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Austin...well here in Cali it does not rain so much. My b/f has Dish and he has never told me it was out...but also he is always at my house too...LOL!

hey Castoff ..
I think my pets want me to clean! Too many memories with all the 'stuff'.
Much of it was from the ex & the sign shop which burned. I started the business before computers so have lots of ancient "antique" equipiment.

Anyone know what an ElectroPounce is? It's an electric pen that burns tiny, repetitive holes into paper . Much like a pounce wheel for sewing.
You trace a projected pattern & then rub with charcol providing a pattern on the material ready to paint. Can be reused many times.

One sign guy was high on drugs & stuck it in his mouth! Every industry has it's stories. He lived to make many beautiful signs but was tough to have a conversation with after the ZAP!

The pets sure bring in the dirt & mud. It's been raining for days in Seattle! We aren't ready for winter so they are in & out - in & out - muddy little paw prints on my clean floor ...
Bless their little hearts! They choose the garden toilet rather than a litterbox.

My life is so interesting ... dredging out so much stuff.
I was watching Hoarders yesterday which really gave me incentive!
My stuff isn't quite trash, most is valuable in the right hands.
I need more hands!
Anyone ready to move to dreary Seattle & restart a fun sign/design business?
I have the equipment, materials & the imagination! Dad is easy company!

Castoff, Yep I have a lot of frozen dinners too...and it went from one kind to another. First she wants it and then she doesnt want it. My mom won't eat veggies at all any more. Once and a while she will ask for some fruit only bannana or apricot. So I let her to her own devices..heck she's 86 let her have what she wants. I got rid of all the chocolate she had stashed..some of it had moths...gross.

Yep hoarders mine was good at packing everything away. I found SOOOOOOO MUCH AVON BRAND NEW IN THE PACKAGES. I packed up a lot of it and gave it to the Thrift shop. Tons of colognes never used or opened...all I can say is what a waste of money. I have so much to go through. I go through a little at a time. I bought some new curtains for my old bedroom and for both bathrooms and some new rug sets for both bathrooms. Geez throw in a couple of outdoor cushions and that was 169 bucks at Anna's Linens. But I ironed out the curtains for my old bedroom and put them pretty and white and lacey with rose insets...geezus each flipping package was around 12.99 for these curtain sets (valance - tiers - and the other long piece I cannot remember name to). I ironed out the new curtains for the middle bathroom - I was afraid to put them up so the caregiver or my mom could ruin them somehow...but so far so good. I may just do the master bedroom bathroom curtains....crossing fingers shit will not fly up that high!!!!! I am not going to put the rug sets out between the two of them they will ruin waiting till later when it is safe. LOL!

Hi everybody! I am working like crazy I am drinking gallons of coffea. I went picking my friend's son at the airport and we are both alive and well. I'm soooo tired. I follow your stories and hope that you are better, when I write this post.

Always & Pirate, I just buy mom micowave dinners now & steam-in-bag veggies. I had the same experience with cooking for her. "The parent that can't be pleased". Her apt. building has a grocer that comes with a truck so I regularly have to remove sweets that she buys from him. I am tempted to let her do away with herself diet wise but restrain myself & remove the bad stuff. She gets even more unreasonable when her blood sugar is whacked, and I certainly don't need that.

Kathy, RE cleaning a lifetime of stuff: Hub & I spent 3 yrs cleaning my dad's place just so mom could sell it. Having both parents hoarders is a nightmare. Just pick away at it when you can....all you can do. I've worn out two shredders on mom's stuff alone. She kept tax records all the way back to the 1940s!!!!! No organization whatsoever, the Marines would call it a "cluster f___", and believe me it is. I wish you all the patience & stregnth you need to do it.

GP, Hope you're all better real soon. Hope it's not the Welbutrin and the UTI never returns. Holding urine too long when you need to go can also create UTI problems? Sometimes a toilet just isn't available, but if you can.....Kepp that cranberry & tomato products flowing. You may want to have some yogurt the last few days of the antibiotics too. Ever since mom had that trouble with Cdiff (horrible intestinal), I ALWAYS have yogurt the last few days (not taking any chances).

Linda, A Very Happy Anniversary to you & your hub. You can delay your celebration dinner until you are ready.....even next month, but by all means celebrate when you can!!!!!!

Rip, How do you get the dogs & cats to help you clean???? Mine just runs interferance! lol. The outside critters are driving him nuts today...HA HA HA HA HA. Retribution for the bad kitty!!!! lol

Love & best to all.

Pirate, I'm here!!! (As always...)

deef, I agree with Austin...Let'em come get their own stuff, if they want it!!! You're too nice!


Deefer -why can't they come and get their own stuff if it were me that is what would happen or the trashcan or put the stuff near the road someone always needs what I want to get rid of GP hope you are feeling better Pirate before you get dish ask neighbors how it works for them my Mom has it and if it rain it does not work it is ok for her she only watches the local news and weather but I would not want to be watching a good movie and lose the picture and sound-it is a lot cheaper,

gee everyone went shopping or what.....where's the sale?

deef...please see the hug I sent ya....

You know...sometimes I cringe at the topic headlines posted in here. Sometimes I can look at them and sometimes I just cannot it all seems so hideous. I never knew how hideous it could be. I was sitting in the cafeteria this morn with a man I had not seen in a while he said his momma and his wife's momma were fine in their old age and still cooked. I wanna be that type of old fart! One that feeds everyone good homecooked grub!

Always...hmpf....seems you had the same deal with the food. Yeah it chaps yer hide to out of yer way and then they don't want it anymore or say they don't like it. A few weeks ago I made a dish I learned from momma Fried potatoes with onions...she did not want any...seems onions or onion smell seems to turn her off.

good morning you all .
today is 31 yrs annivsary for me and my hubby , , and today 21 yrs ago we buried my mom .
sounds like everybodys getting the sniffles . my ear hurt and put some drops in it . seems to help a bit . pop some headcolds meds , hope it takes care of it .
miz ure lucky u done paid ur bills , lol i need to do that here in a bit too .
if iget the enegery to do it ,
think i ll try to fix a good dinner for hubby and me . we wanted to go out to eat but who ll watch dad ? hubby s bday is this sat and he;ll be 54 yrs old , he wants to go to red lobster but again who ll watch dad .?
daughter has plans to go to concert sat so she cant watch him , she said she can but ill have to be back before 4 i thought uhhh , rush rush well forget it then ...
i have 2 other kids , they have 3 kids of thier own and i hate to ask them . maybe i will ask . wait n see .
you all have a wonderful day and get well ! xoxox

Just paid bills. Dang it goes so fast. My part time job is helping though. Gotta pay that darn speeding ticket soon.

Bobbie, I hope and prayer that things are going as well as they can be under the circumstances. You're in my thoughts. Love you!! I'm so looking forward to coming to the Barbara B and both of us just relaxing and no worries.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!!


Thanks, everybody, for your thoughts & good wishes for me to get better! Still not there yet! On the antiiotics & feel water logged! "The best solution for the polution is dialution." Where have I heard that before?? Oh yeh, right! lol Still SO tired!!!

Hope you guys are having a great day!

Pirate, thanks for the cable info. I'm not sure I'm capable of doing all that stuff. I'd get rid of cable but hubby is addicted to sports. I prefer Netflix, that's my escape.
When my mom was running out of money because she thought the caregiver needed to be paid 3 times what mom had been paying her, I started buying mom's groceries and cooking for her. Healthy meals, divvied out per meal, kinda like my own meals on wheels, except the food was edible. This took huge amt of my time. Then I started seeing the meals still in the fridge . . uneaten yet there were lots of half-eaten fast food meals in there. The caregiver was buying them for her, at mom's request but nobody would own up to who was paying for them. I said enough is enough and stopped cooking for her. She said she really didn't like what I was fixing in the first place but needed me to come give her a shower every evening and I was the one who volunteered so if I was wasting my time it was my own fault.
deefer, isn't it terrible to lose the internet? When the last hurricane came through here, we were without power for 10 days. Thankfully, the office at work got hooked up quickly so we'd be here no matter what just for the internet and a/c.

Good morning everyone! Had no internet for 24 hours. Some idiot hauling heavy equipment took out the phone lines on this end of town, early yesterday morning. It finally got fixed sometime after 1 am this morning. I was in computer withdrawal big time! I just caught up with the posts.
Miz, sorry you were lonesome. I would have talked to you if I had been able. How's your cold?
GP, So glad you got the meds! UTI's are the pits. How are you feeling today?
Jojo, Mom is taking Remeron to help her sleep, but it isn't working this past week. She wants to go to bed at 6:30, but is still awake after 10. I'm so tired! Been getting about 4 hours a night between her and my restless legs. I have Seroquel which we tried, to calm her down during the day when she was at daycare. It made her too dopey and when it wore off, she was even more antsy. I'm going to give her a couple more nights and see if she goes back to her old sleep pattern. If not, I'm trying the Seroquel. Neither one of us can keep this up!
Pirate, Thanks for the link on RLS. I have problems with it during the day too! That's one of the reasons I knit or do something else with my hands, especially at night. I can't just sit and watch TV. Long distance driving, movies, etc. are bad! Can't take the Requip during the day. Makes me sleepy and nauseous, and unable to function. I'm going to check with my doctor about the new med. I sure could use it. Sorry you are still having problems with work and Mom.
Rip, I dread the thought of going through the stuff in this monster house! There is still stuff in the attic rooms from all six siblings. I'm not throwing any of their stuff. I'll just load it up and leave it at their houses!
Got to get Mom up and ready for daycare. See you all later. Kathy

Just had my bed time smoke with hubby on the porch. I have scented candles out there and it's nice. I'm really tired. Goin' to bed now. Had a good day at work. I took an anxiety pill before I went and that really helped. Think I'll do that from now on. It may be why i'm so tired now but I'll take that.

Yep, Pirate. Ya gotta love those 50 in a 35. They need to be gettin' those 90 in a 65ers. I guess that's the state troopers job around here. At least my ticket was only $75.00. I don't live in a big city but I used to drive in San Diego and Orange County. Had a blow out there once and I have no idea how I got off the road but I did. This was before cell phones so I had to walk to the nearest exit and call AAA.

Good night my friends. See you tomorrow.


Georgia they need to give you CIPRO for the bladder infection will go away quick with that.

Yeah you don't even see cops on california hwys hardly...nope they do the cheater way and hide in 35 mph zones and wait for you to do 50 like everyone else and then get hit with a $350.00 ticket. Cheese bags...I see people rip roaring away on the freeways at dangerous speeds and they get away scott free...while we have to pay these measely 35 mph zone tickets as I mentioned above. Seems everyone is a cheater nowadays. Those red light/yellow light cameras are also a cash cow for cheap of them to make money that way.

Always....well for regular cable tv all you do is a get a splitter in that way you can take one cable and split it to two. Take the one end coming from the cable and put it into the one side of the splitter and then now you have two cables lines that will come out of the other side of the splitter. Now one line can go to one tv you already had hooked up and the other line will go to the other tv you now want to hook up. Go to a Radio Shack type of store or electronics store...get a long line of cable enough to reach the room you are adding and buy the splitter. Just look at the stuff hooked up to your tv for reference. I don't use their bloody boxes refuse to so I just have regular me a lower basic cable...but I hate my cable company so much that I refuse to give them anymore monies. When I finally inherit I will probably go to DTV or DISH.

Hey everybody,back from the boat-long trip- cool boat.Georgia has more cops giving tickets than any state,I've ever seen,going and coming,they really need to find something elese to do with there time,like fighting crime.Tenn. is not far behind.I took one day to get to boat,two days to get home.No tickets,but I was lucky-real lucky.Daughter loved Bobbie and wanted to go back before we even left,I haven't seen her laugh so hard since her dad was alive.Daughter even started cleaning the house as soon as we walked in door-I am still in shock.Need to take shower-will be back later.

Pirate, I'm still a few pages back marvelling that you can run cable. Sure wish I could do stuff like that, it'd a big help. My husband, in his day, was never handy and of course, now he's not able to do anything of that nature. I try to be patient with him but he won't even call repairmen anymore so I guess it's up to me. I told him, just wait til I retire in a few wks and we're home together. I'll be dialing that phone for repairmen left and right or I'll be on DIY's website learning to do it myself.
Georgia, glad you went to the doc. Those UTIs are awfully painful. I had one about 3 yrs ago, that's when my mom was speaking to me, and I took her grocery shopping after I got off work. She had to look at every flippin' item in the store and I was leaning on the cart to hold myself up. Got her home, asked for a few antibiotics in her stash and she wouldn't give me any!
Take care, all.
Report article on restless leg syndrome

Oh man Jojo...what a nightmare. These old people become almost like monsters I swear.

Always - my mom's eyes are all messed up now too. I went and took her to all the way up to a retina specialist and there is nothing they can do with cataracts and mascular dys.....that was 2 years ago...she's on another rant to start it up again. So she had to start with regular physician again for a referrel again...have not seen any paperwork from that office which is continuing to get worse. They are not even following up with the second urine test. Doctors offices have become worse and worse lately. They make so much money and have so much time off it's a crime. It's like we are being taken for granted just for our money or insurance monies. Sick really sick. I don't think they take their oath seriously only the oath to the almighty dollar $$$.
So this time the caregivers is going to take her on that route...not me cause I know there is no miracle drug, spray or shot...all that she thinks is available. Unrealistic minds go over the same ground over and over again.

Jo Jo...the only thing I give my mom to try to keep her quiet is lorazapam...and I have to give her 2 or else she is up. I gave her 1 1/2 the other day....only kept her napping a short while.

She keeps changing what she wants to eat...first she pisses and moans about something and I get that and no sooner I get that then she wants something else from the caregiver. I am wasting a lot of money with her wasting food. I can't wait for this merrygoround of hell - HER to be over!

I did tell you guys that I have a epifany of all this when I was in my 20's. Yep is was really wierd. I was shopping in my favorite store in the mall on Friday night in the upstairs lady's wear section and a deep thought came over me. "That my mom was going to be HELL for me later on". I now know what it meant...but how it got to me is a mystery!

Did you see the movie "The Time Traveler's Wife"? I think you ladies might enjoy it. The man in the movie is quite handsome.

Hey Peach!
No surprise, huh? What antibiotic did they prescribe? I remember feeling almost instant relief after I took the mega first dose. I hope so for you.

I am back slaving away at the downstairs - trying to make sense of my mess. It's hard letting go of stuff that was my parent's, stuff I grew up with, but despite the large area I must accomodate the equipment & materials that make money.

Of course the brothers don't want any of our childhood memories.
Enough on wishing I had help with it all ... the dogs & cats help, Dad would if he could.

Will you be able to rest today? I hope you can just lie down, let the medication work & drift into dreamland.

Your pal
~ the Rip

miz, don't work too hard! : )

rip, the good news is that I've started on an antibotic, for get UTI!!! Surprise! They didn't change the Wellbutrin today. I have to stay on it & go back to the doctor on the 22nd. Hurry up & wait! Makes me wonder if I do have an adverse tolerance to Wellbutrin, will I have to endure another UTI before they get me straightened out? I'm SSOO tired...haven't slept well in days because of the UTI & just haven't slept well period in what seems like forever!!! Something's gotta give!!!

Has anybody heard from Bobbie about her trip?

Hope everybody's having an easy day!

I think we are all recovering from yesterday's doldrums. It's good to know Peach is gong to see a doctor!

Hoping everyone's day goes well.
Any good news???

Where y'all are? I'm off to work. Ugh!! At least it's a short week. :)

GP, I'm very glad you are going to see the doctor. There's no point in suffering and losing sleep like you have been. You have a great day too!!

jojo, I am so sorry that you're having to go through this! I wish that there was something that I could do to help you! I hope that the doctor will be able to give you some ideas of what to do.

I have already called & made a doctor appointment for me today! Last night was AWFUL!!! I stopped counting potty visits at 12! Hopefully I'll get some relief today...and some sleep tonight!!

Hope the rest of you will have a great day! Stay cool!!!

Ask your doctor if she can take Seroquel. It makes my mother sleep.

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