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I dont think the full moon is until the end of this month, not sure. But ran a couple of errands earlier and people were crazy, ok maybe it was just me lol lol. I am very excited getting to get away for two day next weekend.... WHOO HOOO Party lol lol.... no buzzers to ans, no bills to go over, no bathrooms to fix whoo hooo.... I feel like a little kid at xmas lol lol...... I think the moon phase was def affecting people. I to had a real real down week, but now it is friday and I am for the most part over it..... and ready to begin again lol lol......

Yeah ... we used Eucalyptus (sp) when dealing with odors in the the PD. I've tried growing several trees inmy yard .. they refuse to cooperate.

The Asian Flower people, who provide bouquets for the Farmer's Markets, grow them in the worst conditions! They can grow everything!

I installed laminate flooring (myself) after tiring of the stinking carpets.
Did a lousy job of it, no baseboards yet, but it helped with the pet smells.

Some day I hope for a "stink free" life!
Not sure I'd survive ... much like wondering if I could live with plenty of money.

I'd risk it!

We used to use peppermint oil in our surgical masks when the smells were really bad in the operating room I used to work in. Trust me, I have had some VERY bad smell experiences, not to diminish the intensity of yours. If we couldn't stand the peppermint oil in our mask, we would put some on a towel in the room and while it didn't take away the smell completely, it did take your mind off the horrible smell by inundating you with peppermint. I would think peppermint extract would work as well. Hope when this week comes to an end for everyone, the next week will be better! RIP - sorry you're having a down day. Maybe it is the moon - has anyone checked to see if it's full right now? Happy almost Saturday!!!

He laughs too! That's great!
We need to hit the pool again. I miss swimming but can't take the chance. When I'm in the pool I won't hear the cell phone.

Plus it's not a social sport. I could use some friends in the area.

Same subject! Protecting our sense of smell. If you have a Dollar Tree store near you, I buy cans of "Power House" Foam Carpet refresher. No need to vacuum. $1 /can and it smells wonderful! I even use it on the furniture. Go through cans of it, and it's for pet odors, so you know it works. Beats smelling swamp water all day!!!

I hear that.... Believe me...... I use to swim daily sometimes twice a day, i love the water so i to have a large lung capacity, but OMG there are times such as daily this week, i was like OMG............ I ask dad what crawled up and died honestly... lol he sits and laughs.....

I used to swim miles a week. Lots of lung capacity. I can hold my breath for several minutes ... knew that routine would come in handy someday!

What's going to happen with us???
I can't imagine burdening someone with what we are dealing with!

Honestly I do not think there is a candle strong enough to mask that smell. Actually when it gets bad , i use surgical masks, when I am cleaning dad, because there is only so much the nose can stand lol

oh Deef ...
How graphic can you be?
I know the stench ... never leaves your nose!
Scented candles, they say ....
Those people who haven't smelled it!

Glad to see you back! that's right, Friday, it means you survived another week. You deserve that martini. Just make sure you drink it when you can't be interrupted.
Got to go put laundry in dryer. Mom wet through stuff twice last night, and had the soups twice after she got up this morning, The smell is enough to stop skunks in their tracks. Me, I have no nose hair left. Come to think of it, I'm bald, too!!!! LOL

Good evening all,
It has been a very hectic week. But I survived it ..... Did not think i was for abit there. Now i need to catch up on all the posts. Hope everyone is doing well.
TGIF.... WHOO HOO... lol lol Now time to put dad to bed and a martini for me as I clean up my apartment in peace......
Sweet dreams to all and hugs to all.

Good evening ladies! I hope that everybody has had a pleasant day!

BGB, Im sorry that you're having a problem with your grandmother's potty habits. Like the others have said, please help her to wipe so she won't get a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), which can be caused by wiping back to front!

No, ladies, wiping back to front did not cause my UTI. lol! (BGB, I've been fighting a UTI for the last week, & these ladies have been giving me some really good ideas of how to beat it!)

rip, I am SO SO sorry that you're having a difficult day! Wish I could be there to help make it better for you! If I were there I could help you with the yardsale! Things are gonna get better for ALL of us!!! They have to!!! KNOW that I'm here for you ANYTIME!!!

miz, no problem with the 2 am feeding! Glad to hear that hubby isn't instilling that you have a baby!

I think that I may be feeling a little better today with the UTI. Last night I only had to get up 6-7 times, instead of the 11-12 times per times a night that I've been getting up. I even had one 2 hour stretch of uninterupted sleep last night! WooHoo! I think the yogurt info may have been the key! Thanks again!

tennessee? Diane? Anybody heard from Bobbie? Hope she & Nik are both ok!

Hope y'all will have a great & easy night! Hugs to you all!!!!!!!!

Today has still been a pretty down day...guess I'm still just exhausted! Things will get better...they gotta!

thanks so much for that information. i know i stop putting her in the shower because we could never get the water right i was to hot or cold. i think the next time she do that i will threaten her with the shower and see what happen. Have a good weekend.

Elderly shouldn't shower often. It's not good for their skin. As they get older, the skin gets thinner and drier. You can do just a sgood a job washing them up at the sink. Buy a shea butter body wash or something highly moisturizing. Walmart brand is cheap. Also if you have a dollar store near you, they may carry it. Obviously you will go through a lot of it with every day washings. You can threaten her with a shower or bath if she doesn't wipe correctly. Much like kids, stuff like that makes an impression. You have to remember, they are reverting back to childhood! By threaten, I don't mean forcefully, just state the fact that if she continues to do the deed, you will have to soak her clean! No need for a UTI. They are nasty!

this has just started in the last few weeks, i'm afraid she won't use it if i'm inthe bathroom with her. but i'll try and see what happen, i'm just not able to go the the bathroom with her everytime. when i can she will tell me she only has to pee. the care take has been cleaning her because of the wipping to the front also. right now we just hand bath her we don't put her in the tub or shower. that a job she don't like. do you think if i tell her she need to start wipping to back or she'll have to take the shower she'll stop. i don't wont to frighten her. i work and i have a small time slot of 3hrs where she along which is working, thats because if she don't have to move from that chair she won't. she can sit for hours on end. we have to make her get up and walk around the house. so far i'm safe there.

You will have to wipe her before she can! Go in the bathroom with her. She isn't going to stop, just doesn't know any better. I have to wipe Mom's but for her all the time now. Sorry

you want to talk about being grossed out, my grandmother is now doing this thing when she goes to the bathroom to take a number 2 she's wiping it to the front. it take me about 10 wash cloths to clean. what i'm i to do how can i stop her from doing this. somebody please help.

hey Miz ...
I'm not the olny one trying to unclutter!

Friends want me to have a garage sale but I am uncomfortable having people come to my home.
Comes with the territory of being a single woman with an elder to care for.
Plus, it's hard letting go of stuff I grew up with.

I have a wonderful round oak table that's been in the family for years. Refinished several times.
I have stored it for years ... wanted it in my dining room but at the time Dad wasn't willing to part with it. Was in his apt. the first round.
I'm having a day of Poor Me Syndrome
Many friends are too.
Can we balme the moon?

Linda, glad to see you are getting out after all. Have a great time!

Miz, some 51 yr olds and older have babies. I don't see how they do it, but hey who am I to say. If your hubby isn't askin', I wouldn't be volunteerin'
I'll only have the little guy during the day, then mama better get her fanny over here to pick him up! I can only do this physically because I've been with him all his life, if I hadn't been I'd tell my daughter I'll help you find a daycare. My husband's aches and pains are forgotten when his little namesake comes over so I know it'll be good for him, bless his heart.
I live in a huge city and good or bad there are many, many grandparents raising grandkids. It's sad some of the stories I hear. I have a friend who is raising hers, 7 and 3, and my friend has cancer, probably won't live to see Christmas. Talk about a heartbreaker.
On a lighter note, TGIF!!!!

hi ladies !
talk about menopause , mmm i started havin it when i was in my late 30 s , early yep . haventhad a regular period either . once a year if im lucky . i dont take anything for it , my sis inlaw used to take something for it and she talked to a lady at walmart and that lady told her that meds gave her breast cancer , sis in law came home and threw hers away and ask me how do i deal with it , i told her wet cold cloth and a fan , DEAL WITH IT . so had my 2 other sisters they just deal with it . had hot flash lastnight my husband said oh my gosh ur body s on fire !

alwaysmyduty , congrads on u retiring in few weeks ! once u get to stay home u wont realy be retiring cuz u ll have the baby to take care of .
i babysat all my life and im not doing it again , unless my kids wants me to watch em few hrs or so , yes sure , but everyday uhhh nope sorry .
pirategal , yes vodka and cranberry juice is the best , yummie .,
miz , hope u dont get preg . my gfriend got preg at 45 yrs old and now shes havin her hands full , findin a babysitter and blah blah , its a nightmare . almost lost her job cuz her son was so sick and she missed alot of work and less paycheck , struggling , sons father ran !! damn bastard !
think uti is going around , my sister is staying with me till she gets back onher feet , she too is havin pblms pissing . she loves her coke , told her keep on drinkin that coke ure gonna cry here soon .
hope bobbie and nik is ok . im sure shes busy and im sure she and nik is catching up with eachother , think the last time they saw eachother was at her moms funeral ? bless her heart .
ok housework time woohoo dont ya just love it , oh we are going to red lobster tmr , mmm cant wait !
love ya all !!!! xoxo

Wow. LOL GP. You go with the 2am feedings!! :) I do know that lots of grandparents raise their grand kids now days. How they have the energy, I don't know. AlwaysMyDuty, I admire and respect what you are going to do. The children are so important. I wonder if my mil would raise my kid. LOL...don't think so!! Although, I am closer to her age than I am my hubby's. Her health is not good though. I really worry about her. I think if my situation was different with finances and not taking care of Mom I might consider it, if my hubby wanted one. He's not the most patient guy around. So, it's probably for the best. Kids need to be wanted and guided with patience. I think he would probably make a good dad once he had one but it ain't gonna happen so... Besides that, my eggs are 51 years old. It's risky for the baby and for me. So anyway...I got me and Mom's filing caught up finally. What a chore. My next project is me and hubby's room. What a mess!! You all try and have a good day. I will too!! :)


I'm laughing about late pregnancy and infant care. My daughter and I work together, the only 2 in the office. A yr ago, she was blessed with an adopted baby boy. The boss insisted baby come to the office.For a yr we've tackled our workload and a baby. It's been hard but so enjoyable. Now that baby gets around, we can't keep up with the pace. So I'm retiring in a few wks to stay home with baby. He will require a few surgeries in the near future. My husband's health is failing,he still gets around but could use some guidance and my watchful eye. Oh yes, I think I'm crazy but I feel it's the right thing to do. I'll still be on this site for aging care tips but will add a baby care site too.
Blessings to all. You are such a great goup of caregivers.

miz, your pregnancy trumps my UTI! lol HEY, I could do the 2am feedings...I'm already up! ha ha I think I have to agree with Rossella about the energy level having to be up with a baby. And you go girl, having a young husband!!! It's always sad to lose someone, friend or family!

rip, you're a good daughter! Your Dad is blessed to have you there for him!

Austin, I guess I should have been more clear about husband & the sleeping arrangements...He has really bad dreams & fights in his sleep, which scares me because he's fought me before in his sleep, so I sleep upstairs & him downstairs. He hears me plodding across the floor going to the potty & back & also hears the flush. And with him having Parkinson's I'd go to the couch before I'd send him there. Glad that you have a SIL that you enjoy being with! When you get your clutter put away there's plenty here to tackle! Come on down! lol

Rossella, you're brave to tackle menopause naturally!

Georgia, I don't manage to send you the link. Google "Grapefruit seed extract" and you can have some information on Wikipedia. It's natural but it's very strong, so it has to be taken cautiously, if you give it a try. It destroyed my Candida fungus some years ago

Hi Ladies!

rip, thank you for caring so much about me & my sleep! Hopefully I'll have some good news in the morning that I scored some ZZzzzz's tonight!

Kuli, thanks for the great info! I've only had water today so maybe that'll help. I didn't think I could take the AZO with the antibotic, but will start back with it tonight. I haven't had any alcohol in a LONG time, don't drink coffee & haven't had a soda or tea in a week. That's what's wrong with caffine!! lol

Thanks Kathy! I'll stick to the H2O! I'm sorry you've had a problem with UTI's, too! No fun!

Rossella, I hadn't heard of extract of graefruit seeds, but I had heard of hydrangia capsules. Haven't tried either one. All of this info is great & very interesting! Thanks!

GP I am so soory you are still suffering so much and if poor hubby can't sleep tell him the couch is avaiable for him. I hate to say it but I feel cold tonight after me whinning about the horrible summer now I complan about being cold. I had breakfast with my sil it is nice to have sil you can be friends with. I am getting more clutter put away the husband would die all over again if he could see me putting his treasures into storage he is luck or would be if he was still alive that I don't have a large garage sale and sell all those dust collecters to help pay the bills he left me with.

You ladies are lucky. I went into menopause when I was a little bit older than 40. And I don't take hormones, I let the nature do its way. Even if I could, I would not make a baby because you need too much energy to take care of them! But I know about people who have a baby around 50 and are perfectly happy.

Goodnight Rip. :)

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