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I sent an email too, bobbie and I just received one back from them. That was quick!! They said they are working on things and to let them know when I start getting all of my notifications. I got your hug notification but not your regular thread one. I gotta get Mom changed and then get in the shower and get ready for work. A nap on the boat sounds better. :))

Man, I am peeling like a banana. Good thing I don't have any nefarious schemes planned because i am leaving DNA everywhere.
thank you Lord for the vaccuum cleaner on the boat.

Mizz!! i is rite here!!


bobbie, where are you?

okay, i just got a notification. hope i keep getting them.

Good Morning Boatwomen,

hey, Miz! i didn't get notifications for the longest time and finally this morning they showed up! Yay! So now I finally get them again and you don't. hmmmmm.... I did send an email when they stopped coming but i dont' know if that's the reason that I'm getting them again or if it's just the format change.

you ladies are the most amazing! The meds issue is a huge one. Mom and I stopped her Aricept when she thought is was bad for her and we discovered in a few days that she also was way better with it.

Miz.. i remember pms.... ahhhh, those WEREN'T the days...
I always worked with men so I never let on what was up with me because i hated the generalized comments about women and the monthlies. therefore, I never let on and i had endometriosis. Ow squared.

Rip... glad Sir is better and yes we all LOVE your descriptive skills. Funny cats way better than TV anyday!

Linda... hope your husband had a good birthday dinner at Dead Lobster!! I love the dead lobster myself even though i get the sore toe the morning after....

Rossella, GP, Deef and Flex and Pirate and Maxine and Angie and Secret Sister and Tennessee!!! love you ladies and SS and Tennessee where are you guys?

Tenessee, thanks for the nioce compliment on the boat and that tenny, jr laughed a lot. Sweet. Please tell the story about the dog hotel!!

SS... where are you gurl?? post on momma and let us know whassup!

The Boat Angel is back and healthy again. Yay. progress on the Barbara B.
Rip... I should be able to get the right lettering color this week!!

Got to go back to work on the still unfinished biz of mom and all the stuff.


deefer, both my kitties are very loving but the male is even more so than the female. It's amazing how all cats are different personality wise.

Thanks,GP. How's your husband doing? When is his appointment with neurologist? Hope it's soon so that he can get some peace. Angie, Dad will feel and act differently due to antibiotics. They usually mess Mom up for 3 or 4 days. They will make him sleepy and dopey. that can be a good thing for you. Just make sure he doesn't fall when walking. Pills will make him dizzy.
Miz, Sassy is a great name for a female feline. They can have quite the personality!

GP, I was having that problem yesterday but not today. And, yep, Sassy lives up to her name. She's a little ditzy and rarely meows. She's very girly. :)

angie, so sorry to hear that your Dad is having difficulty this morning! Glad that you have Joan to depend on to help! Hope you'll get some much needed rest!

miz, I like the name Sassy for a kitty! Does she live up to her name? Thanks for the good thoughts on feeling better!

Are you guys having a problem reading the whole thing on your wall or hug notifications? Part of it is covered up on the right by their adds.

deef, you are really good at figuring out what meds work best for your Mom. And I'm so glad that you have Merry there to help you! It's nice that you've got somebody that you've built a relationship with that you can trust with your Mom!

I see notifications when I go to my profile but nothing shows up in my e-mail except for a hug notification. Any ideas????

GP, Sassy is my little girl kitty. :) I hope they give you something to help you at the docs. I'm sorry you've been feeling bad.

Linda, you have a good day too!!


Good Morning Ladies! I hope everyone got a good nights sleep & you're having a good morning!

Rip, I'm glad that your Dad got some much needed sleep & I hope that you did, too! I LOVE the way that you describe everything! You are such an amazing storyteller!!!

angie, I'm glad that you didn't have to go to the ER last night & is doing better now! Hope you'll have some of that sunshine clear pee today! Glad that you're feeling pretty good, too!

Rossella, glad that you got your Mom back to sleep, even on the couch! I've got into a bad habit of leaving the TV on all night because when I have to get up to "go" in the middle of the night I have trouble getting back to sleep if it's quiet because my brain is going in full gear about everything that's going on in our lives. If I have the TV on, it's a distraction for my mind.

miz, I understand about wanting to eat everything in sight, too! Who is Sassy? I'm thinking probably a furry friend?

Linda, thank you! Hope you had a great time at Red Lobster!

Bobbie, how's the sunburn?

Well, I had to get up 4 times again last night so I've got a call in to the doctor's office to see if they want me to come in either today or tomorrow. I finish the antibotic today & think I should be feeling better than what I am. Guess we'll have to wait & see what they say.

Hope everybody else is having a great day!

Format has changed, Ill have to check out the hugs. I have been getting the notifications. Dad is a lil better today, but it appears his mental state has changed, very dopey and spacey. He is very very tired. I will watch this and check in with our nurse Joan. She comes in weekly to check on him and stuff. She is a riot, she was so glad when she came and i was here and told her i would be full time. She said she use to have nightmares before walking in the door. Mom still in her jammies at 2 in the pm, and she just felt so bad. Now she says it is more like a social visit, lol. she is great though. So dad will be up for a bit, told mom i was coming down to my apt to take a nap, still exhausted. Sleep you can never get back the sleep you missed for sure. Have a great morning.. Angie

notification has changed also , theres 2 in one . pretty neat
. now i gotta get used to it , ok gotta get pa up . i hope he s not weak today . have a good day you all ! xoxo

They have some very cute hugs now.

Yep, the format has changed. Are you guys getting notifications??

deefer, I'm feeling okay. Very tired this morning and I gotta go to work later. Thanks for asking. :)

I'm not getting notifications this morning. Very strange.

Good morning everyone! Sounds like all are off to a good start. Sleeping sure does help.
Is it just me, or did the format just change?
Miz, Are you feeling better?
Angie, Happy to see Dad is getting better. That should give you some relief.
Linda, Did you and hubby have a nice time at dinner?
My experiment with taking Mom off Aricept proved that she most definitely is better with it. Doctor thought it might be what is causing her constant motion and inability to focus. Wrong!!! She got soo bad this week, that we thought she had a UTI. But after only 2 doses of Aricept, she is responding much better. She is still not falling asleep easily like she used to, and wakes up a few times during the night, but she doesn't try to get out of bed without help. That's a good thing, because she had many falls from doing this before.
Now I am giving her the Seroquel to help her sleep, instead of the Remeron. It's a bit stronger. I'll keep an eye on things and let her doctors know of the changes as soon as I'm sure they are good for her. I'm so tired of shuffling meds around to get the right combination. Seems like that is all I've been doing for the last 4 1/2 years!
Merry is here for the day until 5PM. So I need to focus and catch up on things in my house. Maybe I'll try to sneak in a nap! That is, in between laundry, cooking, cleaning, and paying bills. I'm sure there is a trip to the grocery store in there somewhere to.
Let's all have a good day for a change!

hey this is all new ! proflies new and when i get mail its all new too ! woohoo . and the hugs are new too !!

Thanks Miz... Hope your day is off to good start.... Keep smiling...

Sharon, I was going to respond to your wall posts this morning but something is wrong. When I click to go there I get an "unvalid" something. I'll try again later.

LOL Rossella!!

Good Morning, Angie. I'm so glad your dad is feeling better and that you got some rest. Hugs to you!!


Good Morning All,
Life really does have some beautiful moments for sure RIP. For it when see the urine in dad's cath bag and it is sunshine clear. LOL
Luckily no er last night. I think his pain was from the nurse replacing the cath. He slept for a couple of hours and was better when he woke up. Now i am heading to check on him this morning. Hopefully all is well....
I dont think we ever stop worrying, It is the circle of life, as children they worried all the time about us , the night before my emily was born was the last time i slept, she is 20 now and i still worry about her, and now its the parents to worry about to. lol lol...... I finally collapsed last night about 8 and was out like a light. Thank God. Feeling pretty good today. Thats it dad is on a diet lol
Be back later. Going to the morning routine now Have a great morning everyone and hugs to alll.

to Rossella & Miz ...
Dad is calmly sleeping! Whew! You never stop worrying.

Dragonflies & tweeting Hummingbirds are swooping down over my back lawn. I wish I could take a video!

Several cats are leaping into the air trying to capture them! Backflips!
It is hilarious!
The occasional squirrel dashing by to see if the person has put out peanuts... the Stellars Jays are squwaking at everyone!

Life really has some wonderful moments ....

Thanks Miz... Hope my mother sleeps. I have to work.
It's okay you eat everything in sight; as long as it's not Sassy who is in sight....

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