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rossella, I hope you're able to get some sleep. My hubby can sleep that way, with the tv on at low volume. Not me. I need silence.

rip, I'm not feeling too bad right now. Just want to eat everything in sight and no energy. Thanks for asking. :)


What a night, Rip!
Thank you to all of you for your kindness and your advice about my problems. It's 3 in the night here, I put my mother in bed 2 hours ago with 2 seroquel and she got up 10 minutes ago saying she wanted to go home. I managed to lay her on the couch with the TV on at low volume helping she goes back to sleep.
Yes, doctor, doctor tomorrow!

Yes ... Thanks, so much, Miz.

Just tired & feeling alone.
Dad is back in bed since we slept all of about 3 hours this morning.
He is so bright & special ... yet all mine.
Oh .. except the kitties who station themsleves on his bed. They alternate.
Everyone loves him. Me too ...

How is Miz feeling???

Rip, are YOU okay?

Thank YOU Miz ~

It seemed never ending ... stark room under those nasty flourescent lights ...crying, coughing & moaning sounds behind the other curtains ...
Dad in anguish.
Waiting ... start of a procedure ... then more waiting ...

the sun was rising as we drove home.
I think he is OK ...

rip, sounds like you had a bad night. I'm so sorry. I hope he's feeling better and I hope you can rest.


Linda, have a wonderful time at Red Lobster. Happy Birthday to your hubby!!

Wow, castoff. What a 9/11 you had!! I can't imagine. Yellowstone Park is one of my very favorite places in the world. We went there a lot as a family as kids and then for reunions.

GP, I'm sorry your hubby couldn't get to church today and that he's feeling so bad.


Hey Peach!
We had a night ... long night in the ER. UTI - imagine ...

I was wishing I had a computer to talk with you ... in case you were awake.

60 Minutes will be on soon. Thanks for the notice.

Have any of you guys been watching 60 Minutes tonight about the Stowe Biotherapy Center in San Diego that was doing stem cell injections for ALS, MS, Parkinson's, etc.? They were exposed as "snake oil salesmen"!!! They were charging $125,000 for stem cell treatments that were being done in Mexico by an unlicensed "doctor" with NO positive results at all. There's gonna be a REALLY warm place in eternity for folks like that who are preying on the illness & struggles of others!

If you're interested, you might be able to see the story on 60minutes

P's me off BIG time!!!

Hello everyone, Yes We are doing okay;. Who ever suggested the stove protecters from toys r us? TY TY TY ...THey worked......Now I have a ?? for you. I have a friend, she is having trouble breathing, I thought anxiety, but she said no. SHe is having trouble breathing, burning, yes she has gerd, but that is not the problem. SHe gets shakey...and it is internal....But has anyone ever heard of this? If you can help her? Her name is deanna, thanks...And BIG HUGS TO YOU ALL...BBT....OKay? Love n hugs...Sharon

Good Morning Everyone, oh sorry afternoon... lack of sleep lol.... Looks like we will be tripping to the er today.... Got everything ready to go.,
Bobbie, sunburn OUCH try s oaking in a a bakiing soda bath, old remedy but def takes the fire out fill tub with tempid water use box of baking soda and soak.... works evertime....... I remember 9/11 I was working in a nursing home as drawing blood on one of my patients and there it was on the tv. I have chills just thinking of it...... the whole nursing home went into complete silence, the guy i was involved at the time his sister was a flight attendant, and we heard no word about her for 2 days, as that was her scheduled flight..... thankfully there was a last m;in change in her schedule. After that she gave up that career, decided to be a stay at home mom...
GP sorry to hear about hubby..... Dad is the same way, just got a hospital tray for his room, as his condition is worsening by the day. Very sad, my prayers are with you as they are with everyone here.
So my dinner plans for this evening have been canceled , bummer, but whatcha gonna do..... Dad had about 3 good hrs yesterday after the new cath placement., so there is more going on I suppose.
Told mom and dad the one about the cat sinking furniture story, they laughed so hard.... nice to see them smile.... Told them I was going to do something similar.... lol lol lol........... Got to bed about 2 am , not a good sleep though..... not feeling too badly though, i am sure the 6 hrs of sleep over 3 days, will catch up. So no physical labor for me, just preparing for my field trip to the hosp...... So strange, i have this overwhelming sense of calmness about things today, i think i have come to terms with the situation that i am in as we are all in...... I wish everyone a great day and filled with smiles .... Hugs to alll. Angie

Linda, hope y'all will have a great time at Red Lobster! Tell your hub taht we said Happy Birthday!

I forgot to add this...I had a state licensed day care in our home on 9/11 & I had one of my kids coming in & her Mom & I watched together. Couldn't believe what we were seeing. It was like a very bad dream. Still can't believe it! So much has changed since that day.

Lots to comment on, so if I neglect anybody, please forgive me...working from memory & it's like the 'ole gray ain't want it used to be! lol

rip, I haven't heard from you & I'm getting concerned! Are you ok???

Bobbie, I'm sorry to hear about your sunburn! Stay hydrated & use aloe to help the drying out & itching. I'm glad that you Nik will be together soon!

Rossella, I hope that the doctor appt. tomorrow will give you answers to the problems that your Mom is having. I hope that it's nothing more than a UTI, too! I hope that you'll get some rest. I know this has got to be stressful for you!

miz, I'm really glad that you got ot be with your friend last night & that you had a good time with her!

castoff, please tell your husband thank you for his service & for protecting us!

deef, hope the med changes are working out.

Diane, I really enjoyed our "talk" too! I'm sorry that I missed you this morning! Yes, I think it would be lots of fun for all of us ot be able to chat together.

tennessee, we want to hear about the dog hotel...

austin, thanks for the thoughts about the job. Something better will come along.

Hubs wasn't well this morning, so we didn't go to church again. He's got to where he stays in bed later & later. I just wonder how much longer it will be until he's bedridden. The tremors have been pretty bad the past few days. I really felt bad for him yesterday when he was trying to make a phone call. He put the phone up to his ear & had such a bad tremor that he beat himself in the head with the phone before I could get to him. I'm really having trouble not crying in front of him. Just doesn't take a lot to get me started these days, but I try SO hard not to cry in front of him & upset him.

Hope everybody is having an peaceful Sunday afternoon!

miz , i wonder if u could go ask ur doctor to scrape up all that out so u wouldnt get anymore periods , i forgot what its called , few friends of mine had it done and they were so happy ! damn pms , i hate them things . even tho i dont have periods anymore but i sure can feel it , not as bad ,
bobbie ! sunburn ohh nooooooo . in fla ya gotta slap them sunblockers on at all times . my dad s face is full of cancer and he sits in the shade !
my nose is peelin for some reasons , prob few yrs ago fro begin in fla sun . hope it aint no cancer !
9-11 . is my hubby s birthday , i just got home from work 730 am and made his cake and put in the oven , sis in law called said hurry turn tv on ! so when idid that i saw the 2nd plane crash into the tower , i was shocked ! almost burn the cake . hubby came home and said this is a sadest birthday he s ever had . so every year on hisbirthday just always sad and remembered the horrible sad day . anyway i didnt sleep good that day and went to work 3rd shift draggin my ass and thought well bet theres people still out there and tryin to find more dead bodies .
now my pa is watching 9-11 on tv , he s sad . think ibetterturn channels and find something funny on .
going out to red lobster here in a few . didnt go yesterday , hubby s stomach was a rolling . too much booze fri . many neighbors came over fri to celebrate hubby s bday , what a suprise .
you all have a good day !! xoxoxo

Miz, "36 Hour Day" is an excellent book. I got a copy from the eldercare network. Good reference & how to deal with info.. Glad your friend came over anyhow. I get PMDD (self diagnosed) which is a little more serious than PMS. Found out that the Zoloft I take is one of the treatments for it, so I try not to miss any doses and take daily now. I only take 25mg but I do notice when I don't take it for a few days. Doing my bit for society & sparing them of my tantrums. lol.

GP, Glad you are improving. All better soon.

Deef, You are a wealth of wisdom. Thanks again. Hope the med adjustments are & will work well for you.

Rosella, Hope it's just a UTI and nothing more.

B321, Sorry about the sunburn. I got sun poisoning as a teenager & have to be VERY careful. I don't tan....the best I can hope for is that my freckles grow together. lol. Aloe gel works soooo well. Those Florida burns can really get you. The ozone is getting so much thinner....lots more of the harmful rays now (even when it's a little cloudy). Take good care dear.

Hub and I were in a cabin at Yellowstone NP getting a late start for our hike on 9/11. The first thing I did was hit my knees in prayer. Hub (USMC)was beside himself being 1500 miles away from his weapons. It was the begining of our vaca & we had flown out. We tried to rent a car to return home, but the auto rental wanted to bilk us for an outrageous amount so we stayed knowing family was OK. The airport in Jackson Hole had every piece of heavy equipment in front of the runway for two weeks after. The very first flight out was ours & they asked us to be marshals. It was a small plane & our pilot looked like Yosemity Sam (a real character). We were the only full row on the plane as we were seated next to a middle eastern gentleman. He had an electronics manual but it was basic stuff. After we were in the air for awhile they said we could sit anwhere we liked so hub & I moved to the emergency door seats (more leg room for me). The attendant smiled at me when she saw my 36" legs & size ten hike boots in front of the Edoor. Surprisingly, we were given real silverware with our meal. I guess they figured that if we were all armed we could take care of any situation that might arise. The flight was uneventful & pleasant. I passed the middle eastern man in the terminal when we got home & he shot me a hateful look. I had been cordial to him & even offered him some gum on the plane. Hope I didn't spoil any plans he may have had. HA HA HA.

Well I need to do more gardening today....going to attempt to transplant some mugo pines that have outgrown their area. I'll hurt again tomorrow no doubt.

Have a blessed day all.

Well it turns out my bestest friend came over after all and I am so glad she did. We had a wonderful visit. She is now working at an assisted living facility so she is now seeing some of what I deal with. She is so good for me. She helps me deal emotionally with everything and gives me good suggestions to think about. I don't know what I would do without her. She makes me laugh too. :) She suggested I read a book called "36 Hours" about Alzheimer's. I got to bed by 10pm and I feel pretty good today. I hope to get some things done today and watch the Cubs game with Mom at 1:10.

Wow Bobbie. That is a terrible sunburn. I feel for you. Do you get the chills at night?

When the Twin Towers got hit I was on my way to work and heard about it on the radio. I called my mom and told her. What a horrible tragedy and from what I have seen there are so many people still affected with lung problems and such.

More later.


Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't been online too much. I've been reading for over and hour to catch up on the posts. Wlecome to our newbies.

UTI's are a nightmare ifyou hav one or you "patient" has one. This last one for mom was quite an eye-opener for me. The halucinations are still occuring, but she is much calmer about accepting they are hallucinations. I think having my brother here was a reassuring calming effect too.

Well lastnight I got to socialize with some folks. My nephew invited us & some friends over for oysters. It was so nice to actually talk and socialize with people other than just mom. I had mom with me and she enjoyed being with others too. The oysters were great! I even had a margarita! Small but wonderful "treats".

I've got to get moving and doing laundry. I may tackle some work outside but that depends on the heat and my back. Really having a hard time with my back because of lifting and pulling mom so much. It isn't even my lower back, but between my waist and my shoulder blades. Kind of an odd area to hurt.

Miz, sorry you are struggling with PMS. I had a hysterectomy in December but made the decision to leave my ovaries so I didn't get slammed with sudden menopause. Now I have a cyst that is 44mm round. It may mean more surgery but I will have to wait since I'm still paying off my $2000 deductible from the hysterectomy. It;s never ending.

Georgia, I so enjoyed our chat online the other night. I hope you continue to feel better. I have to do some research and find someway we can have a group chat site.

I gotta get going so have a good day my fellow caregivers. Love to you all.


Hey Bobbie!!! So good to hear from you. I hate sunburns, and hope you don't get the itchies when you start to heal, that's worse than the pain any day.
9/11, My husband and I were on our way home from the hospital. . He had just had his first colonoscopy. We stopped for gas on the way home, and he saw it on the TV in the store.
Bad part was the Pentagon for us. My brother in law was in it at the time. My sister is a teacher and the school was on lock-down, so she couldn't call her husband to find out if he was okay. We were calling them from here, and could not reach anyone for hours. I finally reached my nephew at Virginia Tech and he had been sleeping, and didn't even know what had happened. Scared the shit out of him! Was so sorry I called!
Sister's oldest son finally reached his dad and he was okay, but 2 of his friends were dead. He had been working in the section that was hit, but was pulled for another job the week before. As soon as they got the all clear, he was back in the building to help with rescue efforts.
It was a tough time for the family, but even worse for the people who lost their loved ones.

Good Morning Beautiful Ladies,

thanks for the love and hugs!

OK: have had computer problems and didn't have the energy to fix them. Computer still squirrley so just in case....

I am still in SE US. Nik and I have been on the phone for hours and they have cremated his dad and have not had a memorial service yet. Looks like it's set for the 17th. I'm not going out because now the plan is for Nik to come here not too long after and he's staying full time with his mom which is where he needs to be.

I still have to go back N to complete some business. Will leave boat here since she is still being refitted. I will haul her and then take off for NJ. We also have Hurricane Igor to keep a stink eye on. And the one after it! Hopefully they catch the Gulf Stream and roar on by missing us all.

I'm glad Tennessee and Tenny, Jr. are home safe and I wish Tennessee would tell you guys about the dog hotel.

Welcome Betty and keep venting! the wonderful Zoo smells!!

Linda and Rip and Miz and Maxine and Pirate and Deef and Flex and Angie and SS and Rossella and kulie and jojo and GP and I know I'm spacing out on some of our sailors, please forgive me.

A few days ago i got a world class sunburn working on the foredeck and still can't wear clothes or lay on my back. funny, eh? Ow.

In addition I totally got a Plumber's sunburn because i didn't realize that my top was riding up and my shorts were riding down. I got the forward line locker stripped and ready for varnish and polyurethane tho....

I'm a vampire now, can only go out after dark or before sunrise. i get back in the boat and take my clothes off because it hurts too much to have anything rubbing on my back, shoulders and hips. All the blinds are closed and I have a nice big sheet that I haul around and put over me if someone knocks on the boat.
Everybody here at the marina has been great and has procured all the sunburn cures so I am alternately slathered up with gel or lathered up with lotion. Now I'm peeling but still really sore and waaawaaawaaa. big deal. All in all a happy problem as long as I don't get the melanoma. My back feels like an alligator's. Attractive.

sunrise here in about a half hour and I have CNN on and have been watching the memorials of 9/11. what a terrible time.
Where were you on 9/11? ... if you feel like sharing.

I was in LA and got an early morning phone call and turned the TV on and tried to explain to the caller that no self respecting pilot would park a plane in a building when there was so much water around. This was an attack! Then the second plane hit. Horrifying. We all changed after that, didn't we?

Love you ladies and i'm back if the computer stays up!


Miz is right. We are with them all the time and can observe their reactions to the drugs they are on. Both Mom's doctors have told me what changes I can try, and if they work, I just call them and let them know of the changes. We are the closest to them, so it's up to us to advocate for them and keep them as comfortable as we can. Your mom is definitely not good the way she is, and knows it. She just isn't capable of communicating that to you.
Let's all keep our fingers crossed and hope things work out for all of us. Good night, I will check in on you in the morning. Kathy

Yes, Deefer, you are right. One step at a time!
Thanks Miz. I will increase the dosage only if the doctor says it's okay. All the doctors anyway told me that the Seroquel is good for my mother, so I don't need to change the drug, just the dosage

Rossella, They are so childlike, and therefore get stubborn and rebellious like children. I'm sure if she has a UTI, the antibiotic will calm her down and she will be more manageable. One step at a time. I've learned that just when you think you have them figured out, they change again. We are with them all the time, and see things that we don't understand, but sometimes I think we look too hard and see things that aren't there. We are all just waiting for the proverbial "other shoe to drop".
We both need the see if it's a UTI again before we jump to conclusions. Once again, we are going through this together and I am glad that we have each other to lean on.
Angie, make sure you have Dad's urine tested too. I'll be waiting to hear the results from both of you.

rossella, I hope it is just a UTI. If not, I would not feel guilty about medicating her. It would help you and her both. It's just part of it. That's my opinion. Mom is on her new med now and seems to be doing better. I'm very tired. Good night, my dears. See you tomorrow. :)


Thanks Angie, Deefer
The UTI could be one of the reasons, but I am afraid it is not just that!

Good luck Rossella.....

The world of UTI's. Dad gets one at least once a month. which is usually why end up in the er. I have noticed we can tell when one is coming on, his r ankle swells for about 3 days prior, he also gets a nasty rash on his face and head. he tires easily and he becomes somewhat nasty... So far he is asleep for the night. But I have a feeling he has one, all the signs and his urine is nasty.... even since the cath was changed. pumped him full of fluids all afternoon. Cant give him the cranberry, then that would be a nasy mess of other sorts, you guys know what i mean, the POOPS .... lol

GP sorry about the job, that just means something better is coming your way for sure....

Although I believe mom has the early signs of the Alz or just dementia, sometimes she just reminds me of a freightend girl... other times, she is just fresh flat out fresh and nasty. I always get this one.... " I am not stupid ya know" from her .... got to lol lol...Oh yeah and " i am tired of you telling me what to do" aleast 20 times a day.... Oh well we are all in this together. I do share some of these stories with them, kind of makes them feel to they are not alone to; hearing that other families are in our predicament.... dad loves the fart stories of course lol..... So know my fellow caregivers, not only do you brighten my day, they love you guys tooo... Angie

Okay, we had many UTI too. I shall go to the doctor on Monday...
I hope it is as simple as that...

Rossella, Mom has been like this for a while. She used to be good for Merry, but now that she is with her all day also, Mom treats her like she does me. They get tired of us telling them what to do and what not to do. We are the authority figures and they rebel towards us because they are tired of hearing our voices always telling them what to do. Now I believe she has a UTI and may have had it coming on for a couple of weeks now. She gets more combative and confused when she does have a UTI.
What I'm saying is, it could be another stage of the disease, but don't discount that it could be a UTI. Mom has has one so many times in the past 4 years, that we can usually see the symptoms right away, but they don't always present themselves in the same way. Today We are pretty sure that is what is going on. Call her doctor and see if you can get them a urine sample on Monday. They can usually tell with a dip test. they may want to culture the urine to make sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if both your mom and mine have a UTI.
It's never ending, isn't it?

Hi friends. there is a new development in my mother's condition. Reading the posts of other people I was expecting that the next stages of my mother illness would be 1) the anguish they have in late afternoon/ evening, I do not remember how you call it 2) hallucinations 3) maybe violence...

Well I don't know what is going on, I have not understood very well yet. We had another step down (I noticed that all over sudden the things change, from one day to another). 15 days ago my mother started to refuse to go to bed. - She was glad to go to bed, before. - I keep asking her to go to bed every hour, during the night, but she insists to stay on the couch. Many times I fall asleep late night/early morning and when I wake up I find her still on the couch, she has taken her diaper off and she is naked from her waist down, and she sleeps in very unconfortable positions. this problem is so new that I still can't figure a way to solve it. Do I have to drag her to bed? I did it once or twice, but when she wakes up, she goes to the living room anyway and she takes off the diaper and so on.
this is not the only thing she refuses to do. She is in a stage that she wants to take control of the situation. I am too tired to explain to her 15.000 times a day that she can't decide everything (she wants to shut the windows at 3 in the afternoon, now) (she wants to eat kilos of sugar). And anyway I have noticed that until 15 days ago, to convince her to do things I could use the good old technique of lying (for example: "Get off the car, now, we can't go to see your parents today, we are going tomorrow" -of course when she refused to get off the car). It is different now, it is as thought my words did not reach her anymore. the problem is not that she does not listen to me; she listens but she does not get the meaning of what I say... (this is an impression I have, I have not understood yet how it works) She lives in her own world with her rules and she is fed up with doing as we say.
today, she was very difficult to manage, so I gave her 1/2 a seroquel 25 (the doctor told me several months ago that I could do it). It is the first time I give her seroquel during the day and I felt so guilty when I did it. the result: she did not fall asleep, she was just a little bit more sedated and manageable for a couple of hours, and she enjoyed going out to take an icecream. I was very happy with the result, but after two hours she started to be totally rebel again. It is 3 in the night now, She is still on the couch, I go check on her from time to time. She has a tee shirt on. It is cold here, but when I put a blanket oh her she takes it away saying she does not need it. And she is starting to sneeze.
She is not that rebel with the girls who help me take care of her, but she makes a different life with them. They always take her with them and they do a lot of things together. When I am home alone with her in the evening, this behaviour explodes. I can't stay with her all the time, because I have to go to work in my room. (until 15 days ago, after dinner, at 10, I put her to bed and I went in my room, and very soon she was asleep and she slept until the morning)
I do not know If I succeeded to explain what happens. Please tell me what you think
Thanks a lot

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