have a red lobster the next town over from where I was living with my exhusband. He loved red lobster, only because he had ton's of coupons, he was/is the cheapest man in the world. lol lol When ever we could out with out coupon and he would take out his wallet, i would say to him, step back honey, those moths are gonna flying out lol lol

hey there cast!!

Lobsters have a LOT of cholesterol. The more legs something has, the more cholesterol (sp?)
For me, since I have a little arthritis to begin with, if I eat shellfish and overdo it I get a gouty toe. Therefore if I want to eat shellfish I prepare by not eating any meat or high cholesterol (however you spell it) foods for a week so I don't suffer!


B321, Sometimes I'm slow on the uptake. You lost me on the sore toe from dead lobster.

Gpeach, Sorry hub is having a bad day. Hope it improves immediately.

Linda, A very happy belated to your hubby.

Kathy, Sorry the meds have to be shuffled again. Hope you find the right balance real soon. I'm sure you will.

Angie, Glad you managed to avoid the er & your dad is improving. Nice clear pee & hopfully like a race horse to all. (That's a good prayer).

Rip, Love the critter stories. Paints a pleasant picture in my mind. Glad Sir is better.

Tenn, What about the dog hotel????????

Hub & I must finish the garden stuff we started yesterday....more ibuprofin for me!!!!

Love & best for a blessed day to all.

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