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Sorry about the job, GP. You're right, it wouldn't be worth the travel time. I'm pretty sure Mom has a dreaded UTI!!! You know what that means! It's the weekend and we won't be able to get results from lab until midweek.. She was leaning to the right big time all day today and could not walk tonight. She also is not peeing very much and said her back hurt today. Tomorrow should be a fun day! It never ends!!! At least I have the macrodantin and can give her extra until I can call the doctor on Monday. I am so sick of all this crap! Now I know why she hasn't been sleeping well either. Should be a few bad nights in store for me.
Miz, PMS can be a hassle. Not much to do but ride it out.
Angie, Glad Dad is better. Bigger apartment sounds good too.
Got to check on Mom. Take care everyone.

Are you feeling better, miz? Hope so!

Angie, How in the world do you guys have that much energy to clean stuff out?? I'm impressed & if you can put it in a bottle I'll take a case! lol

Thanks, too for your good wishes on the job! I just talked to the Director & I can have the job, if I want it, but the catch is it's only 16-30 hours per week, with no guarantee of more than 16 hours per week & at minimum wage. And the 16 hours would be divided still into 4-5 days. I couldn't afford the gas to drive that far (35 miles one way) for 3-4 hours per day. I wish it would have worked. I think it would have been a fun job & the Director was very nice. Bummer! Something else will come along!

I think the older I get the worse the pms gets.

Great Newsa GP...... Awesome.... Praying you get that job! Whoo Hooo .....
Miz, PMS YUK..... I had a hysteroctomy when I was 29 and as much I dont miss the thing ( lol)..... I believe I still get those pms symptoms and they suck lol lol.... Sometimes i just feel like the wicked witch of the east lol,.... to say I got no sleep at all last night, i am not feeling too bad. So i finishing my last chore of the day, had to clean out the the empty aprtment , and actually I think I will move across the hall. a bit bigger, so i started with the living room rug, sour milk all over.... So I am going to put the machine away for today. Dad has been sleeping all day, he was exhausted.... Give him dinner in bed tonite, check on mom ... Then it is my relax time. If all goes well, i will be having an early dinner, with a friend tomorrow.... Emily (my daughter will be home). OK about to crack the Sam Adams first then begin mum and pops routine. I am trying really hard to keep myself positive, it was tough today, but i just keep thinking I am not the only one, I am not the only one, then i come on here always get a chuckle and feel the love.............I will check back later ..... Miz hope you feel better...GP keeping my fingers crossed for you.......

Hugs to all and thanks to everyone for being here..... You guys make my day.... Angie

miz, I am SO sorry that you're having a sucky day! And with PMS too! (Me too!) Definately no fun! Wish you felt like seeing your friend tonight. I hope that your Mom's problem clears up real soon! I know that's extra work for you, too! That was really sweet of your husband! I hope you get to feeling better soon!

I have some good news...I have a lead on a job at, get this, the Chattanooga Zoo!!! I'd have to drive about 35 miles each way, but it would be a job. HOPEFULLY the pay will be good enough to compensate me driving that far & be enough to save the house! I'll let you guys know when I find out something. YEAH!!!

WELCOME BETTY! Funny stories! Keep 'em coming! Like angie said, we're here for each other!

castoff, my 85 year old Mother told me last night that she used Vick's instead of "that stuff for hemroids"! lol That was a new one for me! I don't think they have it listed on the label as recommended uses! Thanks for the thoughts on getting sleep! I would say that the UTI is getting better because I only had to get up about 4 times last night & actually slept for a 3 hour stretch once! YEAH!!! Thanks for the idea about the crackers...I just LOVE an excuse to eat! lol

Kuli, I love the idea of giving the furniture to the sibs, too! GREAT idea!

angie, SO glad that you didn't have to take your Dad to the ER!!! YEAH!!! Trust me, after having the UTI I can understand his relief when he expelled the 400cc's!!! Good for him! I had to have a cath once in the ER & when I told them that they didn't have it in good they assured me that they did...needless to say, they didn't & they found out really fast...about 400cc's worth! lol Glad that you're here with us!

Well I'm having a sucky day. I got major PMS and am so tired and down and Mom has the runs and it's nasty. My bestest friend is in town and they wanted to come over tonight to visit but I'm just not up to it. It makes me feel bad but I know I gotta take care of myself. Also, I would not get to bed until late and then I'd be a zombie tomorrow. What a life. I hate feeling this way. Hubby even bought me a couple of bottles of alcohol free wine. After hearing how I'm feeling he said maybe he should have bought me the real stuff. ;) So, that's my story today. Angie, you ARE an angel and welcome to you Betty. This is a wonderful site with wonderful people. Many times it's been my sanity. K. I'm off to lay down. Thanks for listening (reading).


Welcome :Betty :) I too am fairly new to this , but believe me this will be a godsend to you... It has been for me...... Everyone on here is in the same situation. So that helps me just knowing i am not alone..... Welcome and Hello to everyone.... No er visit for dad WHOO HOOO..... Although he kept mom and I up alnight, the nurse came and changed the suprapubic cath, when she pulled out the tubing, OMG, there was about 400CC's stuck in his bladder, and yeah what amess. But as soon as that happend, you could see the relief in his face.... Thank God NO ER Hope everyone is having a good day... I am exhausted, but trying to get a few things done, nothing too physical..... i just want to say thank you to all here, each one of you has made a tremendous difference in my life in a short time. In my eyes we are all angels for sure...... An angel with a martini, now thats a sight.. lol

I am a newbie to this website but I think its gonna make me feel okay cause I am not the only one getting grossed out caring for my yesterday I went into her bathroom cause it smelled kinda funky in there oh yeah I was barefoot!!! Yep I stepped in it !!!! Or the day I found the very soiled underwear under her pillow....Yukkie!!! Sorry I just had to get into this gross conversation...Got More, for next time..

Pirate, Sorry, it takes so long for me to catch up these days I forget stuff. Regarding phone calls: I recently got p..d at mom & told her emphatically to "lose my number". She is playing other folks now so I have to keep an eye on her dastardly deeds with others, but she has NOT been hounding me with phone calls. Don't know if this would help in your case, but I hope.
We seem to have the same mom but I know your situation is different. We get to the point where we grab at straws....sometimes they work & sometimes they don't. They sure know how to keep us jumping.

Love & best

RE Horrid odors: When hub & I go to Yellowstone I keep a jar of vicks vapo rub in the glove box. Every time we pass a geyser/mud pot I grab the vicks & stick it under my nose. I am terrible with sulfur smell & have learned the vicks helps tremendously. You can smear it directly under your nose. Also, there is a product out there called "Pure Citrus". It's a little expensive $4-6.00 in a spray can that is well worth the price and goes a long way in correcting bad odors. My hub's uncle was a fireman and they used to use it in "late" find persons. He called it "corpse spray" so you know it works well.
The powders/granulars smell great but can ruin your vaccum & affect your resperatory system adversely.

GPeach, A little progress is good, hope all is better soon. If you get nausea from meds....try some saltine/soda crackers before taking them. Always works for me. I had acid reflux stuff a few years back & saltines saved me (along with a bland diet). Good sleep to you.

Angie, Sorry your dad is in pain. Hope they can ease his suffering and your's also.

Kuli, Love the idea of giving the smelly furniture to the sibs. You are a genius!!!!

Kathy, Thanks for all the good info. We learn so much from each other. You are a blessing & I am grateful for you.

Miz, A lady told me a joke once....."Why don't ladies in their 50s have babies?....because they would set them down somewhere & forget where they left them." I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. Anyhow it sounded like a good excuse to me. By the time I had the temperment for a child it was too late. Thats OK. I can love other folks children & support orphanages. Works for hub & I.

As for me....Thursday was for full contact gardening...Friday took the whole day (dawn 'til dusk) at our favorite local park for a miny hike vacation.....Now I am soooooooooo sore. Woke up twice with foot/ankle cramps last night...can't seem to find the right hike shoes/boots to placate my cranky ankles. Ow, ow, and lower back pain from yanking weeds Thurs. I'm not a puppy anymore & not as consistant with exercise as I should be. Paying for it today. STRETCH!!!!!! Took my nippers to the park & did a little trimming in their garden. One of the rangers said he was going to list me as a "volunteer"...don't know if that's good or

Rip, After Shutup got done assaulting me, he is now laying at my feet....He NEVER does that! When he slid off my lap he stayed under the comp. desk. Such a strange boy!!!!
Hub & I recently had a garage sale & made enough money to buy a good photo printer!!! Maybe if you could get a man friend/neighbor to help you with a sale the visitors would think he lived there? Give the impression?

Love & have a blessed day all!

Well, at least she's trying to brush her hair.......

Ok well the sleeping pill has not helped, kind of good thing, as dad has been up with chronic pain again in the scrotum........ gave him the vicodan and a sleeping pill, irrigated the catheter...... only peed 300 cc's all day... not a good sign.... feeling like an er visit coming on...... afer all it has been 2 days shy of 3 weeks since our last visit....... unable to get a temp on him.... UGGGH , so i am now going to prepare for the trip.. bag of tricks for the 6 hr visit to see my long lost er friends... lol lol i just wish there was something they could do for him ......... to alleviate this problem.... poor thing.....

Got to love the comfiness..... Best time of day for me........ HI GP.... I read as many of the posts as I can, and after reading them it always makes me feel better for sure........It is normally this time before I get to read them all, there is always one that makes me break out into a laughter as I sit here all alone lol lol..... Every year at this time, i get a bout of insomnia..... weird, but it is what it is...... Took a sleeping pill an hour ago and nothing yet oh well...... So i watch tv......... catch up on the posts and play scrabble lol

Glad to know I'm not the only on who lounges in the softness, that a is now...of my bed before trying to sleep! It's my favorite time of the day! I LOVE down pillows & comforters! Have had mine for years & they're SO squishy! And I love T-shirt sheets!

OH, the farts...the ones going across the floor, we call the walking farts, you know the ones where you fart with every step! My Mother is great at that & will blame it on "loose floorboards"...yeh, right! lol Nice try!

Ya know I might not answer all of the posts that you guys put on here, but I do read all of them & feel closer to you guys! Thanks for being there!

Good night everybody! Hopefully I'll get to sleep tonight! YEAH!!!

Ditto here........ i will be doing the same soon as well.. I just love the peace and quiet ..... so i soak it up for as long as i can before the eyelids start to droop lol
Good night all.... Hugs to all my fellow caregivers and remember to take care of yourself along the way to....

I absolutely love laying down in bed and fluffing up my soft pillows and getting comfy and then going off to dreamland. :)

LOL farts, urine and stink. I love the thought of passing down pissy furniture. Hahahahaha!! My mom used to get so upset when Dad would fart. Now it's just a normal occurrence for her when she does. Angie, enjoy your time off. Relax for me, will ya? Darn, I'm tired. Rip, my problem with clearing out stuff and having a rummage sale or something is I have a brother and a sister and believe you me, they would know if something is gone. So, I have put off getting rid of stuff that I could get rid of like old paper work cause I guess I'm thinkin' they can help me with that when all is said and done. I dread that time cause my sister hates me. Oh well...I'll get through it and my hubby will back me up. Angie, I love Facebook also. I am in touch with people I never ever would have connected with had it not been for Facebook. College friends and such. We got a new HD tv but hubby's not sure he's happy with it. I thought maybe it was his eyesight but the caregiver agrees that non HD channels don't look too good. He's watchin' his White Sox on it right now. I'm goin' to bed. Very tired. No work outside the home tomorrow!! Yay!! Good night fine caregivers.


Just got dad to bed so it's time for my glass of wine and a little peace and quiet. This is my favorite time of every day, no phones, no people, just me and my glass of wine! Hooray! Good night all - happy trails......

I Indeed we are......... Both are still sleeping just channel surfing.... Thinking how nice it will be to away for 2 days next weekend. Also going to dinner one night some people i use to work with. Alot of them have been so good about keeping in touch via Face Book, the new key to the outside world for me........ Oh.... Hope the pull ups are in place.... and clean lol lol .... Just let me know if you need more dishes to do, i can put some together for ya... lol

Angie, you do a great job expressing yourself! Love the stories. they just affirm we are all in this together! Keep on laughing. It does help to get us through all the sh!t and pee, and grossness. Got a sink full of dishes and need to make sure Mom is still in her pull-ups. good night everyone, and I hope you are all smiling tomorrow.

It is always the way, just start something eat, project etc... and it comes to a quick end never fails. lol lol ............... I have gotten mom's sundown effect from the nightly yelling match to a mere discussion. That was a job, but it is so like having toddlers. I think sometimes I get so down or even mad, not because i am doing all this work for them, but i so hurt for them. They are great parents and I see the hurt in their eyes sometimes , that no one else bothers.. But I say to mom especially, you have been a great mom and nana, otherwise i would not be here........... But I believe in karma and what goes around comes around at some point...... So no more poor me for me...... Time to live and enjoy the best I can.... I so tend to babble on here.... Sorry guys....

Isn't the truth!
Everyone here is getting us all through this crap!
I've been waiting for an hour, standing by, ... He's in the can.

I'm hungry & should eat. Don't want to be interupted if I try to have a peaceful meal.
I know it will end, probably too soon. I love the guy ... but his world now is just himself. His choice.
He might not see another day ... but we thought that 25 years ago. He is a great man.
Just really old ...

LOL...... I have just the items to be handed down for sure.... In fact writing them down so i dont forget lol lol lol......

I'll have to remember that one. i know just the chair to give to my brother who never visits or helps. It may take a couple days, but he'll get the hint after a while!

That is an awesome idea, the furniture to the siblings lol lol .... Thanks for the laugh..... All of you get me through my good and not so good days. So thanks and hugs to all

My dad once farted all the way across a rather nice restaurant on the way to the bathroom. And this was in his younger days. We weren't sure whether we should watch the other people's reactions or pretend like we didn't know him. Luckily we don't go out much anymore. Doesn't mean he doesn't fart all the way through the house on a regular basis..... As far as the smell, it's not so much the farts and thank the lord he doesn't have a problem with poop yet but the urine smell - remember I'm the case of Febreze person. On top of that, I have 2 cats that went crazy the first year we lived here and had urine wars on my new living room carpet. All of you with cats know you can't get that smell out. So summer here anymore is like living in a barn. Can't even imagine what strangers think when they first walk in. Oh, well. Maybe I'll tell the sibs they can have his furniture. Since they aren't here often, they surely won't realize the smell until they get his stuff into their own homes lol.

OK Both are in bed and sleeping... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... So I have opted for a nice decaf ice coffee to have instead of the martini. My dog is all snuggled on my bed, and now it is me time.... NICE....

OMG, dad does that to me all the time...... And think's it is the funniest thing in the world. And Mom well let me tell ya, she is silent but deadly with her gas, and then she too waits a few min then starts laughing. got to love em lol

Here's another chuckle for all of you. Checked Mom on the camera, and she was stirring, so i went to check her and put her on the toilet. I started to take her pull-ups down, and she farted in my face! talk about stench! Of course, being the 4 year old that she is, she started laughing like crazy. She said "gotcha"! Got to love those rosey nosey moments!

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