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Rossella, glad that Daniela will be back to help you on Monday! Hope you'll get some much needed rest!

Sharon, where are you located that you love the Dawgs?? I had a niece & a friend that got to go to the game today. Husband & I watched the first half & I turned it as soon as he left, but turned it back on & watched the last 5 minutes. A. Murray did a great job as QB, especially to be so young!

deef, what is quilling? Seems like I've heard of it, but can't recall what it is. You are so talented! Gosh, all of these ladies are! The first thing that I ever painted was in oil. It's of an old rusty bucket with yellow daisies in it & 2 little birds sitting on the handle. It's hanging in my living room. I've tried water colors, but haven't mastered them yet. Maybe one day! Have you tried the water color pencils? They're fun, too! Can't wait to see the photos!

grazia tante Rosella

Hi Jojo I have been on Facebook because my friend Nancy's son is coming to live in Rome for a while, so we had to make arrangements to pick him at the airport and so on. My helper Daniela is coming back to work on Monday and I shall finally breathe a little bit after one month of Mama/work/mama/work/mama/work and no sleep.
I am very glad I arrived (alive) at the end of this month.
Tonight I fell asleep in front ot the TV and when I woke up my mother said she had gone to the bathroom. I was scared because I know that when she says so, you have to look for her "things" because you do not know where she has made "them". Well, tonight she did "them" in the WC! I was so happy and relieved! I just had to flush water! Myracles happen.

Jojo, if your siblings will really help you, and you will have an additional help home, so that you and your husband don't get too stressed, You'll be fine. Coraggio ragazza mia!

Sharon, Your back! Yay!!!!

Georgia, I've done about every craft there is. Did you ever hear of quilling? Even did that for a while. I've always loved to work with my hands. While my daughter was growing up, I taught folk painting classes in my kitchen for 12 years. I have all kinds of power tools in my cellar. Last year I started painting again and did a craft show just before X-mas. I hope to someday be able ti paint in oils and watercolors. Right now, the knitting is doable while watching Mom. I will take some pictures and try to put them on FB soon.
Jojo, Mom used to make all her clothes and ours too. I made most of my clothes in high school. I did some quilting for a while too.

Hey hey hey ...How about them dawgs...55 TO 7....Won their first game today...Sorry wipped the field with them the first game...That's my boys...Win or loose? those are my boys.....Hugs to all...Sharon...
I do not like pro..Just college......Have a great labor day....Sharon

Its really not that hard my mom was a seamstress and she taught me how to knit, crochet, sew and she now doesnt even remember what to do I try sometimes to make her knit but she throws it in my face and tells me you do it I never knitted before what a scence thay was

jojo, I'm glad that you have sibs that are helping you, time-wise & financially! That's wonderful! What a blessing not to have to worry about the finances & to be able to devote your thoughts & care to your Mom! And your husband sounds like a jewel! Thanks for your offer of help to us with the lega suff! We just did our wills not long ago & are now wishing that we'd left everything to the dog & cat! Oh, to be a fly on the wall...!

deef, I would love to see photos of the felting that you've done! I never learned to knit, but I can crochet a little. LOVE to quilt. When I die I have a quilt, my grandmother pieced & my favorite aunt & I quilted, that will be put on the casket instead of flowers. I was a florist for years & just don't want to spend $400-500 on a flower blanket that'll only last for 3 days!

I also used to do crewel embroidery & counted cross stitch, but it's been a while.

miz, have you tried to go online to get instructions & to see someone crocheting? Someone suggested that earlier & I thought it was a great idea! My Mother, who will be 85 next month, crochets doilies & pillows using that little tiny thread. She does really pretty work! I framed 3 of the doilies that were alike & I did calligraphy around them with her favorite Bible verse & gospel song. Looks pretty on the wall. Don't know what I'll do with all of my family "treasures" when I'm gone, as my daughter doesn't want any of it. Oh well...

Good Night, Everyone. I am too tired to stay up. I wish I could. See yous tomorrow. Love yous!!


Where is Rossella hope everything is ok with her. I havent spent so much time here but since I dont have mom until Monday I am able to catch up glad I found this site you can talk about anything and nobody judges you

Ok, ya take a short "vacation" away from everybody for a few hours & ya come back online & it takes at least an hour to catch up with you guys!!! LOL I didn't get to make it to the boat. Afraid that I wouldn't want to come back! Let me tell you, though, the "vacation" was WONDERFUL!!! It lasted for about 3 hours!!! Although it was relaxing just to be here by myself, I still got some work done, but it was different, somehow, than when husband is here, too! Can't explain it! OH, & he wasn't out of the driveway good & I had turned the ballgame (Georgia football) off!!! Didn't know that my fingers could mash the buttons that fast! lol Got to watch some of the stuff on the "Home" channel that I don't usually get to watch! Feel more rested!!! What a difference a "three hour tour" makes!!!

miz, after the Georgia State Patrol gave me a speeding ticket about 4 years ago, I try to keep it under a hundred! lol

jojo, I'm in Georgia living on the property that has been in my family for 5 generations! Will stay here unless the bank decides otherwise... It was neat to hear where you've been & where you are now! We have another lady on this thread, Rossella, who lives in Italy now! You guys should talk! I'm glad that you're Mom is financially able to take care of things & glad that you have an understanding boss, even though he is a lawyer! lol

It's not my siblings that are giving me a hard time, although they're not here for me/us, either, but it's still the same scenario as you guys, as it's still my husband's kids who don't want to be bothered! They both live here in town & won't even call to check on their Dad! It breaks his heart! It makes me mad!!! But what can I do?? I can't make them! I've even thought about not calling them, you know, later on. If they can't come when he's alive, don't know if they need to be there then!!! Don't know that I'd have the reserve, then, to not tell them off! Will cross that bridge...

Bobbie, hope you, tennessee & little T are having a great time!!!

rip, I loved your description of us being on the boat with the ocean breeze & the waves & all! It was so real I almost got sea sick! lol OH, & I love the idea of your silk necktie collars for your furry babies!!! Tres chic!!!

I know that I"m forgetting somebody...not intentional...I need to start taking notes when I read the posts so I don't forget anybody! Brain don't work like it used to! Wonder why?!?! lol

Like I said, I should have been taking notes when I read the posts! I'm slow, but I do eventually get there...well, maybe! If somebody has been taking notes of who of us is located where, will you pretty please do a post with everybody on it? I promise to take notes!

Hope everybody's having an easy evening!

I wish I knew how to crochet.

If your mom has nothing you cant be held liable for it does your mom have a house? have you taken out all the money out of her name? You need to plan all this out if you need advise just ask the questions and if I dont know I will find out for you. I am pretty knowlegable in this area since I work for a tax attorney a real estate attorney and an estate attorney though some states have different laws but I think they are all the same you must get your siblings involved because I hate to say it when the time comes they will beputting there hands out when you did everything, My siblings are good in that respect but with putting up with mom they cant seem to handle her one sister and my brother want to put her in a nursing home now and I dont think she is ready the other two dont want to put her in a nursing home but they cant deal with her so its left up to me to care for her they wil help but the majority of the caregiving is left to me. I have one sister who is very wealthy and every time it is her weekend to take care of mom she bribes me with money lol she tells me that she is willing to pay me $400 for the weekend lol and she stops by because she feels guilty I know it sounds strange but she actually went to the township and paid for my taxes for two quarter $3,000.00 and I didnt even now about it. My husband was out of work for a year and a half so at that time It really came in handy. I may bitch but they really appreciate what I am doing. Even though dad left mom pretty good financially if we left her in Brooklyn 7 days 24 hours it would cost us a fortune. My sister now wants to buy me a sofa that opens up into a bed since I gave mom my bedroom and my husband finished the basement so that he has a place to stay away from mom and if he falls asleep he can open up the recliner. I usually sleep in my other bedroom which is smaller then my bedroom since my mom doesnt like small rooms she panics so that is why I gave her my room but once she declines I will put her in the other room and take back my bedroom. My husband has been very supportive and he doesnt care at all what I do if it makes life easier for me and mom

Maxine, I tried my hand at felting this winter. I started with a pair of boot slippers and felted them after I finished knitting them. They came out so cool! then I was hooked on felting. I went to Webs in Northamton,Ma. and bought a bunch of wool yarns and started knitting purses. I made about a dozen in different styles and colors and felted them all. It's fun to watch them start to shrink down and turn to felt!
Right now I'm knitting a vest that is done in one piece. So far the pattern is easy and it's fun to see the vest taking shape.
If you go to, it is the site for Webs yarn store. They have a huge warehouse behind the store with all the markdown yarns. If you are a yarn snob and like natural fibers and hand dyed yarns, this is the place to be. Where do you live in New York? It may not be too long of a ride for you.

Sounds like you have a very good plan. If your siblings stick to their end, you are all set. Mine don't even visit anymore, and I have 6. I don't even bother trying to ask them for help anymore. It's easier for me to just deal on my own without having to beg.
Most of us have trouble finding a good lawyer for advice. They don't seem to want to take the time to go over everything in a way that is understandable to lay people. Everybody tells you a different story! I just hope Mom doesn't have to end up in a nursing home for any length of time. I'm afraid the state will come after me for everything.

No my mom is never alone she now lives in Brooklyn for three or four days out of the week she comes to me on thursday nights she has 24/7 care at her home but it is becomming difficult since she is giving the caregivers a hard time and I am tired of waking up at 2 am because she is having an episode and I have to go get her which is an hour away from New Jersey so I am taking her to live with me it was supposed to be October 1 but I think it it goind to be sooner I work for an attorney I didnt want to say anything lol since so many people are having problems with lawyers but my boss is pretty good I told him that I would be cutting my hours and he had no problems with that. We will be saving alot since it is costing mom almost $1,100.00 a week for the care at home she needs Italian speaking caregivers and they are hard to come by So my sisters and brother will be giving me the difference in pay that I am lossing (Dad left her pretty good financially and since I am a paralegal I pretty much know what to do we put her house in our names with a life estate for her so we cannot sell the house ntil she dies and we are going to make the house work for her we will rent it out and if she needs to go into a nursing home the rent from the three apartments will pay for her care when the time comes we have at least two more years to go since there is a 5 year look back) My daughter in laws will be staying with her when I am at work (I will also be paying them and still be saving) At least I know that she is in good hands and if they need help one of my sisters is five minutes away so she can be here very quickly. Right now when she is here and sees a familiar face she is pretty good with them and she also thinks this is her house and my bedroom is hers and she mostly stays upstairs and comes down to eat. She has a good time rearranging my closets lol. It is the night time that is bad. I hope I could do this I am going to need a lot of support since I know there is going to come a time when it is going to be pretty hard but my siblings know that when I cant do it anymore it is time

It is fun I am getting others interested in crocheting one women just learned to knit and went and got a book of 400 different stitches the knitters are making hats for the service men to wear under there helments and I just read about some women knitting the same hate for people on chemo to wear at night to keep their heads warm the knitters also knitted small teddy bears for ambulances when they take kids to the hospital, I got thick yarn and made a bathmat for my bathroom and am going to make for Christmas gifts this year. We are having a craft fair at our senior center to make money for supplies for the craft and painting classes some of the people have trouble paying the small amount asked for when they take classes I am so glad you younger ladies like to knit-I taught my grand-daughter how to crochet and she was making bags for her friends when she was youg and I asked her to make me one and she said I had to take a number because she has so many requests.

Miz, glad you picked up knitting again. I find it helps to keep my hands busy. The weather is great today! I like fall and winter. Call me crazy, but I hate the heat. Love the fall colors in New England. My favorite time of year to walk! I like the winter on a snowy morning, before everyone else is up. I go out to shovel and it is so beautiful and peaceful.
Rip, my younger sister owns a Harley, and drove it down to North Carolina for bike week last year, She rides it to work in good weather. Dad must look cool in his tropical shirts!
Maxine, your Knitwits group sounds like fun.

jojo, my Mom is always telling people that she is pregnant. She is 83, and has been a widow for almost 30 years, and she is the mom of 7. She can't do the bathroom or anything else on her own now. Today she was putting her slipper on the foot that already had a slipper on it. She can't even remember how to fold clothes anymore!
I just checked on her( in bed by 6:30) and found she had torn and picked apart her diaper. So it was a half hour session to get her to pee and put on a new diaper. Don't know how long that one will last.
You said you work part time. Is your mom at home alone while you are working? If she is, make sure she can't use the stove, etc. Has she left the house without you knowing yet? You may soon have to watch her 24/7 if she is already doing some of the things you are talking about.

What a beautiful day it was today no humidity should be like this all year round did some cleaning around the house since mom is not here. My sister just called and told me mom is having a bad day and told me she smells so bad I told her to give her a shower whether or not she screams or yells she has to take a shower want to hear gross my sister picked mom up new pairs of knee highs one beige and i black went to get them so she could have clean ones and only found two i of each color looked all over for them couldnt find them I felt mom up to see if she hid them on her body couldnt find them then she went to the bathroom I looked in on her and there they were in her underwear like a pad with toilet paper wrapped around them You have to understand that in Italy in the olden days they were not like us they used cloths when they had their periods and she is reverting back to those days it is so disgusting I want to vomit sometimes now I have to go in everytime she goes to the bathroom to see what else she puts up there. My sister found a hundred dollar bill and three twenties in her underwear she threw it in the wash to clean it so people beware money is one of the filthiest thing in the world you never know where it was. We are only giving her dollars now

I need to correct my earlier post about the 58' Monk ROUGHWATer.
I think I said rough rider.
Must of been thinking of my Dad's Urologist who rides a Harley.
He spent 2 weeks last year riding 2,800 miles with his wife hanging on the back.
He joked about being the "Supreme Commander of the Western Plate".
(whatever that is)
I made them key chains for the bike.
His said: "Supreme Commander of ...blah, blah ..."
His wife's key tag said "Surpeme Commander of the Commander".
I guess it was a hit.

I can be a brat.
Finding humor where ever

Hot Spiced Apple Cider simmering on the stove ...?
Logs burning in the fireplace?
It is too early for autumn!!! Not yet!
Stated by a lifelong Pacific Northwesterner who hasn't had but a few days of real summer.
My tomatoes aren't ripe! The Cannas aren't in full bloom! Sunflowers are merely buds!
Mary is having a full Bloom Meltdown!!!

But guess what ... I am dragging out the quilts, putting away Dad's colorful Aloha shirts, (he is color blind but I enjoy them), bringing logs for the fireplace.

So this is Global Warming?

& the Boat Goes On & ON & On ...

SS, I think maybe it was a sign. Someplace tropical sounds so wonderful. A fire in the fireplace sounds nice too though. Soup and warm freshly baked cookies would go nicely with that. :) I can't wait to hear from bobbie and tennessee. You have a good weekend too!!


Miz, I'm with you! I'm a Spring and Summer gal too. But today was a bummer. Cold, rainy, windy, and brrrrr, chill. We just lit a fire in the fireplace. Our first, cuz Fall is in the air. I'm sitting here looking at the cheery flames. Although, the beach or the boat and warm breezes sound terrific! Do you think finding a seashell may be a sign calling you to someplace tropical?

Wonder how Tenn, Daughter, and Bobbie are doing?! I'm sure we'll all enjoy those stories.

I started writing everyone's names, but erased, because I don't want to forget anyone. Hope you all have a good weekend, no matter where you be!

LOL Maxine. So that's where my energy went. I would love to join your knitwit group. That sounds awesome.

I actually took a nap today and actually feel a little refreshed. I just had a relaxing smoke on the porch. I guess that's my physical boat for now. I was looking at the pretty flowers and thinking that I better appreciate them now cause in about a month they will be gone. I'm not one for Fall or Winter. Not at all. I'm a Spring and Summer girl for sure. Ah well, what can ya do?


Maxine here Jo-Jo I live in NY State sisters helpGREAT -how did that happen promise them first ten of your grandkids? We finally got some nice fresh air today and could open the windows Miz You had too much energy so I took some good for you knitters wish you lived here you could join our knitwit group I do crocheting and have made countless lap robes to donate to our senior center that gives them to nursing homes. Hope everyone is having a nice holiday weekend we did not even get a drop of rain from Earl his GPS must be broke I did not want a big storm just a couple inches of rain and fresh breezes.

Going to sit with Dad & sew up the latest Dragon strap adaptation.

But first ... Lets all pause a moment to think of our friends on the Barabara B ~ Bobbie's boat.
Real time!
How close we have become on this thread, that people all over the country & Italy are sharing these moments with them! Imagining being there with them. Toasting the moment!
Cheers ... with my V8 for now.

Smelling the salt water, feeling the waves ... whoops! hey Bobbie, is the boat still on stilts? Styrofoam blocks?
If so ... we can still imagine y'all walking down the docks ... hearing the sea birds, feeling the motion of the ocean ... visiting your floating neighbors - sans the drunks.

Thinking of Bobbie guiding Tennssee & Little T around the 58' Craft. The intial Aging Care tour.

As someone who has known boats ... the Monk Roughrider is a GEM! A very special yacht! Not only to us on AC, but in the boat world. It seems to be a unique vessel, unusual with many fine details. Sturdy & stable.
With a delightful Captain now!

Bobbie ~ my heart goes out to Nik & your position.
You'll let us know when the time is right.
Now... please enjoy all of us dreaming of being onboard.

Cheers ~
Rip ... your Lettering Stitch

Hi Jojo ~
Glad to see you!

People here are all over the place! I too would like to know where everyone is. Wish we had a world pin point map.

I think I am one of the few West Coasters. I'm northeast of Seattle. My entire life. It's not rural like it was 20 years ago. The neighboring pastures & woods have become shopping malls / parking lots. Shopping is convenient & the medical services are nearyby which is nice for Dad & I. Not as country as I'd like.
I still have my nearby secret wooded trails & creeks for the dogs & I.

... I love the area except we haven't had summer this year. Just a few hots days, some warm ones but mostly cool. Today is barely 60, sad for those Labor Day campers.

Sounds like you have quite a challenge ahead of you. Need to check your profile again but I thinking your mom has Alz.

I am very lucky Dad, who just turned 91, is bright & funny! We've always been close but when I started my sign shop 23 years ago both parents were involved. Delivering stuff, meeting clients, helping me out ... I think my clients like the parents & pets as much as me!

Will you have help when she moves in? Hope so! Even tho Dad is OK, the 24/7 is a hassle.

jojo, it sounds like you are going to have your hands full. Just vent if you need to. We will be here and we will listen. I'm in Illinois.

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