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Maxine, I'm glad you're feeling better. I know all about feeling down. It's horrible. The weather there sounds wonderful. Have you ever noticed how much clean windows do for a house? It's like the whole house is cleaner.

Hi-I was feeling down today and called a neighbor and invited my self over NEW YORKERS do not do that anyway she was busy then I came on here and feel much better I am keeping in touch with CC she has orders to get in touch with me every day the big sister that I am she listened to me take care it is beautiful here nice and COOL windows open and so nice and cleaned I bartered with the grand-daughter I helped her out and she did my windows and I have a lot Maxine here,

It's was five years ago today that my dad passed away. I sure do miss him.

bobbie, i am so very sorry about Nik's dad. It sounds like he needs you. I'm so glad you had a really good visit with tennessee and daughter. That's so funny about sending that kid on a hunt. You are ornery!! I'll be thinking of you as you go through the loss of Nik's father.


Good Morning Sailors!!!

sorry I haven't posted! Tennessee and her daughter have been the perfect boat guests. Tenn and I stayed up late both nights yakking away.

Sad stuff: Nik's dad died and it hit me harder than I thought it would. He held on in the coma for a few days and then finally he was released from his pain and suffering. Nik is a zombie and I am struggling with whether I am going to LA in a few days. Now Nik wants me to go and when Tenn and tenny Jr head out, I'll look for flights.
I'm glad Tenn was here because she understood right away that i was grieving for Nik's dad and I came back to the boat and cried and cried and then slept it off. Tenn and tenny Jr went up the dock and socialized with the other boaters and were made welcome right away.

There is a kid here.... remember the kid and the fishing net? Same kid. Good kid and he and tenny Jr did a little fishing off the dock and the kid called me old at one point so I sent him all over the marina looking for a bucket of 'propwash' and a 'right handed hammer'.
tenny Jr and everybody else was in on the joke and we kept the kid wired and looking for a day and a half. Old, indeed.
He got sent down to E dock (farthest away) and when he was running, one of the boaters called the guy on the boat where the kid was headed and gave him the details and that guy sent the kid to B dock and paul's boat and it went from there. Everybody he asked had just run out of propwash and maybe had a left handed hammer but not a right handed one. The kid reported back between trips and kept us all in stitches.

They are up the dock walking their little dog. they put the dog in a dog hotel here in St A and you have to hear the stories about the dog hotel. Hilarious.

Tennessee is beautiful!! and so is her daughter! and funny and SMART.
A lovely lovely pair and I hope to see them again and I hope that we ALL get to hang out together someday.

Ok... they're back with tina the dog (who is wearing a sailor suit, I'm not kidding) and we're going to have one more cup of coffee and then off they go.

they are about to hit the road to go back and this time they'll take 2 days so Tenn won't be so tired out. I can't believe she drove 16 hours straight.

GP: I gave her the message!

more later,


Georgia, never listen to me when I talk about medical facts. I am completely reckless about myself, too. I treat myself and I never see doctors. It seems I have always been lucky! I am glad that you understood that I meant well. Sometimes I should think twice before talking, but if I did, I would not be myself anymore.
Kiss! Don't do like me!

GP, my mom takes the cranberry pills and I try to push the fluids with her. That's what the doc told me to do. She seems to be doing better on the cranberry pills. I haven't heard from bobbie or tennessee. I hope they're okay.

I am feeling better this morning. Got some chores done. deef, I read your post on Facebook about knitting. Thank you so much. I will try that today. I'm 51 and I'm not going through menopause yet. My doc has me on estrogen to slow the progression.

Diane, you have a good holiday too!!

See you all later!!


Hi Y'all,

GP you need to see a doctor. Frequent urination is also a sign of diabetes. MVP is mitral valve prolapse. Be careful with Wellbutrin. Whatever you do, don't stop it suddenly or you will have awful withdrawl effects. I take Paxil now, but have been through the gamut of various drugs over the last 16 years. My family has a history of depression and amazingly, I was the first one to ever have it treated (and I'm the youngest).

Yes, where are Bobbie and TN? They are having too much fun on theboat to check-in!

Have a good Labor Day everyone!


I know a lot of people that swear by the cranberry pills! I don't drink enough now either. Coffee all morning, then too busy to remember to drink all day. But too much irritates my bladder. By the way, I'm 59 and just went through menopause 3 years ago. That sucked!
Miz, did you get my message on FB about your yarn problem? Hope you are feeling better.

deef, I probably don't drink enough. I've been thinking about that. I do drink something before bed, always have, but I've tried just drinking a very little bit & still have the problem, just not as much to void. I'm 48 & have had some of the pre-menopausal symptoms, but didn't know that there could be a problem with the bladder! You're right, would have had to happen on a long weekend!

Rossella, not a problem! I appreciate your input!

miz, thanks for the cranberry reminder. I had been told, before, that you had to drink straight cranberry juice & that the cranberry juice cocktail has too much sugar & not enough cranberry to help. I don't know...looks like any amount of cranberry juice would be better than none. Have you ever tried the cranberry pills? Wonder how they work?? Thanks, again, for reminding me about the cranberry juice, though! I'll get some today! Are you feeling better today?

Yah, has anybody heard from Bobbie or tennessee? Hope they're having a great time!

Hi Sharon! The new medication is Wellbutrin for depression. I'm also on Synthroid for hypo-thyroid & Diovan for high blood pressure. Don't know what MVP is. Thanks!

Thanks, SS!!

GP, cranberry juice is good for the urinary tract. I prefer cran-razberry myself. Drink that and lots of water. If that does not help you may be able to call the doctor and get a prescription without having to see him/her. I'm so sorry you're feeling bad.

Georgia how are you? Yesterday I answered very quickly and now I think I was wrong. Before making anything, before taking any drug, it's better to ask a doctor or someone who understands a little bit more than I do. Anyway, don't worry until you have seen a doctor! I am sure it's nothing to worry about.
Kisses. Let us know

Wow, CC2, you need a CO2 moniter, ASAP! It's kind of like a fire alarm. If it detects gas, it will wake the whole household up, and your next door neighbor. Call your power company and have them come do a check. castoff said it right.

Miz, hope you're feeling better soon!!!

Anyone heard from Bobbie or Tenn?

Yikes Georgia! I had problems like that for 3 years. Kept getting tested for Utis, yeast infections, Etc. Finally saw a gyno-urologist and had bladder testing. Not fun by any stretch of the imagination. Had to log what I drank and voided in a 24 hour period. The grand result, I was drinking too many fluids, especially before bed. I'm not saying this is what you have, but I was told I had an irritated bladder due to too much fluid intake. I cut back on the fluids and have not had problems since.
Menopause can do a number on your bladder, too. I think you can now get a test kit for UTI at the drug store. You will still need to see the doctor if it is positive.
It's an awful thing to have that constant pressure. Of course this stuff always happens on the long weekends. Good luck to you. Kathy

I think you have cystitis. My sister in law suffers about it a lot. If you go to the pharmacy they will give you an antibiotic. No need for the doctor! Don't worry. It's disagreable but not a problem at all

What is the medication? Can you tell me that before we go any further with this.....A number of things hit my mind....and will have other questions for you too....Any high blood pressure? heart problems? Any of that? MVP? anything like that? and the real name of med not the generic name please...Let me know I will be waiting......

Sharon, I'm glad that Austin knows how to get in touch with you! Everything will be ok!

I am having a problem & need some advice! PLEASE!!! I am having what I think is a UTI. I don't hurt, or burn, but have to pee frequently & with urgency, like if I don't go right then I'll explode!!! This has been going on for a couple of days & I know that I can't even contact a doctor before Tuesday & frankly I don't have the $$ to go to the doctor! I have started a new medicine recently & just found out that one of the side effect in a very small number of people is UTIs...Figures I'd be in that small group...Murphy's Law! lol...Anyway, do any of you have any idea of what I can do? I had to get up 8 times last night! Something's gotta give! Any thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated! Sorry, should have asked sooner...I "went" so many times last night that I may have flushed my brain, too! lol

Hope y'all will have a great & uneventful night! Rest well...

Sharon, maybe we do not have all the elements to give you good avice. But we are close to you. Try to stay positive! (whatever it happens and we do not know)

Okay, Sharon. I'll glad Austin can reach you. Good night.

Have a good night all....BTW.....AUSTIN KNOWS HOW TO REACH ME...she is worried and as I told her I have been dealing with this since 2000. so not new. I feel old to this compared to y'all.....Have a good night...Hugs and angel kisses....Sharon

I have made a good friend on here that knows all I have been thru now with momma...There is a lot you do not know. If you do not hear from me check with austin...Okay? She will know all that is going on with me...She has seen the pics of all that would have been lost today if it had not been for my daughter...I was up until 230am last night with momma....One never knows when that will is needed....So I keep on the good side of that one...I do not expect all to see things the way I do...But again you have to know the whole story. And for what I told her she knows. I left out some details...But I did not see any sense in scaring the poor woman...
Thank you all......All of my friends on aol .have been great today......
I love all of you for just being you......Sharon

Yes, Rossella!! Hello Everyone. Hubby made supper for Mom but I of course had to do the other stuff. She's constipated and I hate putting her to bed that way but it hurts her and I don't want to do that. I'll probably have some mess to deal with in the morning. I just hope she doesn't get up on her own and try to go and fall or something. Always something to worry about. That is odd that your mom remembered her wedding day. Dementia is a very strange thing. Very strange. Gonna go have a smoke and get to bed. Darn cold!!


YouTube - 9-11-01 GOD SPEAKS OUT Please go to this and watch and listen then tell me our boys do not deserve a lot more..thanks...Sharon

Angie, yes you need help!
Diane, I am glad you had a fine day!

Hi Sharon, it's too soon to make a spiritual will! It was beautiful, but it's too soon! You will survive to all of this. Everybody has given you good advice. I think the children-proof devices are the best. There are stoves that you can't switch on unless you do a lot of complicated manoeuvres. There are lots of solutions. You have to find one, that's for sure! I don't remember who, someone has said that she had made her house "mother proof". Every day I add a key, a barrier... Watch your mother and try to understand in how many dangerous situations she can put herself.
Miz how are you? Do you remember the old times when we could feel sick and put ourselves in bed with TV and hot tea and not feel guilty? Those times are long gone! We HAVE to be productive! We have to be at our best, always!
A kiss to you all. I am happy because tomorrow I will be able to work a lot without having to worry about my mother. Who is going to stay out all day with Daniela! (helper)
After the visit of my brother, my mother told me that the sons are always the best (compared to daughters, of course). I smiled and I said, "Yes, but the daughters take care of their mothers, usually" and she did not reply. Then she made one of the things that amaze me: She remembered today was her wedding aniversary. (nobody told her, she remembered it all alone) A woman who does not exactly know who I am, who does not know what period of the year we are in, who does not know where the bathroom is, who does not know which of her relatives are alive and which are dead, she remembers her wedding day! What on earth do these neurons do? How on earth do they work?
Bobbie and Tenn: how was the weekend?

Hi ladies,

I managed to get mom & b/f out the house for a drive today. We drove to the upstate and bought some beautiful SC peaches that are the size of a baseball! The day was absolutely beautiful though still 90 degrees during the day.

Miz, I hope you are feeling better. Rossella, it will be nice to have Daniella back to help and less animals to care for. CC sorry you are having such a rough time. One day at a time. GP, I am sure after mom's day out today, tomorrow will be an in the bed day.

I hope Bobbie and Tennessee or Jr are having a great time. The lakes were full of boaters and jet skiers today. I can imagine how busy the coast must be.

I need to help mom get ready for bed. Have a great night and hugs to all my fellow caregivers.


Well Good Evening fellow caregiver's,
Time to vent for me. Dad had multiple accidents today, had take the wheelchair out to the yard three times to hose down with bleach. Along with his shoes to. Not to mention it was as if , what little strength he did have was totally zapped from him. Man is he heavy... lol, Aain the sundown effect took over mom. It was a battle tonight. She is going to sell the house and her and dad are moving, again....... I just did all dad's pills in the case and went into the case today and she messed them all up.... God I love her, but UGGGGHHHHHH.......... I have managed to keep my cool as I explained again the importance of this situatio. I am just at wits end today. So i am going to make a nice martini have a good cry and remember that tomorrow is another day, and it be better than today.....
I apologize but i dont remember who was asking about the covers for the oven. I looked it up to day, and they actually sell what is called a TOT COVER for appliances that have knobs, definitely worth the 29.95...... I am sure not to long down the road, i will need to get one. Mom just forgets that she has them going, sometimes....... She is wonderfully kind woman and a great mom and nana, but the more that dad goes down hill, she goes just as fast...... Days like this tend to make me very sad..... I am so tired and worn out and just need a break.......... Definitely going to look into getting some type of help for me to be able to leave for more than the usual run to see my friends at the grocery and pharmacy.. lol lol I am trying to keep a little humor. So the Martini is waiting all.... I hope everyone has had a nice holiday weekend......
Take care to all and hugs to all tooooo

GOD's divine protection to us. In HIS hand and under HIS wing.

Take whatever precaution you must for your own wellbeing & that of your family. The police have a term: 51/50. When a person is dangerous to themselves or others. They can be taken to hosp & evaluated.

We cannot allow our elders to "take us out" with them. Whatever influence our parents are under.....we must resist. They are weak and the evil one will take advantage to use them against us if he can. No weapon formed against us will prosper....NONE.

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